How this garlic farm went from a labor shortage to over 150 people on its applicant waitlist

we have screwed up our educational system and not taught our kids the necessary skills to succeed in the future.

When kids in America are raised with a sense of entitlement, it isn't the education system that failed, it's the parenting. Wanting immediate success is entitlement, and having an understanding that you have to work for your success is the education.

Your comment reminds me of some neighbors I had a few years ago. The kid bought a portable basketball hoop, and before you know it, the entire neighborhood of kids were next door.

There had to be anywhere between 8 to 20 kids here at times. They started playing after school and didn't stop until I yelled at them or called the cops. They played well past dark. The question I asked myself is where are these kids parent(s)? Why are they not home doing homework or at the very least, be getting ready for school the next day?

With the exception of rainy days, this went on seven days a week. Sure, I played basketball too as a kid, but my ass had to be home well before the street lights came on, and I was only two or three doors down. These kids next door came from blocks away.

It's harder to say that their lack of parenting came from parents who had a lack of parenting of their own. It seems the quality of which seems to degrade over generations. A generational degradation of parental influence, so to speak.

I give the honors to single-parent households. A boy being raised by a mother alone is okay up until they reach puberty. After that, they begin to test the boundary lines which many females can't keep drawn. Eventually the mother simply gives up and the boys do as they please whenever they please.

In our suburb, police calls to be surrogate fathers became so frequent they created a law that any more than three police calls to a resident per year would result in fees being charged to the homeowner for each additional call. When I listen to my police scanner, I would estimate over 90% of the calls are about kids--many from their own parents.
we have screwed up our educational system and not taught our kids the necessary skills to succeed in the future.

When kids in America are raised with a sense of entitlement, it isn't the education system that failed, it's the parenting. Wanting immediate success is entitlement, and having an understanding that you have to work for your success is the education.

Your comment reminds me of some neighbors I had a few years ago. The kid bought a portable basketball hoop, and before you know it, the entire neighborhood of kids were next door.

There had to be anywhere between 8 to 20 kids here at times. They started playing after school and didn't stop until I yelled at them or called the cops. They played well past dark. The question I asked myself is where are these kids parent(s)? Why are they not home doing homework or at the very least, be getting ready for school the next day?

With the exception of rainy days, this went on seven days a week. Sure, I played basketball too as a kid, but my ass had to be home well before the street lights came on, and I was only two or three doors down. These kids next door came from blocks away.
That's why I like living rural. I have a backhoe and lots of land.
I give the honors to single-parent households. A boy being raised by a mother alone is okay up until they reach puberty. After that, they begin to test the boundary lines which many females can't keep drawn. Eventually the mother simply gives up and the boys do as they please whenever they please.

I was raised by a single (grand)mother. And I was going down that path until my father was brave enough to come back into my life, when I was almost 16. The problem with that was he thought it would be okay to just take the whole parenting shebang over without any input from the person who had been with me all my life up until that point. The only thing that kept me from running away from home and or rebelling against him was two things 1) He is/was an Army veteran highly skilled in hand to hand combat and 2) I would have caused my grandmother a load of grief.

I pushed on through high school and graduated despite the family turmoil. The keys to success had already been planted in my head by her. He thought it was prudent to degrade me and tell me how much of a failure in life I would be for whatever reason which only drove me to strive harder.
we have screwed up our educational system and not taught our kids the necessary skills to succeed in the future.

When kids in America are raised with a sense of entitlement, it isn't the education system that failed, it's the parenting. Wanting immediate success is entitlement, and having an understanding that you have to work for your success is the education.

Your comment reminds me of some neighbors I had a few years ago. The kid bought a portable basketball hoop, and before you know it, the entire neighborhood of kids were next door.

There had to be anywhere between 8 to 20 kids here at times. They started playing after school and didn't stop until I yelled at them or called the cops. They played well past dark. The question I asked myself is where are these kids parent(s)? Why are they not home doing homework or at the very least, be getting ready for school the next day?

With the exception of rainy days, this went on seven days a week. Sure, I played basketball too as a kid, but my ass had to be home well before the street lights came on, and I was only two or three doors down. These kids next door came from blocks away.
To keep crops from rotting in the field, farmers say they need Trump to let in more temporary workers

To keep crops from rotting in the field, farmers say they need Trump to let in more temporary workers
Time for work requirements to get a welfare check.

I am fine with you being required to work before you get your welfare check.
Only one party opposes it.

Which party is trying to take away your welfare check?
You leftards have been pissed for the last 160 years Republicans have been taking away your darkies who picked your cotton.

Why exactly do you call African Americans 'darkies'?

I guess this is one of the reasons that African Americans treat Republicans like lepers.

Meanwhile- I hope no one takes your welfare check away.
we have screwed up our educational system and not taught our kids the necessary skills to succeed in the future.

When kids in America are raised with a sense of entitlement, it isn't the education system that failed, it's the parenting. Wanting immediate success is entitlement, and having an understanding that you have to work for your success is the education.

Your comment reminds me of some neighbors I had a few years ago. The kid bought a portable basketball hoop, and before you know it, the entire neighborhood of kids were next door.

There had to be anywhere between 8 to 20 kids here at times. They started playing after school and didn't stop until I yelled at them or called the cops. They played well past dark. The question I asked myself is where are these kids parent(s)? Why are they not home doing homework or at the very least, be getting ready for school the next day?

With the exception of rainy days, this went on seven days a week. Sure, I played basketball too as a kid, but my ass had to be home well before the street lights came on, and I was only two or three doors down. These kids next door came from blocks away.


An entire neighborhood of kids playing baskeTball.

Yep that is trouble with a Capital 'T'

We had that in our neighborhood too. Except in our neighborhood it was a great neighbor who built a basketball court and allowed all the kids to play on it- all the parents knew where their kids were.
$15 would prevent many unskilled workers from ever getting a job.
It would cost other low-skilled workers the jobs they already have.
Says greedy idiot billionaire brainwashers and their dupes...

No, says the Corps already investing machines to replace workers.
Link, dupe? Funny how Oz and NZ do fine with $19 and $15 min wages...

Look it up yourself "dupe" you're an idiot. Google is your friend.
You got nothing but BS propaganda.

Projection as well as you lying. Poor little punk gets all bent out of shape when he gets bitch slapped. I know that you know it's all over the news but by nature you are nothing but a liar.
Which is why Americans won't do those jobs.
They would if we stopped paying them not to.
Here is a better idea. Let's train Americans to do highly skilled, highly paid jobs and let Third Worlders do Third World work.

The American economy is not suffering because of some Mexicans picking garlic. It is suffering because we have severely shortchanged our own people's future.
I expect an elitist view from you. Not all Americans are capable of highly skilled work. The very thought makes no sense. FYI.... we provide a free public education at tax payers expense. What each individual chooses to do with it, is up to them.

Not much one can do with the shit education they are getting.
That's up to you. If your community is providing a shit education to your kids, do something about it. Stop whining to me about your local problems.

LOL, the American Educational System is shit. If you aren't smart enough to see it blame your education.
Here is the reason Americans don't do the farm jobs: They have to move around a lot.

How real is the
 farm labor shortage?

I live in Bakersfield, the workers move with the Crop. Each crop has it's own time table.
Which is why Americans won't do those jobs.
They would if we stopped paying them not to.
Here is a better idea. Let's train Americans to do highly skilled, highly paid jobs and let Third Worlders do Third World work.

The American economy is not suffering because of some Mexicans picking garlic. It is suffering because we have severely shortchanged our own people's future.
I expect an elitist view from you. Not all Americans are capable of highly skilled work. The very thought makes no sense. FYI.... we provide a free public education at tax payers expense. What each individual chooses to do with it, is up to them.

I'd agree with you here, you aren't anything more than a laborer.
O wow man, dramatically raising wages brings in more workers. Who knew that would happen.

American workers, Pogo. You missed the point of the thread entirely. And this garlic farmer could afford to pay that kind of wage in the first place. Imagine other businesses who can't afford such a wage hike?

What are you going to do, force them to pay $15/hr? It that how the whole "living wage" argument works?

:dunno: I don't remember the OP describing restrictions on who the guy could hire. I just see him amazed at the prospect of higher wages bringing more interest. Which is bizzaro.

Garlic Man didn't have enough workes (which is hard to believe given the fringe benefit) -- so he upped his wage offer, and he got the labor he needed. That's how supply and demand is supposed to work.

You should have read your own article: Throwing money at the problem hasn’t solved anything yet, because it isn’t drawing in workers from other industries.

“The one constant is that no matter how much we pay, domestic workers are not applying for these jobs,” Resnick said. “Raising wages only serves to cannibalize from the existing workforce; it does nothing to add new laborers to the pool.”

Americans are not flocking to the farms. Sorry!

Once again this thread is all about the idiot lefty mantra that there is jobs Americans won't do ...


You should have read your own article: “The one constant is that no matter how much we pay, domestic workers are not applying for these jobs,” Resnick said. “Raising wages only serves to cannibalize from the existing workforce; it does nothing to add new laborers to the pool.”

Americans are not flocking to the farms. Sorry!
So a $15 per hour minimum wage is a foolish endeavor, correct?
I don't feel either way about minimum wage. But you cannot argue in favor of paying $15 to garlic pickers and then argue against a $15 wage without sounding like a complete idiot.

Once again one company raising wages compared to all company's raising wages per a government mandate.

Jesus how economically illiterate is the left?

Not at all because it's not across the board. Each market will determine what wage will attract workers.

What is going to be below garlic farmers? I don't see how the same people can call for doom with a $15 min wage, but then applaud it when the market reaches $15. Doesn't make a lot of sense.

The difference is between encouraging an economy where market forces lead to rising wages and better standards of living for Americans,

rather than using government force to make employers pay more when the economy does NOT call for it, and won't support it.

I understand the difference. Either way I don't see doom. But the right has claimed $15 would doom jobs.

$15 would prevent many unskilled workers from ever getting a job.
It would cost other low-skilled workers the jobs they already have.
Says greedy idiot billionaire brainwashers and their dupes...

Obviously, because value added doesn't have to be higher than employee expense. DERP!
18 BUCKS AN hour is chump change...let's be honest...can't survive on it. That being said it's a start.
They would if we stopped paying them not to.
Here is a better idea. Let's train Americans to do highly skilled, highly paid jobs and let Third Worlders do Third World work.

The American economy is not suffering because of some Mexicans picking garlic. It is suffering because we have severely shortchanged our own people's future.
I expect an elitist view from you. Not all Americans are capable of highly skilled work. The very thought makes no sense. FYI.... we provide a free public education at tax payers expense. What each individual chooses to do with it, is up to them.

Not much one can do with the shit education they are getting.
That's up to you. If your community is providing a shit education to your kids, do something about it. Stop whining to me about your local problems.

LOL, the American Educational System is shit. If you aren't smart enough to see it blame your education.
Stop making excuses for your failure. My local education system is one of the best in the country. Fix yours instead of whining.
O wow man, dramatically raising wages brings in more workers. Who knew that would happen.

American workers, Pogo. You missed the point of the thread entirely. And this garlic farmer could afford to pay that kind of wage in the first place. Imagine other businesses who can't afford such a wage hike?

What are you going to do, force them to pay $15/hr? It that how the whole "living wage" argument works?

:dunno: I don't remember the OP describing restrictions on who the guy could hire. I just see him amazed at the prospect of higher wages bringing more interest. Which is bizzaro.

Garlic Man didn't have enough workes (which is hard to believe given the fringe benefit) -- so he upped his wage offer, and he got the labor he needed. That's how supply and demand is supposed to work.

Absolutely. "HE" upped his wage offer.

An entire neighborhood of kids playing baskeTball.

Yep that is trouble with a Capital 'T'

Sure it is. Then these kids grow up failing school and we eventually have to end up supporting them. Or the liberals will come out and claim discrimination because they are black and can't find a job. And of course, it must be the fault of our education and not the parents, so throw even more money at the problem.
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it's great to see common sense...production always equals pay. More pay equals not production accept in the case of management.

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