How To Be A Good American.

Bigotry is no standard knuckle dragger.
hahaha…yeah yeah, all good real core Americans prefer to be neighbors with ghetto peeps, chicks with dicks or mariachi bands / Mexicos people….RIGHT?
The real Americans are not you white folks. You don't want to talk about real Americans.
I’ll give you a free lesson in history… America was founded in 1776. Here is an image of our founding fathers, they are not dark. THANK GOD!
Ah, insults. The usual go to tactic of idiots who are wrong. And if that's the way you feel, why are you even replying to me. To try and turn a thread you have no answer to into a "flame" thread? Do me a favor and just piss off.
Are you mad you little POS?
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Imagine if you practiced this retarded ignorance within your real life… Imagine if you felt like the first person who occupied your home, will always have a right to it. hahahaha….Fucking retards.
Funny how whites like you try rationalizing the attempted genocide your ancestors committed. That's evil and then you wonder why some people call whites devils.

They did have the right to this land. Whites didn't. Notice that nobody seems to have tried colonizing Whiteyland. Thats because it was a shithole and it would still be one if whites had not stolen the resources from other countries to get rich.
Funny how whites like you try rationalizing the attempted genocide your ancestors committed. That's evil and then you wonder why some people call whites devils.
All land was conquered by way of war…I really don’t give a fuck about what happened centuries ago.
I’ve been to reservations, I thank God that evil whitey conquered this land and saved thousands of Africans from destitute.
They did have the right to this land. Whites didn't. Notice that nobody seems to have tried colonizing Whiteyland. Thats because it was a shithole and it would still be one if whites had not stolen the resources from other countries to get rich.
Who granted said “right”? A bigger badder Army said they didn’t have rights to shit.
What white territory has EVER been a bigger shithole than African or Latin territories?
Face it bud…you dark people need whitey, it’s been proven over and over again all around the world.
Liberals appear to think America is the land of whiny victimhood, no longet one of opportunity. How sad.
No, that's what white conservatives think. Because you don't get to define legitimate grievances as whining just because your punk asses have benefitted from racism and want to pretend you didn't.
All land was conquered by way of war…I really don’t give a fuck about what happened centuries ago.
I’ve been to reservations, I thank God that evil whitey conquered this land and saved thousands of Africans from destitute.

Who granted said “right”? A bigger badder Army said they didn’t have rights to shit.
What white territory has EVER been a bigger shithole than African or Latin territories?
Face it bud…you dark people need whitey, it’s been proven over and over again all around the world.
I'm sure you would be trying to excuse this if whites had been done the same way. So STFU trying to justify mass murder. Europe was the biggest shithole and it still depends on Africa for its wealth. If Africa and Latin America are shitholes it is because whitey came in and fucked everything up. Whitey needs us, not the other way around. That's how it has been.
No, that's what white conservatives think. Because you don't get to define legitimate grievances as whining just because your punk asses have benefitted from racism and want to pretend you didn't.
Did your kinda black Kenyan Messiah, Ben Carson and the faggot ass BLM founder benefit from racism as well? Who chooses which negroes get to benefit from racism?
I thought it would be interesting to start a thread about being what most American have no interest in being. A good American. First and foremost, what is necessary to do that? Protect America! But therein lies a problem. JFK once accurately stated, "There is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it." So, how to secure our traditions? The answer is simple. Basically, be racist!

For example, brainwashed, treasonous scum would call not letting invaders from every latan american country there is into our country "racist." If that's what it takes, then so be it. Because the traditions of "people" from those countries aren't our traditions. And their traditions are utterly worthless. That's why they're invading our country! Because they and their tradition have screwed up their home countries so bad., For example, some time ago I heard of a 10 year old mexican girl who had to travel from Ohio to Indiana to get an abortion because of an abortion ban. The person who got her pregnant was named Gershon Funtes. He admitted to "raping" her at least twice. (Is consensual sex rape?) From what I remember reading about the case, the girl's mother wasn't all that pissed off about it. Apparently for such people, it isn't that big of a deal. Are those the kinds of traditions you want entering into the U.S.?

I have another tradition for you. I used to live in Amarillo, TX. My friend's uncle down there told me about how after our involvement in the Vietnamese War ended, many Vietnamese were settled there. He told me that after that happened, many people's pet dogs started to come up missing. As you know, for those types of people, dog's meat is considered to be a delicacy. Are those the types of traditions you want entering into our country? Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

So if you want to be a good American, the first step is to pull your head out of your ass. It's no wonder that we have so many mass shootings. And from what I hear, the U.S. ranks #1 when it comes to the number of serial killers. Given all the anti-American garbage you are constantly spoon fed, it's no wonder. I also have a meme for you. Make of it what you will.

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Who in fuck are you to decide who is and or is not a "Good American". Fuck you.

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