How to ChEaT on one's final exam


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
In Medical school and then makes the Dean's List
and receive Kudos from the student body while
getting magnificient job offers from the usual
Left leaning places like the Mayo Clinic and surely
Johns Hopkins who BY THE WAY if anyone cares to
reminisce ... Hosting EVENT 201 in October of 2019.
Which was also sponsored by Bill and Melinda Gates.
You know that Pandemic Tabletop discussion one afternoon
in { city of Leftist bullies,liars and known scumbags }
and of course The Newsrag of record The N.Y.Times.
Witch of course nicely melds into how our Country
currently functions by an aging { dementia altered }
Old Political Fart who hasn't been right in 40 + years
on Foreign policy.But we're expected to be tickled pink to know
had not an inkling of even curiosity qbout son Hunter Biden's
magic fountain of wealth and where it originated.
You Know like the ongoing joke about .... Did you hear the one
about how the 2020 general Election was :
" The Most Secure in American History ! "

" Whoever controls the language,the images
controls the race. " --
Allen Ginsberg
{Beatnik Poet of the 50's }
Or the Beat generation whose main claim to fame is his HOWL { 1956 }
and Kaddish { 1961 } concerning Exorcism ? { " And how Death is the remedy
all singers dream of." } Hey ...bearded wonder boy ... ain't like a Pandemic
in that same mold.Can ya dig it.
" And the great dream of Me or China,or you and a phantom
Russia,or a crumpled bed that never existed - lie a poem in the dark -
escaped back to Oblivion.No more to say,and nothing to weep for but
the Beings in the Dream,buying and selling pieces of phantom,worshipping
each other. "
In Medical school and then makes the Dean's List
and receive Kudos from the student body while
getting magnificient job offers from the usual
Left leaning places like the Mayo Clinic and surely
Johns Hopkins who BY THE WAY if anyone cares to
reminisce ... Hosting EVENT 201 in October of 2019.
Which was also sponsored by Bill and Melinda Gates.
You know that Pa
" Whoever controls the language,the images
controls the race. " --
Allen Ginsberg
{Beatnik Pyou and a phantom

MD Stands for "Memorization Degree"

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