Congress voted against funding a cure for cancer just to block a win for Biden

How hate filled do you have to be to do that?

You would think that if anything could be bipartisan it would be curing cancer.

What is wrong with these people?

Cure?? LOL

If the so called do gooders want to do something about cancer, why not prevent it?

We know where most of it comes from.

Ever notice how many items we use on a daily basis comes with this VVV warning?

A shit ton.

"However, with the ever-present dysfunction of Congress, maybe predictably, the program has been stalled. Some Republicans, refusing to give Biden a “win,” voted against the renewal of funding.

Even though this would be a win for all Americans – and humanity – it apparently did not outweigh the politics of making a Democrat look good. This is the definition of party over country."

Such is the reprehensible right.
Such a knee jerk reaction without knowing what else was in the bill.
So we might as well not try?

Hodgkin lymphoma? That used to be a death sentence. Now 80% curable.

Breast cancer? Prostate cancer? Thyroid? Skin melanoma?

All had recent success finding cures.

Next time you get sick you gonna use leaches or antibiotics? Because those were the fruits of research too.
They have not found cures. People are still dying from them. As I said, cancer can be treated successfully sometimes but there will never be a cure.
That's why they need money for research.


Will any resulting patents be owned by the taxpayers? Will all the royalties go to the treasury? The answer to both is, HELL NO! Fauci got royalties even though the taxpayer was paying him more than the fucking president, 400K+. That would never happen in a private company. They own any intellectual property an employee produces. Fix that and we can talk more about taxpayer funded research.

"However, with the ever-present dysfunction of Congress, maybe predictably, the program has been stalled. Some Republicans, refusing to give Biden a “win,” voted against the renewal of funding.

Even though this would be a win for all Americans – and humanity – it apparently did not outweigh the politics of making a Democrat look good. This is the definition of party over country."

Such is the reprehensible right.

One thing you commie have yet to show is the actual vote so we can see who voted for what. Care to do that?


Trump vows to cure cancer and eradicate AIDS as he kicks ...​

CBS News › Politics

Jun 19, 2019 — "We will push onward with new medical frontiers," President Trump said at his campaign kickoff rally.

As President Trump officially kicked off his 2020 campaign in Orlando Tuesday night, he made sweeping promises to tackle two of mankind's most dreaded diseases. In front of the crowd at a packed Amway Center, Mr. Trump said his administration would work to cure cancer and again vowed to eradicate AIDS if he's elected to a second term.

"We will push onward with new medical frontiers," Mr. Trump said. "We will come up with the cures to many, many problems, to many, many diseases including cancer and others. And we're getting closer all the time."
How hate filled do you have to be to do that?

You would think that if anything could be bipartisan it would be curing cancer.

What is wrong with these people?

De CrepitUS is so gullible that he believes that the top of the Pharma tree is concerned to find a Cancer cure .
I wonder if he is a Flat Earth fan as well ?
It's the last thing Pharma want .
Moonshot program sounds nice. But …

The contention that the rejection of its renewal by Congress is merely to deny Potato a “win” is silly:

As is usually the case, there is more than one side to the story; and, as always, you won’t hear a word of it from Crepe Suzette.
So the choice according to Cole is the Dems have to agree to cut Social Security, and/or to cut Medicare entitlement benefits before the republicans will fund the Cancer Research....???

Is that what Sen. Cole just said?

Trump vows to cure cancer and eradicate AIDS as he kicks ...

View attachment 942755
CBS News › Politics
Jun 19, 2019 — "We will push onward with new medical frontiers," President Trump said at his campaign kickoff rally.

As President Trump officially kicked off his 2020 campaign in Orlando Tuesday night, he made sweeping promises to tackle two of mankind's most dreaded diseases. In front of the crowd at a packed Amway Center, Mr. Trump said his administration would work to cure cancer and again vowed to eradicate AIDS if he's elected to a second term.

"We will push onward with new medical frontiers," Mr. Trump said. "We will come up with the cures to many, many problems, to many, many diseases including cancer and others. And we're getting closer all the time."
Xiden was suppose to have cancer. Cured back when he worked for Obama

What’s happened???
So the choice according to Sen.Cotton is the Dems have to agree to cut Social Security, and/or to cut Medicare entitlement benefits before the republicans will fund the Cancer Research....???

Is that what Sen. Cotton just said?
I suppose we could make other cuts, maybe to xiden’s green deal or something
How hate filled do you have to be to do that?

You would think that if anything could be bipartisan it would be curing cancer.

What is wrong with these people?

You conveniently left out one word.


Congress voted against funding a cure for cancer just to block a win for Biden​

Dr. Thomas K. Lew
Sun, May 5, 2024 at 5:09 AM EDT·


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