How To Cure "Transgender" Kids Without Drugging Them Or Amputating Their Body Parts

I think:

  • The family should go on the therapist's couch first, then the child

  • The family has nothing to do with it.

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Being a transgender and being an addict are not even in the same part of the brain, try educating yourself before you make these kind of Dumb Ass remarks..

.I am an Addiction Counselor...Addiction is not a mental Illness and either is being a transgender..

Look, when I was in college and had to take an elective, I took psyche 101. I did so well in that class I got an A++. Which is weird because I fought with the very young professor almost every day on points he would bring up, that he was spoon fed on himself during the early years of the Church LGBT getting the APA in its clutches (and curriculum for psych in colleges then as well). When the day came to hand out grades, I was sure I was going to get knocked down a bit from my A tests scores throughout the term because part of the grade was the final which was his subjective opinion of an essay we were to write incorporating our take on the basics of psychology. But instead of giving me my grade, he asked just me to stay after class on that last day. I was thinking "oh it comes!.." Instead he practically got down on his knees and begged me to change my major to psychology. I left then telling him I'd think about at least minoring in it. But really I had no intentions of doing that. My sister had her masters in it and she might think I was trying to hone in on her turf.

Anyway, the point is, regurgitating the party-line from the APA, especially post 1980s, is a fool's errand. That outfit abandoned science then and since has been relying on "group think" and basically turned it into a cult propaganda machine.

It's nice you're working with addicts. So you're familiar with sex being an addictive "substance" too I suppose? Be that as it may, you can't just state that a person so delusional as to deny what swings or sits between their legs is "just fine". You should know with a background in psychology that the first signs a shrink looks for in a person for mental illness is a stark denial of reality.

So at best you're being dishonest. At worst, you're promoting a lie for an Agenda..

So now you are calling all transgenders / or gays sex addicts....haaa...what else is in that brain of yours...

You misquoted me. Is that in your training manual?
Read My Being a transgender has to do with hormones, the the reward center of the brain which is where addiction changes the brain.

1. Taking a class in psychology doesn't give you the right to claim expertise in the brain,nor the person . Try taking about 100 more classes, take the state exam, pay all of the yearly fee's, and take yearly credit classes for the rest of your career, and I may listen to you..

Otherwise you are :

Read My Being a transgender has to do with hormones, the the reward center of the brain which is where addiction changes the brain.

I contend that along the way the child has gotten biochemical rewards for behaviors repeated that result in "the pronouncement that they are not the sex they are". Particularly the endorphins released when the patient receives extraordinary amounts of attention from adults in their midst as opposed to their other siblings or peers. It could very well be an attention.
Read My Being a transgender has to do with hormones, the the reward center of the brain which is where addiction changes the brain.

1. Taking a class in psychology doesn't give you the right to claim expertise in the brain,nor the person . Try taking about 100 more classes, take the state exam, pay all of the yearly fee's, and take yearly credit classes for the rest of your career, and I may listen to you..

Otherwise you are :


The only ones you listen to are the ones you agree with.

Being a transgender involves being a freak.
Read My Being a transgender has to do with hormones, the the reward center of the brain which is where addiction changes the brain.

1. Taking a class in psychology doesn't give you the right to claim expertise in the brain,nor the person . Try taking about 100 more classes, take the state exam, pay all of the yearly fee's, and take yearly credit classes for the rest of your career, and I may listen to you..

Otherwise you are :


The only ones you listen to are the ones you agree with.

Being a transgender involves being a freak.

One only hopes that you never have to see a loved one with this painful struggle and the ignorant people like you making it worse.

Read My Being a transgender has to do with hormones, the the reward center of the brain which is where addiction changes the brain.

1. Taking a class in psychology doesn't give you the right to claim expertise in the brain,nor the person . Try taking about 100 more classes, take the state exam, pay all of the yearly fee's, and take yearly credit classes for the rest of your career, and I may listen to you..

Otherwise you are :


The only ones you listen to are the ones you agree with.

Being a transgender involves being a freak.

One only hopes that you never have to see a loved one with this painful struggle and the ignorant people like you making it worse.


It should be painful for someone born male thinking he's a female because he feels like it. Dumbass shouldn't be easy.
Read My Being a transgender has to do with hormones, the the reward center of the brain which is where addiction changes the brain.

I contend that along the way the child has gotten biochemical rewards for behaviors repeated that result in "the pronouncement that they are not the sex they are". Particularly the endorphins released when the patient receives extraordinary amounts of attention from adults in their midst as opposed to their other siblings or peers. It could very well be an attention.

Now your digging deep.... Sometimes it takes a transgender to the point of suicide before bringing it out into the open..
Yes, there are people who are addicted to attention so your right there

There are many in the recovery homes who self medicated to cover up the pain and silence of being who they feel that they are..

Our food supply is full of man made hormones which end up on our dinner tables, these young people eat it and girls are getting their periods sooner in life, or the hormones in the body get unbalanced.

Those transgender are in no need of a ‘cure.’

What they do need is to be left alone by idiot bigots who believe they need a ‘cure.’

Of course they need cured you fucking idiot..

Even an idiot liberal who believes they really were born the wrong gender believes the CURE is to surgically alter them to look like the other gender.

The real cure of course is Thorazine.

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