How To Cure "Transgender" Kids Without Drugging Them Or Amputating Their Body Parts

I think:

  • The family should go on the therapist's couch first, then the child

  • The family has nothing to do with it.

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If it's perverted, immoral, sexually disgusting or mentally disturbed, the LEFTISTS are all for it.
In contrast, these two "parents" belong in jail for felony child abuse: Boy Drugged By Lesbian "Parents" To Be A Girl

The lesbian parents of an 11-year-old boy who is undergoing the process of becoming a girl last night defended the decision, claiming it was better for a child to have a sex change when young....Thomas Lobel, who now calls himself Tammy, is undergoing controversial hormone blocking treatment in Berkeley, California to stop him going through puberty as a boy...At age seven, after threatening genital mutilation on himself, psychiatrists diagnosed Thomas with gender identity disorder. By the age of eight, he began transitioning. ...The hormone-suppressant, implanted in his upper left arm, will postpone the 11-year-old developing broad shoulders, deep voice and facial hair. The California boy 11 who is undergoing hormone blocking treatment Daily Mail Online


I'd clamp my hands tight around my groin too if I knew what these two had in mind for me after they were done drugging me.. Perhaps as a youngster he got the idea of trying to mutilate his genitals because he heard and picked up on talk in his home that "males are useless...etc. etc."..

Instead of looking right at the obvious the "professional" psychologists took the parental influence right out of the diagnosis and jumped to "the child was born that way!". I suppose the same shrink would diagnose a hypersexual 4 year old with a registered sex-offender dad "just born that way!" too...

The American Psychological Association and its credentialed associates need an audit by the American people. It's time to actually cure the patients instead of (ab)using them to forward the Church of LGBT Agenda..
The article says this boy has a speech impediment and had to express his thoughts through sign language. I wonder if the psychiatrist who prescribed the drugs was proficient in sign language? Or did he rely solely on the parents word?
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So a parent should make the child feel like it is mental illness? Don't we have enough teen suicides? If your child/ grandchild comes to you with this situation, I would only hope that you would support and help the teen/ child through such a painful time in their life.

So a parent should make the child feel like it is mental illness? Don't we have enough teen suicides? If your child/ grandchild comes to you with this situation, I would only hope that you would support and help the teen/ child through such a painful time in their life.

Yes, and get the treatment that is required to put the child on the proper path to mental health.
Those transgender are in no need of a ‘cure.’

What they do need is to be left alone by idiot bigots who believe they need a ‘cure.’
No one is, was or will ever be born in the wrong body you dumbass motherfucker. LOL
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So a parent should make the child feel like it is mental illness? Don't we have enough teen suicides? If your child/ grandchild comes to you with this situation, I would only hope that you would support and help the teen/ child through such a painful time in their life.

Drug addiction is a mental illness too. A child can be brought to therapy and recovery from that illness as well without having a stigma attached. You're now just using semantics to forward the LGBT Agenda. Twist, turn, spin, spin, spin... Like slimy eels in a bucket..
So a parent should make the child feel like it is mental illness? Don't we have enough teen suicides? If your child/ grandchild comes to you with this situation, I would only hope that you would support and help the teen/ child through such a painful time in their life.

Drug addiction is a mental illness too. A child can be brought to therapy and recovery from that illness as well without having a stigma attached. You're now just using semantics to forward the LGBT Agenda. Twist, turn, spin, spin, spin... Like slimy eels in a bucket..
Pity there’s no cure for your bigotry and hate.
So a parent should make the child feel like it is mental illness? Don't we have enough teen suicides? If your child/ grandchild comes to you with this situation, I would only hope that you would support and help the teen/ child through such a painful time in their life.

Drug addiction is a mental illness too. A child can be brought to therapy and recovery from that illness as well without having a stigma attached. You're now just using semantics to forward the LGBT Agenda. Twist, turn, spin, spin, spin... Like slimy eels in a bucket..
Pity there’s no cure for your bigotry and hate.
I know... Socialism is an incurable disease.
The Endocrine Society medical guidelines state

1.2. Given the high rate of remission of GID after the onset of puberty, we recommend against a complete social role change and hormone treatment in prepubertal children with GID. (1| ) ...-Transsexual-Persons.pdf#search="transsexual"

So, those who advocate giving children puberty blocking drugs and hormones are preventing those who would grow out of this gender confusion the chance to do so. Given that the majority of children do not go on to remain TG, this is disgraceful and amounts to child abuse IMHO.
So a parent should make the child feel like it is mental illness? Don't we have enough teen suicides? If your child/ grandchild comes to you with this situation, I would only hope that you would support and help the teen/ child through such a painful time in their life.


If the child has a mental illness, and any child born a male thinking he's a female has one, shouldn't the parent address that mental illness?

I would hope that if you had a mentally ill child that was a he but thought he was a she (vice versa) you would get them some help instead of enabling and encouraging that mental illness.
The Endocrine Society medical guidelines state

1.2. Given the high rate of remission of GID after the onset of puberty, we recommend against a complete social role change and hormone treatment in prepubertal children with GID. (1| ) modules/web/~/media/endosociety/Files/Publications/Clinical Practice Guidelines/Endocrine-Treatment-of-Transsexual-Persons.pdf#search="transsexual"
So, those who advocate giving children puberty blocking drugs and hormones are preventing those who would grow out of this gender confusion the chance to do so. Given that the majority of children do not go on to remain TG, this is disgraceful and amounts to child abuse IMHO.

It's not merely a recommendation... The FDA has not approved those hormones for use in children to block puberty. It is an illegal use of those drugs. The MDs could have their licenses revoked, be thrown in jail and FOR SURE sued by parents with a change of heart..

In fact, as all this rolls out and we know where it's going (MDs on the hot seat for violating the hippocratic oath and illegally prescribing drugs), the MDs will point the finger at parents insistence. And I would recommend to parental cohorts in this insidious type of child abuse, to go get an attorney quickly. Because in the end, the MDs are the experts. Instead of parents going to jail, they could point at the MDs for enabling this professionally. If I was one of these parents, I'd be "having a change of heart" and filing suit against the MDs & psychologists who signed off on drugging Junior for eventual amputation of healthy organs..

We know where a jury would award the case. MDs & shrinks doing malpractice would lose. And since it involves harming children...can you imagine the amount of that award? It would also mandate investigation and criminal charges for child abuse; which would happen if this case were filed and pursued in a red state..
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The Endocrine Society medical guidelines state

1.2. Given the high rate of remission of GID after the onset of puberty, we recommend against a complete social role change and hormone treatment in prepubertal children with GID. (1| ) modules/web/~/media/endosociety/Files/Publications/Clinical Practice Guidelines/Endocrine-Treatment-of-Transsexual-Persons.pdf#search="transsexual"
So, those who advocate giving children puberty blocking drugs and hormones are preventing those who would grow out of this gender confusion the chance to do so. Given that the majority of children do not go on to remain TG, this is disgraceful and amounts to child abuse IMHO.

It's not merely a recommendation... The FDA has not approved those hormones for use in children to block puberty. It is an illegal use of those drugs. The MDs could have their licenses revoked, be thrown in jail and FOR SURE sued by parents with a change of heart..
I'm not sure how it works in the US, but in the UK Dr's can use drugs off label on a named patient basis.
I am bisexual... but I have never never felt any connection between myself and "LGBT" movements or "communities"... in fact I think all this transgender drama is ridiculous. One way to "cure" this mental inaptitude some people seem to have is for people in power to encourage it less, and discourage it more.

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I'm not sure how it works in the US, but in the UK Dr's can use drugs off label on a named patient basis.

There's a blind eye being turned over here, but they're are more strict in the FDA. Bottom line is, if you read my last post, an MD prescribing a drug outside its approved use to a child which should be known to harm that child (the WHO lists artificial hormones as class #1 carcinogens) would result in a huge award in a civil lawsuit for malpractice. Since parents are going to get swept up in this at some point, if I were a parent involved in drugging my child with MDs, I've have a "sudden change of heart" and sue the MDs. That's their only hope of getting off the hook. Otherwise its conspiracy to harm a child and likely removal of custody of that child from the parents, as well as them likely facing jail time.
So a parent should make the child feel like it is mental illness? Don't we have enough teen suicides? If your child/ grandchild comes to you with this situation, I would only hope that you would support and help the teen/ child through such a painful time in their life.

Drug addiction is a mental illness too. A child can be brought to therapy and recovery from that illness as well without having a stigma attached. You're now just using semantics to forward the LGBT Agenda. Twist, turn, spin, spin, spin... Like slimy eels in a bucket..

Being a transgender and being an addict are not even in the same part of the brain, try educating yourself before you make these kind of Dumb Ass remarks..

.I am an Addiction Counselor...Addiction is not a mental Illness and either is being a transgender..

Addiction Dependency does change the brain forever, but it is not a mental illness. Some addicts have a dual diagnosis which is then considered an addiction / mental illness.

Being a transgender has something to do with hormones..

Too much estrogen = cancer or hormonal changes in the body...

So a parent should make the child feel like it is mental illness? Don't we have enough teen suicides? If your child/ grandchild comes to you with this situation, I would only hope that you would support and help the teen/ child through such a painful time in their life.


If the child has a mental illness, and any child born a male thinking he's a female has one, shouldn't the parent address that mental illness?

I would hope that if you had a mentally ill child that was a he but thought he was a she (vice versa) you would get them some help instead of enabling and encouraging that mental illness.

The medical world will not even assess a patient to start hormones or surgery before a Psychiatrist is involved for along time. You can not just make an appointment and get a sex change.

The psychiatrist doesn't even communicate with the parents, it is legally confidential , until there is a conclusion.

Now a parent can influence a child before going in for counseling, which is awful.. But a professional can usually see through that.

Being a transgender and being an addict are not even in the same part of the brain, try educating yourself before you make these kind of Dumb Ass remarks..

.I am an Addiction Counselor...Addiction is not a mental Illness and either is being a transgender..

Look, when I was in college and had to take an elective, I took psyche 101. I did so well in that class I got an A++. Which is weird because I fought with the very young professor almost every day on points he would bring up, that he was spoon fed on himself during the early years of the Church LGBT getting the APA in its clutches (and curriculum for psych in colleges then as well). When the day came to hand out grades, I was sure I was going to get knocked down a bit from my A tests scores throughout the term because part of the grade was the final which was his subjective opinion of an essay we were to write incorporating our take on the basics of psychology. But instead of giving me my grade, he asked just me to stay after class on that last day. I was thinking "oh it comes!.." Instead he practically got down on his knees and begged me to change my major to psychology. I left then telling him I'd think about at least minoring in it. But really I had no intentions of doing that. My sister had her masters in it and she might think I was trying to hone in on her turf.

Anyway, the point is, regurgitating the party-line from the APA, especially post 1980s, is a fool's errand. That outfit abandoned science then and since has been relying on "group think" and basically turned it into a cult propaganda machine.

It's nice you're working with addicts. So you're familiar with sex being an addictive "substance" too I suppose? Be that as it may, you can't just state that a person so delusional as to deny what swings or sits between their legs is "just fine". You should know with a background in psychology that the first signs a shrink looks for in a person for mental illness is a stark denial of reality.

So at best you're being dishonest. At worst, you're promoting a lie for an Agenda..
So a parent should make the child feel like it is mental illness? Don't we have enough teen suicides? If your child/ grandchild comes to you with this situation, I would only hope that you would support and help the teen/ child through such a painful time in their life.

Drug addiction is a mental illness too. A child can be brought to therapy and recovery from that illness as well without having a stigma attached. You're now just using semantics to forward the LGBT Agenda. Twist, turn, spin, spin, spin... Like slimy eels in a bucket..
Pity there’s no cure for your bigotry and hate.

What "bigotry and hate"?
Being a transgender and being an addict are not even in the same part of the brain, try educating yourself before you make these kind of Dumb Ass remarks..

.I am an Addiction Counselor...Addiction is not a mental Illness and either is being a transgender..

Look, when I was in college and had to take an elective, I took psyche 101. I did so well in that class I got an A++. Which is weird because I fought with the very young professor almost every day on points he would bring up, that he was spoon fed on himself during the early years of the Church LGBT getting the APA in its clutches (and curriculum for psych in colleges then as well). When the day came to hand out grades, I was sure I was going to get knocked down a bit from my A tests scores throughout the term because part of the grade was the final which was his subjective opinion of an essay we were to write incorporating our take on the basics of psychology. But instead of giving me my grade, he asked just me to stay after class on that last day. I was thinking "oh it comes!.." Instead he practically got down on his knees and begged me to change my major to psychology. I left then telling him I'd think about at least minoring in it. But really I had no intentions of doing that. My sister had her masters in it and she might think I was trying to hone in on her turf.

Anyway, the point is, regurgitating the party-line from the APA, especially post 1980s, is a fool's errand. That outfit abandoned science then and since has been relying on "group think" and basically turned it into a cult propaganda machine.

It's nice you're working with addicts. So you're familiar with sex being an addictive "substance" too I suppose? Be that as it may, you can't just state that a person so delusional as to deny what swings or sits between their legs is "just fine". You should know with a background in psychology that the first signs a shrink looks for in a person for mental illness is a stark denial of reality.

So at best you're being dishonest. At worst, you're promoting a lie for an Agenda..

So now you are calling all transgenders / or gays sex addicts....haaa...what else is in that brain of yours...
That is like saying all men or women are sex addicts....

Again... Addiction doesn't have anything to do with a transgender unless if they are addicted to a chemical, or behavior which most are not.


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