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How to cut and run

Vietnam is flourishing only because it is basically a captitalistic system now.

Well, we can agree on that. But WHY is it so? Could it be that once the Vietnamese people were left alone to work things out, they came up with a system that was appropriate and workable for themselves?:

Tell that to the mothers, fathers and children of Vietnamese and Cambodians who had their families murdered, raped and slaughtered because the commies were in charge.

And it cost oMILLIONS of lives. I fly to Asia over 10 times a year, and there are a lot of Vietnamese on the flights. I have heard horror story after horror story about what the loss of the conflict caused their families to suffer through.

There are some people who don't LIKE having ideas crammed down their throats. In fact, Americans are FAMOUS for this! Why do we think OTHERS will enjoy what we do not?

Curious, no? :scratch:

South Vietnam wanted us there to protect them from the north who wanted to CRAM their system onto them. Isnt that what you are saying is wrong, to cram ones system upon another?

Get this straight, GIVING people the RIGHT TO CHOOSE THEIR OWN GOVT IS NOT CRAMMING OUR SYSTEM DOWN THEIR THROATS. Its the same thing in Iraq, liberal idiots saying that we dont have the right to impose our style of democracy on them. YOU CANT IMPOSE DEMOCRACY on people. It is simply the act of allowing them to choose however they want to be governed.
Thats another irony with the current "War on Terror".

Box cutters: $7
Plane tickets: $6000

Iraq war: $340 Billion+

ANd what was the cost of the Twin towers going down?

Besides, your $340 Billion is incorrect, but like any good liberal anti war fanatic, you hear a statement you like, and immediately assume its true. Do some research, and see what that amount includes, BESIDES Iraq costs.
And if we had finished it how many more names would be on that wall? How many soldiers would not have come home, how many of their children would not have been born becuase we had to "finish the job."

Not nearly as many who have lost their lives because we bailed on S Vietnam.
Besides, your $340 Billion is incorrect...... Do some research, and see what that amount includes, BESIDES Iraq costs.


The Congressional Research Service report estimates that after Congress approves two pending bills, the total war costs since Sept. 11, 2001, will reach about $509 billion. Of that, $379 billion will cover the cost of operations in Iraq, $97 billion will be the price tag for Afghanistan operations, and $26 billion will have gone to beefed-up security at US military bases around the world.


Now try to tell me Congressional Research Service isn't reliable.

I dont know if its reliable. I havent done any research on that group.

Even whatever amount will be accounted for in Iraq, it also includes building schools, infrastructure for utilities, etc etc.

But also, A LOT of those funds would have been spent on the military anyways. I mean, if they werent there, they would be home training. Those guys do get paid even if not in combat, right? And equipment replacement occurs whether we are at war or not, right?

and then there is this from the article "The Pentagon has not provided Congress with a detailed accounting of all the war funds, making it impossible to conduct a full, independent estimate of how much Americans are spending in Iraq and Afghanistan -- or to predict what future costs might be."

A little bit of research goes a long way. But of course there is no motive for you to discover the TRUE costs.

In this paper we monetize these direct costs and avoided costs of the war in Iraq, both to date and the total expected net present value of costs through 2015. Our estimates are imprecise. The data are not of high quality and every calculation requires a number of assumptions. In addition, we do not calculate indirect effects of the conflict, such as its impact on oil prices or other macroeconomic impacts, or certain intangibles, like the benefits of a stable democratically elected government in Iraq, should one emerge. Nonetheless, our best estimates suggests that the direct economic costs to the U.S. through August 2005 are about $255 billion, about $40 billion to coalition partners, and $134 billion to Iraq. These estimates suggest a global cost to date of about $428 billion. The avoided costs, meanwhile, are about $116 billion. We estimate that the expected total net present value of the direct costs through 2015 could be $604 billion to the U.S., $95 billion to coalition partners, and $306 billion to Iraq, suggesting a global total expected net present value of about $1 trillion. The net present value of total avoided costs, meanwhile, could be about $429 billion.

Do the math, the 340 billion figure is not accurate.

Do the math, the 340 billion figure is not accurate.

In about 5 seconds you're going to regret saying this...

Nonetheless, our best estimates suggests that the direct economic costs to the U.S. through August 2005 are about $255 billion

Whats the date today?

In about 5 seconds you're going to regret saying this...

Whats the date today?


thats odd. I posted a reply on friday, got back home today, and its not here. Oh well. I dont regret what I said.
In about 5 seconds you're going to regret saying this...

Whats the date today?


Thats not 340, is it?

Besides, that's NOT the NET costs. Anyone who knows anything about accounting knows the net costs will include subtracting costs that would already be there even if we werent engaged in Iraq. But the mass media and their lying journalists dont want us to know that. Then you "lower end" liberal lemmings get the info and run with it. The list is endless.

Bush lied, people died.(being wrong isnt lieing, even IF he was wrong)
There were no weapons of mass destruction (not according to the top General in Saddams army)
10% of the population are homosexuals.(more like 2-3%)
AIDS is not a primarily homosexual/addicts disease.(yes it is)
There is NO difference between the sexes.(hahhahahah)
divorce rate is 50% (in actuality, its about 25%)
Thou shalt not kill (it actually says, "thou shalt not murder")
Clintons impeachment was about sex (it was about perjury to a grand jury)
The reublicans squandered tons of tax dollar with the lewinsky investigation(the special prosecuters office was only continued because of the Dems voting for it)
Dems led the civil rights act (more repubs voted for it than dems)
The rich are getting richer and the poor poorer
homeless people are just down on their luck
repubs are racists
repubs are upper class rich people
the fetus isnt a human being
Abortion harms no one.
Katrina only hurt blacks.
Louisiana was the only place Katrina hit
The MSM isnt biased
People are only murdered by guns, none are ever saved by them
Homosexuality is genetic
War is not the answer
Just stop already.

Either show me something to discredit Congressional Research Service or present an opposing study that isn't over a year old like one you posted a couple days ago.

You can yell that $340 billion is way off the mark till you're blue in the face, but it doesn't mean jack if you don't have anything credible to back it up.
Just stop already.

Either show me something to discredit Congressional Research Service or present an opposing study that isn't over a year old like one you posted a couple days ago.

You can yell that $340 billion is way off the mark till you're blue in the face, but it doesn't mean jack if you don't have anything credible to back it up.

My point is credible. Im not saying the CRS is in error. Im saying your statement referring to it is in error.

Last time, if I run a delivery business, and I drive from point a to point b, just to get to work, and I receive a call about a delivery that is 25 miles away, but the first 10 miles of that drive is the exact route I would be taking at that exact time and day to get to work anyways. With that, you WOULDNT conclude in your own estimates for net income, that that delivery cost was equivalent to having driven 25 miles. I do that stuff all the time on ebay, and it works, it accurate accounting, otherwise I wouldnt be living in a million dollar house.

So, you can scream all you want, but if you dont understand this, then I hope you dont do your own taxes/accounting.:read: :duh3::bang3:
Wrong again Bevis. I understood your point the first time you made it, the problem is it isn't relevent to what I posted.

You should stop being a stupid lazy boob and read the CRS report.


Now just because you have a million dollar house I shouldn't assume you have a 9th grade reading level, so I'll keep it short and simple.

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan do not fall under the DoD’s annual budget, they are funded through supplemental requests or "appropriations". Though some aspects have been merged with the regular budget over the years.

So all the ebay delievery service stuff you went on about is a big meaningless pile of crap.

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