How to deactivate an account

Sorry for misunderstanding what thread was locked.

It takes a lot to get a thread locked here so I'd like to see it. Link please?


Word on the street... 3rd term US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Since its against the rules to discuss the actions of mods, the only comment I have is - he did include a link to the original thread.

Why start a second thread about an unfounded, untrue rumor being spread by rabid RWs?

We have the InterWebs now. That means we can post evidence/proof of our claims. Unless of course, that evidence/proof doesn't exist.

Funny thing is, we now have at least three threads on this silly, unfounded rumor.

I swear, you have to be a liberal. You are reading challenged.

I did not ask how to stop posting, I asked how to deactivate the account.

I did not claim my thread was locked, I claimed the other person who also wanted to discuss the topic, his thread was locked.

I think this is another reason I really want this account to go away. It's tedious explaining things to the liberals.

I respectfully request that I be banned. I don't want to make the mistake of returning here again. I had forgotten about this forum and ran across the link and came here. I'm remembering why I left before.

Ban, please.

Wouldn't it be easier to just leave and not come back, or are you afraid you'll be tempted to come back if you're not banned?

I guess it's more fun to make a spectacle of yourself.
At least you can call assholes asshole and tell them to fuck off.

I got sick of boards that only allowed passive/aggressive politeness.

I *do* get that and it clearly has its benefits!! When you are so frustrated with someone you do want to tell them they are an idiot, they might not know if you don't tell them. But I think there is more of that than actual discussion. I feel a bit like I'm back in Jr. High School again.

The forum is fine for many people. It's just not my cup of tea, that's all.
Does anyone know how to turn off email notifications?

Okay, now THAT would be awful.

I don't even look at the "notifications". I can't imagine getting an email just to read that another nutter says my mother wears combat boots.
Sorry for misunderstanding what thread was locked.

It takes a lot to get a thread locked here so I'd like to see it. Link please?


Word on the street... 3rd term US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Since its against the rules to discuss the actions of mods, the only comment I have is - he did include a link to the original thread.

Why start a second thread about an unfounded, untrue rumor being spread by rabid RWs?

We have the InterWebs now. That means we can post evidence/proof of our claims. Unless of course, that evidence/proof doesn't exist.

Funny thing is, we now have at least three threads on this silly, unfounded rumor.

it will be 10 by nightfall

At least you can call assholes asshole and tell them to fuck off.

I got sick of boards that only allowed passive/aggressive politeness.

I *do* get that and it clearly has its benefits!! When you are so frustrated with someone you do want to tell them they are an idiot, they might not know if you don't tell them. But I think there is more of that than actual discussion. I feel a bit like I'm back in Jr. High School again.

The forum is fine for many people. It's just not my cup of tea, that's all.
Well, as I am fond of telling disgruntled folk(were you ever gruntled in the first place?), don't let the door whack you in the ass on the way out..
Certainly seems like a lot of to-do over nothing.

I mean both the silly notion that Mexico is reporting that Obama will change the Constituion in order to run for a third term


leaving a board that isn't one's "cup of tea".

Oh the DRAMA of it all.
All this and no one gave you the right answer! It's entirely doable:

How To Deactivate an account:

You must first purchase a Craft-O-Matic Adjustable Subscription Cancellation Unit. The unit can be obtained from most hardware stores and dental clinics. Be sure to obtain the proper permits to operate the unit from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Food and Drug Administration in Washington D.C. USA.

Be sure to carefully unpack the kit and place each component in its
accompanying mesh safety bag. Mount the Pershing DF4 mesinator on top of the perforated Gerring Mach 77 refibulator and attach them using the eight-millimeter torque fork. Be sure that the refibulator is mounted at a 66-degree angle and properly dispersed so that it is flush with the curved section of the Pyrex thistle tube.

Place the four sections of the triangular separation gear into the posture cylinder and lock them into place using the band-aid adhesive strip. Insert the wiggling pin into the wobbling hole, making sure that it seated correctly.

Place the D cell battery and the eleven 9 volt batteries in the power chamber.

The device should be calibrated before operation using the optional
digital corkscrew accessory pack prior to operation. Insert the digital
corkscrew through the electronic combustion service chamber using
caution not to touch the reinforced tungsten igniter control module and
quickly turn the inverter drive to 28.6 degrees. Turn the Craft-O-Matic

Adjustable Subscription Cancellation Unit upside down and hit the bottom plate with a 48-ounce ball-peen hammer while shaking the unit
vigorously. Force open the door to the incineration valve compartment
and set the pressure gauge to 719 psi. Close the door and seal it shut
with duct tape. The unit should now be properly calibrated and ready to use.

Before activating the Craft-O-Matic Adjustable Subscription Cancellation Unit, you must first elevate it to a height of 229 feet above sea level to insure that the unit receives the proper oxygen level and barometric pressure.

Point the aerial to 17 degrees north by northeast to within
the parameters of the Telstar GS-2 weather satellite and apply pressure to the wing shaft on the southern most section of the modular

Using the special ratchet adapter supplied with the unit,
rotate the heater core to the "on" position. The "on" position has been
obtained when the green light begins to flash, signifying that the red
light is about to go off. Once the red light is off, flip the toggle
switch labeled "ON/OFF" to the "ON" position and count to 47 before
logging on to the system.

Logon using your username and password and wait for the prompt.

Once prompted you must check the box with the appropriate action you wish to take and then press the pressure release button and turn off the compressor while turning the hand crank at 231 meters per minute. Next, press control, alt, delete, caps lock, shift, number lock, escape and tab simultaneously. Press enter.

You will have ten seconds to complete the procedure. If you fail to
respond in the time limit allowed, simply purchase a new Craft-O-Matic
Adjustable Subscription Cancellation Unit and start from the beginning.
Failure to comply with the unsubscribe policy will result in immediate
termination of your subscription to the thread so please follow the above directions closely.
At least you can call assholes asshole and tell them to fuck off.

I got sick of boards that only allowed passive/aggressive politeness.

I *do* get that and it clearly has its benefits!! When you are so frustrated with someone you do want to tell them they are an idiot, they might not know if you don't tell them. But I think there is more of that than actual discussion. I feel a bit like I'm back in Jr. High School again.

The forum is fine for many people. It's just not my cup of tea, that's all.

Don't let the door hit ya...
Annie isn't the first newby to get their butt handed to them and not the first to regret posting an outright lie. Anybody wanna bet she'll be back under a new name ........... ?
Yeah, that is what I suspected when I could not find instructions to deactivate. There really aren't that many people posting here when you look at the actual membership numbers. MOST people do not post but I am quite sure numbers look good to advertisers on the surface.

It used to be a lot busier. We had private groups which gave members a sense of camaraderie with like-minded folks and there was a system of giving "positive reps" vs. "negative reps" which gave the place a more exciting feel. It was like the real world where posters got to experience pats on the back as well as stabs in the back. To move forward with "positive reps" one had to be judicial in his/her approach while posting so as to avoid getting a "neg rep." When all of that went away so did a lot of the posters. It's still a pretty good forum but not nearly as good as it used to be.

At least you can call assholes asshole and tell them to fuck off.

I got sick of boards that only allowed passive/aggressive politeness.

I got booted from one several years ago for simply posting a link that mentioned the word "abortion." I have no use for boards with ridiculous rules. The rules here are pretty common sense and allow more "rope" than most.
Annie isn't the first newby to get their butt handed to them and not the first to regret posting an outright lie. Anybody wanna bet she'll be back under a new name ........... ?

Oh honey, you give yourself farrr too much credit. Many libs do. Nobody has handed me anything and I am not a newbie.

Seriously, you are a fan of common core, right? You were a test subject for CC. Tell me I'm wrong!

If I am banned depending on the type of ban I "can't" come back. See how that works? You just aren't very bright, even for a lib you are a bit slow.
Annie isn't the first newby to get their butt handed to them and not the first to regret posting an outright lie. Anybody wanna bet she'll be back under a new name ........... ?

Oh honey, you give yourself farrr too much credit. Many libs do. Nobody has handed me anything and I am not a newbie.

Seriously, you are a fan of common core, right? You were a test subject for CC. Tell me I'm wrong!

If I am banned depending on the type of ban I "can't" come back. See how that works? You just aren't very bright, even for a lib you are a bit slow.

Be easy on him. He's "challenged."
Yeah, that is what I suspected when I could not find instructions to deactivate. There really aren't that many people posting here when you look at the actual membership numbers. MOST people do not post but I am quite sure numbers look good to advertisers on the surface.

It used to be a lot busier. We had private groups which gave members a sense of camaraderie with like-minded folks and there was a system of giving "positive reps" vs. "negative reps" which gave the place a more exciting feel. It was like the real world where posters got to experience pats on the back as well as stabs in the back. To move forward with "positive reps" one had to be judicial in his/her approach while posting so as to avoid getting a "neg rep." When all of that went away so did a lot of the posters. It's still a pretty good forum but not nearly as good as it used to be.
said the person who has been here for 8 months :anj_stfu:

I swear, you have to be a liberal. You are reading challenged.

I did not ask how to stop posting, I asked how to deactivate the account.

I did not claim my thread was locked, I claimed the other person who also wanted to discuss the topic, his thread was locked.

I think this is another reason I really want this account to go away. It's tedious explaining things to the liberals.

I respectfully request that I be banned. I don't want to make the mistake of returning here again. I had forgotten about this forum and ran across the link and came here. I'm remembering why I left before.

Ban, please.
the way to "de-activate" an acct is to "log-off" or keep trolling Admin/maudes (like you currently are) and getting banned :thup: However, even then, your info remains. Nothing gets "removed" from the internetz.
Annie's thread is not going as she had hoped :(

I'm going to go out on a limb here, since she used the term "libs" derisively, and guess she named herself after a clinger- Annie Oakley. Amiright?
Annie isn't the first newby to get their butt handed to them and not the first to regret posting an outright lie. Anybody wanna bet she'll be back under a new name ........... ?

Oh honey, you give yourself farrr too much credit. Many libs do. Nobody has handed me anything and I am not a newbie.

Seriously, you are a fan of common core, right? You were a test subject for CC. Tell me I'm wrong!

If I am banned depending on the type of ban I "can't" come back. See how that works? You just aren't very bright, even for a lib you are a bit slow.

Yes, you are wrong.

And, I notice you're still here.

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