How to defeat the Islamist fanatics

They think recognizing that everyone has rights is equivalent to defending terrorists.

Our Constitution isn't a suicide-pact and if you don't believe that look at what FDR did to jap citizens during WW2. Y'all can piss and moan about that after the fact but at the time it was called for and stopped countless acts of sabotage and terrorism. We are facing the same threat now and "moderate" muslims have had 15 years to show us they're cooperating by turning in their bad apples....nada, nothing.
Grow up, dumbass. It's become old and lame, like you. You bring nothing to this forum but BS...everyone knows it...that and your multiple sock accounts
The funny thing reveal much about your own self with each post.

I said grow up, stop your lying, use one account and get past I take any of your bullshit to heart ya fucking cra cra old hag. You're just an annoying hag....more than one has told you that. Learn it....then live it And for christ's sake get a new fucking avatar ya fucking clown
Funny thing are the Bi-Catfish...accusing others of being not what they seem...I enjoy the Irony.

Get back on topic and stop your BS.....this is what people are tired of about you.
The funny thing is...the topic is about defeating Islamic terrorists and you've offered no solutions.

Our chronically shitty foreign policy CREATED this new wave of organized terror. They took OUR military equipment from the Iraqis.. Their leadership was in JAIL in Iraq under US forces and got sprung loose due to poor US admin. and policy. And we now have a Prez that called them the JV team and repeatedly whined that they did not have the capability to disrupt our lives in the USA. NOW ---- he's blasting people for "over-reacting".. Instead of admitting that it was HE -- who "under-reacted"..

BOTH parties completely TRASHED the balance of power in the Mid East. We NEEDED Khadafy and Saddam Hussein and Assad in Syria. Those tyrants are the only kind of GUARANTEE that these hell holes don't boil over. They need to be run by ruthless theocratic maniacs.

It's too late. THe massive voids in power are there. And it is CRAWLING with 43 extremely radical groups all bent on killing each other and us. You should have listened to Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul. When 20 years ago now -- they TOLD you the MidEast would never be a garden of moderate Democracy..

Did you just admit to being ignorant and retarded?

How to defeat the Islamist fanatics

1- RETURN Palestine to Palestinians

2- The US must CEASE AND DESIST intervening in the internal affairs of middle eastern nations

3- The US must CEASE AND DESIST its war against Islam

Yes, yes Ahmed, Kill DA JOOOOOOZZZZZZZ

We've heard you before.

How about;

  1. We nuke your mother fucking idol
  2. Reduce Allah (the Black Stone) to Slag
What will you kowtow 5 times a day to? :dunno:
Again- who is defending terrorists?

What I see mostly is an attempt to distract from the fact that this was Islamic Terrorism.

In realistic terms, the election ended when this attack happened. People turn to Republicans (for obvious reason) When Muslims attack. Trump has taken a hard line with Muslims, Obama has equivocated. I have little doubt that Obama is angry, these were gay people, people like him at a club similar to those he spent so much time in. But he has years of kowtowing to the Islamists and cannot turn that around. Hillary decided that the best thing to do is attack civil rights.

There is a faction in the left that is deluded into thinking that if they can somehow spin this as a "hate crime" or even more fun, "homophobia" that the disaster to the Hillary campaign can be negated.

So it isn't so much "defending" as "denying."

Yes- it was Islamic terrorism. It was radical Muslim terrorism. It was also the act of a sick asshole.

Who is defending terrorism?

See above.
1- RETURN Palestine to Palestinians

Is that the pre-1948 palestinians?

Of course it is.. This Contumacious critter wants to place an eviction notice on the State of Israel. Long train of moving trucks and demolition teams.

If you listened closely to bin Laden explain it -- that was just ONE of his beefs. Also high on his list were the presence of US forces in the holy land of Saudi, the bombing of sometimes 4 Arab countries in one year, and locking up the Iraqi people with a madmen for 12 years and taking the keys to their economy -- which killed 200,000 to 400,000 civilians during the "containment". Not to mention agreeing with the original American Left view that we were doing all that --- "to steal their oil".. Bin Laden and the left singing the same tune on that one.

I think the bombing of 4 or 5 Arab or Muslim countries a year would be enough to provoke counter-terrorism, even without Israel in the picture. You can't blame that amount of retardedness on "supporting Israel".

WE created this mess. Has anyone seen pictures of what's LEFT of Syria? It's DUST !!!! Perfect habitat for terrorists with nothing left to lose.. We should be kissing Assad's ass right now and apologizing for attempting to remove him.
simple solution.............and it will end up coming to this ( because the people will demand it )...........

Any evidence of you pledging allegiance to Sharia Law? Your ass is out.........airdropped in the middle of a Syrian desert with a sack of bacon tied to your back!! Evidence of an Imam preaching Sharia Law? You learn with that cleric, both the cleric and the students asses are out!!! Same Syrian desert drop.:2up: And they will end up videotaping the expulsions $ in the long run.:rock:. The emotional hemophiliacs might think that harsh..........but most Americans will deem it too civilized when it finally comes around to having to do it.:up:
Are we allowed to exile Americans? I know some choose exile for themselves, but even during WWII I wasn't aware we could deport/banish Americans of Japanese and German ancestry. Just throw the spies in jail.
It would seem that some of the same people arguing that terrorists have rights that cannot be abridged see no conflict in arguing that gun owners have rights that can and should.
Radical Islam is something the U.S. and Saudi Arabia especially, have cultivated for years. They've used it to do their bidding around the world. And sadly, they're still doing it. Look at what horrors they've created in Syria and Iraq. ISIS wouldn't have been possible without American and Saudi support. It was created to 'Regime Change' Assad.

It all began in Afghanistan when the U.S. and Saudi Arabia massively armed, funded, and trained radical Islamic groups to oust the Soviets. That's the origin of brutal groups like the Taliban and Al Qaeda. And boy are we paying for that now. In hindsight, we should have allowed the Soviets to have Afghanistan. There wouldn't have been a 9/11 and Jihad madness we're seeing now. It's all about the meddling 'Blow Back.' We should leave all Muslim Lands immediately and adopt a humble foreign policy. That's the only logical way forward.
1- RETURN Palestine to Palestinians

Is that the pre-1948 palestinians?

Of course it is.. This Contumacious critter wants to place an eviction notice on the State of Israel. Long train of moving trucks and demolition teams.

Just wanted to make sure, because prior to 1948, when talking about Palestinians, people were talking about the Jews living in the British Mandate. The term fell out of fashion until the Egyptian Arafat needed something to justify his terrorism, in the mid '60s
1- RETURN Palestine to Palestinians

Is that the pre-1948 palestinians?

Of course it is.. This Contumacious critter wants to place an eviction notice on the State of Israel. Long train of moving trucks and demolition teams.

Just wanted to make sure, because prior to 1948, when talking about Palestinians, people were talking about the Jews living in the British Mandate. The term fell out of fashion until the Egyptian Arafat needed something to justify his terrorism, in the mid '60s

To be honest -- the Brits suffered from an overabundance of "fairness". There were restrictions put on Jews purchasing land in TransJordan --- which became a Jewish exclusion zone. The Mandate ended up with a partition beyond which a Jewish state was forbidden. And there was concern about Arab/Christian refugees and dislocations as there should be.

The King of Jordan JUMPED on the admin gigue for TransJordan and the "Palestinians" were integrated into Jordan politically and economically. That is --- Until they so pissed off the King that he closed Jordan to further immigration and tossed their leadership out..

I will never completely minimize the palestinian relocation. But THEY have blown NUMEROUS chances for statehood handed to them. Including the time they spent in TransJordan with a COMPLETELY intact and Jew free West Bank AND East Bank..

Obviously --- that wasn't good enough for them or Contumacious.

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