How to defeat the Islamist fanatics

Stupid? How so.

Or did you mean to say politically incorrect because not enough Americans have died ?

How to defeat the Islamist fanatics

1- RETURN Palestine to Palestinians

2- The US must CEASE AND DESIST intervening in the internal affairs of middle eastern nations

3- The US must CEASE AND DESIST its war against Islam

Allahu Akbar indeed!


Did you just admit to being ignorant and retarded?

How to defeat the Islamist fanatics

1- RETURN Palestine to Palestinians

2- The US must CEASE AND DESIST intervening in the internal affairs of middle eastern nations

3- The US must CEASE AND DESIST its war against Islam

Fuck off.

There is a real discussion to be had about how and when the United States should get involved in the Middle East- the Camp David Accords are a good example of what was done correctly- Iraq/Syria/Lebanon and Libya are examples of what was done incorrectly.

Paletinians have a legitimate cause- but until they are willing to stop fighting each other- and refuse to negotiate seriously nothing will happen- Israel has a legitimate right to exist and is not going away.

The United States has no war against Islam- hell the people who have a war against Islam are Muslims- Shia fighting Sunni and vice versa- many more killed by Muslims fighting each other.

However, the asshole who shot up the gay bar would have done so regardless- his family came to the U.S. to get away from Aghanistan- he chose to be an asshole murderer.

Fuck off

The US SHOULD NEVER get involved in the internal affairs of other nations, NEVER Harry S Truman shouls have never given Palestine to the Zionists.

How to defeat the Islamist fanatics

1- RETURN Palestine to Palestinians

2- The US must CEASE AND DESIST intervening in the internal affairs of middle eastern nations

3- The US must CEASE AND DESIST its war against Islam
Stupid? How so.

Or did you mean to say politically incorrect because not enough Americans have died ?

How to defeat the Islamist fanatics

1- RETURN Palestine to Palestinians

2- The US must CEASE AND DESIST intervening in the internal affairs of middle eastern nations

3- The US must CEASE AND DESIST its war against Islam

Allahu Akbar indeed!


Did you just admit to being ignorant and retarded?

How to defeat the Islamist fanatics

1- RETURN Palestine to Palestinians

2- The US must CEASE AND DESIST intervening in the internal affairs of middle eastern nations

3- The US must CEASE AND DESIST its war against Islam

Fuck off.

There is a real discussion to be had about how and when the United States should get involved in the Middle East- the Camp David Accords are a good example of what was done correctly- Iraq/Syria/Lebanon and Libya are examples of what was done incorrectly.

Paletinians have a legitimate cause- but until they are willing to stop fighting each other- and refuse to negotiate seriously nothing will happen- Israel has a legitimate right to exist and is not going away.

The United States has no war against Islam- hell the people who have a war against Islam are Muslims- Shia fighting Sunni and vice versa- many more killed by Muslims fighting each other.

However, the asshole who shot up the gay bar would have done so regardless- his family came to the U.S. to get away from Aghanistan- he chose to be an asshole murderer.
There you go with your "get involved" bullshit. Go in force to kill all who want to oppose us. Kill them all...kill them soon as Donald takes the helm.
The funny thing just gave us insight into your secret bi life.........Pabst? Anyone who even thinks about Pabst must live in the low rent trailer park....Bi-Catfish.

Grow up, dumbass. It's become old and lame, like you. You bring nothing to this forum but BS...everyone knows it...that and your multiple sock accounts
The funny thing reveal much about your own self with each post.

I said grow up, stop your lying, use one account and get past I take any of your bullshit to heart ya fucking cra cra old hag. You're just an annoying hag....more than one has told you that. Learn it....then live it And for christ's sake get a new fucking avatar ya fucking clown
Funny thing are the Bi-Catfish...accusing others of being not what they seem...I enjoy the Irony.

Get back on topic and stop your BS.....this is what people are tired of about you.
The funny thing is...the topic is about defeating Islamic terrorists and you've offered no solutions.
Grow up, dumbass. It's become old and lame, like you. You bring nothing to this forum but BS...everyone knows it...that and your multiple sock accounts
The funny thing reveal much about your own self with each post.

I said grow up, stop your lying, use one account and get past I take any of your bullshit to heart ya fucking cra cra old hag. You're just an annoying hag....more than one has told you that. Learn it....then live it And for christ's sake get a new fucking avatar ya fucking clown
Funny thing are the Bi-Catfish...accusing others of being not what they seem...I enjoy the Irony.

Get back on topic and stop your BS.....this is what people are tired of about you.
The funny thing is...the topic is about defeating Islamic terrorists and you've offered no solutions.
What solutions are the terrorists offering, Bode.? Serious question.
The funny thing reveal much about your own self with each post.

I said grow up, stop your lying, use one account and get past I take any of your bullshit to heart ya fucking cra cra old hag. You're just an annoying hag....more than one has told you that. Learn it....then live it And for christ's sake get a new fucking avatar ya fucking clown
Funny thing are the Bi-Catfish...accusing others of being not what they seem...I enjoy the Irony.

Get back on topic and stop your BS.....this is what people are tired of about you.
The funny thing is...the topic is about defeating Islamic terrorists and you've offered no solutions.
What solutions are the terrorists offering, Bode.? Serious question.

Serious questions?


1- RETURN Palestine to Palestinians

2- The US must CEASE AND DESIST intervening in the internal affairs of middle eastern nations

3- The US must CEASE AND DESIST its war against Islam
The funny thing reveal much about your own self with each post.

I said grow up, stop your lying, use one account and get past I take any of your bullshit to heart ya fucking cra cra old hag. You're just an annoying hag....more than one has told you that. Learn it....then live it And for christ's sake get a new fucking avatar ya fucking clown
Funny thing are the Bi-Catfish...accusing others of being not what they seem...I enjoy the Irony.

Get back on topic and stop your BS.....this is what people are tired of about you.
The funny thing is...the topic is about defeating Islamic terrorists and you've offered no solutions.
What solutions are the terrorists offering, Bode.? Serious question.
Interesting...are you taking terrorists' solutions now?
Some of you folks seem to have forgotten where you are - let's address the topic please, and take the food fight to the FZ.
If you can't even say the enemy's name you have no chance of defeating the enemy.

You can't defeat the enemy when you think it is every Muslim.

Don't misrepresent our estimate of the situation. Lying asshole.
I'm not misrepresenting you and your granddaughter's wholesale bigotry at all.

Not. One. Bit.

We're just bigoted towards radical Islamist's that wish to commit's you using a broad brush to make it seem as we are discussing all Muslims. Nice try though
We're just bigoted towards radical Islamist's that wish to commit terrorism...

if we could make the Hajj a daily event, and eliminate 700 Muslims per day, how long would it take to eliminate all muslims?

Mecca stampede: At least 717 killed and hundreds injured in crush during hajj

They breed too fast. It's like perpetual muzzies

They've never been able to assimilate in any new place they settle, history reveals that.

You seem to like the Muzzies, careful there Pokiehontas

deltex's opinion of what should be done with the refugees:

So like I said. You and your grandpa's masks slipped a long time ago. No one is fooled, asshole.
So like I said. You and your grandpa's masks slipped a long time ago. No one is fooled, asshole.

No it didn't and if you support radical muslims that wish to commit terrorism you are the asshole. You really are not too bright.
"Accept them (the refugees) at your peril."

"Or exterminate we would have done before the rise of Libtard faggots."

You Nazi wannabe assholes can't hide from your own words.
Ralph Peters makes valid points. The very first thing that needs to be done is calling it what it is....Islamic terrorism. You cannot defeat an enemy you lack the courage to name.

Declare war. A future president needs to ask Congress for a declaration of war against all jihadi organizations that threaten to attack the United States, our military, our citizens or our interests. No phony limits, such as just declaring war only on ISIS or al Qaeda (names change). All violent jihadis who target us, now or in the future, are mortal enemies.

Call out double-crossing allies. No more free rides for states that sponsor terrorism

Surveillance is essential

Criminalize Internet jihad.

Treat Muslims exactly as we would any other Americans.
They have to choose between the US Constitution and Sharia law.

Our response to jihad must be violent abroad, sensible at home, intellectually honest, patient and relentless. We must stop making excuses for inexcusable behavior, and we must always put the right of American citizens to safety and security above the imaginary rights of terrorists. We must break the infernal alliance between political correctness and fanatical Islam. (Didn’t Orlando teach the left that terrorists don’t play favorites?)

We can win, but we have to fight.

How to defeat the Islamist fanatics | New York Post

None of that would have stopped Orlando.
Ralph Peters makes valid points. The very first thing that needs to be done is calling it what it is....Islamic terrorism. You cannot defeat an enemy you lack the courage to name.

Declare war. A future president needs to ask Congress for a declaration of war against all jihadi organizations that threaten to attack the United States, our military, our citizens or our interests. No phony limits, such as just declaring war only on ISIS or al Qaeda (names change). All violent jihadis who target us, now or in the future, are mortal enemies.

Call out double-crossing allies. No more free rides for states that sponsor terrorism

Surveillance is essential

Criminalize Internet jihad.

Treat Muslims exactly as we would any other Americans.
They have to choose between the US Constitution and Sharia law.

Our response to jihad must be violent abroad, sensible at home, intellectually honest, patient and relentless. We must stop making excuses for inexcusable behavior, and we must always put the right of American citizens to safety and security above the imaginary rights of terrorists. We must break the infernal alliance between political correctness and fanatical Islam. (Didn’t Orlando teach the left that terrorists don’t play favorites?)

We can win, but we have to fight.

How to defeat the Islamist fanatics | New York Post

None of that would have stopped Orlando.

We don't know that, the facts are not all out.
Ralph Peters makes valid points. The very first thing that needs to be done is calling it what it is....Islamic terrorism. You cannot defeat an enemy you lack the courage to name.

Declare war. A future president needs to ask Congress for a declaration of war against all jihadi organizations that threaten to attack the United States, our military, our citizens or our interests. No phony limits, such as just declaring war only on ISIS or al Qaeda (names change). All violent jihadis who target us, now or in the future, are mortal enemies.

Call out double-crossing allies. No more free rides for states that sponsor terrorism

Surveillance is essential

Criminalize Internet jihad.

Treat Muslims exactly as we would any other Americans.
They have to choose between the US Constitution and Sharia law.

Our response to jihad must be violent abroad, sensible at home, intellectually honest, patient and relentless. We must stop making excuses for inexcusable behavior, and we must always put the right of American citizens to safety and security above the imaginary rights of terrorists. We must break the infernal alliance between political correctness and fanatical Islam. (Didn’t Orlando teach the left that terrorists don’t play favorites?)

We can win, but we have to fight.

How to defeat the Islamist fanatics | New York Post

None of that would have stopped Orlando.

We don't know that, the facts are not all out.

So far we have no information that would suggest otherwise.
Ralph Peters makes valid points. The very first thing that needs to be done is calling it what it is....Islamic terrorism. You cannot defeat an enemy you lack the courage to name.

Declare war. A future president needs to ask Congress for a declaration of war against all jihadi organizations that threaten to attack the United States, our military, our citizens or our interests. No phony limits, such as just declaring war only on ISIS or al Qaeda (names change). All violent jihadis who target us, now or in the future, are mortal enemies.

Call out double-crossing allies. No more free rides for states that sponsor terrorism

Surveillance is essential

Criminalize Internet jihad.

Treat Muslims exactly as we would any other Americans.
They have to choose between the US Constitution and Sharia law.

Our response to jihad must be violent abroad, sensible at home, intellectually honest, patient and relentless. We must stop making excuses for inexcusable behavior, and we must always put the right of American citizens to safety and security above the imaginary rights of terrorists. We must break the infernal alliance between political correctness and fanatical Islam. (Didn’t Orlando teach the left that terrorists don’t play favorites?)

We can win, but we have to fight.

How to defeat the Islamist fanatics | New York Post

None of that would have stopped Orlando.

We don't know that, the facts are not all out.

So far we have no information that would suggest otherwise.

It happened four days ago, I doubt they have released all they know
Disney shows the way. They killed five alligators to find the one terroristic one. Didn't find him...but no mo gators in de lake. Someone tell Obama...he's dumber than G0000..
Disney shows the way. They killed five alligators to find the one terroristic one. Didn't find him...but no mo gators in de lake. Someone tell Obama...he's dumber than G0000..
"Accept them (the refugees) at your peril. Or exterminate we would have done before the rise of Libtard faggots."

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