HOW TO INTERPRET DEATHS -- Bradford Hill Criteria


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022

You have met them .​

Dying like flies but Clever Pants smugly inform you that there is nothing to see because you are confusing Correlation with Causation.
The answer is the Bradford Hill criteria which this Smarty Pants admits to not being aware of until 18 months ago .
The criteria are : -
Biological Gradient (dose/response relationship)

And added later and universally accepted ----- Reversibility ( and I don't know why the type face has altered)​

This topic intro . finishes with the end part of an article in Zero Hedge this morning in the context of research examining heart attacks -- myocarditis etc------ in vaxxed and unvaxxed patients via autopsy results .

Correlation or Causation?​

An original investigation published earlier this year in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that there were many cases of myocarditis in unexpected populations, especially in boys and young men, following mRNA vaccination.

Sir Austin Bradford Hill was an English medical statistician who established a set of epidemiological guidelines in 1965, now called the Bradford Hill criteria, which help prove cause and effect.
If we apply the Bradford Hill criteria to this new research, it shows that the lethal myocarditis of these patients was indeed caused by mRNA vaccines.
The German research demonstrated Bradford Hill’s criteria of strength (the more two things happen at the same time, the more likely one causes the other, even for rare events); consistency (the finding of sudden death from mRNA-vaccine-induced myocarditis has been happening consistently in different places and populations); specificity (for Bradford Hill, this is when a single cause produces a single effect. In this case the cause is the mRNA vaccine and the effect is myocarditis); and several more.

All of this is essentially FIO , though there will surely be one Smarty Pants wishing to contest the underlying approach --- another with Mass Formation Psychosis dribbling out of their backside .
Joke . And I know I am not as funny as Zelensky .

Read more here...
Those who lined up for the clot shots have overpowering cognitive dissonance that prevents them from recognizing the truth.
One of the ways you can demonstrate intelligence is when you take new data & can come to a rational conclusion even if it contradicts a previously help position.
Notice most lefties are completely incapable of admitting they have made a major mistake.

At this point, even DT has refused to admit what a disaster the experimental technology gene therapy medical trial was a huge mistake.
He refuses to recognize the harm they have done & still wants to take credit like he saved the world with poisoned fake vaccine jabs.

He needs some better advice because it makes him look completely out of touch with his base
How to separate the potentially useful from the conspiracy driven chicken shit.
Over time, Zero Hedge expanded into non-financial political content,[c] including conspiracy theories and fringe rhetoric[3][28] advancing radical right,[15][29] alt-right,[30][31][32] and pro-Russia positions.[1][33][34][35] Zero Hedge's non-financial commentary has led to multiple site bans by global social media platforms, although its 2019 Facebook ban[36][37] and 2020 Twitter ban were later reversed.[15][38]

Zero Hedge in-house content is posted under the pseudonym "Tyler Durden"; the founder and main editor was identified as Daniel Ivandjiiski.[27]
Bradford Hill criteria is news?
Haven't the actual risks been reasonably known and provided for years now?
Myocarditis and pericarditis have rarely been reported. When reported, the cases have especially been in adolescents and young adult males within several days after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna).
Source: Horrible√
Claims: Bullshit√
The known risks of COVID-19 illness and its related, possibly severe complications, such as long-term health problems, hospitalization, and even death, far outweigh the potential risks of having a rare adverse reaction to vaccination, including the possible risk of myocarditis or pericarditis.

You have met them .​

Dying like flies but Clever Pants smugly inform you that there is nothing to see because you are confusing Correlation with Causation.
The answer is the Bradford Hill criteria which this Smarty Pants admits to not being aware of until 18 months ago .
Sorry - but with a intro like that, it sure seems like you're about to post something really stupid.

Anyway, good luck with your fear mongering!
Every bit of information helps to inform people of the millions who have died and have been injured from taking this mRNA injection.
How to separate the potentially useful from the conspiracy driven chicken shit.

Bradford Hill criteria is news?

Haven't the actual risks been reasonably known and provided for years now?

Source: Horrible√
Claims: Bullshit√
Has nobody yet explained the art of Fact Checking to you ? 100% rigged .

Unwrapping Twitter gives you insight even though it is very 'old hat" .

Some of the worst offenders are obviously Goggle and Fakebook ( slowly being realised by the Sheeple ).

But worse are Wikipedia and the big news agencies Reuters and AP . Just look how MSM treat agency releases -- word for word if you ever bother to check .
Wiki is useless once you start Searching anything loosely to do with politics , economics and "celebrities ".
Has been known as a CIA front and detailed as such for years .
The original ZH crap was that it was run by a dissident Bulgarian hacker and poor Kim dot com took the blame .

Do not be GULLIBLE and then COMPLIANT .
How to separate the potentially useful from the conspiracy driven chicken shit.

Bradford Hill criteria is news?

Haven't the actual risks been reasonably known and provided for years now?

Source: Horrible√
Claims: Bullshit√

Go sit in Fauci's lap twit.
Sorry - but with a intro like that, it sure seems like you're about to post something really stupid.

Anyway, good luck with your fear mongering!
A couple of things bother me about your post .

How does the introduction indicate direction, other than likely opposition to a statement or proposition that has yet to be given ?
Are you able to jump space and time and comment on future quality before something has happened ?
Some talent .

Where is there fear mongering or even the smallest and most teeny weeny hint of it ? And about what ?

Just possible that you meant to reply on another Topic because I am mystified but impressed with your ability to skip time and space. Is it diet related ?
A couple of things bother me about your post .

How does the introduction indicate direction, other than likely opposition to a statement or proposition that has yet to be given ?
It's the obvious disdain for smart people that's the tipoff. It suggests that you're probably not.
Where is there fear mongering or even the smallest and most teeny weeny hint of it ? And about what ?
All these fucking threads. Why is it so important to you to convince other people to avoid the vaccines? It's just a partisan wankfest, and you know it.
partisan wankfest
Great description, but it often seems well beyond that. It suggests a life looking out from within a tiny bubble where all the medical and climate researchers in the world somehow collude to make idiots like Fauci and Gates look good.. or are only interested in supporting Big Oil.. or the reverse.. Whatever sounds good at the moment.. Yeah, actually partisan wankfest boils it down nicely.
Death is interpreted as the absence of life.
A rock is dead in the sense that it was never alive.

This guy

Is dead in the sense that — while once alive — he is no longer amongst the living.
A closer look might suggest that he didn’t know if he was coming or going, though.

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