How to manually reply to just the last post


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Replying to the last dozen replies all nested together adds a lot of time loading a page with 30 such replies, and eventually the boxes narrow until they're scrunched together and unreadable. So tinkering around just now I figured out how to manually edit out the superfluous text and leave just the reply you're actually replying to. Can do it all manually with like SoandSo said, "..." but then it wont send the alert to the person so who knows when they get back to you.

So to Reply with an Alert:

[.QUOTE="Avatar4321, post: 11119737, member: 854"]

That's because we believe the new testament and don't conveniently ignore it to try to explain away why God isn't communicating with our church. Precisely because He still is.[./QUOTE]

Your reply text.

Remove the periods before QUOTE. Had to do that to show the actual code.

This'll send the Alert, copy and paste the thing you're actually replying to, and have your reply outside the quoted box thingy.

Yes it's an extra thing to do than simply hitting reply, but doing that sends out however many false-alerts as there are other replies in the chain.
Replying to the last dozen replies all nested together adds a lot of time loading a page with 30 such replies, and eventually the boxes narrow until they're scrunched together and unreadable. So tinkering around just now I figured out how to manually edit out the superfluous text and leave just the reply you're actually replying to. Can do it all manually with like SoandSo said, "..." but then it wont send the alert to the person so who knows when they get back to you.

So to Reply with an Alert:

[.QUOTE="Avatar4321, post: 11119737, member: 854"]

That's because we believe the new testament and don't conveniently ignore it to try to explain away why God isn't communicating with our church. Precisely because He still is.[./QUOTE]

Your reply text.

Remove the periods before QUOTE. Had to do that to show the actual code.

This'll send the Alert, copy and paste the thing you're actually replying to, and have your reply outside the quoted box thingy.

Yes it's an extra thing to do than simply hitting reply, but doing that sends out however many false-alerts as there are other replies in the chain.
There's an easier way:

  • Hit REPLY at the bottom of the post you want to quote...regardless of how many other posts are quoted within.
  • scroll to the bottom of the text pallet.
  • reading backwards from the last [ / Q U O T E ], find the next-to-last [ / Q U O T E ] and put your cursor just to the right of it.
  • highlight from there to the top of the text pallet where the first [ Q U O T E = previous poster ] occurs, stopping the highlighting just to the right of the very first ].
  • type four dots .....
  • the highlighted text will be replaced with four dots (signifying that you have cut out something)
  • Now scroll to the end of the text pallet and start typing your reply just after the last ]
It's not rocket surgery!!

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