How to Move to Ca-nada Without Getting Searched


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
just kidding about the "no search" part, but dont worry, most of the guard toke too I'm sure !

How to move to Canada and become a Canadian citizen
If the race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump has you feeling disillusioned with American democracy, you may find yourself imagining a move to Canada.

After all, it's a land where healthcare is free, people are friendly, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau explains quantum computing just for laughs.

But actually becoming a citizen is tough: You need to live in Canada for at least six years, stay on your best behavior, and know a thing or two about the country you'll soon call home.
just kidding about the "no search" part, but dont worry, most of the guard toke too I'm sure !

How to move to Canada and become a Canadian citizen
If the race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump has you feeling disillusioned with American democracy, you may find yourself imagining a move to Canada.

After all, it's a land where healthcare is free, people are friendly, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau explains quantum computing just for laughs.

But actually becoming a citizen is tough: You need to live in Canada for at least six years, stay on your best behavior, and know a thing or two about the country you'll soon call home.

I think I already know more about Canada than their border people at least. One time they stopped me and asked all kinds of questions about why I was going to Cape Breton. I told 'em, obviously for the music, same as every other time. They didn't even know what I was talking about. Or were paid to pretend they didn't. It was surreal.
I think I already know more about Canada than their border people at least. One time they stopped me and asked all kinds of questions about why I was going to Cape Breton. I told 'em, obviously for the music, same as every other time. They didn't even know what I was talking about. Or were paid to pretend they didn't. It was surreal.

Isnt it odd how they still have those little three light traffic lights over there?

I felt like I was back int he 1960s or something when I went up there a few weeks ago.
I think I already know more about Canada than their border people at least. One time they stopped me and asked all kinds of questions about why I was going to Cape Breton. I told 'em, obviously for the music, same as every other time. They didn't even know what I was talking about. Or were paid to pretend they didn't. It was surreal.

Isnt it odd how they still have those little three light traffic lights over there?

I felt like I was back int he 1960s or something when I went up there a few weeks ago.

I like how red means go though, eh.

Fun fact: in France the hexagonal red sign reads "stop" --- yet in Québec it reads "Arrêt".
I wanna sneak a butt plug over the Canadian border, but I'm not sure where to stick it. :dunno:
I wanna sneak a butt plug over the Canadian border, but I'm not sure where to stick it. :dunno:

ah, you can just throw it. Like that football fan did with the dildo.

I've gone to Canada by canoe, no border patrol at all. It's easy.
I was forced to take a course at work on how to understand and deal with the Canadians and their culture because we have branches there. I thought we were similar people but found out they are a bunch of weenies who want no conflicts and they have laws to protect them from competition from others. They are naive and tend to believe advertising , so they have a law that advertising cannot be deceptive.

That's the result of nanny government. Thankfully, Trump is going to spare us that indignity.
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just kidding about the "no search" part, but dont worry, most of the guard toke too I'm sure !

How to move to Canada and become a Canadian citizen
If the race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump has you feeling disillusioned with American democracy, you may find yourself imagining a move to Canada.

After all, it's a land where healthcare is free, people are friendly, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau explains quantum computing just for laughs.

But actually becoming a citizen is tough: You need to live in Canada for at least six years, stay on your best behavior, and know a thing or two about the country you'll soon call home.

I think I already know more about Canada than their border people at least. One time they stopped me and asked all kinds of questions about why I was going to Cape Breton. I told 'em, obviously for the music, same as every other time. They didn't even know what I was talking about. Or were paid to pretend they didn't. It was surreal.
I haven't been to Cape Breton, but would like to someday, not necessarily for the music. However, I heard that type of Celtic folk is not as popular as it used to be.
just kidding about the "no search" part, but dont worry, most of the guard toke too I'm sure !

How to move to Canada and become a Canadian citizen
If the race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump has you feeling disillusioned with American democracy, you may find yourself imagining a move to Canada.

After all, it's a land where healthcare is free, people are friendly, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau explains quantum computing just for laughs.

But actually becoming a citizen is tough: You need to live in Canada for at least six years, stay on your best behavior, and know a thing or two about the country you'll soon call home.

The subhuman trash who wants to move to Canada because Trump is the next President, have no loyalty to any country, they are globalists, with no no respect for anyone who is not like them.
just kidding about the "no search" part, but dont worry, most of the guard toke too I'm sure !

How to move to Canada and become a Canadian citizen
If the race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump has you feeling disillusioned with American democracy, you may find yourself imagining a move to Canada.

After all, it's a land where healthcare is free, people are friendly, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau explains quantum computing just for laughs.

But actually becoming a citizen is tough: You need to live in Canada for at least six years, stay on your best behavior, and know a thing or two about the country you'll soon call home.

The subhuman trash who wants to move to Canada because Trump is the next President, have no loyalty to any country, they are globalists, with no no respect for anyone who is not like them.

Haha, you spelled "survivors" wrong.
just kidding about the "no search" part, but dont worry, most of the guard toke too I'm sure !

How to move to Canada and become a Canadian citizen
If the race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump has you feeling disillusioned with American democracy, you may find yourself imagining a move to Canada.

After all, it's a land where healthcare is free, people are friendly, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau explains quantum computing just for laughs.

But actually becoming a citizen is tough: You need to live in Canada for at least six years, stay on your best behavior, and know a thing or two about the country you'll soon call home.

I think I already know more about Canada than their border people at least. One time they stopped me and asked all kinds of questions about why I was going to Cape Breton. I told 'em, obviously for the music, same as every other time. They didn't even know what I was talking about. Or were paid to pretend they didn't. It was surreal.
I haven't been to Cape Breton, but would like to someday, not necessarily for the music. However, I heard that type of Celtic folk is not as popular as it used to be.

As popular where?

Doesn't matter, the music doesn't change. It's the most primal music I've ever heard, at least in a white culture.

As you may know Cape Breton was kind of a preservation laboratory for highland Scottish culture after the Brits came in doing what they do best -- kicking people out of their homeland. When the Acadians had been similarly kicked out of the maritimes (mostly), in came the Scots with their music, language and other traditions. There they lived in such isolation (the causeway bridge to the mainland wasn't built until the 1950s or '60s) that those traditions, particularly the music, thrived and reinforced itself to such an extent that today, people come from Scotland to find out what their own culture is, because it's more authentic than what's left in Europe. You can still hear children speaking Gaelic.

The music is everywhere, at least on the west coast. The east tends to be more mining. I haven't been down that way much but I'm sure the music spills over just as it does into PEI and NB. But along the Ceilidh Trail you can find music every day or night of the week. Take the trip -- it's worth it. Hook up in a B&B.

And I mean real, authentic music, not like my experience traipsing around Ireland looking for the same thing, walking into a rural pub and they're playing "Wabash Cannonball" or disco.

It's also one of the few types of Celtic music that involves a piano. And there's always a piano. In the older days it was often a pump organ. Sadly today you're likely to get an electric piano :puke: But the violin playing (always violin, never fiddle) is its own unique style too.

Oh yeah there's a bit of scenery....

Highlands ProvPk scene.jpg

The proprietress of the B&B where I've stayed the last few times insists that the island is literally part of Scotland, that it broke off and migrated west when the continents were taking their places. You can't say it doesn't appear that way.
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