How to pay reparations in a way that makes sense.

How to pay reparations in a way that makes sense.

I’ve seen a lot of comments about reparations. Even Castro made it a part of his run for the presidency and his campaign.

You can’t just throw out money like candy corn. Because like candy corn it’ll be spent on just about anything. Even gambled away or thrown away.
People don’t respect money they were given as much as they respect money that they earned.

The truth is that reparations should be used to bring up black schools to standard, support black education, support training for a new jobs, healthcare, and so on.

But it shouldn’t stop there. Instead of giving trillions a way to billionaires who need educated workers, use the money to educate the workers. To me that seems like such a “duh”.

If Republicans can give trillions of dollars away to billionaires under bush and under Trump, then how do they have the nerve to say that we don’t have the money for healthcare and education and infrastructure?
The billionaires are still billionaires. Even without the tax giveaway they are still billionaires.
If you have $5 billion, what’s another billion dollars? How will another billion dollars affect your life if you already have five?
And it’s the workers under him that made the billionaire a billionaire. He didn’t do it alone. He had people who work for him. There’s nobody in the world that has made $1 billion completely on their own without employees.

So if anybody’s going to give money away, instead of giving money away, make it so people can improve their lives. Because just giving money away is not going to improve anybody’s life.
Just give them all a paycheck if they work or not.
How to pay reparations in a way that makes sense.

I’ve seen a lot of comments about reparations. Even Castro made it a part of his run for the presidency and his campaign.

You can’t just throw out money like candy corn. Because like candy corn it’ll be spent on just about anything. Even gambled away or thrown away.
People don’t respect money they were given as much as they respect money that they earned.

The truth is that reparations should be used to bring up black schools to standard, support black education, support training for a new jobs, healthcare, and so on.

But it shouldn’t stop there. Instead of giving trillions a way to billionaires who need educated workers, use the money to educate the workers. To me that seems like such a “duh”.

If Republicans can give trillions of dollars away to billionaires under bush and under Trump, then how do they have the nerve to say that we don’t have the money for healthcare and education and infrastructure?
The billionaires are still billionaires. Even without the tax giveaway they are still billionaires.
If you have $5 billion, what’s another billion dollars? How will another billion dollars affect your life if you already have five?
And it’s the workers under him that made the billionaire a billionaire. He didn’t do it alone. He had people who work for him. There’s nobody in the world that has made $1 billion completely on their own without employees.

So if anybody’s going to give money away, instead of giving money away, make it so people can improve their lives. Because just giving money away is not going to improve anybody’s life.
Just give them all a paycheck if they work or not.

I believe what Dean want is White Society does all the work while giving all their money to Black society, so why doesn't he just go to the South Side of Chicago and hand his paycheck out to those he feels that were wrong?
Reparations were already paid to the tune of $21 Trillion in The War on Poverty and continue to be paid.

Billions of dollars have been spent additionally on Title Nine, Affirmative Action, and funding for African American Colleges.

Billions more have been spent at Universities handing out Scholarships to meet Race Quotas, especially in Athletics which ensure that an overwhelming majority of our Professional Athletes will be African American.

Planned Parenthood killed 50 Million African American Babies for a profit. Perhaps they should pay Reparations.

Next topic.
How to pay reparations in a way that makes sense.

I’ve seen a lot of comments about reparations. Even Castro made it a part of his run for the presidency and his campaign.

You can’t just throw out money like candy corn. Because like candy corn it’ll be spent on just about anything. Even gambled away or thrown away.
People don’t respect money they were given as much as they respect money that they earned.

The truth is that reparations should be used to bring up black schools to standard, support black education, support training for a new jobs, healthcare, and so on.

But it shouldn’t stop there. Instead of giving trillions a way to billionaires who need educated workers, use the money to educate the workers. To me that seems like such a “duh”.

If Republicans can give trillions of dollars away to billionaires under bush and under Trump, then how do they have the nerve to say that we don’t have the money for healthcare and education and infrastructure?
The billionaires are still billionaires. Even without the tax giveaway they are still billionaires.
If you have $5 billion, what’s another billion dollars? How will another billion dollars affect your life if you already have five?
And it’s the workers under him that made the billionaire a billionaire. He didn’t do it alone. He had people who work for him. There’s nobody in the world that has made $1 billion completely on their own without employees.

So if anybody’s going to give money away, instead of giving money away, make it so people can improve their lives. Because just giving money away is not going to improve anybody’s life.
Just give them all a paycheck if they work or not.
thats Daniels idea....
First, isolate the people who are not involved. Exclude people whose ancestors were not here during the Civil War, and "Negroes" who are not the descendants of slaves, like Barry Soetoro and Kamala Harris.

Then exclude "white" people whose ancestors did not own slaves, which would encompass well over half of the "white" population not already excluded.

Then compensate the descendants of "white" people whose ancestors DID own slaves, for the computed value of their human property which was made worthless by the 13th Amendment. But don't pay them yet.

Then, FROM THOSE PEOPLE, calculate the net "profits" from their ownership of slaves from, say, 1800 through the end of slavery.

Now, DEDUCT the value of all of the welfare, food stamps, free medical care, housing subsidies, free college tuition, etc., etc., etc. that Black Americans have received (even though most of that was funded by "innocent" "whites" whose ancestors never owned slaves). GO BACK and identify the "Black" folks who have not received NET BENEFIT from the Government, and have all those ancestors of people who owned slaves PAY THEM the net present value of their slaveholding profits from the calculated values mentioned above.

And leave the rest of us out of it.

If there is any shortfall, get it from the Democrat Party, which was the party of slavery.
How to pay reparations in a way that makes sense.

I’ve seen a lot of comments about reparations. Even Castro made it a part of his run for the presidency and his campaign.

You can’t just throw out money like candy corn. Because like candy corn it’ll be spent on just about anything. Even gambled away or thrown away.
People don’t respect money they were given as much as they respect money that they earned.

The truth is that reparations should be used to bring up black schools to standard, support black education, support training for a new jobs, healthcare, and so on.

But it shouldn’t stop there. Instead of giving trillions a way to billionaires who need educated workers, use the money to educate the workers. To me that seems like such a “duh”.

If Republicans can give trillions of dollars away to billionaires under bush and under Trump, then how do they have the nerve to say that we don’t have the money for healthcare and education and infrastructure?
The billionaires are still billionaires. Even without the tax giveaway they are still billionaires.
If you have $5 billion, what’s another billion dollars? How will another billion dollars affect your life if you already have five?
And it’s the workers under him that made the billionaire a billionaire. He didn’t do it alone. He had people who work for him. There’s nobody in the world that has made $1 billion completely on their own without employees.

So if anybody’s going to give money away, instead of giving money away, make it so people can improve their lives. Because just giving money away is not going to improve anybody’s life.
Just give them all a paycheck if they work or not.
thats Daniels idea....
Solving for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment Because capitalists cannot be efficient enough to hire everyone in Right to Work States.
The truth is that reparations should be used to bring up black schools to standard, support black education, support training for a new jobs, healthcare, and so on.

That's mostly not reparations. It's how a decent, well-regulated and fair society should be run, and should have been for 200 years. It has nothing to do with belated remuneration for unpaid work, and the interest on that debt. I find, you should look to nest eggs for black kids, paid into over the years to be used as help to cover tuition costs, and a social security bonus for blacks reaching retirement age, along with special assistance for acquiring home ownership (the main means to gather family wealth and the attendant security), for instance.
How to pay reparations in a way that makes sense.

I’ve seen a lot of comments about reparations. Even Castro made it a part of his run for the presidency and his campaign.

You can’t just throw out money like candy corn. Because like candy corn it’ll be spent on just about anything. Even gambled away or thrown away.
People don’t respect money they were given as much as they respect money that they earned.

The truth is that reparations should be used to bring up black schools to standard, support black education, support training for a new jobs, healthcare, and so on.

But it shouldn’t stop there. Instead of giving trillions a way to billionaires who need educated workers, use the money to educate the workers. To me that seems like such a “duh”.

If Republicans can give trillions of dollars away to billionaires under bush and under Trump, then how do they have the nerve to say that we don’t have the money for healthcare and education and infrastructure?
The billionaires are still billionaires. Even without the tax giveaway they are still billionaires.
If you have $5 billion, what’s another billion dollars? How will another billion dollars affect your life if you already have five?
And it’s the workers under him that made the billionaire a billionaire. He didn’t do it alone. He had people who work for him. There’s nobody in the world that has made $1 billion completely on their own without employees.

So if anybody’s going to give money away, instead of giving money away, make it so people can improve their lives. Because just giving money away is not going to improve anybody’s life.

Have any of the 2020 Democrat presidential candidates promised reparations yet?
Who would have to pay it.
Who would get the reparations payments?
Castro is making it part of his platform.

For those that say don’t pay reparations, then why are we paying reparations to billionaires? I thought they were supposed to make more jobs with all that extra money? But they’re not. They use the money for buybacks so they have even more.
African Americans owned slaves do they get paid to lol
improving impoverished schools will help everyone in the Nation, in the long run...

How are you going to force the students to pay attention in class instead of looking at their phones and starting fights?
Are you honestly arguing that we shouldn’t work to improve schools because kids are addicted to their phones?! Is that a real argument?
How to pay reparations in a way that makes sense.

I’ve seen a lot of comments about reparations. Even Castro made it a part of his run for the presidency and his campaign.

You can’t just throw out money like candy corn. Because like candy corn it’ll be spent on just about anything. Even gambled away or thrown away.
People don’t respect money they were given as much as they respect money that they earned.

The truth is that reparations should be used to bring up black schools to standard, support black education, support training for a new jobs, healthcare, and so on.

But it shouldn’t stop there. Instead of giving trillions a way to billionaires who need educated workers, use the money to educate the workers. To me that seems like such a “duh”.

If Republicans can give trillions of dollars away to billionaires under bush and under Trump, then how do they have the nerve to say that we don’t have the money for healthcare and education and infrastructure?
The billionaires are still billionaires. Even without the tax giveaway they are still billionaires.
If you have $5 billion, what’s another billion dollars? How will another billion dollars affect your life if you already have five?
And it’s the workers under him that made the billionaire a billionaire. He didn’t do it alone. He had people who work for him. There’s nobody in the world that has made $1 billion completely on their own without employees.

So if anybody’s going to give money away, instead of giving money away, make it so people can improve their lives. Because just giving money away is not going to improve anybody’s life.

My family never owned slaves. Why should I pay anything?
Reparations aren’t about owning slaves. If you are going to make a case then you should at least try and show an understanding of the debate.
simply cutting a check won't solve anything for very long under capitalism.

we should be solving for capital inefficiencies to our economy and Republic.

Capitalism has a natural rate of unemployment which can be solved for in a market friendly manner through the socialism of equality and equal protection of the law.
How to pay reparations in a way that makes sense.

I’ve seen a lot of comments about reparations. Even Castro made it a part of his run for the presidency and his campaign.

You can’t just throw out money like candy corn. Because like candy corn it’ll be spent on just about anything. Even gambled away or thrown away.
People don’t respect money they were given as much as they respect money that they earned.

The truth is that reparations should be used to bring up black schools to standard, support black education, support training for a new jobs, healthcare, and so on.

But it shouldn’t stop there. Instead of giving trillions a way to billionaires who need educated workers, use the money to educate the workers. To me that seems like such a “duh”.

If Republicans can give trillions of dollars away to billionaires under bush and under Trump, then how do they have the nerve to say that we don’t have the money for healthcare and education and infrastructure?
The billionaires are still billionaires. Even without the tax giveaway they are still billionaires.
If you have $5 billion, what’s another billion dollars? How will another billion dollars affect your life if you already have five?
And it’s the workers under him that made the billionaire a billionaire. He didn’t do it alone. He had people who work for him. There’s nobody in the world that has made $1 billion completely on their own without employees.

So if anybody’s going to give money away, instead of giving money away, make it so people can improve their lives. Because just giving money away is not going to improve anybody’s life.

We've already spent Trillions on the failed War on Poverty, the War on Drugs, and Great Society programs that were supposed to help blacks but ended up destroying black families. Let's not double down on further destruction.

There is no "sensible" or ethical way to pay reparations.

1. No slave freed by the Civil War is still alive.
2. Nobody who owned such slaves is still alive.

The HooHaw over reparations is just another way to try to mug people who have money for the benefit of political cronies.
improving impoverished schools will help everyone in the Nation, in the long run...

Reparations is not happening. If it did, it would only set race relations further back.
Didn’t she just make a comment about improving schools? How is your response relevant to that at all?!

She wants to use reparations money to fund that
What do you think “reparations money” is?
improving impoverished schools will help everyone in the Nation, in the long run...

Reparations is not happening. If it did, it would only set race relations further back.
Didn’t she just make a comment about improving schools? How is your response relevant to that at all?!

She wants to use reparations money to fund that
What do you think “reparations money” is?

Money give exclusively to black people for slavery. What do you think it is?
improving impoverished schools will help everyone in the Nation, in the long run...

Was this posted in the right thread? Reparations wouldn't make that happen in a million years.

Pimp coats and Cadillacs for douchebags, yes. Improved schools for inner city kids? Not on your life!
improving impoverished schools will help everyone in the Nation, in the long run...

Reparations is not happening. If it did, it would only set race relations further back.
Didn’t she just make a comment about improving schools? How is your response relevant to that at all?!

She wants to use reparations money to fund that
What do you think “reparations money” is?

Money give exclusively to black people for slavery. What do you think it is?
I think it’s just a phrase. But how does it make sense per your definition to give “money exclusively to black people for slavery” to build schools? Is that really what you think she was saying? Or perhaps you weren’t paying attention to what she was saying
improving impoverished schools will help everyone in the Nation, in the long run...

How are you going to force the students to pay attention in class instead of looking at their phones and starting fights?
Are you honestly arguing that we shouldn’t work to improve schools because kids are addicted to their phones?! Is that a real argument?

What i am saying is that throwing money at schools is not going to fix bad parenting.

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