How to pay reparations in a way that makes sense.

improving impoverished schools will help everyone in the Nation, in the long run...

How are you going to force the students to pay attention in class instead of looking at their phones and starting fights?
Are you honestly arguing that we shouldn’t work to improve schools because kids are addicted to their phones?! Is that a real argument?

What i am saying is that throwing money at schools is not going to fix bad parenting.
We we aren’t talking about fixing bad parenting we are talking about improving schools. Are you against improving schools?
improving impoverished schools will help everyone in the Nation, in the long run...

How are you going to force the students to pay attention in class instead of looking at their phones and starting fights?
Are you honestly arguing that we shouldn’t work to improve schools because kids are addicted to their phones?! Is that a real argument?

What i am saying is that throwing money at schools is not going to fix bad parenting.
We we aren’t talking about fixing bad parenting we are talking about improving schools. Are you against improving schools?

No, we're talking about "reparations". Handing out cash to people because they're black.
improving impoverished schools will help everyone in the Nation, in the long run...

Was this posted in the right thread? Reparations wouldn't make that happen in a million years.

Pimp coats and Cadillacs for douchebags, yes. Improved schools for inner city kids? Not on your life!
In lieu of passing out money that would be gone in a nano second, how we can help them get out of this never ending rut, for both black kids and white kids etc, we should focus on the long term.... something that could help the poorest, forever and a day. I can envision, that improving their impoverished schools, and giving them a good education k-12, will make all the difference in the world, to their and our future as a Nation.
improving impoverished schools will help everyone in the Nation, in the long run...

How are you going to force the students to pay attention in class instead of looking at their phones and starting fights?
Are you honestly arguing that we shouldn’t work to improve schools because kids are addicted to their phones?! Is that a real argument?

What i am saying is that throwing money at schools is not going to fix bad parenting.
We we aren’t talking about fixing bad parenting we are talking about improving schools. Are you against improving schools?
I am against improving any school's income in a country that has The Most Expensive Education System in The World, Get rid of tenure, and ban Unions for any workers who's income in part or full is dependent on taxes.
improving impoverished schools will help everyone in the Nation, in the long run...

How are you going to force the students to pay attention in class instead of looking at their phones and starting fights?
Are you honestly arguing that we shouldn’t work to improve schools because kids are addicted to their phones?! Is that a real argument?

What i am saying is that throwing money at schools is not going to fix bad parenting.
We we aren’t talking about fixing bad parenting we are talking about improving schools. Are you against improving schools?

No, we're talking about "reparations". Handing out cash to people because they're black.
Yes we were talking about reparations and then Care4all brought up investing in impoverished schools as an idea. You responded with some BS about kids being addicted to phones. And when you couldn’t back up your statement you tried to change the subject to bad parenting and when I tried to get you back on subject you diverted again back to reparations... scroll up and reread the conversation, it’s all there.

So back to my original question. Why are you against investing in schools?
improving impoverished schools will help everyone in the Nation, in the long run...

How are you going to force the students to pay attention in class instead of looking at their phones and starting fights?
Are you honestly arguing that we shouldn’t work to improve schools because kids are addicted to their phones?! Is that a real argument?

What i am saying is that throwing money at schools is not going to fix bad parenting.
We we aren’t talking about fixing bad parenting we are talking about improving schools. Are you against improving schools?
I am against improving any school's income in a country that has The Most Expensive Education System in The World, Get rid of tenure, and ban Unions for any workers who's income in part or full is dependent on taxes.
How does that fix the problem and improve schools for our children?
How are you going to force the students to pay attention in class instead of looking at their phones and starting fights?
Are you honestly arguing that we shouldn’t work to improve schools because kids are addicted to their phones?! Is that a real argument?

What i am saying is that throwing money at schools is not going to fix bad parenting.
We we aren’t talking about fixing bad parenting we are talking about improving schools. Are you against improving schools?

No, we're talking about "reparations". Handing out cash to people because they're black.
Yes we were talking about reparations and then Care4all brought up investing in impoverished schools as an idea. You responded with some BS about kids being addicted to phones. And when you couldn’t back up your statement you tried to change the subject to bad parenting and when I tried to get you back on subject you diverted again back to reparations... scroll up and reread the conversation, it’s all there.

So back to my original question. Why are you against investing in schools?

I am against investing even a single penny in all schools which already have the highest level of revenue in the entire world.

More money will just lead to teachers and administrators wanting more money in their pockets. Maybe they should start working 12 months a year instead of just the 180 days a year they work, to improve performance before we give them a dime more.

In fact, I advocate a 20% reduction in all Administrative salaries at Colleges and Universities, and all Public Schools, and a 7% reduction in all teacher salaries country wide. I futher advocate a 10% withdrawal from all Public Education Pension Funds to be withdrawn & redistributed to African American and other Minority American School Children & advocate freeze on all educator salaries until such a time as our Educators can ........

Make American Education Great Again!

I further advocate that College Tuition be cut by 40% across The US, and then I advocated that Tuition costs be tied to Social Security Cost of Living increases in The US, or perhaps inflation or some other automatic mechanism.

If deflation happens, college tuition automatically goes down.

Lastly I advocate the abolishment of The Department of Education.

In other words, No Soup for You, until you can be # 1 again.
Last edited:
Why are you against investing in schools?

I never said I was against it. School levies appear on almost every local ballot, people in the district vote yes or no. What we're talking about is funneling federal black people bucks into inner city schools on top of the already existing funds. Having nicer chairs and better audio visual equipment won't make those kids any less unruly or more willing to learn. Most of the money would probably go to teacher's salaries anyway.
How are you going to force the students to pay attention in class instead of looking at their phones and starting fights?
Are you honestly arguing that we shouldn’t work to improve schools because kids are addicted to their phones?! Is that a real argument?

What i am saying is that throwing money at schools is not going to fix bad parenting.
We we aren’t talking about fixing bad parenting we are talking about improving schools. Are you against improving schools?

No, we're talking about "reparations". Handing out cash to people because they're black.
Yes we were talking about reparations and then Care4all brought up investing in impoverished schools as an idea. You responded with some BS about kids being addicted to phones. And when you couldn’t back up your statement you tried to change the subject to bad parenting and when I tried to get you back on subject you diverted again back to reparations... scroll up and reread the conversation, it’s all there.

So back to my original question. Why are you against investing in schools?
Classic lib double speak and misdirection.
improving impoverished schools will help everyone in the Nation, in the long run...

How are you going to force the students to pay attention in class instead of looking at their phones and starting fights?
Are you honestly arguing that we shouldn’t work to improve schools because kids are addicted to their phones?! Is that a real argument?

What i am saying is that throwing money at schools is not going to fix bad parenting.
We we aren’t talking about fixing bad parenting we are talking about improving schools. Are you against improving schools?
I am against improving any school's income in a country that has The Most Expensive Education System in The World, Get rid of tenure, and ban Unions for any workers who's income in part or full is dependent on taxes.
We've been decreasing our educational spending, the past few years.

It isn't so much our spending on schools is high, than what the schools are spending the money on...

good article on it
Are you honestly arguing that we shouldn’t work to improve schools because kids are addicted to their phones?! Is that a real argument?

What i am saying is that throwing money at schools is not going to fix bad parenting.
We we aren’t talking about fixing bad parenting we are talking about improving schools. Are you against improving schools?

No, we're talking about "reparations". Handing out cash to people because they're black.
Yes we were talking about reparations and then Care4all brought up investing in impoverished schools as an idea. You responded with some BS about kids being addicted to phones. And when you couldn’t back up your statement you tried to change the subject to bad parenting and when I tried to get you back on subject you diverted again back to reparations... scroll up and reread the conversation, it’s all there.

So back to my original question. Why are you against investing in schools?

I am against investing even a single penny in all schools which already have the highest level of revenue in the entire world.

More money will just lead to teachers and administrators wanting more money in their pockets. Maybe they should start working 12 months a year instead of just the 180 days a year they work, to improve performance before we give them a dime more.

In fact, I advocate a 20% reduction in all Administrative salaries at Colleges and Universities, and all Public Schools, and a 7% reduction in all teacher salaries country wide. I futher advocate a 10% withdrawal from all Public Education Pension Funds to be withdrawn & redistributed to African American and other Minority American School Children & advocate freeze on all educator salaries until such a time as our Educators can ........

Make American Education Great Again!

I further advocate that College Tuition be cut by 40% across The US, and then I advocated that Tuition costs be tied to Social Security Cost of Living increases in The US, or perhaps inflation or some other automatic mechanism.

If deflation happens, college tuition automatically goes down.

Lastly I advocate the abolishment of The Department of Education.

In other words, No Soup for You, until you can be # 1 again.
Ok, how about the underfunded schools in impoverished areas? Do you support getting them more resources?
Why are you against investing in schools?

I never said I was against it. School levies appear on almost every local ballot, people in the district vote yes or no. What we're talking about is funneling federal black people bucks into inner city schools on top of the already existing funds. Having nicer chairs and better audio visual equipment won't make those kids any less unruly or more willing to learn. Most of the money would probably go to teacher's salaries anyway.
What are “federal black people bucks”? Is that a real thing or are you just making that up. We are talking about investing in impoverished schools.

You say you never said you’re against investing in these schools yet you keep stating arguments opposing it. Kids don’t pay attention, bad parenting, new chairs and AV equipment won’t help, teachers don’t need more money... these are your responses to the proposition of funding impoverished schools. Are you still going to say that your not against it?
Are you honestly arguing that we shouldn’t work to improve schools because kids are addicted to their phones?! Is that a real argument?

What i am saying is that throwing money at schools is not going to fix bad parenting.
We we aren’t talking about fixing bad parenting we are talking about improving schools. Are you against improving schools?

No, we're talking about "reparations". Handing out cash to people because they're black.
Yes we were talking about reparations and then Care4all brought up investing in impoverished schools as an idea. You responded with some BS about kids being addicted to phones. And when you couldn’t back up your statement you tried to change the subject to bad parenting and when I tried to get you back on subject you diverted again back to reparations... scroll up and reread the conversation, it’s all there.

So back to my original question. Why are you against investing in schools?
Classic lib double speak and misdirection.
That’s a so called conservative doing the double speak and misdirection as I clearly pointed out. So you incorrectly added a LIB in your last statement.
How to pay reparations in a way that makes sense.

I’ve seen a lot of comments about reparations. Even Castro made it a part of his run for the presidency and his campaign.

You can’t just throw out money like candy corn. Because like candy corn it’ll be spent on just about anything. Even gambled away or thrown away.
People don’t respect money they were given as much as they respect money that they earned.

The truth is that reparations should be used to bring up black schools to standard, support black education, support training for a new jobs, healthcare, and so on.

But it shouldn’t stop there. Instead of giving trillions a way to billionaires who need educated workers, use the money to educate the workers. To me that seems like such a “duh”.

If Republicans can give trillions of dollars away to billionaires under bush and under Trump, then how do they have the nerve to say that we don’t have the money for healthcare and education and infrastructure?
The billionaires are still billionaires. Even without the tax giveaway they are still billionaires.
If you have $5 billion, what’s another billion dollars? How will another billion dollars affect your life if you already have five?
And it’s the workers under him that made the billionaire a billionaire. He didn’t do it alone. He had people who work for him. There’s nobody in the world that has made $1 billion completely on their own without employees.

So if anybody’s going to give money away, instead of giving money away, make it so people can improve their lives. Because just giving money away is not going to improve anybody’s life.

Been tried. Won't work.

What i am saying is that throwing money at schools is not going to fix bad parenting.
We we aren’t talking about fixing bad parenting we are talking about improving schools. Are you against improving schools?

No, we're talking about "reparations". Handing out cash to people because they're black.
Yes we were talking about reparations and then Care4all brought up investing in impoverished schools as an idea. You responded with some BS about kids being addicted to phones. And when you couldn’t back up your statement you tried to change the subject to bad parenting and when I tried to get you back on subject you diverted again back to reparations... scroll up and reread the conversation, it’s all there.

So back to my original question. Why are you against investing in schools?
Classic lib double speak and misdirection.
That’s a so called conservative doing the double speak and misdirection as I clearly pointed out. So you incorrectly added a LIB in your last statement.
Lol! Classic double speak with a Goebbels twist!
Why are you against investing in schools?

I never said I was against it. School levies appear on almost every local ballot, people in the district vote yes or no. What we're talking about is funneling federal black people bucks into inner city schools on top of the already existing funds. Having nicer chairs and better audio visual equipment won't make those kids any less unruly or more willing to learn. Most of the money would probably go to teacher's salaries anyway.
What are “federal black people bucks”? Is that a real thing or are you just making that up. We are talking about investing in impoverished schools.

You say you never said you’re against investing in these schools yet you keep stating arguments opposing it. Kids don’t pay attention, bad parenting, new chairs and AV equipment won’t help, teachers don’t need more money... these are your responses to the proposition of funding impoverished schools. Are you still going to say that your not against it?

Do black parents have any influence over their children's behavior or no? I don't care how well funded a school district is, it's not going to do any good if the kids feel disdain towards learning.
We we aren’t talking about fixing bad parenting we are talking about improving schools. Are you against improving schools?

No, we're talking about "reparations". Handing out cash to people because they're black.
Yes we were talking about reparations and then Care4all brought up investing in impoverished schools as an idea. You responded with some BS about kids being addicted to phones. And when you couldn’t back up your statement you tried to change the subject to bad parenting and when I tried to get you back on subject you diverted again back to reparations... scroll up and reread the conversation, it’s all there.

So back to my original question. Why are you against investing in schools?
Classic lib double speak and misdirection.
That’s a so called conservative doing the double speak and misdirection as I clearly pointed out. So you incorrectly added a LIB in your last statement.
Lol! Classic double speak with a Goebbels twist!
Ok smart guy, let’s hear you explain yourself. Where is the doublespeak?
Why are you against investing in schools?

I never said I was against it. School levies appear on almost every local ballot, people in the district vote yes or no. What we're talking about is funneling federal black people bucks into inner city schools on top of the already existing funds. Having nicer chairs and better audio visual equipment won't make those kids any less unruly or more willing to learn. Most of the money would probably go to teacher's salaries anyway.
What are “federal black people bucks”? Is that a real thing or are you just making that up. We are talking about investing in impoverished schools.

You say you never said you’re against investing in these schools yet you keep stating arguments opposing it. Kids don’t pay attention, bad parenting, new chairs and AV equipment won’t help, teachers don’t need more money... these are your responses to the proposition of funding impoverished schools. Are you still going to say that your not against it?

Do black parents have any influence over their children's behavior or no? I don't care how well funded a school district is, it's not going to do any good if the kids feel disdain towards learning.
Ok then just admit that you don’t support investing in our schools and education because you don’t think it makes a difference. Don’t argue against funding and then say you aren’t against it.

Of course parenting makes a difference... but the resources and quality of education a school provides makes a huge difference as well. It is key to the development of our future generations in my opinion. It’s what can provide a balance to poor parenting and the economic hardships that many children face. But to each their own, think whatever you want, but you should work on better arguements
I think a few of our righties should go back and reread your post. I do not agree with just giving descendants a bunch of money but your idea is the same as my thinking. Yes we did steal land from them but that is in our history. To improve their way of life is the Christian thing to do. Our righties have forgotten what the bible teaches. Good programs to build the communities and most important top quality schools is IMHO the best way to undo a terrible wrong. Yes I know a lot of you righties think that we should be able to own people if you can make a dollar or two off them. Gee isn't this what some of the corporations are actually doing. Not all corporations but most of the big mega corporations. But you on the right still prefer hatred for anyone or thing that they have no ability to understand.
No, we're talking about "reparations". Handing out cash to people because they're black.
Yes we were talking about reparations and then Care4all brought up investing in impoverished schools as an idea. You responded with some BS about kids being addicted to phones. And when you couldn’t back up your statement you tried to change the subject to bad parenting and when I tried to get you back on subject you diverted again back to reparations... scroll up and reread the conversation, it’s all there.

So back to my original question. Why are you against investing in schools?
Classic lib double speak and misdirection.
That’s a so called conservative doing the double speak and misdirection as I clearly pointed out. So you incorrectly added a LIB in your last statement.
Lol! Classic double speak with a Goebbels twist!
Ok smart guy, let’s hear you explain yourself. Where is the doublespeak?
It's in the first quote of yours I commented on. However, you can relax and go back to hating this country. I won't even attempt to tell you what your DS is, because we know all that does is make your kind twist spew and spin even more. Now this is where remark about how I've ran, or had nothing or some such classic regressive and oft repeated cry.

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