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How to repair America's broken education system

No it isn't the job of schools to suck up to your CEO and produce slaves for him. Your fat fuck CEO can go fuck himself.

And foreign opinions made the USA.
So fuck you again, stupid American fat fuck.

It's the job of the education system to produce employable people. It doesn't do that now. Especially the colleges.

The US was originally a melting pot. We've cooked the soup of American Society now, and no longer need ingredients from the failed cultures of foreign lands.

The only failed culture is the USA.
Because its full of retarded dickheads like you, who think that school is for manufacturing robots for CEOs..
Nobody except for 3rd world retards probably like you, goes to the USA for anything.

Infact the USA is the only country that ever asked NATO for help.

So go fuck yourself, stupid american fat fuck.
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It doesn't do that now because it allows people to use a calculator instead of learning.

As for making employable people as I said... and will say again... that's not our job.
Our job is to make educated people, not "employable" slaves for capitalism.

Shut the fuck up until you get the fuck off your hillbilly right wing GOP farm, and go learn how education works.
We send people to the ability to think, not to your CEO.

I used a calculator in high svhool and college and I'm doing just fine, thanks.oh, and the highest math I studied (algebra), let's me calculate an annual salary approaching $85K with an Associates Degree.

Your "educated" people are doing real well collecting their unemployment checks. When we hired 2 new people in my department last year we passed over 2 Masters Degree holders. Why? All book learning and no real world experience for one. The other failed a drug test he knew about 6 weeks before he took it.

Actually I'm no a GOP member. They're too liberal for me. My education has me exactly where I wanted to be. In a different focus, but at the level I want. I've turned down two promotions.

Thinking doesn't put food in the mouth or a roof over the head. Always remember that.
It doesn't do that now because it allows people to use a calculator instead of learning.

As for making employable people as I said... and will say again... that's not our job.
Our job is to make educated people, not "employable" slaves for capitalism.

Shut the fuck up until you get the fuck off your hillbilly right wing GOP farm, and go learn how education works.
We send people to the ability to think, not to your CEO.

I used a calculator in high svhool and college and I'm doing just fine, thanks.oh, and the highest math I studied (algebra), let's me calculate an annual salary approaching $85K with an Associates Degree.

Your "educated" people are doing real well collecting their unemployment checks. When we hired 2 new people in my department last year we passed over 2 Masters Degree holders. Why? All book learning and no real world experience for one. The other failed a drug test he knew about 6 weeks before he took it.

Actually I'm no a GOP member. They're too liberal for me. My education has me exactly where I wanted to be. In a different focus, but at the level I want. I've turned down two promotions.

Thinking doesn't put food in the mouth or a roof over the head. Always remember that.

At your age if you are as old as you say you are, you didn't use a calculator in school or in college as that would have given you an automatic FAILURE for CHEATING.

It up to people to put a roof over their head and to plan for how they are going to do that using their education.
Its not our job to make slaves.

Its your company's job to have an apprenticeship program to teach people the exact way they do things inside their business and plants.

Its our job to have people have the knowledge of how to function.
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The only failed culture is the USA. Because its full of retarded dickheads like you, who think that school is for manufacturing robots for CEOs.. Nobody except for 3rd world retards probably like you, goes to the USA for anything.

Infact the USA is the only country that ever asked NATO for help.

Yet you still identify yourself as an American. Expat, living in self-imposed exile in Europe, perhaps? Permanent student because you're afraid of having to face the real world?

The only US request for NATO assistance that I'm aware of was for military action in Iraq and Afghanistan. That was made necessary by the unwillingness of US leadership to just nuke the 2 nations along with Clinton's decimation of the US Military.
At your age if you are as old as you say you are, you didn't use a calculator in school or in college as that would have given you an automatic FAILURE for CHEATING.

I'm 42 going on 85. I'm old fashioned and traditionalist. I'm far more interested in what a person can do than what they know. I got that from my father and grandfather.
At your age if you are as old as you say you are, you didn't use a calculator in school or in college as that would have given you an automatic FAILURE for CHEATING.

I'm 42 going on 85. I'm old fashioned and traditionalist. I'm far more interested in what a person can do than what they know. I got that from my father and grandfather.

People can't do what they don't know.
And America never was about sending people to a CEO to be slaves.
That's Ronald Reagan GOP bullshit.
Not American tradition, and certainly not "old fashioned".
And even if it was, times change.
Deal with it.

My own teacher told me that I can't use a calculator because She wants to see ME shine.
Not a Calculator... a Calculator was born with a PhD in Mathematics.
I wasn't.
People can't do what they don't know.
And America never was about sending people to a CEO to be slaves. That's Ronald Reagan GOP bullshit. Not American tradition, and certainly not "old fashioned". And even if it was, times change. Deal with it.

People do things they don't know how to do thousands of times every day. It's called instinct.

America was founded with indentured servitude and an apprentice system rather than higher education.

Times may change. Right and Wrong never do.

My own teacher told me that I can't use a calculator because She wants to see ME shine. Not a Calculator... a Calculator was born with a PhD in Mathematics. I wasn't.

I don't care about anyone (including myself) shining. I don't have the time for that. I have work that needs to be done... yesterday, if not sooner. The calculator has the PhD so I don't need one.
Communists teachers should be let go.

Or given them the choice to put their communists ideas aside and not in the classroom....or say bye bye.

Some people claim to be American, but don't even understand what it means.

What it means to be an American is no more than what it means to be an Australian, a Brit, a German, a Canadian or a Mexican.

People can't do what they don't know.
And America never was about sending people to a CEO to be slaves. That's Ronald Reagan GOP bullshit. Not American tradition, and certainly not "old fashioned". And even if it was, times change. Deal with it.

People do things they don't know how to do thousands of times every day. It's called instinct.

America was founded with indentured servitude and an apprentice system rather than higher education.

Times may change. Right and Wrong never do.

My own teacher told me that I can't use a calculator because She wants to see ME shine. Not a Calculator... a Calculator was born with a PhD in Mathematics. I wasn't.

I don't care about anyone (including myself) shining. I don't have the time for that. I have work that needs to be done... yesterday, if not sooner. The calculator has the PhD so I don't need one.

School isn't about what a retard like you or a corporate CEO doesn't care about.
Communists teachers should be let go.

Or given them the choice to put their communists ideas aside and not in the classroom....or say bye bye.

Some people claim to be American, but don't even understand what it means.

What it means to be an American is no more than what it means to be an Australian, a Brit, a German, a Canadian or a Mexican.


Rinse....clean the scum .... explain to the communists.......

It's a new era... :)....a new era.
School isn't about what a retard like you doesn't care about.

It's about what will and won't help an individual survive in life. Let me ask you a simple A/B question. All I need is an A/B answer, no explanation.....

Would you rather live in a society where:

A. You can get an extensive education for free but if you ever leave school you can't get a job sufficient to support yourself or your family.

B. You get a focused, career oriented education that will provide a job for you upon graduation that will allow you to support yourself and your family at the expensive of a broader education.
Mod Note:

This is Zone3 thread. So there is a little leeway in flaming and content. But this topic has to be discussed without being overly abusive. Otherwise -- no wants to read thru it. Please dial it down a notch or two..
School isn't about what a retard like you doesn't care about.

It's about what will and won't help an individual survive in life. Let me ask you a simple A/B question. All I need is an A/B answer, no explanation.....

Would you rather live in a society where:

A. You can get an extensive education for free but if you ever leave school you can't get a job sufficient to support yourself or your family.

B. You get a focused, career oriented education that will provide a job for you upon graduation that will allow you to support yourself and your family at the expensive of a broader education.

The business owner that wants whatever he wants can go out of business because he wants us to suck up to him and we won't do it.
That's fine by me, he can go out of business.
Nobody gives a fuck.

Its their job to produce employees.
Its our job to produce educated people.

We do our job, if he doesn't want to do his, that's his problem.

If the company doesn't want to make adults into employees, that's their problem not our country's problem.
Our country 's floor is our governmental functioning, not his pockets.

This is the United States of America not the United States of Corporations.
How to improve American schools.

Subjects that should be taught:

Actual history, like Noah's Ark, Adam and Eve and Samson.
Real science. Because we all know the earth is thousands of years old, not billions.
Quit teaching "fuzzy math". Using letters instead of numbers.
Al Melvin challenges UA Math Department Chair on math, fails miserably
Math is numbers, not letters. Letters are what you spell with. Everyone knows that.
Stay away from wild liberal theories like "evaporation".

Who teaches this nonsense? Snow doesn't come from the Ocean. The ocean is wet. Snow is cold. Next you'll be saying we get so much snow because "global warming" heats the oceans. That's obviously stupid.

Get away from all this liberal nonsense. Teach good old fashioned values. It was good for my grandfather, it's good for my kids.

Texas GOP rejects ‘critical thinking’ skills. Really.

Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.
Don't you love the way Republicans give all these excuses on why you don't need education? And why they think our schools are so bad? And their part of the country is the part that suffers the most.
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The business oowne..... not the United States of Corporations.

Nice to see you can't answer a simple question. Doesn't surprise me.

I answered your question.
You asked if I want to see educated people, or people that can get jobs.
They're not supposed to be in conflict.
And if there is, education, not a business owner's desire to have the government create slaves for his corporation, is what wins.
I'd rather see people function, and if your CEO doesn't like it, he can go fuck himself.

Your CEO is private business.
We're not private business.
We're the nation.
How to improve American schools.

Subjects that should be taught:

Actual history, like Noah's Ark, Adam and Eve and Samson.
Real science. Because we all know the earth is thousands of years old, not billions.
Quit teaching "fuzzy math". Using letters instead of numbers.
Al Melvin challenges UA Math Department Chair on math, fails miserably
Math is numbers, not letters. Letters are what you spell with. Everyone knows that.
Stay away from wild liberal theories like "evaporation".

Who teaches this nonsense? Snow doesn't come from the Ocean. The ocean is wet. Snow is cold. Next you'll be saying we get so much snow because "global warming" heats the oceans. That's obviously stupid.

Get away from all this liberal nonsense. Teach good old fashioned values. It was good for my grandfather, it's good for my kids.

Texas GOP rejects ‘critical thinking’ skills. Really.

Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.
Don't you love the way Republicans give all these excuses on why you don't need education? And why they think our schools are so bad? And their part of the country is the part that suffers the most.

Democrats are the ones complaining that our schools are bad, and they are.
The reason they are is because they don't work right from the very start.
And they're designed (at this point in time) to make the teacher's day easier, not educate the students which is the teacher's work.

The GOP fuckwit named Anathema wants our schools to produce robots for his CEO.
I answered your question.
You asked if I want to see educated people, or people that can get jobs.....

I'd rather see people function, and if your CEO doesn't like it, he can go fuck himself.

Your CEO is private business. We're not private business. We're the nation.

No you didn't answer the question, because you didn't read the directions. Like so many others today you failed to follow the directions and therefore failed the test. My father used to use a similar exam in his industrial arts classes and many failed for the same reason.

This isn't about CEOs or what they want. It's about what's best for this country..... an overeducated and unemployable citizenry or one that can prosper and support itself.

Education is not a legitimate Government function. Especially at the Federal level. Check the Constitution.

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