How to save CNN


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
How to save CNN

CNN's president announced last week he's stepping down. Here's my plan to save the ailing news network



Jay Rosen's excellent take on it:


I'm not going to bother posting parts of either of these, other than to say that Professor Rosen makes the salient point that CNN International makes all the money (15% growth), so they could care less about the U.S. version.

If you are interested, click the links. If you post about it, I'll reply. :)
Actually, Alex Pareene (the first author) recommended Professor Rosen be hired to run it. That's why Rosen wrote his own blog entry.

If you are not familiar with Jay Rosen, he's the lead voice trying to get news organizations to start reporting news again, and abandon "The View From Nowhere" and "He Said, She Said" and "We'll Have To Leave It There" journalism.

All three of those links are good reading.
I don't have cable TV so I don't watch Fox, CNN and all the others. But when I did they all seemed to have the same idea: Hot Chicks and Businessmen News Readers.

Fox led the way in Hot Chicks and it seemed CNBC Had the best Businessmen. (Just my opinion) Well, when I watched any of those channels what did I mostly get? One Democrat talking head arguing with a Republican talking head with a Hot Chick or Businessman moderating. Then after a while I noticed Fox relied on those talking heads quite a bit but then started calling them "Contributors", but they were still in my view, talking heads. You could predict what they were gonna' say before they said it most every time.

And I'm not just picking on Fox, (Formerly) MSNBC and CNN do the same thing, they just don't wanna' admit it. Doesn't really matter as I don't watch them anymore.

What I do watch is RT and those with an online presence like Max Keiser and Alex Jones. I also visit blogs like ZeroHedge and FreeRepublic. Never heard of them? Google them and find out for yourself. They post and report on stuff that CNN and Fox would NEVER touch, or report a week later when it's old news.

Cable TV News to me is like the Covered Wagon; On it's way to obsolescence. The sad part is they don't even realize it.
Why save CNN? Since Anderson Cooper came onboard, they've become government hacks espousing what they think the public wants to hear.

Why else would the dumb fuckers ask for the public to vote on news stories they want to hear about via Twitter?

Twitter is for twits.
CNN is the worst of all, trying to placate to "both sides" satisfying neither.

They're really all failingly attempting to placate the rightwing, which the RW never will accept them, because they feel they're being persecuted by duh meedjya. If CNN goes off the air tomorrow it will be 8 years too late.
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CNN should be replaced by reruns of "The Newsroom" nobody would miss CNN or even notice the change
How to save CNN

CNN's president announced last week he's stepping down. Here's my plan to save the ailing news network



Jay Rosen's excellent take on it:


I'm not going to bother posting parts of either of these, other than to say that Professor Rosen makes the salient point that CNN International makes all the money (15% growth), so they could care less about the U.S. version.

If you are interested, click the links. If you post about it, I'll reply. :)

I like Rosen's take.
Have you seen the movie "Good Night, and Good Luck"? - if not, I think you would enjoy it.
How to save CNN

CNN's president announced last week he's stepping down. Here's my plan to save the ailing news network



Jay Rosen's excellent take on it:


I'm not going to bother posting parts of either of these, other than to say that Professor Rosen makes the salient point that CNN International makes all the money (15% growth), so they could care less about the U.S. version.

If you are interested, click the links. If you post about it, I'll reply. :)

I like Rosen's take.
Have you seen the movie "Good Night, and Good Luck"? - if not, I think you would enjoy it.
I enjoyed that movie, and think George Clooney's directing and choice of projects is very good.

Thanks for reading the OP! Increasingly rare on this site.
“Political junkies” and liberals will watch MSNBC, and angry, old right-wingers will watch Fox"

Yeah, there's an article worth reading.
“Political junkies” and liberals will watch MSNBC, and angry, old right-wingers will watch Fox"

Yeah, there's an article worth reading.
How old are you? And what is your race (even though he didn't include race)?

We already know that you are angry and a rightwinger.
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Yeah! Let's alienate everyone to the right of Mao!

That's a fucking awesome business model for a news outlet!

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