How to solve the drug problem in the USA

Lets try educating the population about how important it is to take care of ones health, and if adults wish to
destroy themselves with dope, then it is their choice. We seem to be doing everything the hard way in the
U.S., and I blame the little cowards that need protection from everything they disagree with, and the prison
industrial complex. Where there is profit within the paradigm, there will be a protocol for fulfilling that beast.
Lets try educating the population about how important it is to take care of ones health, and if adults wish to
destroy themselves with dope, then it is their choice. We seem to be doing everything the hard way in the
U.S., and I blame the little cowards that need protection from everything they disagree with, and the prison
industrial complex. Where there is profit within the paradigm, there will be a protocol for fulfilling that beast.

Disenchanted61, Why don't you start your campaign on health by removing the nose-picking avatar that depicts one of the deadliest ways to catch a virus or serious gut infection in the world, just in case children are posting here and get the impression from you that deleterious health practices are the thing to do.
Granny says shoot all dem Hispexican drug dealers...

... with their loud-ass boom-boom stereos...

... dat'll solve the problem.
Execute anyone convicted of selling hard drugs like heroin, cocaine or meth etc........

People have the right to use drugs...

In what universe is the government allowed to decided what a person can and cannot do to their own body (abortion excluded because thats another person)??

Funny how a man can go to a surgeon and demand their dick be cut off because they feel like a woman and thats OK and be put on estrogen but a person cant do "illegal" drugs?

I don't do drugs myself, and quite frankly I think weed turns people into space cadets but thats the individuals problem NOT the governments....

You want to stop the "drug problem" then legalize drugs and slap pictures of addicts corpses all over the product packaging...

I'll say this much - if we legalized drugs there would be NO Mexican drug cartels...
Just make the stuff legal and global drug cartels would implode instantly. Any time a substance people want to use for themselves is legally prohibited, that guaran-damn-tees that criminal networks will swing into gear to fill that demand.

If "recreational" drugs were legal, they could be purchased legally, under a doctor's supervision, and taxed to provide low-cost rehab services for those who wished them. Our prisons and courthouses would empty out accordingly, and law enforcement could pursue crimes against non-consenting victims.

Yeah, I know it'll probably never happen. But if it did, Mexicans wouldn't be slaughtering each other over drug territory. The War On Drugs would end overnight.

This is what I have been saying for quite awhile now..legalize the stuff..then the cartels lose their income and no longer have any ability to gain one...they self destruct much like the Mafia in the 30s did.
Cartels tryin' to intimidate the internet...
Bodies hanging from bridge in Mexico are warning to social media users
September 14, 2011 -- Social media users who denounce drug cartel activities along the Mexican border received a brutal warning this week: Two mangled bodies hanging like cuts of meat from a pedestrian bridge.
A woman was hogtied and disemboweled, her intestines protruding from three deep cuts on her abdomen. Attackers left her topless, dangling by her feet and hands from a bridge in the border city of Nuevo Laredo. A bloodied man next to her was hanging by his hands, his right shoulder severed so deeply the bone was visible. Signs left near the bodies declared the pair, both apparently in their early 20s, were killed for posting denouncements of drug cartel activities on a social network. "This is going to happen to all of those posting funny things on the Internet," one sign said. "You better (expletive) pay attention. I'm about to get you."

The gruesome scene sent a chilling message at a time when online posts have become some of the loudest voices reporting violence in Mexico. In some parts of the country, threats from cartels have silenced traditional media. Sometimes even local authorities fear speaking out. Mexico's notoriously ruthless drug gangs regularly hang victims from bridges and highway overpasses. And bloggers who specialize in sharing news about trafficking have been threatened in the past. But this could be the first time users of such social networks have been targeted.

Investigator Ricardo Mancillas Castillo said he had not encountered a threat against Internet users in his four years based in Nuevo Laredo. But the signs of torture -- the cuts, the disembowelment -- were along the lines of what officials are used to seeing in drug-related violence. In the case of the two victims found on the Nuevo Laredo bridge Tuesday, their ears and fingers were mutilated, said Mancillas, who works for the public prosecutor's office. There are no witnesses, and it is a nearly impossible task to identify the perpetrators, he said. Thirty-six hours had passed since the bodies were found Tuesday morning, but no one had come to claim them and they remained unidentified, Mancillas said. It will be nearly impossible to determine if the two victims actually posted anything about cartels on the Internet, as people don't usually use their real names online, he said.

The placards threatened those who report violent incidents through social media networks. It listed two blogs by name, Al Rojo Vivo and Blog del Narco. They were signed "Z," a possible reference for the Zetas cartel, which operates in the area. Blog del Narco is a website that deals exclusively with news related to drug violence in Mexico. Its creator remains anonymous. On the Al Rojo Vivo forum, where citizens can make anonymous tips, one person wrote: "Don't be afraid to denounce. It's very difficult for them to find out who denounced. They only want to scare society."

One Twitter user echoed that sense of defiance in light of the threats. "Enough! If we shut up today, we will have lost the ground that we have gained. This is the time to show what we are made of," the owner of the @QuestoyQuelotro Twitter account wrote. In a statement sent to CNN, Blog del Narco said its site is not dedicated to denouncing crime, as are other sites. "In addition, we are not in favor or against any criminal group, we only inform as things happen," the statement said. More than 34,600 people have died in drug-related violence since Mexican President Felipe Calderon announced a crackdown on cartels in December 2006, according to government statistics. Other reports have listed a higher toll. The latest Mexican government tally was released in January.

Lets try educating the population about how important it is to take care of ones health, and if adults wish to
destroy themselves with dope, then it is their choice. We seem to be doing everything the hard way in the
U.S., and I blame the little cowards that need protection from everything they disagree with, and the prison
industrial complex. Where there is profit within the paradigm, there will be a protocol for fulfilling that beast.

Disenchanted61, Why don't you start your campaign on health by removing the nose-picking avatar that depicts one of the deadliest ways to catch a virus or serious gut infection in the world, just in case children are posting here and get the impression from you that deleterious health practices are the thing to do.

Becki, I so agree with you.
Every time I look at that damn avi, I want to fucking hurl!
Let me elaborate. If the empire didn't want drugs in the country there wouldn't be any drugs in the country. If they didn't want perpetual war they wouldn't be selling arms to countries all over the planet and then go to war with those nations. If they wanted to cure diseases, there would be cures.
I refer to it as problem profiteering.
You create the problems and use stupid murkin tax dollars to patch the problem(looks good) then create more.It's just business.

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