How To Start Real Change


Gold Member
May 11, 2017
Just started reading Michael Eric Dysonā€™s newest book, and it already speaks directly to something I have been thinking for a long time: That white people need to listen to black people. Hereā€™s an excerpt talking about a meeting with some prominent black folks (Horne, Belafonte, Baldwin) and Bobby Kennedy.

ā€œIn fact, the brutal battering he suffered at the hands of the Baldwin crew offers an important lesson to white people about how to start real change. And that involves sometimes sitting silently, and finally, as black folks have been forced to do, listening, and listening, and listening, and listening some more.ā€
Robert Kennedy had a heart, he was rich and secure, the average Trump voter or conservative snowflake is bitter and feels like the elites and government is against them. They are insecure and have some reason to be so. The irony is the conservative elites play them as they fight unions, fair wages and outsource. But that lesson is never learned for a large smoke cloud of emotional baloney muddies the mind.

If you want to understand white resentment read the article and book linked below.

I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson

And if you want to know about the smoke cloud read this: Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer

"What white people have to do is try and find out in their own hearts why it was necessary to have a ā€˜nig-gerā€™ in the first place, because Iā€™m not a nig-ger, Iā€™m a man. But if you think Iā€™m a nig-ger, it means you need him. The question youā€™ve got to ask yourself, is, if you invented him, you the white people invented him, then youā€™ve got to find out why. And the future of the country depends on that, whether or not it is able to ask that question.ā€ James Baldwin

"White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded--about themselves and the world they live in. White people have managed to get through their entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac." James Baldwin
Robert Kennedy had a heart, he was rich and secure, the average Trump voter or conservative snowflake is bitter and feels like the elites and government is against them. They are insecure and have some reason to be so. The irony is the conservative elites play them as they fight unions, fair wages and outsource. But that lesson is never learned for a large smoke cloud of emotional baloney muddies the mind.

If you want to understand white resentment read the article and book linked below.

I Know Why Poor Whites Chant Trump, Trump, Trump

White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson

And if you want to know about the smoke cloud read this: Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer

"What white people have to do is try and find out in their own hearts why it was necessary to have a ā€˜nig-gerā€™ in the first place, because Iā€™m not a nig-ger, Iā€™m a man. But if you think Iā€™m a nig-ger, it means you need him. The question youā€™ve got to ask yourself, is, if you invented him, you the white people invented him, then youā€™ve got to find out why. And the future of the country depends on that, whether or not it is able to ask that question.ā€ James Baldwin

"White children, in the main, and whether they are rich or poor, grow up with a grasp of reality so feeble that they can very accurately be described as deluded--about themselves and the world they live in. White people have managed to get through their entire lifetimes in this euphoric state, but black people have not been so lucky: a black man who sees the world the way John Wayne, for example, sees it would not be an eccentric patriot, but a raving maniac." James Baldwin
Thank you. Interesting article about Trump. And I have read the other two books. It really is all about money and power and keeping it.
That white people need to listen to black people.
Why should white people listen to black people about anything? ... :dunno:

Anywhere that large numbers of black people live; world wide or here in the U.S.

Crime is rampant, drugs use and addiction is off the charts, gang violence and murders are a daily occurrence, single mothers with several kids is the norm, and getting an education is a low priority, etc. ..... :cool:
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That white people need to listen to black people.
Why should white people listen to black people about anything? ... :dunno:

Anywhere that large numbers of black people live; world wide or here in the U.S.

Crime is rampant, drugs use and addiction is off the charts, gang violence and murders are a daily occurrence, single mothers with several kids is the norm, and getting an education is a low priority, etc. ..... :cool:

Because whites created the conditions.

The Racist Housing Policy That Made Your Neighborhood

One of the most heinous of these policies was introduced by the creation of the Federal Housing Administration in 1934, and lasted until 1968. Otherwise celebrated for making homeownership accessible to white people by guaranteeing their loans, the FHA explicitly refused to back loans to black people or even other people who lived near black people. As TNC puts it, "Redlining destroyed the possibility of investment wherever black people lived."

The Racist Housing Policy That Made Your Neighborhood

A New Kind Of City Tour Shows The History Of Racist Housing Policy
^^^^^^ That policy ended in 1968....which was 50 years ago.

Plenty of time for black people to get their act together and quite blaming the white man for all their problems. .... :cool:

Debating uneducated idiots is tiring. Actually the policy not stop in 1968. The issue remains very much a problem now. The white man will be blamed for what the white man has done. Quit doing it if you don't want to be blamed.
Debating uneducated idiots is tiring. Actually the policy not stop in 1968. The issue remains very much a problem now. The white man will be blamed for what the white man has done. Quit doing it if you don't want to be blamed.
I've never owned rental property or worked for the government.

So exactly how am I to be blamed because you people are soo lame? ... :dunno:
Shouldnt black people start at the local level, in their own communities?
Yea, maybe they should start there. Maybe they should fix their own problems, caused by their own actions, instead of blaming "the white man"
I understand white people treated you badly, but my gawd. Move on
Table 21
Oh, speaking of treating blacks badly..
Top 5 African Countries Where Slavery Is Still Rampant
It isnt just america where blacks are treated poorly by some :eusa_whistle:
^^^^^^ That policy ended in 1968....which was 50 years ago.

Plenty of time for black people to get their act together and quite blaming the white man for all their problems. .... :cool:

Debating uneducated idiots is tiring. Actually the policy not stop in 1968. The issue remains very much a problem now. The white man will be blamed for what the white man has done. Quit doing it if you don't want to be blamed.

White Society is like the Jewish Society and is the smallest percentage in the world and yet get blame for everything!

Slavery in Africa, well blame the Jew and White man!

Can't get a job, blame the Jew and White man!!

A black man leave his kids to live on welfare, well blame the Jew and White man!!!

My point?

Those like you I will never listen to until you learn that your society has done more harm than good by staying slaves to the system!

Many times I have gotten contracts in black neighborhoods just because I am white, so what does that say about your own business owners!?!

So fix your neighborhoods and your society before you blame anyone else!
Just started reading Michael Eric Dysonā€™s newest book, and it already speaks directly to something I have been thinking for a long time: That white people need to listen to black people. Hereā€™s an excerpt talking about a meeting with some prominent black folks (Horne, Belafonte, Baldwin) and Bobby Kennedy.

ā€œIn fact, the brutal battering he suffered at the hands of the Baldwin crew offers an important lesson to white people about how to start real change. And that involves sometimes sitting silently, and finally, as black folks have been forced to do, listening, and listening, and listening, and listening some more.ā€
I don't want to hear anything they have to say because it's always the same song. Racist, cry cry cry, racist, cry cry cry, waa waa waa. The best thing stupid blacks can do is learn what "show me your hands" means. Until these idiots change themselves I want NOTHING to do with them.
I don't have to listen to anyone.
The minute a post tells me how to behave or speak or even think along with a generalized accusative tone toward a specific group , I tune it all out.
Debating uneducated idiots is tiring. Actually the policy not stop in 1968. The issue remains very much a problem now. The white man will be blamed for what the white man has done. Quit doing it if you don't want to be blamed.
I've never owned rental property or worked for the government.

So exactly how am I to be blamed because you people are soo lame? ... :dunno:

The dumb will be dumb.
Shouldnt black people start at the local level, in their own communities?
Yea, maybe they should start there. Maybe they should fix their own problems, caused by their own actions, instead of blaming "the white man"
I understand white people treated you badly, but my gawd. Move on
Table 21
Oh, speaking of treating blacks badly..
Top 5 African Countries Where Slavery Is Still Rampant
It isnt just america where blacks are treated poorly by some :eusa_whistle:

We blame the white man for what the white man has done.

ā€˜Modern-day slaveryā€™ on the rise in Europe: report

Modern Day Slavery in Britain 'Laid Bare' by New Report

Europe - Global Slavery Index 2016

The Teflon Theory of American History says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

For example:

Jim Crow laws were overturned by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore according to Teflon Theory the Jim Crow period is now Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on how White Americans alive today think and act. None whatsoever. Or not much. So racism is pretty much dead.

Instead of Jim Crowā€™s effect slowly weakening over time like you would expect, Teflon Theory would have you suppose that it just disappeared like magic one afternoon sometime in the late 1960s. Even though many White Americans alive now were alive back in Jim Crow times. Even though many others were brought up and shaped by those who were alive back then: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, writers, film directors, television producers, news editors and so on.

Few sit on a mountain top to come up with their beliefs all on their own. Instead most people pretty much go along with what everyone else already believes with maybe a few twists here and there. Such beliefs come from the past.

So then why is Teflon Theory believed?

  • Because of how American history is taught:
    • American history is taught as dates and people and facts that have little to do with each other. Sometimes the Effects of the the Civil War or Industrialization are studied, for example, but not so for the evil stuff ā€“ like how slavery and genocide led to present-day White American wealth, power and racism.
    • American history as taught rarely comes up to the present day. History becomes something in the past, in a book, not something we live in right now.
  • Because of the needs of White American self-image:
    • White Americans want to think they are Basically Good and their society is Basically Just. Without Teflon Theory that becomes laughable since it flies in the face of history, common sense and human nature.
    • White Americans avoid honestly facing up to their past because deep down they know it is ugly. Teflon Theory acts as a guard against having to take it seriously.
  • Because middle-class whites are protected from the ugly present:
    • Those who live in Apple-pie America rarely see first-hand the injustice that their comfortable lives are built on. And what injustice they do see on occasion, like black ghettos or wars on television fought overseas in their name, they have already learned to not see as injustice. But being protected from the ugly present makes the ugly past seem like another world, like it truly is ancient history with no bearing on the present.
I don't have to listen to anyone.
The minute a post tells me how to behave or speak or even think along with a generalized accusative tone toward a specific group , I tune it all out.

But you seem fine with telling others how to behave, speak or think.
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We blame the white man for what the white man has done.
When are black people going to stand up on their own two feet? ,,, :dunno:

Black people in America can live anywhere they want. Have a job or a career in any field they feel like working. Attend any school or university they apply for, provided they meet the academic requirements. Rise to the top echelons in the U.S. military branch of their choice. Run for any political office in the land, etc.

In essence, the only thing holding black people back in America is themselves.

Black people, time to take that imaginary chip off your shoulder and get with the program. .... :thup:

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