How To Teach An Atheist About Jesus Christ?


Mar 21, 2014
I want to find a good way to teach an Atheist the truth about Jesus Christ and God.

Atheist Characteristics:
- Easy Going
- Listens Well
- Very Stubborn
- Argues against Reality
- Believes in Life After Death
- Doesn't believe in a Creator God

I believe a soft "feelings" based method to teaching would work best? Or how about a hard core approach?
Murder an Atheist. After all, it's the only way he will truly learn about "Jesus Christ" and "God".

And if you're really curious yourself, commit suicide.

Of course I'm being facetious, but think about it... reams and reams of documents and treatise dedicated to what? Death?

Death IS the ultimate destination, right?

And death is also the doorstep across which no living person has yet to step.

... and not a living soul to speak from experience.
Jesus (no pun intended), I don't know which evangelical movement I grow more weary of around here, evangelical Christians or evangelical atheists.
I want to find a good way to teach an Atheist the truth about Jesus Christ and God.

Atheist Characteristics:
- Easy Going
- Listens Well
- Very Stubborn
- Argues against Reality
- Believes in Life After Death
- Doesn't believe in a Creator God

I believe a soft "feelings" based method to teaching would work best? Or how about a hard core approach?

The first three are just silly but I do have to disagree with "Argues against Reality" and "Believes in Life After Death". Atheists embrace reality, they just do not accept your view of realtiy. Also, I doubt you'd find any atheist that believes that there is anything after death. If you wish to teach an atheist you should first understand them.
I want to find a good way to teach an Atheist the truth about Jesus Christ and God.

Atheist Characteristics:
- Easy Going
- Listens Well
- Very Stubborn
- Argues against Reality
- Believes in Life After Death
- Doesn't believe in a Creator God

I believe a soft "feelings" based method to teaching would work best? Or how about a hard core approach?

first you have to make sure that an atheist had head trauma and lost the majority of their IQ and reasoning ability.Only then would they be a prime candidate to become a christian
I want to find a good way to teach an Atheist the truth about Jesus Christ and God.

Atheist Characteristics:
- Easy Going
- Listens Well
- Very Stubborn
- Argues against Reality
- Believes in Life After Death
- Doesn't believe in a Creator God

I believe a soft "feelings" based method to teaching would work best? Or how about a hard core approach?

What makes you think we don't know about Jesus? We also have access to the same information you have. If we wanted to go that route, don't you think we would have?
I want to find a good way to teach an Atheist the truth about Jesus Christ and God.

Atheist Characteristics:
- Easy Going
- Listens Well
- Very Stubborn
- Argues against Reality
- Believes in Life After Death
- Doesn't believe in a Creator God

I believe a soft "feelings" based method to teaching would work best? Or how about a hard core approach?

Showing me objective (e.g. non-Bible based) proof of the existence of A) God, B) Jesus C) that Jesus was the son of God and God at the same time would be a step in the right direction.

I'm open to the possibility of a God or some other higher power, but everything we know about science, history, and archaeology says the stories in the Bible are just stories.
I want to find a good way to teach an Atheist the truth about Jesus Christ and God.

Atheist Characteristics:
- Easy Going
- Listens Well
- Very Stubborn
- Argues against Reality
- Believes in Life After Death
- Doesn't believe in a Creator God

I believe a soft "feelings" based method to teaching would work best? Or how about a hard core approach?

You don't teach us, we wake you up that the whole Jesus story is just that, a story. No different than the other 999 religions that came before or after.

We aren't stubborn. We just won't accept unbelievable stories on faith. Virgin births? Noah lived to be 350 years old? We argue against reality?

“Now, if the book of Genesis is an allegory, then sin is an allegory, the Fall is an allegory and the need for a Savior is an allegory – but if we are all descendants of an allegory, where does that leave us? It destroys the foundation of all Christian doctrine—it destroys the foundation of the gospel.” - Ken Ham

We believe in life after death? No we don't.

“I would love to believe that when I die I will live again, that some thinking, feeling, remembering part of me will continue. But much as I want to believe that, and despite the ancient and worldwide cultural traditions that assert an afterlife, I know of nothing to suggest that it is more than wishful thinking. The world is so exquisite with so much love and moral depth, that there is no reason to deceive ourselves with pretty stories for which there’s little good evidence. Far better it seems to me, in our vulnerability, is to look death in the eye and to be grateful every day for the brief but magnificent opportunity that life provides.” – Carl Sagan
Jesus (no pun intended), I don't know which evangelical movement I grow more weary of around here, evangelical Christians or evangelical atheists.

Evangelical agnostics?

Yea, everyone who has no beliefs sure spend a lot of time stumping the fact. ; - )

Well, that's not the definition of Evangelical. There is no such thing as an Evangelical agnostic or atheist.

  1. 1.
    of or according to the teaching of the gospel or the Christian religion.
    synonyms:scriptural, biblical;
    "evangelical Christianity"
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]

    • [TBODY] [/TBODY]
  1. 1.
    a member of the evangelical tradition in the Christian Church.
I want to find a good way to teach an Atheist the truth about Jesus Christ and God.

Atheist Characteristics:
- Easy Going
- Listens Well
- Very Stubborn
- Argues against Reality
- Believes in Life After Death
- Doesn't believe in a Creator God

I believe a soft "feelings" based method to teaching would work best? Or how about a hard core approach?

NOTE: the best way is to follow the natural logic, ethics and principles your friend already has by nature or conscience, and explaining that Jesus represents the spirit of Justice that fulfills this for all people connected in spirit.

What will happen is all the perceptions this person has that this is NOT reconcileable with Christianity and nontheists will come up as objections or conflicts. So the process becomes resolving all the reasons people think these ways are not the same path to justice or truth.

Most of it is forgiving and resolving past conflicts, and in doing so, what the person naturally believes will align with the universal concepts in Christianity and the Bible. Some people need to learn the language in the Bible to follow along. Others may remain as secular gentiles and atheists, and don't need to study further to get that the message is good and compatible with their own beliefs.

Each person's path and language is different. The common factor is to resolve past conflicts that otherwise make people think these things are in opposition or contradictory.

If you open yourself to learn as much from your friend, that person will learn that much from you. It cannot be one way, but is a mutual process of aligning both people's understanding.


I find that focusing on common respect for Truth and Justice and Peaceful relations
works best.

I explain that humanity is body, mind and spirit,
and collectively these three levels are what God/Christ/HolySpirit represent as a whole.

So each of us reflects this individually.

The point of Christ Jesus is to realize this connection by Conscience
we have to Divine Justice which Jesus represents as embodied in man.
When we all embrace the laws of Justice to live in Peace, then we
are joined in Christ or by Conscience as one humanity. So we have
heavenly peace on earth, which is the meaning of Jesus rejoining
the laws or love of God on a collective scale with the laws or love
of man on a physical level. "physical, mental and spiritual"
or "individual, human relations, and collective humanity" become one in perfect harmony or whole. The point is to be reconciled in harmony.

Christians just use different symbols for these universal laws and relations
to fulfill this spiritual process of achieving perfect justice and peace.

Atheists, Buddhist, secular humanists, tend to relate to Natural Laws
from science to the Constitution. Both the religious laws used by the church
and the secular laws of the state are fulfilled by the same universal
spirit of Truth and Justice for all people, so this is what faith in God and Jesus represent.

So I explain that faith in Jesus is faith in Justice to fulfill all these laws
to bring lasting Peace to humanity by establishing Truth and Justice for all.

The key is understanding Forgiveness and Restorative Justice
as what Christ Jesus represents for all humanity to receive.

Everything can be translated into secular terms for other people who think in those
concepts or principles. The key is to listen and use their terms for what they
see going on in life, and align the concepts with what they already believe exists and affects human relations.

Each person is different, so you can't expect to explain in one message
and everyone will understand. One on one is best, and whatever conflicts
they have that is where forgiveness is important in order to resolve those issues that come up.

Mostly it is people rejecting negative abuses or false teachings from the past.
Being able to forgive those past conflicts and problems is the key issue to reaching
an agreed understanding. If both people cannot forgive differences, you can stay stuck.


Example 1: someone asked why do you go to hell if you don't follow God's way exactly as he says

Subject: Unforgiveness and retribution causes suffering and hell

Forgiveness for correction and healing brings peace by restoring good faith relations and justice

One path leads to death and destruction: Retributive Justice as in the Old Testament

One path leads to life and health: Restorative Justice in the New Testament

God's law or Universal law is the law of karma, justice or cause and effect:
You get the justice you give.
You reap what you sow.

If you seek retribution, you get that in return, by focusing on judgment punishment and rejection,
other people will render you own version of justice back to you by your own words you use to judge others.

If you live by justice with mercy, and forgive others so that faults may be mutually corrected to restore relations,
then you get justice with mercy in return.

Thus either way, the Universal Law of Reciprocity or the Golden Rule governs all humanity and relations.

You can choose the path of unforgiveness and stay stuck in the karmic cycle of suffering and retribution that repeats from the past.

Or you can choose the path of charity and forgiveness of others as you want for yourself, to break the cycle of injustice from the past, and establish truth, justice and peace in all lives and relationships for humanity sake.

So this is what it means to choose the path of "Restorative Justice" which
Christ Jesus represents as fulfilling heavenly Peace on earth and Justice for all humanity
to receive healing grace and salvation from hellish suffering.

Example 2: What is the meaning in the Bible in secular terms

To explain the story of humanity summarized in the Bible, it helps to distinguish the difference between the Old and New Testaments, which determines if the rest will make sense at all, or even needs to be read.

In short, the Old Testament records the tragic history of living by the "letter of the law" and retributive justice, causing death and genocidal destruction by greed, while the New Testament paints a positive future for humanity, with renewed love of life and relationships by restorative justice, living by the "spirit of the law" for lasting peace.

The key difference between these paths is divine forgiveness, which breaks the cycle of retribution inherited from previous generations. Without forgiveness, suffering repeats, projected forward. However, by receiving forgiveness and correction, where Jesus represents the spiritual process of embracing equal justice, humanity finds liberation from past strife by establishing universal truth, justice, and peace on earth. Thus, human nature is destined to reach maturity in mind, body, and spirit, collectively symbolized by the Holy Trinity.

Salvation in Jesus represents restorative justice with mercy, bringing healing grace to end conflicts. Reconciling local laws among individuals with universal laws on a global scale fulfills both in perfect harmony or marriage between people, as the bride or church, united with the authority of law or state.

The story of sacrifice and redemption represents the spiritual process each individual experiences to grow in life -- through trials, failures, and recovery -- which drives humanity to reach spiritual understanding, wholeness, and peace.
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