How To Teach An Atheist About Jesus Christ?

euangélion = good news

angelos = messenger

euángelos (adj.) = bringing good news
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Jesus (no pun intended), I don't know which evangelical movement I grow more weary of around here, evangelical Christians or evangelical atheists.

Evangelical agnostics?

Yea, everyone who has no beliefs sure spend a lot of time stumping the fact. ; - )

Well, that's not the definition of Evangelical. There is no such thing as an Evangelical agnostic or atheist.

  1. 1.
    of or according to the teaching of the gospel or the Christian religion.
    synonyms:scriptural, biblical;
    "evangelical Christianity"
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]
  1. 1.
    a member of the evangelical tradition in the Christian Church.

I think they mean a vocal atheist. Some call us "militant"
euangélion = good news

angelos = messenger

euángelos (adj.) = bringing good news

The Good News is that there will be Equal Justice for All.

And the spiritual process represented in the Bible, of Jesus as Divine Justice
being embodied in man, is the process of "recovery and healing"
for all humanity collectively, so we can achieving lasting peace on earth.

The OT is the tragic past that we are learning from, so we don't repeat death and destruction.
The NT is the brighter future where we all agree
to live by Peace and Justice with Mercy as one happy family.
Jesus (no pun intended), I don't know which evangelical movement I grow more weary of around here, evangelical Christians or evangelical atheists.

Evangelical agnostics?

How above evangelical Constitutionalists
who preach equal religious freedom and protection for all creeds, even atheists and agnostics
and people who don't know or don't use the words the same way as other people.

Free speech for all!
Jesus (no pun intended), I don't know which evangelical movement I grow more weary of around here, evangelical Christians or evangelical atheists.

Evangelical agnostics?

Yea, everyone who has no beliefs sure spend a lot of time stumping the fact. ; - )

It's not about converting people to atheism, it's about demonstrating the lack of critical analysis, logic and validity for acceptance of the belief that has no sound argument or evidential basis.
Jesus (no pun intended), I don't know which evangelical movement I grow more weary of around here, evangelical Christians or evangelical atheists.

Evangelical agnostics?

Yea, everyone who has no beliefs sure spend a lot of time stumping the fact. ; - )

It's not about converting people to atheism, it's about demonstrating the lack of critical analysis, logic and validity for acceptance of the belief that has no sound argument or evidential basis.

No it's not converting anyone.
It's coming to the understanding that the same universal
spirit of Truth and Laws of Justice
fulfill BOTH the natural laws of science and civil govt that nontheists believe in
as well as the scriptural laws and teaching that religious followers believe in.

The spirit of Justice for All is one and the same.

Christian symbolize this in Christ Jesus
but for this to be true for all people it has to be the same Justice
which secular gentiles believe in establishing or else the Bible is false.

If anyone needs help, as many Christians need help to
open their thinking to include atheists, Buddhists and other secular gentiles
as the second fold of the same flock, but under natural laws.

Jesus Christ as Restorative Justice fulfills both branches of these laws as one:
the natural laws of man and the divine laws of God.

If Christians don't understand this, no wonder they cannot explain it to atheists!
Jesus (no pun intended), I don't know which evangelical movement I grow more weary of around here, evangelical Christians or evangelical atheists.

Evangelical agnostics?

How above evangelical Constitutionalists
who preach equal religious freedom and protection for all creeds, even atheists and agnostics
and people who don't know or don't use the words the same way as other people.

Free speech for all!

"Evangelical Constitutionalism" there's a contradiction in terms!
Jesus (no pun intended), I don't know which evangelical movement I grow more weary of around here, evangelical Christians or evangelical atheists.

Evangelical agnostics?

Those are fun: "I don't know, AND NEITHER DO YOU!!!!!!!!!"

They know that they don't know. How can they be certain? Don't know.

How can agnostics know what I know or what I don't know? Don't know.


We ask you, in hopes that someday someone will know. We do keep getting disappointed though.
If not mistaken, most atheists were raised with religion. Hence why they became atheists. :)

Some were, some were not. There are no stats that I'm aware of, showing most atheists were raised with religion.

It's a reasonable assumption most atheists were raised or otherwise are very familar with what they claim they don't belive in. Can't profess a disbelief in something you haven't the foggiest idea about afterall.
Jesus (no pun intended), I don't know which evangelical movement I grow more weary of around here, evangelical Christians or evangelical atheists.

Evangelical agnostics?

How above evangelical Constitutionalists
who preach equal religious freedom and protection for all creeds, even atheists and agnostics
and people who don't know or don't use the words the same way as other people.

Free speech for all!

"Evangelical Constitutionalism" there's a contradiction in terms!

Yes, what's worse is I'm a Democrat and a Constitutionalist.
So I am told that is contradictory, and I cannot be a real Democrat. Not allowed!
Jesus (no pun intended), I don't know which evangelical movement I grow more weary of around here, evangelical Christians or evangelical atheists.

Evangelical agnostics?

Yea, everyone who has no beliefs sure spend a lot of time stumping the fact. ; - )

It's not about converting people to atheism, it's about demonstrating the lack of critical analysis, logic and validity for acceptance of the belief that has no sound argument or evidential basis.

I think that's why they call it "faith".
euangélion = good news

angelos = messenger

euángelos (adj.) = bringing good news

The Good News is that there will be Equal Justice for All.

And the spiritual process represented in the Bible, of Jesus as Divine Justice
being embodied in man, is the process of "recovery and healing"
for all humanity collectively, so we can achieving lasting peace on earth.

The OT is the tragic past that we are learning from, so we don't repeat death and destruction.
The NT is the brighter future where we all agree
to live by Peace and Justice with Mercy as one happy family.

Well at least you speak intelligently on the subject of faith. You're obviously very devout in your conviction.
What about if you suffered a series of three blackouts over a period of two months, while driving on a state highway at 65 mph, and you went off the road every time, and you didn't suffer a scratch, and neither did your dog, and no one else was injured or involved? Wouldn't that at least pique your curiosity about a force beyond yourself making things happen in your life?

What if you and your wife went to Vegas for the weekend and then you got onboard a Delta jet to take you home that lost an engine on takeoff? I mean it blew up. Everyone onboard knew what the odds were of surviving a violent engine blow-out on takeoff. The thing I'll always remember about that experience was the absolute lack of panic onboard. People were very quiet, and they held hands, but there was no screaming or carrying on. Our pilot made a long, slow 360 and landed us safely. That'll get you thinking about divine providence.

And lets don't even toss Vietnam into the mix.

I've had so many experiences in my life that should have killed me, but they didn't. Luck? Maybe. But I'm a Northern California boy who believes in karma. I believe there exists a force of nature that we all contribute to that has a bearing on the way some things happen on this planet. It's not God, and it's not not God, it's our collective energy, and it exists, I know it does.
Yea, everyone who has no beliefs sure spend a lot of time stumping the fact. ; - )

It's not about converting people to atheism, it's about demonstrating the lack of critical analysis, logic and validity for acceptance of the belief that has no sound argument or evidential basis.

When atheists share their religion of atheism, they:

1) Demonstrate the atheists' lack of critical analysis.
2) Demonstrate the atheists' lack of logic.
3) Demonstrate the atheists' lack of validity for acceptance of atheism.
4) Atheists have no sound arguments for atheism.
5) Atheists have no evidential basis for atheism.
If not mistaken, most atheists were raised with religion. Hence why they became atheists. :)

Some were, some were not. There are no stats that I'm aware of, showing most atheists were raised with religion.

It's a reasonable assumption most atheists were raised or otherwise are very familar with what they claim they don't belive in. Can't profess a disbelief in something you haven't the foggiest idea about afterall.

It's just an assumption without stats. I happen to know more atheists who were raised in non-religious homes. Of course that doesn't mean anything either, without stats.
Yea, everyone who has no beliefs sure spend a lot of time stumping the fact. ; - )

It's not about converting people to atheism, it's about demonstrating the lack of critical analysis, logic and validity for acceptance of the belief that has no sound argument or evidential basis.

When atheists share their religion of atheism, they:

1) Demonstrate the atheists' lack of critical analysis.
2) Demonstrate the atheists' lack of logic.
3) Demonstrate the atheists' lack of validity for acceptance of atheism.
4) Atheists have no sound arguments for atheism.
5) Atheists have no evidential basis for atheism.

Atheism is not a religion. Your list is dog poop!

I want to find a good way to teach an Atheist the truth about Jesus Christ and God.

Atheist Characteristics:
- Easy Going
- Listens Well
- Very Stubborn
- Argues against Reality
- Believes in Life After Death
- Doesn't believe in a Creator God

I believe a soft "feelings" based method to teaching would work best? Or how about a hard core approach?
Why do you assume that Atheists don't already know about JC......some of them may even know more about the Jesus story than you would like to hear.

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