How to Tell the Difference Between a Nazi and Antifa Member


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Once again the Bee nails it.

Spot on till the last frame. Trumpublicans embrace the Neo's as there are many fine people in that movement.
Spot on till the last frame. Trumpublicans embrace the Neo's as there are many fine people in that movement.
No, as Trump supporters, we naturally reject all extremist idealogies. Rightwing Nazis suck as much as leftwing Nazis. They should all die horribly in a fire.

Do you see how easy that was for me?
Spot on till the last frame. Trumpublicans embrace the Neo's as there are many fine people in that movement.
No, as Trump supporters, we naturally reject all extremist idealogies. Rightwing Nazis suck as much as leftwing Nazis. They should all die horribly in a fire.

Do you see how easy that was for me?
he's babbling crap
they spout crap all the time
What does it take when you see a left wing democrat activist Nazi socialist pick up a rifle and travel to Washington D.C. on a suicide mission to assassinate conservative republicans? Any reasonable person would have determined that the motive for Vegas shooter Stephen Pollack was garden variety hatred and incoherent anger about the presidential election when he opened fire on a (Trump rally) Country music concert but the FBI was too busy defending it's role in an attempted political coup to work on the obvious motive. We live in dangerous times.
Spot on till the last frame. Trumpublicans embrace the Neo's as there are many fine people in that movement.
prove it

We know what President "Corleone" said about the fine people marching and chanting "Jews will not replace us"

Guess which prominent Democrat said this: “The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted.”

GOP Has a White Supremacy Problem. Dems Don’t Have an Antifa Problem.

Let’s be clear about who antifa is and isn’t. It’s a decentralized anti-fascist group. Experts make it clear that antifa members are “self-described revolutionaries” who are “anarchists and communists who are way outside the traditional conservative-liberal spectrum.”

Another in-depth look at antifa members found them to hold “an ideology that runs afield of the Democratic Party platform and supports oppressed populations as it protests the amassing of wealth by corporations and elites.” This investigative report noted that while antifa activists view themselves as peaceful, leaders admit being “willing to physically attack anyone who employs violence against them or who condones racism -- as long as force is used in the name of eradicating hatred.”

Now, are Democrats also anti-fascist? You bet. Do we also despise white supremacists and Neo-Nazis? You know it. But that’s where the overlap ends.
Which one of your vaunted group told others when you see a member of this administration call to others, gather a crowd, harass them. Don't let them eat, don't let them buy gas?

Who is it that tend to uphold all those burning flags or kneeling?

Who is it that used a slight drop of Native American blood to garner a job and try to curry favor as a symbol of minority. Even though the Native Americans are upset and reject that claim?

Which party is always yelling not my president, impeachment, resist?
Spot on till the last frame. Trumpublicans embrace the Neo's as there are many fine people in that movement.
prove it

We know what President "Corleone" said about the fine people marching and chanting "Jews will not replace us"

Guess which prominent Democrat said this: “The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted.”

GOP Has a White Supremacy Problem. Dems Don’t Have an Antifa Problem.

Let’s be clear about who antifa is and isn’t. It’s a decentralized anti-fascist group. Experts make it clear that antifa members are “self-described revolutionaries” who are “anarchists and communists who are way outside the traditional conservative-liberal spectrum.”

Another in-depth look at antifa members found them to hold “an ideology that runs afield of the Democratic Party platform and supports oppressed populations as it protests the amassing of wealth by corporations and elites.” This investigative report noted that while antifa activists view themselves as peaceful, leaders admit being “willing to physically attack anyone who employs violence against them or who condones racism -- as long as force is used in the name of eradicating hatred.”

Now, are Democrats also anti-fascist? You bet. Do we also despise white supremacists and Neo-Nazis? You know it. But that’s where the overlap ends.
Daily beast is your source for news.:21:
Spot on till the last frame. Trumpublicans embrace the Neo's as there are many fine people in that movement.
prove it

We know what President "Corleone" said about the fine people marching and chanting "Jews will not replace us"

Guess which prominent Democrat said this: “The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted.”

GOP Has a White Supremacy Problem. Dems Don’t Have an Antifa Problem.

Let’s be clear about who antifa is and isn’t. It’s a decentralized anti-fascist group. Experts make it clear that antifa members are “self-described revolutionaries” who are “anarchists and communists who are way outside the traditional conservative-liberal spectrum.”

Another in-depth look at antifa members found them to hold “an ideology that runs afield of the Democratic Party platform and supports oppressed populations as it protests the amassing of wealth by corporations and elites.” This investigative report noted that while antifa activists view themselves as peaceful, leaders admit being “willing to physically attack anyone who employs violence against them or who condones racism -- as long as force is used in the name of eradicating hatred.”

Now, are Democrats also anti-fascist? You bet. Do we also despise white supremacists and Neo-Nazis? You know it. But that’s where the overlap ends.
1. Unite the Right are not nazis/etc--please provide their nazi/etc manifesto--if not, they are just like the THOUSANDS of latino/Asian/black associations that promote their own race
please provide their evil/nazi/etc manifesto or else you are wrong
2. he said ''some'' not all--there are radicals in all races/etc
Spot on till the last frame. Trumpublicans embrace the Neo's as there are many fine people in that movement.
prove it

We know what President "Corleone" said about the fine people marching and chanting "Jews will not replace us"

Guess which prominent Democrat said this: “The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted.”

GOP Has a White Supremacy Problem. Dems Don’t Have an Antifa Problem.

Let’s be clear about who antifa is and isn’t. It’s a decentralized anti-fascist group. Experts make it clear that antifa members are “self-described revolutionaries” who are “anarchists and communists who are way outside the traditional conservative-liberal spectrum.”

Another in-depth look at antifa members found them to hold “an ideology that runs afield of the Democratic Party platform and supports oppressed populations as it protests the amassing of wealth by corporations and elites.” This investigative report noted that while antifa activists view themselves as peaceful, leaders admit being “willing to physically attack anyone who employs violence against them or who condones racism -- as long as force is used in the name of eradicating hatred.”

Now, are Democrats also anti-fascist? You bet. Do we also despise white supremacists and Neo-Nazis? You know it. But that’s where the overlap ends.
1. Unite the Right are not nazis/etc--please provide their nazi/etc manifesto--if not, they are just like the THOUSANDS of latino/Asian/black associations that promote their own race
please provide their evil/nazi/etc manifesto or else you are wrong
2. he said ''some'' not all--there are radicals in all races/etc

The last frame was partisan bull shit, period.
I wouldn't go so far as to identify neo-Nazis with traditional German Nazi. The actual Nazis, were a powerful political movement that ran an entire country for nearly a decade and came damn close to conquering Europe. They were evil incarnate and slaughtered people on an industrial scale sigh a ruthless efficiency that had never been done before. SS General Reinhard Heydrich, architect of the Final Solution, bragged that they were using Americas production line methodology to wipe out the Jews with the efficiency of a factory.

Today's 'Nazis' which is how they self-identify, are a spineless, impotent lot of sub-morons who live in their parents' basements. They'd take a major arse-whoopin in a stand up fight with a group of above average size Girl Scouts.

They don't even dress as well as the actual Nazis.

One is a group of left wing, socialist, anti American racists and haters...... the other are nazis..........

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