how to triage victims of shooting or other mass casualty events


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Intersting article on how to quickly triage those you might be able to save andnthoae you cant....eitjer from a rare mass public ahooting or other accident or earthquake

Intersting article on how to quickly triage those you might be able to save andnthoae you cant....eitjer from a rare mass public ahooting or other accident or earthquake

IDK where you found that crap but that guy has no idea what he's talking about.
Do the average folks spend any time at all in other nations wondering how to triage mass shootings? Probably not.
That we have to consult a "combat medic" shows just how violent our nation is thanks to the 2nd Amendment.
Intersting article on how to quickly triage those you might be able to save andnthoae you cant....eitjer from a rare mass public ahooting or other accident or earthquake

1. Survey the scene...
2. Reassure the injured saying, "everything will be ok".
IDK where you found that crap but that guy has no idea what he's talking about.
Much of it is accurate. Some like treating the enemy is Geneva Convention stuff. In a civilian situation triage is treat those with serious wounds that you can save first, then minor wounds, then if there is time comfort the dying. Do not call 911 yourself if there is any unskilled person available. Pick someone, catch their eyes, and tell them to call 911 and to stay on the phone. That puts the responsibility on someone who otherwise might not want to get involved and slink away. Do not just say someone call 911. The usual steps are involved, stop any major bleeding, clear airways. If there are more than one victim, don’t tie yourself up doing CPR, once you start, you can’t stop and other people could die. One last thing to remember and this is the hardest to live with, if there are multiple victims and you are the only caregiver, some people will die regardless of your best efforts.
Do the average folks spend any time at all in other nations wondering how to triage mass shootings? Probably not.
That we have to consult a "combat medic" shows just how violent our nation is thanks to the 2nd Amendment.
This is more than the victims of a mass shooting, it applies to any mass casualty event like a bus or train accident as much as a shooting. I learned it in the army and it was reinforced through extensive and repeated Red Cross and CPR training in the workplace.

A mass casualty event is thousands of times more likely to happen to the average American than a mass shooting.
This is more than the victims of a mass shooting, it applies to any mass casualty event like a bus or train accident as much as a shooting. I learned it in the army and it was reinforced through extensive and repeated Red Cross and CPR training in the workplace.
A mass casualty event is thousands of times more likely to happen to the average American than a mass shooting.
True. In other nations the ratio is millions of times more likely.
Do the average folks spend any time at all in other nations wondering how to triage mass shootings? Probably not.
That we have to consult a "combat medic" shows just how violent our nation is thanks to the 2nd Amendment.

There is no triage when you are murdered in death camps by your government......
This is more than the victims of a mass shooting, it applies to any mass casualty event like a bus or train accident as much as a shooting. I learned it in the army and it was reinforced through extensive and repeated Red Cross and CPR training in the workplace.

A mass casualty event is thousands of times more likely to happen to the average American than a mass shooting.
I can remember when we had to do it in the army and at work back in the mid-eighties to 1990.
I stopped when he said checking people who were unconscious was a waste of time.
He's talking about triage; triage is messy and is intended to concentrate resources on people who can immediately benefit from them. An unconscious person can't tell you where injuries are. He may have internal injuries, he may not, the person bleeding out is in more immediate danger.
He's talking about triage; triage is messy and is intended to concentrate resources on people who can immediately benefit from them. An unconscious person can't tell you where injuries are. He may have internal injuries, he may not, the person bleeding out is in more immediate danger.
Yes. That's what it's for. Consciousness is not one of the criterion that should be used. An unconscious person can often be saved simply by turning them into "recovery position" until more assistance is available or applying a tourniquet until they are moved to higher level care facilities.

I reiterate, the person in the linked piece in the OP doesn't know what he's doing.
There is no triage when you are murdered in death camps by your government......

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