How To Wean the Dependent Off Welfare

Nope.. it is not to pay for you when you complain about being 'needy' while you go out and buy unnecessary luxuries

You would make them poorer by taking away their benefits; you would make the rich richer by cutting their taxes.

That is simple math. You want to increase the gap between rich and poor.

They are handouts that are derived from confiscating from others... they are not owed them for simply existing.. and if you are complaining that you cannot feed yourself when you are buying $50 shoes and paying $100 for cell phone service, you know EXACTLY what it is... BULLSHIT... when you are down, you take care of your basics... you don't look to have someone else do it for you so you can get extras...

I believe in freedom, whether it ends up giving you more than you could ever use or whether it leaves you scraping by

I want equality in treatment... period... not coddling for some and stealing from others to facilitate the coddling

You want to increase the gap between rich and poor. You want the poor to be unaided by the government so that their poverty is experienced in full force. You want a nation of the rich and powerful on one side, and the poor and helpless on the other.
How To Wean the Dependent Off Welfare -

Where some incapable people may have to be on welfare all their lives,others have to be encouraged to change their welfare dependency mindset by penalizing them for not actively and energetically looking for work, by reducing their welfare and similar entitlements.
USMB a person....are fucking jealous of people who barely get by. How dare those poor people have anything nice or entertaining!


And I know how low their taxes are, because my taxes aren't that high, and I have no dependents, nothing to deduct whatsoever;

most of the rightwing complainers have kids that are knocking thousands off their tax bills,

they don't pay squat and still complain about it.

Let's get rid of the big handout you get for having a couple useless snot faced kids you breeders!!!!

Exactly. They mistake their good fortune for diligence. They work hard....but no harder than the guy across town who didn't catch a break. Motherfuckers can't stand the thought of NOT being able to look down on someone and shake their arrogant heads.
You would make them poorer by taking away their benefits; you would make the rich richer by cutting their taxes.

That is simple math. You want to increase the gap between rich and poor.

They are handouts that are derived from confiscating from others... they are not owed them for simply existing.. and if you are complaining that you cannot feed yourself when you are buying $50 shoes and paying $100 for cell phone service, you know EXACTLY what it is... BULLSHIT... when you are down, you take care of your basics... you don't look to have someone else do it for you so you can get extras...

I believe in freedom, whether it ends up giving you more than you could ever use or whether it leaves you scraping by

I want equality in treatment... period... not coddling for some and stealing from others to facilitate the coddling

You want to increase the gap between rich and poor. You want the poor to be unaided by the government so that their poverty is experienced in full force. You want a nation of the rich and powerful on one side, and the poor and helpless on the other.

No.. I want every poor person to have the same freedom to succeed or fail as everyone else...

I want people to VOLUNTARILY help others with charities that call to them, because I feel it is the RIGHT thing to do... but it is the WRONG thing to do to FORCE it upon others...

The only tool you have in this discussion is to try and assign something on me that is not what I state... because for you to 'win' you have to show the 'meanness' of the 'evil conservative'... well, sorry Charlie... that shit don't fly
They are handouts that are derived from confiscating from others... they are not owed them for simply existing.. and if you are complaining that you cannot feed yourself when you are buying $50 shoes and paying $100 for cell phone service, you know EXACTLY what it is... BULLSHIT... when you are down, you take care of your basics... you don't look to have someone else do it for you so you can get extras...

I believe in freedom, whether it ends up giving you more than you could ever use or whether it leaves you scraping by

I want equality in treatment... period... not coddling for some and stealing from others to facilitate the coddling

You want to increase the gap between rich and poor. You want the poor to be unaided by the government so that their poverty is experienced in full force. You want a nation of the rich and powerful on one side, and the poor and helpless on the other.

No.. I want every poor person to have the same freedom to succeed or fail as everyone else...

I want people to VOLUNTARILY help others with charities that call to them, because I feel it is the RIGHT thing to do... but it is the WRONG thing to do to FORCE it upon others...

The only tool you have in this discussion is to try and assign something on me that is not what I state... because for you to 'win' you have to show the 'meanness' of the 'evil conservative'... well, sorry Charlie... that shit don't fly

Holy shit! ALL you nutters do is assign things to liberals that are not what we state. project.
They are handouts that are derived from confiscating from others... they are not owed them for simply existing.. and if you are complaining that you cannot feed yourself when you are buying $50 shoes and paying $100 for cell phone service, you know EXACTLY what it is... BULLSHIT... when you are down, you take care of your basics... you don't look to have someone else do it for you so you can get extras...

I believe in freedom, whether it ends up giving you more than you could ever use or whether it leaves you scraping by

I want equality in treatment... period... not coddling for some and stealing from others to facilitate the coddling

You want to increase the gap between rich and poor. You want the poor to be unaided by the government so that their poverty is experienced in full force. You want a nation of the rich and powerful on one side, and the poor and helpless on the other.

No.. I want every poor person to have the same freedom to succeed or fail as everyone else...

I want people to VOLUNTARILY help others with charities that call to them, because I feel it is the RIGHT thing to do... but it is the WRONG thing to do to FORCE it upon others...

The only tool you have in this discussion is to try and assign something on me that is not what I state... because for you to 'win' you have to show the 'meanness' of the 'evil conservative'... well, sorry Charlie... that shit don't fly

People DO NOT start this game in the same place. Some have it harder than others.....some have it much easier. What is it that blinds you from that FACT?
Sorry.. if you can afford a cell phone, an X-Box, or Nikes, you can afford ground beef rice and green beans

Like I keep saying, the primary motive in Conservative economic policy is to widen the gap between rich and poor.

Nope.. it is not to pay for you when you complain about being 'needy' while you go out and buy unnecessary luxuries

Kinda like complaining about taxes too high and buying a Mercedes?
USMB a person....are fucking jealous of people who barely get by. How dare those poor people have anything nice or entertaining!


And I know how low their taxes are, because my taxes aren't that high, and I have no dependents, nothing to deduct whatsoever;

most of the rightwing complainers have kids that are knocking thousands off their tax bills,

they don't pay squat and still complain about it.

Let's get rid of the big handout you get for having a couple useless snot faced kids you breeders!!!!

Exactly. They mistake their good fortune for diligence. They work hard....but no harder than the guy across town who didn't catch a break. Motherfuckers can't stand the thought of NOT being able to look down on someone and shake their arrogant heads.

what good is being well off if everyone is?
Make them work for it! There are plenty of things they can do to contribute to society - work their asses off.
If they don't have a work ethic, they don't deserve assistance! Welfare is suppose to be a temporary safety net - not a generational reality.

Seeing you flying the Israel flag means you stand with Israel and yet worry about Americans getting assistance? You know Israel's been freeloading off of us for generations don't you? Maybe it's time to cut them loose so they can learn a work ethic.
You want to increase the gap between rich and poor. You want the poor to be unaided by the government so that their poverty is experienced in full force. You want a nation of the rich and powerful on one side, and the poor and helpless on the other.

No.. I want every poor person to have the same freedom to succeed or fail as everyone else...

I want people to VOLUNTARILY help others with charities that call to them, because I feel it is the RIGHT thing to do... but it is the WRONG thing to do to FORCE it upon others...

The only tool you have in this discussion is to try and assign something on me that is not what I state... because for you to 'win' you have to show the 'meanness' of the 'evil conservative'... well, sorry Charlie... that shit don't fly

But you willing to force women to carry unwanted babies, your also willing to force people to UN equal if they are homosexual, why do you conservatives say you don't force people to do stuff. You do!
This was a common battle cry during the beginning years of the Great Depression: the poor are lazy, drink a lot, and won't work. FDR made the ablebodied work for their welfare, WPA, PWA, and even for the teenagers the CCC's. When war time spending came along it seems that almost all the lazy, the drunkards went to work at regular jobs, and the relief programs died. The secret was not humiliation, not hunger but jobs. The kinds of jobs all those Republican House members promised for America if they were elected. The same House members that now fight every bill, every suggestion and are content to see America go over the cliff, if they can't have their way.
This was a common battle cry during the beginning years of the Great Depression: the poor are lazy, drink a lot, and won't work. FDR made the ablebodied work for their welfare, WPA, PWA, and even for the teenagers the CCC's. When war time spending came along it seems that almost all the lazy, the drunkards went to work at regular jobs, and the relief programs died. The secret was not humiliation, not hunger but jobs. The kinds of jobs all those Republican House members promised for America if they were elected. The same House members that now fight every bill, every suggestion and are content to see America go over the cliff, if they can't have their way.

Also add on during the new deal tax rates on the top earners both on the individual and corporate level are sky high, and guess what it worked.
Americans work. We produce. There are no innate traits in the American citizen that makes them prefer sloth over a dignified job.

Wages have not kept up with the times, nutters. You know this....but do not wish to face it. You may have made yours......but the door closed behind you. Open it. Insist that jobs be compensated with a living wage. Permit the ditch digger out there to leave his shovel every evening and go home to a warm place with a well fed and properly educated and healthy family. Let that peon have a chance to watch the game on his own TV and join this discussion on his own internet connection.

Doing so will not detract from your success. In fact, that poor fucker will use his wages to create more jobs. It is how shit works.
Why don't you get a better job?

Yeah, let's mock the working poor because they have a car...

...this is what the Right in this country has been reduced to.

I dont need a better job, I'm not on the dole.

I studied, worked hard, got an engineering degree and a good job, and support myself. Government support to me was limited to student loans which I paid/am paying back. a $500 pell grant, and the free rail/bus transit I got as a student in NYC.

Considering I have lived in NYC my whole life, I have paid back the free transit, and I have more than paid back the pell grant.

You choose to live in the high tax state of NY, in the high tax city of NYC,

and you're crying about taxes???

You're an ass.

I have family here, in particular two 90+ grandparents I have to help take care of.

I CHOOSE to remain and pay the extra taxes due to those reasons, and the fact the rest of my family is here. Other considerations is that I like a place where the subway runs 24 hours a day and I dont have to worry about fiinding a store open at 4 AM.

Just because I pay them doesnt mean I cannot complain they are idiotic.
It's funny how people defend Welfare as the cure for those who haven't had success in life. I would think very hard before choosing a finite existence based upon meager monthly Government checks without possibility of ever amounting to anything more. People that think slavery is over in America should take a close look at the Welfare system. It's sole purpose is to keep unmotivated, and thus undesirable people in their place with just enough cash in their hands to keep them out of better neighborhoods that do house productive citizens. Yup... Welfare is doing exactly what it's designed to do... Keep people down. Enjoy your monthly trip to the grocery store, and remember one thing when you swipe that EBT card at the register... You made the choice to be a loser, and nobody but you is going to ever help you dig out of the entitlement hole you've dug yourself into. But feel free to keep bitching how your shit life is the fault of everybody else.
Can the millions of Americans now accustomed to food stamps, subsidized housing, and free school lunches be weaned from this dependency? In principle the answer is “yes” and the cost would be minimal; in practice the answer is “no” given that the solution is anathema to America’s burgeoning therapeutic state.

Let’s begin by disposing of the usual solutions to combat dependency. Forget about cold turkey, no matter how slow the withdrawal period. A 10% reduction in food stamps per month would only invite mayhem.

What about a robust economy to cure dependency? After all, nobody could possibly resist a fresh supply of well-paid jobs. The opposite is more likely: Prosperity boosts tax revenue, and this means more money to buy votes with handouts. With the Democrats in power, prosperity will promote the addiction, not cure it.

Avoidance of dependency, even for those in dire straits, historically rested on personal aversion to being a freeloader. It was the fear of dishonor, humiliation, embarrassment, shame, and disgrace for taking handouts that deterred future dependency. Any job, no matter how menial, was better than the ignominy of publicly lining up for one’s allotment of government-supplied free cheese.

These feelings are probably still part of human nature and hopefully can be reawakened. It would not take much. Food-stamp recipients, for example, could be required to use clearly identified supermarket checkout lines so contemptuous full-pay customers can stare at them. Even better, return to the days when food stamps resembled colorful oversized 10,000-lira notes so everybody saw them, not today’s EBT card indistinguishable from a bank-issued credit or debit card.

But restoring humiliation as the price for government handouts will be difficult. In today’s world everybody except hatemongers must be shielded from any ego damage. Reversing vassalage requires making people feel bad psychologically—demeaned, stigmatized, and humiliated—and the One Commandment of today’s deeply perverse moral cosmology is Thou Shalt Not Deflate Thy Neighbor’s Ego.

In the past, independence rather than servility was prized. Occasional handouts were necessary but viewed as emergency measures to be quickly ended lest the habit of helplessness take root. Aid was to be given but made as distasteful as possible (e.g., recipients would split logs at the town’s woodpile). The medical parallel would be paregoric, an opium-based stomach medicine purposely formulated to be foul-tasting so as to prevent addiction.

By contrast, today’s welfare philosophy might be described as making the recipient as comfortable as possible while government fixes the lingering recession, terrible schools, racism and discrimination, structural economic shifts, and whatever else can be used to explain why youngsters must be fed by Uncle Sam rather than their parents. Mom’s inability to make lunch is not her fault, so why should junior suffer?

Removing the stigma from being on the dole parallels the trend toward normalizing other once condemned behaviors: homosexuality, out-of-wedlock childbirth, guilt-free promiscuity (the “hook-up” culture), piling on debt that cannot be repaid, and stigma-free personal bankruptcy.

In the name of making people feel normal about what was once deplorable servility, the United States is not only sinking deeper into national debt but also banishing a key building block of civil society. Perhaps it is time to bring back some scarlet letters.

How to Wean the Dependent - Taki's Magazine

from what I've seen, I dunno that "shame and humiliation" would register on many of today's welfare recipients...

[ame=]Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!! - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]I Got 15 Kids & 3 Babydaddys-SOMEONE'S GOTTA PAY FOR ME & MY KIDS!!! - YouTube[/ame]
Everybody who sups at Uncle Sam’s table would be clearly and instantly and publicly identifiable. Physically segregate recipients of free school breakfasts and lunches, offering only healthy but unappetizing basics while excluding soft drinks and desserts. Let those humiliated children plead with mom to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, even if that means downgrading her deluxe cell-phone plan. Residents of Section 8 housing might have to paint their entry door bubblegum-pink to let the whole building forever see their shame.

Conservatives are at least consistent in their ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.

The right should at least have the courage and conviction to call for the repeal of the 14th Amendment, and stop wasting everyone's time. .

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