How Trump created a new era of high risk

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Yes, Trump lit the fuse.

How Trump created a new era of high risk


On Jan. 26, just over a year into his presidency, President Trump had a president's dream: peace and prosperity. The Dow Jones industrial average, S&P 500 and Nasdaq all hit record highs.

Where it stands: Since then, Trump has injected multiple new risks into the system.

  • Yesterday, "U.S. stocks suffered their worst week in more than two years, signaling mounting investor anxiety over whether factors from restrictive trade policies to rising interest rates could disrupt the nine-year bull market." (WSJ)
  • N.Y. Times: "Aides said there was no grand strategy to the president’s actions, and that he got up each morning this week not knowing what he would do. "
So what's happened in the past two months?

  • Checks inside the White House are gone, and Chief of Staff John Kelly's controls have been circumvented.
  • Critics of China and trade have been empowered.
  • Hawks have been installed at NSC and State.
The initial boom was a reaction to good tax policy.

But that doesn't do shit to address the larger and very negative trends regarding globalization and the stagnation of middle class wages.

THAT'S a much bigger and more important issue than a short term economic upswing.

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