
I'm going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it

Where is the money?

See...nobody but twisted, wacko LefTards ever cared about who pays for the Wall. Most of us can do third grade arithmetic...we know the Wall pays for’s a no-brained....TA-DA!
Fat Donnie has been president for one year and hasn't raised a nickel from Mexico
Plenty of ways for Mexico to pay for the wall. Stop remittances. Cut off welfare to Mexicans in the US. Escalate deportations. Last but not least, do 1848 all over again.
Fat Donnie has been president for one year and hasn't raised a nickel from Mexico

True, but we've saved a boat-load from those that have left and fewer that have come here.
There's also companies that had plans to relocate to Mexico, and now are staying here.

Pretty sure libs won't be happy unless Mexico sends over check (full amount) for the wall, with a specific note that says "payment for the wall".
yo, dipshit Trumpdrones .. Donnieboi can twist Mex out of enough $$ to pay for 10 fucking walls, but I've got news for you silly bitches -

It will be a cold day in Hell Court before Texas land owners let his sorry ass move so much as a rock on their ranches .

if YOU dont believe that hide and watch ... they will be more than happy to spend their free oil and natural gas money to save their land and access to water from the river.

write this down and study it ...

yo, dipshit Trumpdrones .. Donnieboi can twist Mex out of enough $$ to pay for 10 fucking walls, but I've got news for you silly bitches -

It will be a cold day in Hell Court before Texas land owners let his sorry ass move so much as a rock on their ranches .

if YOU dont believe that hide and watch ... they will be more than happy to spend their free oil and natural gas money to save their land and access to water from the river.

write this down and study it ...

The wall can be built IN the river. Ever hear of a bridge ? Or a pier ?

No access blocked. Back to the drawing board for you.


St.Petersburg Pier

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