How Trump Stole The Election #TrumpStoleIt

Come on, fatty. Order yourself a couple extra large pepperoni pizzas and a diet coke and sit back, relax, and enjoy the movie. If you come away from the movie still disagreeing with the premise, I'll spring for your pizzas.

I disagree with the premise because there no concrete evidence showing Trump "stole" anything. Your "movie" is more than likely not going to change my mind.

Besides, I had Papa John's last night. Thanks but no thanks.

Papa Johns uses low quality ingredients.
Better ingredients than your argument.

Says the guy stuffing his face NOT watching the film.

I'd much rather keep my neurons intact, thanks.
Here's how Trump LOST Michigan, Wisconsin and other KEY states. Here's how those states were stolen.

The thing to do is mock Orange Julius until they have to put him in a strait jacket

Saturday Night Live Is Giving Alec Baldwin An Entire Episode To Ridicule Donald Trump

Alec Baldwin will be guest hosting an episode of Saturday Night Live next month, which means that viewers will be treated to more of the parody that drives President Trump up the wall.…
This is awesome!
Funny I should come across this post....

So, I was just thinking to myself yesterday,
after tuning into the news here and there,
over the last few days....

Man... Hillary lost the election and went MIA.
She made not conceding with dignity and acceptance,
a threat to our system of democracy and unacceptable...

Yet, that is exactly what she has done.
Her and Obama could have helped quell
the madness that has ensued then and since
but, instead, choice to contribute and support the madness
through their silence and childish behavior!

She doesn't have a strong character to hold her head high
and pull it together regardless, like I expected her to...
and she could have been elected PotUS!?...God forbid

Yet, here's Trump, dealing with all this crazy crap...
He's got thick skin... thicker than I realized... thank God

So, I'm watching the Oct 22 episode of SNL yesterday.
A skit of their 3rd debate and I couldn't help but laugh

They brought up Trump so far behind in the polls
and not having a chance in hell of winning,
and if he'll concede when he loses...

And, look where we are.

The more Trump is attacked, the more he pushes back
He's not going to need a straight jacket...
All he's going to need is an endless supply of pens!

Oh, one more thing I figured out...the wacky women protesters
They're pissed because the man was elected...not the woman.
This will surely bring Trump's been two months and all the sudden they've found how Trump won. :lmao:

Palast predicted he would win before the election. He knew it would be stolen. He's been investigating GOP controlled voter suppression for several years now.

You're a loon

lol, and you're a big mean poopie head.
Something I wanted to ask you about being a black man below the waste
How fast can you run the hundred?
"Hillary will win by a landslide"

She was ahead by 5 points in most polls right before the election. She ended up winning the popular vote by 3 million, within the margin of error.

The polls were largely accurate. Same ones that say Trump is the least popular president ever to await his first inauguration.
Hillary was never ahead you were duped.
This will surely bring Trump's been two months and all the sudden they've found how Trump won. :lmao:

Palast predicted he would win before the election. He knew it would be stolen. He's been investigating GOP controlled voter suppression for several years now.

You're a loon

lol, and you're a big mean poopie head.
Something I wanted to ask you about being a black man below the waste
How fast can you run the hundred?

Funny you should ask, I actually ran track in high school. Was a much better 200 and 400 sprinter, but I did "ok" in the 100. I really cranked when I had enough time to build up speed. For the life of me, I can't remember my time.
This will surely bring Trump's been two months and all the sudden they've found how Trump won. :lmao:

Palast predicted he would win before the election. He knew it would be stolen. He's been investigating GOP controlled voter suppression for several years now.

You're a loon

lol, and you're a big mean poopie head.
Something I wanted to ask you about being a black man below the waste
How fast can you run the hundred?

Funny you should ask, I actually ran track in high school. Was a much better 200 and 400 sprinter, but I did "ok" in the 100. I really cranked when I had enough time to build up speed. For the life of me, I can't remember my time.
You are aware that no white person has run the 100 meter under 10 flat
Palast predicted he would win before the election. He knew it would be stolen. He's been investigating GOP controlled voter suppression for several years now.

You're a loon

lol, and you're a big mean poopie head.
Something I wanted to ask you about being a black man below the waste
How fast can you run the hundred?

Funny you should ask, I actually ran track in high school. Was a much better 200 and 400 sprinter, but I did "ok" in the 100. I really cranked when I had enough time to build up speed. For the life of me, I can't remember my time.
You are aware that no white person has run the 100 meter under 10 flat

Wrong. This french dude ran a 9.92 and he's white.

Christophe Lemaitre - Wikipedia
You're a loon

lol, and you're a big mean poopie head.
Something I wanted to ask you about being a black man below the waste
How fast can you run the hundred?

Funny you should ask, I actually ran track in high school. Was a much better 200 and 400 sprinter, but I did "ok" in the 100. I really cranked when I had enough time to build up speed. For the life of me, I can't remember my time.
You are aware that no white person has run the 100 meter under 10 flat

Wrong. This french dude ran a 9.92 and he's white.

Christophe Lemaitre - Wikipedia
Gotta remember how old I am and by golly look how long it took someone to do it.

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