How Trump Stole The Election #TrumpStoleIt

voter ID has been deemed unconstitutional

Actually, untrue. The CONCEPT of Voter ID has never been constitutionally challenged. The court has ruled it would be permissible where the methodology could not be construed as prejudicial to specific groups.

--New York Times, July 30, 2016
"Hillary will win by a landslide"

She was ahead by 5 points in most polls right before the election. She ended up winning the popular vote by 3 million, within the margin of error.

The polls were largely accurate. Same ones that say Trump is the least popular president ever to await his first inauguration.

It has already been admitted that the polls were intentionally skewed in Hitlery's favor. I am just curious to know that if the Hildebeast was so fucking popular and an overwhelming choice? Where the fuck were the people when she held her rallies? We already know that Sanders had the nomination stolen from him by Hitlery and the colluding DNC that caused Wasserman to resign. If the amount of people that Palast is claiming was left off the voter rolls? Why hasn't the DNC rounded them up en mass and doing a march? It's not like Soros doesn't have the cash to make it happen. Why aren't these people proclaiming loud and long that they were denied the right to vote?

All of this could be taken care of with an ID law and if you get one of those letters saying you are not eligible to vote? It's easy enough to go down to your local voter registration office and clear the issue up. Personally, I'm not a voter because I am an American nationalist, not a U.S citizen that pledges to the corporate entity that is USA.INC.

I don't really care how easy you think it is to get an ID in your circumstances. That hardly matters. What matters is that voter ID has been deemed unconstitutional because it disproportionately disenfranchises people of color. That's fact, not speculation.

Are you implying that people of color ( I love that phrase) are to stupid or lazy to get an ID?
I hope he gets heart disease TODAY.

THERE'S that liberal compassion ... so touching.

"Hillary will win by a landslide"

She was ahead by 5 points in most polls right before the election. She ended up winning the popular vote by 3 million, within the margin of error.

The polls were largely accurate. Same ones that say Trump is the least popular president ever to await his first inauguration.

It has already been admitted that the polls were intentionally skewed in Hitlery's favor. I am just curious to know that if the Hildebeast was so fucking popular and an overwhelming choice? Where the fuck were the people when she held her rallies? We already know that Sanders had the nomination stolen from him by Hitlery and the colluding DNC that caused Wasserman to resign. If the amount of people that Palast is claiming was left off the voter rolls? Why hasn't the DNC rounded them up en mass and doing a march? It's not like Soros doesn't have the cash to make it happen. Why aren't these people proclaiming loud and long that they were denied the right to vote?

All of this could be taken care of with an ID law and if you get one of those letters saying you are not eligible to vote? It's easy enough to go down to your local voter registration office and clear the issue up. Personally, I'm not a voter because I am an American nationalist, not a U.S citizen that pledges to the corporate entity that is USA.INC.

I don't really care how easy you think it is to get an ID in your circumstances. That hardly matters. What matters is that voter ID has been deemed unconstitutional because it disproportionately disenfranchises people of color. That's fact, not speculation.

Are you implying that people of color ( I love that phrase) are to stupid or lazy to get an ID?

No, I'm quite literally saying that voter ID laws are racist in intent AND effect. There are myriad reasons that have been explained on this site, and elsewhere, numerous times, and none of them have to do with people being lazy or stupid.
"Hillary will win by a landslide"

She was ahead by 5 points in most polls right before the election. She ended up winning the popular vote by 3 million, within the margin of error.

The polls were largely accurate. Same ones that say Trump is the least popular president ever to await his first inauguration.

It has already been admitted that the polls were intentionally skewed in Hitlery's favor. I am just curious to know that if the Hildebeast was so fucking popular and an overwhelming choice? Where the fuck were the people when she held her rallies? We already know that Sanders had the nomination stolen from him by Hitlery and the colluding DNC that caused Wasserman to resign. If the amount of people that Palast is claiming was left off the voter rolls? Why hasn't the DNC rounded them up en mass and doing a march? It's not like Soros doesn't have the cash to make it happen. Why aren't these people proclaiming loud and long that they were denied the right to vote?

All of this could be taken care of with an ID law and if you get one of those letters saying you are not eligible to vote? It's easy enough to go down to your local voter registration office and clear the issue up. Personally, I'm not a voter because I am an American nationalist, not a U.S citizen that pledges to the corporate entity that is USA.INC.

I don't really care how easy you think it is to get an ID in your circumstances. That hardly matters. What matters is that voter ID has been deemed unconstitutional because it disproportionately disenfranchises people of color. That's fact, not speculation.

Are you implying that people of color ( I love that phrase) are to stupid or lazy to get an ID?

No, I'm quite literally saying that voter ID laws are racist in intent AND effect. There are myriad reasons that have been explained on this site, and elsewhere, numerous times, and none of them have to do with people being lazy or stupid.

So you're making this up?
No, I'm quite literally saying that voter ID laws are racist in intent AND effect.

No they aren't. Voter ID laws apply to everyone. Not just African Americans. If these laws specifically targeted African Americans, yes, they would be.

But as it stands they aren't.
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No, I'm quite literally saying that voter ID laws are racist in intent AND effect.

No they aren't. Voter ID laws apply to everyone. Not just African Americans. If theses laws specifically targeted African Americans, yes, they would be.

But as it stands they aren't.

That's not how strict scrutiny works. If they determine that the authors of the law KNEW that the law would disproportionately affect minorities, it's racist. If it has effects, that, too, is grounds to strike down the law.
I live in a key swing state. There wasn't some widespread concentrated effort to suppress the votes of anyone here in the Commonwealth. Hillary was an uncommonly poor candidate that did very little to inspire the urban and independent voters of the state. I would also add being inundated with the news that Hillary was shoo-in helped depress her vote in the state. Trump's appeal to the working class of the region, as well as the traditional GOP strength of the rural vote, is what ultimately doomed here in Pennsylvania. That being said, it was still a rather tight race decided by less than 50k votes.

And you know this......because you're omniscient?
I live in a key swing state. There wasn't some widespread concentrated effort to suppress the votes of anyone here in the Commonwealth. Hillary was an uncommonly poor candidate that did very little to inspire the urban and independent voters of the state. I would also add being inundated with the news that Hillary was shoo-in helped depress her vote in the state. Trump's appeal to the working class of the region, as well as the traditional GOP strength of the rural vote, is what ultimately doomed here in Pennsylvania. That being said, it was still a rather tight race decided by less than 50k votes.

And you know this......because you're omniscient?

Well, I don't like to brag, but I am omnipresent as well. In fact, I am watching you right now. :eek:

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