How Trump Stole The Election #TrumpStoleIt

How can you steal an election? Did the presidency belong to someone else? Who?

You steal an election through voter suppression in key swing states. The GOP stole this one by suppressing the minority vote in those states. This has been a work in progress for a long time. There just aren't enough old racist white men to vote for a Republican in this country anymore, so the only way they can win is through carefully controlled voter suppression.

Watch the movie.
This will surely bring Trump's been two months and all the sudden they've found how Trump won. :lmao:
How can you steal an election? Did the presidency belong to someone else? Who?

You steal an election through voter suppression in key swing states. The GOP stole this one by suppressing the minority vote in those states. This has been a work in progress for a long time. There just aren't enough old racist white men to vote for a Republican in this country anymore, so the only way they can win is through carefully controlled voter suppression.

Watch the movie.

They've been doing this for over a decade now. Voter suppression includes, voter ID, a ban on early voting, closures of polls in strategic location, etc. It's a big reason even conservative courts are destroying these discriminatory state voting laws.

Appeals court strikes down North Carolina’s voter-ID law
The thing to do is mock Orange Julius until they have to put him in a strait jacket

Saturday Night Live Is Giving Alec Baldwin An Entire Episode To Ridicule Donald Trump

Alec Baldwin will be guest hosting an episode of Saturday Night Live next month, which means that viewers will be treated to more of the parody that drives President Trump up the wall.…
not much of a career when you have to act like you're another actual person every week. how fking boring a life does he have. Baldwin is a fking hack, it's what one has to do to make a living. Live off of trump. funny. It's trump and his supporters laughing at baldwin as a hack.
This will surely bring Trump's been two months and all the sudden they've found how Trump won. :lmao:

Palast predicted he would win before the election. He knew it would be stolen. He's been investigating GOP controlled voter suppression for several years now.
How can you steal an election? Did the presidency belong to someone else? Who?

You steal an election through voter suppression in key swing states. The GOP stole this one by suppressing the minority vote in those states. This has been a work in progress for a long time. There just aren't enough old racist white men to vote for a Republican in this country anymore, so the only way they can win is through carefully controlled voter suppression.

Watch the movie.

They've been doing this for over a decade now. Voter suppression includes, voter ID, a ban on early voting, closures of polls in strategic location, etc. It's a big reason even conservative courts are destroying these discriminatory state voting laws.

Appeals court strikes down North Carolina’s voter-ID law
what about voter ID? are you saying blacks aren't smart enough to get an ID?
"Hillary will win by a landslide"

She was ahead by 5 points in most polls right before the election. She ended up winning the popular vote by 3 million, within the margin of error.

The polls were largely accurate. Same ones that say Trump is the least popular president ever to await his first inauguration.
This will surely bring Trump's been two months and all the sudden they've found how Trump won. :lmao:

Palast predicted he would win before the election. He knew it would be stolen. He's been investigating GOP controlled voter suppression for several years now.
how come it didn't happen then in 2012? or 2008? wow big fail.
"Hillary will win by a landslide"

She was ahead by 5 points in most polls right before the election. She ended up winning the popular vote by 3 million, within the margin of error.

The polls were largely accurate. Same ones that say Trump is the least popular president ever to await his first inauguration.
If the Orange Julius Galoot says there were 5 million illegal voters lets start the Investigation to uncover the Nefarious scheme ...get the FBI involved they know plenty about "nefarious schemes"
This will surely bring Trump's been two months and all the sudden they've found how Trump won. :lmao:

Palast predicted he would win before the election. He knew it would be stolen. He's been investigating GOP controlled voter suppression for several years now.
how come it didn't happen then in 2012? or 2008? wow big fail.

Watch the film. All will be revealed to you, little laughing hyena.
Actually Trump won Michigan and Wisconsin. Maybe you are confused by Hillary's primary win over her socialist counterpart.
Trying to figure out why this in in Politics, instead of Conspiracy Theories.


Interestate Crosscheck isn't a "conspiracy theory." It's a real thing, put in place by a Republican fuckboy.

Did I say Crosscheck was a conspiracy?

Your idiotic link is a conspiracy theory


every lame brain swinging dick and tit on the left is attempting to delegitimize Trumps presidency.

No straw too small to grasp, no idea to loony to float.

Use what little brain you have, realize Trump won, and get on with your life.

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