How Trump will reduce USA CO2 emissions ... "Trump" the anti-climate change president? You've got to be kidding!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Department of the Interior Announces Trump Administration Furthers Commitment to One Trillion Trees Initiative
leave it better than we found it and help bolster the 193 million acres of National Forest System lands to promote recreation, enjoyment, and sustainable economic prosperity across broad sectors of the rural economy.”

So lets calculate the effect of 1 trillion trees.
Q1--How much CO2 is absorbed?
A1)The first is the Aleppo Pine which can absorb almost 50 tons per year. It’s considered that with 100 trees located in a city, they can absorb Co2 from 103,730 vehicles in the area. Therefore, 100 trees would be able to absorb virtually all Co2 from a small town.
Therefore 1 trillion Aleppo pines each absorbing in one year the equivalent of 10,370 cars will absorb what 10,373,000,000,000,000 (10.3 quadrillion cars)
Or the equivalent of 50 tons per year or 50 trillion tons.
Q2) How many tons of CO2 does the USA emit per year?
A2) The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that in 2017, the United States emitted 5.1 billion metric tons of energy-related carbon dioxide, while the global emissions of energy-related carbon dioxide totaled 32.5 billion metric tons.
So that means if these 1 trillion trees that Trump has committed to planting will once completed absorb Not only the 5.1 billion emitted by energy related CO2.
These NEW 1 trillion trees will absorb 50 trillion tons of the 5.1 billion emitted.
Oh by the way there are currently in the USA..The U.S. has 228 billion trees --- How Many Trees In The U.S.? - Green Blizzard

AH... but we know Trump is against Climate Change! Doesn't believe in science!
Department of the Interior Announces Trump Administration Furthers Commitment to One Trillion Trees Initiative
leave it better than we found it and help bolster the 193 million acres of National Forest System lands to promote recreation, enjoyment, and sustainable economic prosperity across broad sectors of the rural economy.”

So lets calculate the effect of 1 trillion trees.
Q1--How much CO2 is absorbed?
A1)The first is the Aleppo Pine which can absorb almost 50 tons per year. It’s considered that with 100 trees located in a city, they can absorb Co2 from 103,730 vehicles in the area. Therefore, 100 trees would be able to absorb virtually all Co2 from a small town.
Therefore 1 trillion Aleppo pines each absorbing in one year the equivalent of 10,370 cars will absorb what 10,373,000,000,000,000 (10.3 quadrillion cars)
Or the equivalent of 50 tons per year or 50 trillion tons.
Q2) How many tons of CO2 does the USA emit per year?
A2) The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that in 2017, the United States emitted 5.1 billion metric tons of energy-related carbon dioxide, while the global emissions of energy-related carbon dioxide totaled 32.5 billion metric tons.
So that means if these 1 trillion trees that Trump has committed to planting will once completed absorb Not only the 5.1 billion emitted by energy related CO2.
These NEW 1 trillion trees will absorb 50 trillion tons of the 5.1 billion emitted.
Oh by the way there are currently in the USA..The U.S. has 228 billion trees --- How Many Trees In The U.S.? - Green Blizzard

AH... but we know Trump is against Climate Change! Doesn't believe in science!

Trump wants us all to have polluted water and air. He is hiding under your bed and will GET you when you go to the bathroom in the middle of the night!
Even most Climate change deniers agree that trees are good.

By the way, I am in the skeptical category. I believe that humans have an effect on the climate, but I don't believe the horror story predictions like the end of the world in 11 years. (It was 12 years last year)
Department of the Interior Announces Trump Administration Furthers Commitment to One Trillion Trees Initiative
leave it better than we found it and help bolster the 193 million acres of National Forest System lands to promote recreation, enjoyment, and sustainable economic prosperity across broad sectors of the rural economy.”

So lets calculate the effect of 1 trillion trees.
Q1--How much CO2 is absorbed?
A1)The first is the Aleppo Pine which can absorb almost 50 tons per year. It’s considered that with 100 trees located in a city, they can absorb Co2 from 103,730 vehicles in the area. Therefore, 100 trees would be able to absorb virtually all Co2 from a small town.
Therefore 1 trillion Aleppo pines each absorbing in one year the equivalent of 10,370 cars will absorb what 10,373,000,000,000,000 (10.3 quadrillion cars)
Or the equivalent of 50 tons per year or 50 trillion tons.
Q2) How many tons of CO2 does the USA emit per year?
A2) The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that in 2017, the United States emitted 5.1 billion metric tons of energy-related carbon dioxide, while the global emissions of energy-related carbon dioxide totaled 32.5 billion metric tons.
So that means if these 1 trillion trees that Trump has committed to planting will once completed absorb Not only the 5.1 billion emitted by energy related CO2.
These NEW 1 trillion trees will absorb 50 trillion tons of the 5.1 billion emitted.
Oh by the way there are currently in the USA..The U.S. has 228 billion trees --- How Many Trees In The U.S.? - Green Blizzard

AH... but we know Trump is against Climate Change! Doesn't believe in science!

Trump wants us all to have polluted water and air. He is hiding under your bed and will GET you when you go to the bathroom in the middle of the night!
We already have polluted water and air...
Department of the Interior Announces Trump Administration Furthers Commitment to One Trillion Trees Initiative
leave it better than we found it and help bolster the 193 million acres of National Forest System lands to promote recreation, enjoyment, and sustainable economic prosperity across broad sectors of the rural economy.”

So lets calculate the effect of 1 trillion trees.
Q1--How much CO2 is absorbed?
A1)The first is the Aleppo Pine which can absorb almost 50 tons per year. It’s considered that with 100 trees located in a city, they can absorb Co2 from 103,730 vehicles in the area. Therefore, 100 trees would be able to absorb virtually all Co2 from a small town.
Therefore 1 trillion Aleppo pines each absorbing in one year the equivalent of 10,370 cars will absorb what 10,373,000,000,000,000 (10.3 quadrillion cars)
Or the equivalent of 50 tons per year or 50 trillion tons.
Q2) How many tons of CO2 does the USA emit per year?
A2) The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that in 2017, the United States emitted 5.1 billion metric tons of energy-related carbon dioxide, while the global emissions of energy-related carbon dioxide totaled 32.5 billion metric tons.
So that means if these 1 trillion trees that Trump has committed to planting will once completed absorb Not only the 5.1 billion emitted by energy related CO2.
These NEW 1 trillion trees will absorb 50 trillion tons of the 5.1 billion emitted.
Oh by the way there are currently in the USA..The U.S. has 228 billion trees --- How Many Trees In The U.S.? - Green Blizzard

AH... but we know Trump is against Climate Change! Doesn't believe in science!
This is where we find out that the left don't give a damn about anything they yell and screech about. They stand for NOTHING.

We have already proved they don't give a flying fuck about the peace that they hold hands across America about.

I repeat over and over. The left are about the globalist marxist agenda and EVERYTHING they claim they are about, from peace to global warming to civil rights, is all just means to that goal.

That is all. We should be obliging them with the war they have declared on us rather than being all passive about their advancements they make.

But, we allow it and they won't stop until they get it. We cannot stop Armageddon, which the final war between the forces of evil against the forces of the Holy Spirit. It is inevitable and the sooner the better is what I say. It is inevitable.
Department of the Interior Announces Trump Administration Furthers Commitment to One Trillion Trees Initiative
leave it better than we found it and help bolster the 193 million acres of National Forest System lands to promote recreation, enjoyment, and sustainable economic prosperity across broad sectors of the rural economy.”

So lets calculate the effect of 1 trillion trees.
Q1--How much CO2 is absorbed?
A1)The first is the Aleppo Pine which can absorb almost 50 tons per year. It’s considered that with 100 trees located in a city, they can absorb Co2 from 103,730 vehicles in the area. Therefore, 100 trees would be able to absorb virtually all Co2 from a small town.
Therefore 1 trillion Aleppo pines each absorbing in one year the equivalent of 10,370 cars will absorb what 10,373,000,000,000,000 (10.3 quadrillion cars)
Or the equivalent of 50 tons per year or 50 trillion tons.
Q2) How many tons of CO2 does the USA emit per year?
A2) The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that in 2017, the United States emitted 5.1 billion metric tons of energy-related carbon dioxide, while the global emissions of energy-related carbon dioxide totaled 32.5 billion metric tons.
So that means if these 1 trillion trees that Trump has committed to planting will once completed absorb Not only the 5.1 billion emitted by energy related CO2.
These NEW 1 trillion trees will absorb 50 trillion tons of the 5.1 billion emitted.
Oh by the way there are currently in the USA..The U.S. has 228 billion trees --- How Many Trees In The U.S.? - Green Blizzard

AH... but we know Trump is against Climate Change! Doesn't believe in science!
This is where we find out that the left don't give a damn about anything they yell and screech about. They stand for NOTHING.

We have already proved they don't give a flying fuck about the peace that they hold hands across America about.

I repeat over and over. The left are about the globalist marxist agenda and EVERYTHING they claim they are about, from peace to global warming to civil rights, is all just means to that goal.

That is all. We should be obliging them with the war they have declared on us rather than being all passive about their advancements they make.

But, we allow it and they won't stop until they get it. We cannot stop Armageddon, which the final war between the forces of evil against the forces of the Holy Spirit. It is inevitable and the sooner the better is what I say. It is inevitable.
Will the Holy Spirit plant trees also?
I try not to exhale for as long as I can, save the planet!
I only inhale with my water bong to filter out the virus and pollution.

I found my son's vaproizer and I've yet to use it. I spent the summer growing Afghan and White Banner, they were doing great until late fall and the fucking mold wiped out 6 of 8 of the girls
What a shame, we had a very dry summer s no problems with mold. The ones I grow inside I keeps fans blowing and I had a great year this summer. My next hobby is to learn how to make pure resin liquid.
The major point though is where did we get a problem with CO2 if a tree absorbs CO2 at even 10 tons per year and 228 billion trees
in the USA that's over 2.28 TRILLION tons in CO2 . With a factual The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that in 2017, the United States emitted 5.1 billion metric tons where do we have a problem?
Department of the Interior Announces Trump Administration Furthers Commitment to One Trillion Trees Initiative
leave it better than we found it and help bolster the 193 million acres of National Forest System lands to promote recreation, enjoyment, and sustainable economic prosperity across broad sectors of the rural economy.”

So lets calculate the effect of 1 trillion trees.
Q1--How much CO2 is absorbed?
A1)The first is the Aleppo Pine which can absorb almost 50 tons per year. It’s considered that with 100 trees located in a city, they can absorb Co2 from 103,730 vehicles in the area. Therefore, 100 trees would be able to absorb virtually all Co2 from a small town.
Therefore 1 trillion Aleppo pines each absorbing in one year the equivalent of 10,370 cars will absorb what 10,373,000,000,000,000 (10.3 quadrillion cars)
Or the equivalent of 50 tons per year or 50 trillion tons.
Q2) How many tons of CO2 does the USA emit per year?
A2) The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that in 2017, the United States emitted 5.1 billion metric tons of energy-related carbon dioxide, while the global emissions of energy-related carbon dioxide totaled 32.5 billion metric tons.
So that means if these 1 trillion trees that Trump has committed to planting will once completed absorb Not only the 5.1 billion emitted by energy related CO2.
These NEW 1 trillion trees will absorb 50 trillion tons of the 5.1 billion emitted.
Oh by the way there are currently in the USA..The U.S. has 228 billion trees --- How Many Trees In The U.S.? - Green Blizzard

AH... but we know Trump is against Climate Change! Doesn't believe in science!

Trump wants us all to have polluted water and air. He is hiding under your bed and will GET you when you go to the bathroom in the middle of the night!
We already have polluted water and air...
The Architects of Fear to steal ten of trillions of dollars use everything at their disposal to get it. And people like you have the fertile minds for it. Most pollution where ever it is at is not Climate Change. But you mix things up well.
I try not to exhale for as long as I can, save the planet!
I only inhale with my water bong to filter out the virus and pollution.
If only you were a gun nut, we'd get along brilliantly.
I gave my collection to my eldest son and he continues the collection with international guns and uniforms to play in real time just like used to do when I was young. A nut, well more of an enthusiast. My eldest son is a wing nut veteran.
Because of what was done during Oblama...
They are continuing to go down. Which debunks the narrative that President Trump is “rolling back” environmental restrictions. He has proven, just like Bush did with Kyoto, that the US can reduce emissions on its own without ludicrous international agreements, most of which the foreign countries fall short on their obligations.
AH... but we know Trump is against Climate Change! Doesn't believe in science!

CO2 emissions have gone down under President Trump.
Because of what was done during Oblama...
FACTS not guesses! FACT is "climate change" efforts CAUSED the reduction of lumbering which INCREASED fire potentials!
California burns: The "new normal" thanks to Obama Era Environmental Regulations
“Hotter, drier, longer forest fires we are witnessing today have nothing to do with ‘dangerous manmade climate change. They have a lot to do with idiotic forest mismanagement policies and practices.”—Paul Driessen, Senior Policy Advisor, CFACT

These Obama-era regulations introduced excessive layers of bureaucracy that blocked proper forest management and increased environmentalist litigation and costs—a result of far too many radical environmentalists, bureaucrats, Leftist politicians and judicial activists who would rather let forests burn, than let anyone thin out overgrown trees or let professional loggers harvest usable timber left from beetle infestation, or selectively cut timber.
Just watched CBS Sunday morning episode about "Climate Change". NOT one mention of the real cause ...“Hotter, drier, longer forest fires we are witnessing today have nothing to do with ‘dangerous manmade climate change. They have a lot to do with idiotic forest mismanagement policies and practices.”—Paul Driessen, Senior Policy Advisor, CFACT
Also CBS NEVER mentioned the FACT that :
The U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that in 2017, the United States emitted 5.1 billion metric tons where do we have a problem?
So if the 228 billion trees absorb 5,472,000,000 CO2 BUT the USA emits 5.1 billion tons... where is the problem?

Does the MSM and others comprehend this difference?

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