How Vicious Will The Backlash Against Romney Be Once He Finally Loses?

I have reached a point where I feel safe enough to make predictions.

I'm actually putting myself on the line with my points.

I'm still leaving a little bit of room to be wrong, but as you can see from the facts and analysis I'm presenting, it's not made up and it's based on reality.

I haven't seen a sensible USMB RW counter to date.

So let's bet.

If Obama wins...I leave the board.

If Romney do.

What say you ?
That's a hard bet.

I almost don't want to make it.

But, I'll take you up on that.

So is it on?

Yes it is.
So let's bet.

If Obama wins...I leave the board.

If Romney do.

What say you ?
That's a hard bet.

I almost don't want to make it.

But, I'll take you up on that.

So is it on?

Sorry my friend, but you were suckered. Listening needs an excuse to avoid all the ridicule he'll get after the election. I'd rather have him here, going batshit nuts. Please don't take away my entertainment!

Speaking of'll still suck after the election, one way or the other.

You've distinguished yourself as being worthy of being a called the Brother of Chris, the boards biggest moron.

Assuming he loses, Romney will be looking up at the bottom of a bus by noon the next day.

The GOP will probably convince itself (prodded by Rush, Sean, Mark, etc) that they didn't go nearly right enough.



Democrats will leave Romney be as he's done for public office after this. It'll be your ditto heads and "Great Americans" who go after Romney.
That's a hard bet.

I almost don't want to make it.

But, I'll take you up on that.

So is it on?

Quoted for memory
You seem to be putting an inordinate amount of attention to to get in on the bet?

Are you willing to put your board membership on the line for Romney?

No, b/c I don't think Mitt will win. obama will get 55-60% of the vote and the collapse of freedom will continued to be cheered by those that hate people that attempt to live the American dream.
My moneys on the dems not leaving him alone for years. They will continue to hound him and, like Palin, will turn that childish activity into millions.

'course, if mitt does win, we will have idiots with board names like; ObamawonOhio.

And vice versa.

Quoted for memory
You seem to be putting an inordinate amount of attention to to get in on the bet?

Are you willing to put your board membership on the line for Romney?

No, b/c I don't think Mitt will win. obama will get 55-60% of the vote and the collapse of freedom will continued to be cheered by those that hate people that attempt to live the American dream.
Don't be so glum chum.

Why don't you resign yourself in supporting Obama into doing the things YOU would like him to do rather than opposing him just on principle?
True, we’re already hearing many on the right whine about the media being ‘unfair’; and certainly there will be conservatives convinced many voted for Obama simply because they want ‘free stuff’ from the government.

Such idiocy.

But for the most part we’ll see the attacks on Obama continue through his second term; this time, however, instead of ‘getting rid’ of Obama, the right will attempt to define his final legacy.

The latest meme is that all the polls are wrong because pollsters conspire to make Romney look bad. Can't have a right wing loss without a good conspiracy theory.
The infamous toe sucker went on Bill O'Reilly last night and said that the only, the ONLY pollster that's "doing it right," and I quote, is Rasmussen. He's already gone on-record in stating that Romney will win this election by a landslide. Bill-O told him that his credibility is at stake, and he's simply doubled down.



[ EDIT ]
Oops, I meant Romney, not Obama.

Assuming he loses, Romney will be looking up at the bottom of a bus by noon the next day.

The GOP will probably convince itself (prodded by Rush, Sean, Mark, etc) that they didn't go nearly right enough.


You called it.

Assuming he loses, Romney will be looking up at the bottom of a bus by noon the next day.

The GOP will probably convince itself (prodded by Rush, Sean, Mark, etc) that they didn't go nearly right enough.


You called it.

That was an easy one...had they gone any farther left, they could have nominated Hillary...and that's no joke.

Assuming he loses, Romney will be looking up at the bottom of a bus by noon the next day.

The GOP will probably convince itself (prodded by Rush, Sean, Mark, etc) that they didn't go nearly right enough.


You called it.

That was an easy one...had they gone any farther left, they could have nominated Hillary...and that's no joke.

Hillary looked unbeatable in the Dem primary in 2008; to me anyway. I think Gore saw that too and didn't run.

What do you think of the idea that if Hillary hadn't been in the Democratic field in 2008, Romney was 50/50 to run as a Democrat on a "unity" ticket?
You called it.

That was an easy one...had they gone any farther left, they could have nominated Hillary...and that's no joke.

Hillary looked unbeatable in the Dem primary in 2008; to me anyway. I think Gore saw that too and didn't run.

What do you think of the idea that if Hillary hadn't been in the Democratic field in 2008, Romney was 50/50 to run as a Democrat on a "unity" ticket?

Based solely on his record as Governor of Massachusetts, his positions and policies were right in line with the Democratic platform...

Bain capital may have hurt him, but John Kerry is big business too (Heinz), and that hasn't seemed to hurt him. one likes a turncoat.

It would, IMO, take too much explanation to seed the idea.

He would have really needed to start early, and he would have need the support of Massachusetts Democrats.

Otherwise there would be too much speculation of political maneuvering.

If Christie wants to try it, he would need to start yesterday building moderate Democrat support.

And he should could right out and say "I can't win as a Republican because of the Far Right" on day one.

I could work.

Assuming he loses, Romney will be looking up at the bottom of a bus by noon the next day.

The GOP will probably convince itself (prodded by Rush, Sean, Mark, etc) that they didn't go nearly right enough.


You called it.

That was an easy one...had they gone any farther left, they could have nominated Hillary...and that's no joke.

Not really.

The problem isn't "right/left".

The first problem was that Romney himself was never comfortable with the insane Obama hate that animates the zombified corpse of the GOP. He'd throw a bone or two to the Birfers, but he never looked comfortable doing it.

The other thing was that Romney was the first GOP candidate in a long time to put the Plutocracy Pill without wrapping it in the bacon of religion. He couldn't talke the religion stuff because his God lives on Planet Kolob. Fortunately for him, Funditards cared more about beating the black guy than it did that any of their kids might go to hell for thinking that Joseph Smith was talking to God.

But the reality is, Plutocracy by itself doesn't sell. Most of us aren't rich and are never going to be rich, and if your selling point is "I'm going to make America safe for the wealthy", the rest of us have to ask, "Well, what's in it for me."

Of course, Romney, who complained about the "47%" at a dinner where the participants paid more for one plate than the average American makes in a year, just didn't connect with the working folks. (And it didn't help that one of those working stiffs was filming the whole thing.)
The obviously too RICH GUY lost to the BLACK GUY.

Write offs to support his wifes' dressage horse hobby didn't help him much with the common man voters.

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