How Vicious Will The Backlash Against Romney Be Once He Finally Loses?

Too funny, poor Marc.

How many whites will you kill on election night if it doesn't go your way?

Will you be out rioting like your brethren will?

You live in delusional land....and we are content to let you thump your chest and strut around like a peacock.

Tell us Marc, which enemy is on the run?
Al Qaeda stupid.

What did you THINK I was referring to?

Be honest...if you can.

Al qaeda is on the run, they ran to kill our ambassador and three others
You won't get a counter argument from me but just eagerness over a movie about the Romney campaign implosion that also garners a bunch of Emmys like the Palin biopic did. I can hardly wait!

Regards from Rosie
I have reached a point where I feel safe enough to make predictions.

I'm actually putting myself on the line with my points.

I'm still leaving a little bit of room to be wrong, but as you can see from the facts and analysis I'm presenting, it's not made up and it's based on reality.

I haven't seen a sensible USMB RW counter to date.

So let's bet.

If Obama wins...I leave the board.

If Romney do.

What say you ?
That's a hard bet.

I almost don't want to make it.

But, I'll take you up on that.

So is it on?

Quoted for memory
The real question, what will the left do if Romney wins?

Will they be gracious losers or will we have to put up with claims of cheating,and elections bought??

If the past has anything to say about it,its an easy answer.
GOP will reevaluate and say we need a "real" conservative next time..

Probably from the south.

Assuming he loses, Romney will be looking up at the bottom of a bus by noon the next day.

The GOP will probably convince itself (prodded by Rush, Sean, Mark, etc) that they didn't go nearly right enough.

Too funny, poor Marc.

How many whites will you kill on election night if it doesn't go your way?

Will you be out rioting like your brethren will?

You live in delusional land....and we are content to let you thump your chest and strut around like a peacock.

Tell us Marc, which enemy is on the run?
Al Qaeda stupid.

What did you THINK I was referring to?

Be honest...if you can.

Al qaeda is on the run, they ran to kill our ambassador and three others
And the perpetrators will be brought to justice...just like Bin Laden.

Assuming he loses, Romney will be looking up at the bottom of a bus by noon the next day.

The GOP will probably convince itself (prodded by Rush, Sean, Mark, etc) that they didn't go nearly right enough.

This is EXACTLY why I say that the backlash and retribution against Romney will be fast and furious. They already made their feelings towards him clear...."Anyone But Romney" was their mantra.

I won't forget it, like so many self-proclaimed conservatives seemed to have.
Obama WILL get the youth vote as well.

Don't doubt it for a second.
It's all but inevitable at this point, Romney will lose.

I'm starting to notice signs of backing away from prominent GOPers in the media.

Many that aren't blatantly easing off are subtly doing it in order to safely distance themselves from the cluster-fudge that is Romney and his campaign.

Secretly and and behind closed doors all but the most die-hard rabid RWers have accepted this as fact and are setting their sites on 2016.

My question is, how fierce, harsh and swift will the backlash against Romney be publicly once the cold, hard facts are in and he comes up on the dirty end of the stick this election?

How will the USMB RWers react? Can we expect excuses? Can we expect denials?

Personally, I expect lots of denials from every. single. current. supporter. of Romney on here to a man.

They did it with Bush and they'll do it w/Romney. They'll say he blew it by losing an election they swore was theirs to lose. They'll be wrong on both accounts, but that shouldn't be a surprise to the thinking individual. In fact, Romney will get the vitriol that Bush was SUPPOSED to get...and more.


Well there will be a ton of blacklash when Obama loses. Whitey will have to watch out that night, doesn't matter if your a D or a R you will be a target!
The real question, what will the left do if Romney wins?

Will they be gracious losers or will we have to put up with claims of cheating,and elections bought??

If the past has anything to say about it,its an easy answer.
We'll all be shocked, disappointed and sad, we won't understand how or why it happened, but we'll pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and work on making a MASSIVE comeback in 2016. Obama will become a darling either way.

GOP will reevaluate and say we need a "real" conservative next time..

Probably from the south. sentiments, although I'm not sure if that is what will actually work. They need a sensible person who has the stones to go against his own party. No Republican to date seems to have the qualifications.


Assuming he loses, Romney will be looking up at the bottom of a bus by noon the next day.

The GOP will probably convince itself (prodded by Rush, Sean, Mark, etc) that they didn't go nearly right enough.

No, that's a bit extreme. Romney will be alive and well, however, he will be severely demonized for not being conservative enough....He's TOAST!

Well there will be a ton of blacklash when Obama loses. Whitey will have to watch out that night, doesn't matter if your a D or a R you will be a target!
No, if we managed to deal with Bush under Herr Karl Rove clawing, cheating and stealing their ways in BOTH elections...we can certainly survive an Obama loss.

Snap out of it!!
Sarah Palin was thrown under the bus because she was just asking for it.

Romney will go on being rich and happy. He'll take a nice long vacation in a pleasant place.

Nov. 6 will be blamed on the media, white guild, and the underclass moochers.

True, we’re already hearing many on the right whine about the media being ‘unfair’; and certainly there will be conservatives convinced many voted for Obama simply because they want ‘free stuff’ from the government.

Such idiocy.

But for the most part we’ll see the attacks on Obama continue through his second term; this time, however, instead of ‘getting rid’ of Obama, the right will attempt to define his final legacy.
They're already manufacturing their excuses. "The media isn't fair", "people will vote for Obama for a handout", "illegal aliens from Mars will steal the election", etc.. After he gets his clock cleaned, then they'll start talking about Romney being a sucky candidate who isn't a real conservative, and shit like that. They just won't be honest until after the election.
Sarah Palin was thrown under the bus because she was just asking for it.

Romney will go on being rich and happy. He'll take a nice long vacation in a pleasant place.

Nov. 6 will be blamed on the media, white guild, and the underclass moochers.

True, we’re already hearing many on the right whine about the media being ‘unfair’; and certainly there will be conservatives convinced many voted for Obama simply because they want ‘free stuff’ from the government.

Such idiocy.

But for the most part we’ll see the attacks on Obama continue through his second term; this time, however, instead of ‘getting rid’ of Obama, the right will attempt to define his final legacy.

The latest meme is that all the polls are wrong because pollsters conspire to make Romney look bad. Can't have a right wing loss without a good conspiracy theory.
They're already manufacturing their excuses. "The media isn't fair", "people will vote for Obama for a handout", "illegal aliens from Mars will steal the election", etc.. After he gets his clock cleaned, then they'll start talking about Romney being a sucky candidate who isn't a real conservative, and shit like that. They just won't be honest until after the election.

Forget about AFTER the election....they're not being honest about it NOW!

I have reached a point where I feel safe enough to make predictions.

I'm actually putting myself on the line with my points.

I'm still leaving a little bit of room to be wrong, but as you can see from the facts and analysis I'm presenting, it's not made up and it's based on reality.

I haven't seen a sensible USMB RW counter to date.

So let's bet.

If Obama wins...I leave the board.

If Romney do.

What say you ?
That's a hard bet.

I almost don't want to make it.

But, I'll take you up on that.

So is it on?

Sorry my friend, but you were suckered. Listening needs an excuse to avoid all the ridicule he'll get after the election. I'd rather have him here, going batshit nuts. Please don't take away my entertainment!
They're already manufacturing their excuses. "The media isn't fair", "people will vote for Obama for a handout", "illegal aliens from Mars will steal the election", etc.. After he gets his clock cleaned, then they'll start talking about Romney being a sucky candidate who isn't a real conservative, and shit like that. They just won't be honest until after the election.

Forget about AFTER the election....they're not being honest about it NOW!


lol, well see about WHO isn't being honest about things

vote against Obama people, November
Sarah Palin was thrown under the bus because she was just asking for it.

Romney will go on being rich and happy. He'll take a nice long vacation in a pleasant place.

Nov. 6 will be blamed on the media, white guild, and the underclass moochers.

True, we’re already hearing many on the right whine about the media being ‘unfair’; and certainly there will be conservatives convinced many voted for Obama simply because they want ‘free stuff’ from the government.

Such idiocy.

But for the most part we’ll see the attacks on Obama continue through his second term; this time, however, instead of ‘getting rid’ of Obama, the right will attempt to define his final legacy.

The latest meme is that all the polls are wrong because pollsters conspire to make Romney look bad. Can't have a right wing loss without a good conspiracy theory.
The infamous toe sucker went on Bill O'Reilly last night and said that the only, the ONLY pollster that's "doing it right," and I quote, is Rasmussen. He's already gone on-record in stating that Romney will win this election by a landslide. Bill-O told him that his credibility is at stake, and he's simply doubled down.



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Sorry my friend, but you were suckered. Listening needs an excuse to avoid all the ridicule he'll get after the election. I'd rather have him here, going batshit nuts. Please don't take away my entertainment!

Either he thought I was going to back away, or he truly believes his convictions.

I believe in my convictions...Obama's going to win.

I'll await Listening's confirmation.

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