How We Caught The Political 'Ebola Virus'

Actually you are describing conservatism.

"All people are born alike—except Republicans and Democrats," quipped Groucho Marx, and in fact it turns out that personality differences between liberals and conservatives are evident in early childhood. In 1969, Berkeley professors Jack and Jeanne Block embarked on a study of childhood personality, asking nursery school teachers to rate children's temperaments. They weren't even thinking about political orientation.

Twenty years later, they decided to compare the subjects' childhood personalities with their political preferences as adults. They found arresting patterns. As kids, liberals had developed close relationships with peers and were rated by their teachers as self-reliant, energetic, impulsive, and resilient. People who were conservative at age 23 had been described by their teachers as easily victimized, easily offended, indecisive, fearful, rigid, inhibited, and vulnerable at age 3. The reason for the difference, the Blocks hypothesized, was that insecure kids most needed the reassurance of tradition and authority, and they found it in conservative politics.

Psychology Today

hy·poth·e·sis [hahy-poth-uh-sis, hi-]
noun, plural hy·poth·e·ses [hahy-poth-uh-seez, hi-]
1.a proposition, or set of propositions, set forth as an explanation for the occurrence of some specified group of phenomena, either asserted merely as a provisional conjecture to guide investigation (working hypothesis) or accepted as highly probable in the light of established facts.

2.a proposition assumed as a premise in an argument.

3.the antecedent of a conditional proposition.

4.a mere assumption or guess.


"Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear"
William E. Gladstone (1809 – 1898)

That is only one of numerous studies.

Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition

The study's four authors, John T. Jost, Jack Glaser, Arie W. Kruglanski, and Frank J. Sulloway, write, "People embrace political conservatism (at least in part) because it serves to reduce fear, anxiety and uncertainty; to avoid change, disruption and ambiguity; and to explain, order and justify inequality among groups and individuals." To come to this conclusion the authors examined 88 different psychological studies conducted between 1958 and 2002 that involved 22,818 people from 12 different countries.


Research shows that people with conservative tendencies have a larger amygdala and a smaller anterior cingulate than other people. The amygdala — typically thought of as the “primitive brain” is responsible for reflexive impulses, like fear. The anterior cingulate is thought to be responsible for courage and optimism. This one-two punch could be responsible for many of the anecdotal claims that conservatives “think differently” from others.


Conservatives Big on Fear, Brain Study Finds

Are people born conservative?

Published on April 19, 2011 by Nigel Barber, Ph.D.

Peering inside the brain with MRI scans, researchers at University College London found that self-described conservative students had a larger amygdala than liberals. The amygdala is an almond-shaped structure deep in the brain that is active during states of fear and anxiety. Liberals had more gray matter at least in the anterior cingulate cortex, a region of the brain that helps people cope with complexity.

The results are not that surprising as they fit in with conclusions from other studies. Just a year ago, researchers from Harvard and UCLA San Diego reported finding a "liberal" gene. This gene had a tiny effect, however, and worked only for adolescents having many friends. The results also mesh with psychological studies on conflict monitoring.

What It Means

There is a big unknown underlying these findings. Supposing that the size of one's amygdala really does increase the likelihood of being a conservative. Is the size of the amygdala determined at birth, or does it perhaps increase with frightening childhood experiences, such as authoritarian parenting and corporal punishment.

Similarly, one might ask whether the gray matter difference is affected by exposure to educational challenge, social diversity, or childhood cognitive enrichment.

Conservatives Big on Fear, Brain Study Finds | Psychology Today
Liberalism is a mental disorder stemming from dysfunctional childhood experiences and compounded by feelings of guilt and dissatisfaction that can only be assuaged by projecting evil motives to and controlling those who do not share these feelings.

Actually you are describing conservatism.

"All people are born alike—except Republicans and Democrats," quipped Groucho Marx, and in fact it turns out that personality differences between liberals and conservatives are evident in early childhood. In 1969, Berkeley professors Jack and Jeanne Block embarked on a study of childhood personality, asking nursery school teachers to rate children's temperaments. They weren't even thinking about political orientation.

Twenty years later, they decided to compare the subjects' childhood personalities with their political preferences as adults. They found arresting patterns. As kids, liberals had developed close relationships with peers and were rated by their teachers as self-reliant, energetic, impulsive, and resilient. People who were conservative at age 23 had been described by their teachers as easily victimized, easily offended, indecisive, fearful, rigid, inhibited, and vulnerable at age 3. The reason for the difference, the Blocks hypothesized, was that insecure kids most needed the reassurance of tradition and authority, and they found it in conservative politics.

Psychology Today

Guess again, Simp!

"1. "You’re smart. You’re liberal. You’re well informed. You think conservatives are narrow-minded. You can’t understand why working-class Americans vote Republican. You figure they’re being duped. You’re wrong.

2. In “The Righteous Mind,” Haidt seeks to enrich liberalism, and political discourse generally, with a deeper awareness of human nature. Like other psychologists who have ventured into political coaching, such as George Lakoff and Drew Westen, Haidt argues that people are fundamentally intuitive, not rational.

3. Drawing on ethnography, evolutionary theory and experimental psychology, he sets out to trash the modern faith in reason. ... David Hume, the Scottish philosopher who notoriously said reason was fit only to be “the slave of the passions,” was largely correct.

a. We acquire morality the same way we acquire food preferences: .... If it tastes good, we stick with it. If it doesn’t, we reject it. People accept God, authority and karma because these ideas suit their moral taste buds. Haidt points to research showing that people punish cheaters, accept many hierarchies and don’t support equal distribution of benefits when contributions are unequal.

4. You can see [these ideas] in the Republican Party. Social conservatives see welfare and feminism as threats to responsibility and family stability. The Tea Party hates redistribution because it interferes with letting people reap what they earn. Faith, patriotism, valor, chastity, law and order — these Republican themes touch all six moral foundations, ....

a. .... Democrats, in Haidt’s analysis, focus almost entirely on care and fighting oppression. This is Haidt’s startling message to the left: When it comes to morality, conservatives are more broad-minded than liberals. They serve a more varied diet.\

b. Conservatism thrives because it fits how people think, and that’s what validates it. Workers who vote Republican aren’t fools. In Haidt’s words, they’re “voting for their moral interests.” One of these interests is moral capital — norms, practices and institutions, like religion and family values, that facilitate cooperation by constraining individualism.

5. ... liberals dissolve moral capital too recklessly. Welfare programs that substitute public aid for spousal and parental support undermine the ecology of the family. Education policies that let students sue teachers erode classroom authority. Multicultural education weakens the cultural glue of assimilation. Haidt agrees that old ways must sometimes be re-examined and changed. He just wants liberals to proceed with caution and protect the social pillars sustained by tradition.

6. Another aspect of human nature that conservatives understand better than liberals, according to Haidt, is parochial altruism, the inclination to care more about members of your group — particularly those who have made sacrifices for it —than about outsiders.... submitting to the United Nations .... may be noble, but they aren’t natural. What’s natural is giving to your church, helping your P.T.A. and rallying together as Americans against a foreign threat.

7. The hardest part, Haidt finds, is getting liberals to open their minds. Anecdotally, he reports that when he talks about authority, loyalty and sanctity, many people in the audience spurn these ideas as the seeds of racism, sexism and homophobia. And in a survey of 2,000 Americans, Haidt found that self-described liberals, especially those who called themselves “very liberal,” were worse at predicting the moral judgments of moderates and conservatives than moderates and conservatives were at predicting the moral judgments of liberals. Liberals don’t understand conservative values. And they can’t recognize this failing, because they’re so convinced of their rationality, open-mindedness and enlightenment."

Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist at the University of Virginia who, until 2009, considered himself a partisan liberal.

Haidt has an ability that you can only dream of having.....he is capable of learning.

Jonathan Haidt, the man who put a smiley face on authoritarianism?

"While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives"
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians
Actually you are describing conservatism.

"All people are born alike—except Republicans and Democrats," quipped Groucho Marx, and in fact it turns out that personality differences between liberals and conservatives are evident in early childhood. In 1969, Berkeley professors Jack and Jeanne Block embarked on a study of childhood personality, asking nursery school teachers to rate children's temperaments. They weren't even thinking about political orientation.

Twenty years later, they decided to compare the subjects' childhood personalities with their political preferences as adults. They found arresting patterns. As kids, liberals had developed close relationships with peers and were rated by their teachers as self-reliant, energetic, impulsive, and resilient. People who were conservative at age 23 had been described by their teachers as easily victimized, easily offended, indecisive, fearful, rigid, inhibited, and vulnerable at age 3. The reason for the difference, the Blocks hypothesized, was that insecure kids most needed the reassurance of tradition and authority, and they found it in conservative politics.

Psychology Today

Guess again, Simp!

"1. "You’re smart. You’re liberal. You’re well informed. You think conservatives are narrow-minded. You can’t understand why working-class Americans vote Republican. You figure they’re being duped. You’re wrong.

2. In “The Righteous Mind,” Haidt seeks to enrich liberalism, and political discourse generally, with a deeper awareness of human nature. Like other psychologists who have ventured into political coaching, such as George Lakoff and Drew Westen, Haidt argues that people are fundamentally intuitive, not rational.

3. Drawing on ethnography, evolutionary theory and experimental psychology, he sets out to trash the modern faith in reason. ... David Hume, the Scottish philosopher who notoriously said reason was fit only to be “the slave of the passions,” was largely correct.

a. We acquire morality the same way we acquire food preferences: .... If it tastes good, we stick with it. If it doesn’t, we reject it. People accept God, authority and karma because these ideas suit their moral taste buds. Haidt points to research showing that people punish cheaters, accept many hierarchies and don’t support equal distribution of benefits when contributions are unequal.

4. You can see [these ideas] in the Republican Party. Social conservatives see welfare and feminism as threats to responsibility and family stability. The Tea Party hates redistribution because it interferes with letting people reap what they earn. Faith, patriotism, valor, chastity, law and order — these Republican themes touch all six moral foundations, ....

a. .... Democrats, in Haidt’s analysis, focus almost entirely on care and fighting oppression. This is Haidt’s startling message to the left: When it comes to morality, conservatives are more broad-minded than liberals. They serve a more varied diet.\

b. Conservatism thrives because it fits how people think, and that’s what validates it. Workers who vote Republican aren’t fools. In Haidt’s words, they’re “voting for their moral interests.” One of these interests is moral capital — norms, practices and institutions, like religion and family values, that facilitate cooperation by constraining individualism.

5. ... liberals dissolve moral capital too recklessly. Welfare programs that substitute public aid for spousal and parental support undermine the ecology of the family. Education policies that let students sue teachers erode classroom authority. Multicultural education weakens the cultural glue of assimilation. Haidt agrees that old ways must sometimes be re-examined and changed. He just wants liberals to proceed with caution and protect the social pillars sustained by tradition.

6. Another aspect of human nature that conservatives understand better than liberals, according to Haidt, is parochial altruism, the inclination to care more about members of your group — particularly those who have made sacrifices for it —than about outsiders.... submitting to the United Nations .... may be noble, but they aren’t natural. What’s natural is giving to your church, helping your P.T.A. and rallying together as Americans against a foreign threat.

7. The hardest part, Haidt finds, is getting liberals to open their minds. Anecdotally, he reports that when he talks about authority, loyalty and sanctity, many people in the audience spurn these ideas as the seeds of racism, sexism and homophobia. And in a survey of 2,000 Americans, Haidt found that self-described liberals, especially those who called themselves “very liberal,” were worse at predicting the moral judgments of moderates and conservatives than moderates and conservatives were at predicting the moral judgments of liberals. Liberals don’t understand conservative values. And they can’t recognize this failing, because they’re so convinced of their rationality, open-mindedness and enlightenment."

Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist at the University of Virginia who, until 2009, considered himself a partisan liberal.

Haidt has an ability that you can only dream of having.....he is capable of learning.

Jonathan Haidt, the man who put a smiley face on authoritarianism?

"While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives"
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians


Sure: Haidt has an ability that you can only dream of having.....he is capable of learning.
Guess again, Simp!

"1. "You’re smart. You’re liberal. You’re well informed. You think conservatives are narrow-minded. You can’t understand why working-class Americans vote Republican. You figure they’re being duped. You’re wrong.

2. In “The Righteous Mind,” Haidt seeks to enrich liberalism, and political discourse generally, with a deeper awareness of human nature. Like other psychologists who have ventured into political coaching, such as George Lakoff and Drew Westen, Haidt argues that people are fundamentally intuitive, not rational.

3. Drawing on ethnography, evolutionary theory and experimental psychology, he sets out to trash the modern faith in reason. ... David Hume, the Scottish philosopher who notoriously said reason was fit only to be “the slave of the passions,” was largely correct.

a. We acquire morality the same way we acquire food preferences: .... If it tastes good, we stick with it. If it doesn’t, we reject it. People accept God, authority and karma because these ideas suit their moral taste buds. Haidt points to research showing that people punish cheaters, accept many hierarchies and don’t support equal distribution of benefits when contributions are unequal.

4. You can see [these ideas] in the Republican Party. Social conservatives see welfare and feminism as threats to responsibility and family stability. The Tea Party hates redistribution because it interferes with letting people reap what they earn. Faith, patriotism, valor, chastity, law and order — these Republican themes touch all six moral foundations, ....

a. .... Democrats, in Haidt’s analysis, focus almost entirely on care and fighting oppression. This is Haidt’s startling message to the left: When it comes to morality, conservatives are more broad-minded than liberals. They serve a more varied diet.\

b. Conservatism thrives because it fits how people think, and that’s what validates it. Workers who vote Republican aren’t fools. In Haidt’s words, they’re “voting for their moral interests.” One of these interests is moral capital — norms, practices and institutions, like religion and family values, that facilitate cooperation by constraining individualism.

5. ... liberals dissolve moral capital too recklessly. Welfare programs that substitute public aid for spousal and parental support undermine the ecology of the family. Education policies that let students sue teachers erode classroom authority. Multicultural education weakens the cultural glue of assimilation. Haidt agrees that old ways must sometimes be re-examined and changed. He just wants liberals to proceed with caution and protect the social pillars sustained by tradition.

6. Another aspect of human nature that conservatives understand better than liberals, according to Haidt, is parochial altruism, the inclination to care more about members of your group — particularly those who have made sacrifices for it —than about outsiders.... submitting to the United Nations .... may be noble, but they aren’t natural. What’s natural is giving to your church, helping your P.T.A. and rallying together as Americans against a foreign threat.

7. The hardest part, Haidt finds, is getting liberals to open their minds. Anecdotally, he reports that when he talks about authority, loyalty and sanctity, many people in the audience spurn these ideas as the seeds of racism, sexism and homophobia. And in a survey of 2,000 Americans, Haidt found that self-described liberals, especially those who called themselves “very liberal,” were worse at predicting the moral judgments of moderates and conservatives than moderates and conservatives were at predicting the moral judgments of liberals. Liberals don’t understand conservative values. And they can’t recognize this failing, because they’re so convinced of their rationality, open-mindedness and enlightenment."

Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist at the University of Virginia who, until 2009, considered himself a partisan liberal.

Haidt has an ability that you can only dream of having.....he is capable of learning.

Jonathan Haidt, the man who put a smiley face on authoritarianism?

"While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives"
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians


Sure: Haidt has an ability that you can only dream of having.....he is capable of learning.

You want to lecture me on learning? Really PC? You, the right wing authoritarian who is an expert in active ignorance? You never, ever read to learn. You seek ammunition to demean liberals and liberalism like a vulture.

Here's the rub PC. I've been around long enough to have lived during the liberal era that ended at the end of the 1960's and I have witnessed the conservative era that followed.

What America is suffering from today is not because of liberals. We are mired in the malfeasance of the conservative world view. The Reagan revolution was a catastrophic failure.

“Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not. Reagan was an ideological inflection point, ending a 50-year liberal ascendancy and beginning a 30-year conservative ascendancy."
Charles Krauthammer

"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan

"Grover Norquist has no plan to pay this debt down. His plan says you continue to add to the debt..."
Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.)
Jonathan Haidt, the man who put a smiley face on authoritarianism?

"While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives"
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians


Sure: Haidt has an ability that you can only dream of having.....he is capable of learning.

You want to lecture me on learning? Really PC? You, the right wing authoritarian who is an expert in active ignorance? You never, ever read to learn. You seek ammunition to demean liberals and liberalism like a vulture.

Here's the rub PC. I've been around long enough to have lived during the liberal era that ended at the end of the 1960's and I have witnessed the conservative era that followed.

What America is suffering from today is not because of liberals. We are mired in the malfeasance of the conservative world view. The Reagan revolution was a catastrophic failure.

“Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not. Reagan was an ideological inflection point, ending a 50-year liberal ascendancy and beginning a 30-year conservative ascendancy."
Charles Krauthammer

"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan

"Grover Norquist has no plan to pay this debt down. His plan says you continue to add to the debt..."
Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.)

You make this far too easy.
Like shootin' fish in a barrel....and you're the fish.

1. "You seek ammunition to demean liberals and liberalism like a vulture."
Be serious.... liberals and liberalism demean themselves by their very nature!
Eugenics, gulags......the collective over the individuaL....

2. "I've been around long enough to have lived during the liberal era..."
When you were a kid, were the rainbows in black and white?

3. "....the conservative era that followed."
You mean the end of the Evil Empire, and freeing of Eastern Europe???
You're welcome.

4. "America is suffering from today is not because of liberals."
Two words: Barack Obama.

5. "The Reagan revolution was a catastrophic failure."
"The second effect of the Reagan years was to launch America into what is now widely regarded as a remarkable 15-year low-inflation, high-employment bull market (the Dow was at 800 in 1982, 8,000 today)—interrupted only mildly in the middle Bush years. These 15 years of prosperity were propelled by Reaganomics: lower tax rates, a long-run decline in inflation and interest rates (which also lowers tax rates), freer international trade and a strong dollar. Even with the anti-supply-side Bush and Clinton tax hikes, the top tax rate today of 40% is far below the towering 70% tax rate that disabled the economy in the 1970s. The end of the Cold War has created an international environment of peace and stability, nudging the economy into still higher gear in recent years."
Who Balanced the Budget? | Cato Institute
Well, even if you accept the rather questionable premise that we 'won' the Cold War, given that the current ex-Soviet bloc has just about as many missiles pointed at us as before, and certainly just as much capability to destroy us as before,

setting that aside,

we weren't the only nation to 'win' the Cold War -

all of our so-called socialist European allies won too.

How did they win? Mostly by getting us to pay for it. lol, a rather enterprising scam pulled on us,

the supposed champions of enterprise.
Well, even if you accept the rather questionable premise that we 'won' the Cold War, given that the current ex-Soviet bloc has just about as many missiles pointed at us as before, and certainly just as much capability to destroy us as before,

setting that aside,

we weren't the only nation to 'win' the Cold War -

all of our so-called socialist European allies won too.

How did they win? Mostly by getting us to pay for it. lol, a rather enterprising scam pulled on us,

the supposed champions of enterprise.

Well we did win the cold war. at least conservatives did. but then we let libs get back in control and they opened the door and gave the russians free range.
Instead of wasting your collective time seeking to prove that STRAW MEN creatures called "liberals" or "conservatives" are inherently good or evil?

Why not just discuss specific issues and events and let the audience make up its own mind?

Instead of being a liberal or conservative that means something vague (to each listener) be for or against something SPECIFIC.

You people are so TEAM obsessed you talk past one another.
Instead of wasting your collective time seeking to prove that STRAW MEN creatures called "liberals" or "conservatives" are inherently good or evil?

Why not just discuss specific issues and events and let the audience make up its own mind?

Instead of being a liberal or conservative that means something vague (to each listener) be for or against something SPECIFIC.

You people are so TEAM obsessed you talk past one another.

ok, I'm against liberals and their ideals

Sure: Haidt has an ability that you can only dream of having.....he is capable of learning.

You want to lecture me on learning? Really PC? You, the right wing authoritarian who is an expert in active ignorance? You never, ever read to learn. You seek ammunition to demean liberals and liberalism like a vulture.

Here's the rub PC. I've been around long enough to have lived during the liberal era that ended at the end of the 1960's and I have witnessed the conservative era that followed.

What America is suffering from today is not because of liberals. We are mired in the malfeasance of the conservative world view. The Reagan revolution was a catastrophic failure.

“Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not. Reagan was an ideological inflection point, ending a 50-year liberal ascendancy and beginning a 30-year conservative ascendancy."
Charles Krauthammer

"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan

"Grover Norquist has no plan to pay this debt down. His plan says you continue to add to the debt..."
Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.)

You make this far too easy.
Like shootin' fish in a barrel....and you're the fish.

1. "You seek ammunition to demean liberals and liberalism like a vulture."
Be serious.... liberals and liberalism demean themselves by their very nature!
Eugenics, gulags......the collective over the individuaL....

2. "I've been around long enough to have lived during the liberal era..."
When you were a kid, were the rainbows in black and white?

3. "....the conservative era that followed."
You mean the end of the Evil Empire, and freeing of Eastern Europe???
You're welcome.

4. "America is suffering from today is not because of liberals."
Two words: Barack Obama.

5. "The Reagan revolution was a catastrophic failure."
"The second effect of the Reagan years was to launch America into what is now widely regarded as a remarkable 15-year low-inflation, high-employment bull market (the Dow was at 800 in 1982, 8,000 today)—interrupted only mildly in the middle Bush years. These 15 years of prosperity were propelled by Reaganomics: lower tax rates, a long-run decline in inflation and interest rates (which also lowers tax rates), freer international trade and a strong dollar. Even with the anti-supply-side Bush and Clinton tax hikes, the top tax rate today of 40% is far below the towering 70% tax rate that disabled the economy in the 1970s. The end of the Cold War has created an international environment of peace and stability, nudging the economy into still higher gear in recent years."
Who Balanced the Budget? | Cato Institute

I am going to ask you a direct question. I expect a direct answer, not your usual litany of obfuscation.

How do you answer David Stockman's claim?

"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan.
Bill Ayers is a hero to the left. Every high profile conservative speaker has been a victim of assault on college campus at one time or another in their careers. The scum that comrade Carter pardoned his first year in office after they renounced their US citizenship and fled to Canada are now college administrators and old bald headed pony tailed professors. High profile Vietnam anti-war activists and hypocrites like John Kerry are comfortable administering a stagnated war in Afghanistan where more Troops were killed during Obama's administration than the previous administration. It's OK as ling as a democrat is in office.

I do not know anyone on the left who considers Bill Ayers a hero.

You want to lecture me on learning? Really PC? You, the right wing authoritarian who is an expert in active ignorance? You never, ever read to learn. You seek ammunition to demean liberals and liberalism like a vulture.

Here's the rub PC. I've been around long enough to have lived during the liberal era that ended at the end of the 1960's and I have witnessed the conservative era that followed.

What America is suffering from today is not because of liberals. We are mired in the malfeasance of the conservative world view. The Reagan revolution was a catastrophic failure.

“Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not. Reagan was an ideological inflection point, ending a 50-year liberal ascendancy and beginning a 30-year conservative ascendancy."
Charles Krauthammer

"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan

"Grover Norquist has no plan to pay this debt down. His plan says you continue to add to the debt..."
Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.)

You make this far too easy.
Like shootin' fish in a barrel....and you're the fish.

1. "You seek ammunition to demean liberals and liberalism like a vulture."
Be serious.... liberals and liberalism demean themselves by their very nature!
Eugenics, gulags......the collective over the individuaL....

2. "I've been around long enough to have lived during the liberal era..."
When you were a kid, were the rainbows in black and white?

3. "....the conservative era that followed."
You mean the end of the Evil Empire, and freeing of Eastern Europe???
You're welcome.

4. "America is suffering from today is not because of liberals."
Two words: Barack Obama.

5. "The Reagan revolution was a catastrophic failure."
"The second effect of the Reagan years was to launch America into what is now widely regarded as a remarkable 15-year low-inflation, high-employment bull market (the Dow was at 800 in 1982, 8,000 today)—interrupted only mildly in the middle Bush years. These 15 years of prosperity were propelled by Reaganomics: lower tax rates, a long-run decline in inflation and interest rates (which also lowers tax rates), freer international trade and a strong dollar. Even with the anti-supply-side Bush and Clinton tax hikes, the top tax rate today of 40% is far below the towering 70% tax rate that disabled the economy in the 1970s. The end of the Cold War has created an international environment of peace and stability, nudging the economy into still higher gear in recent years."
Who Balanced the Budget? | Cato Institute

I am going to ask you a direct question. I expect a direct answer, not your usual litany of obfuscation.

How do you answer David Stockman's claim?

"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

Democrats controlled Congress and LIED to Reagan that they would institute spending cuts
You want to lecture me on learning? Really PC? You, the right wing authoritarian who is an expert in active ignorance? You never, ever read to learn. You seek ammunition to demean liberals and liberalism like a vulture.

Here's the rub PC. I've been around long enough to have lived during the liberal era that ended at the end of the 1960's and I have witnessed the conservative era that followed.

What America is suffering from today is not because of liberals. We are mired in the malfeasance of the conservative world view. The Reagan revolution was a catastrophic failure.

“Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not. Reagan was an ideological inflection point, ending a 50-year liberal ascendancy and beginning a 30-year conservative ascendancy."
Charles Krauthammer

"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan

"Grover Norquist has no plan to pay this debt down. His plan says you continue to add to the debt..."
Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.)

You make this far too easy.
Like shootin' fish in a barrel....and you're the fish.

1. "You seek ammunition to demean liberals and liberalism like a vulture."
Be serious.... liberals and liberalism demean themselves by their very nature!
Eugenics, gulags......the collective over the individuaL....

2. "I've been around long enough to have lived during the liberal era..."
When you were a kid, were the rainbows in black and white?

3. "....the conservative era that followed."
You mean the end of the Evil Empire, and freeing of Eastern Europe???
You're welcome.

4. "America is suffering from today is not because of liberals."
Two words: Barack Obama.

5. "The Reagan revolution was a catastrophic failure."
"The second effect of the Reagan years was to launch America into what is now widely regarded as a remarkable 15-year low-inflation, high-employment bull market (the Dow was at 800 in 1982, 8,000 today)—interrupted only mildly in the middle Bush years. These 15 years of prosperity were propelled by Reaganomics: lower tax rates, a long-run decline in inflation and interest rates (which also lowers tax rates), freer international trade and a strong dollar. Even with the anti-supply-side Bush and Clinton tax hikes, the top tax rate today of 40% is far below the towering 70% tax rate that disabled the economy in the 1970s. The end of the Cold War has created an international environment of peace and stability, nudging the economy into still higher gear in recent years."
Who Balanced the Budget? | Cato Institute

I am going to ask you a direct question. I expect a direct answer, not your usual litany of obfuscation.

How do you answer David Stockman's claim?

"The debt explosion has resulted not from big spending by the Democrats, but instead the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."
David Stockman - Director of the Office of Management and Budget for U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

"I am going to ask you a direct question. I expect a direct answer,.....David Stockman....."

Oh...thank heaven!

I thought you were about to ask me out......

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