Zone1 How we repair it: White Americans’ attitudes toward reparations

You mean quack science? Hey, how is Rushton doing at his old job? What? They've denounced his work and any affiliation with him? Amazing!!!

* The basic assertions of race realism are well documented, and obvious to anyone with extensive experience with East Asians, whites, and blacks. Claiming that they are false, because they have been denounced, without proving that they are false is an example of the appeal to authority fallacy. *

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That could have never happened 30 years ago.

I voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. I would certainly vote for him against Trump.
I already answered those questions. I will answer them again. Pay attention this time.

A much higher percentage of blacks are on welfare. Blacks have much higher rates of crime and illegitimacy. Blacks are more likely to perform poorly on all the mental aptitude tests, however they are designed. They are more likely to fail academically. Nothing has enabled most blacks to behave and perform as well as most whites.

You can keep saying that, and some of it might be true... but you ignore that it's the result of 400 years of institutionalized racism.
Nobody believes you'd ever vote for a black guy.

I didn't vote for him in 2008 because he didn't have the experience and I thought what he did to his poor grandma was disgraceful.

I did vote for him in 2012, because I REALLY, REALLY hate Mormons.
My assertion that I voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012 is credible as your assertion that you "REALLY, REALLY hate Mormons."

If you went to college you did not learn what averages are and what ambivalence is. You did not learn how to evaluate evidence.

I was proselytized by two Mormon missionaries when I was nineteen years old. After a thorough investigation of Mormonism I reluctantly concluded that Joseph Smith was a religious charlatan. I told the two Mormon missionaries what I had discovered. Unlike you, they responded politely to what I told them. We parted amicably.

I have since then talked to other Mormon missionaries. I show them my volume that includes The Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants, and The Pearl of Great Price, each of which I have read and underlined. Mormons consider those three books to be as sacred as the Bible. I also show them one of the Bibles I have read, in case they want to prove their religion by quoting the Bible.

They disagree with me without being disagreeable, and reinforce the high opinion I have of Mormons. Mormons are nearly always high on the good statistics, and low on the bad statistics. I would love to have Mormons as neighbors.
You can keep saying that, and some of it might be true... but you ignore that it's the result of 400 years of institutionalized racism.
I do not ignore those 400 years of institutionalized racism. I consider them along with the facts that American Negroes are more affluent than African Negroes, and in better health.

I also compare those 400 years with the nearly 2,000 Jews were persecuted, to emerge as the most accomplished 0.2% percent of the human population.
My assertion that I voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012 is credible as your assertion that you "REALLY, REALLY hate Mormons."

Um, are you new here? I've been bashing Mormons here since 2011. It's kind of what I'm known for here. (Among other things.)

If you went to college you did not learn what averages are and what ambivalence is. You did not learn how to evaluate evidence.

Sure I did. I just didn't accept junk science and debunked Eugenics as valuable, because even 40 years ago when I went to college, we knew this was junk science.

I was proselytized by two Mormon missionaries
No one is interested in hearing this story again.

My problem with Mormons is the same one I have with Zionists. When you think that you are God's chosen people and everyone else is a "gentile", you are going to tend to act like an asshole.

I do not ignore those 400 years of institutionalized racism.

No, but you minimize it.

I also compare those 400 years with the nearly 2,000 Jews were persecuted, to emerge as the most accomplished 0.2% percent of the human population.
Except they really weren't.

Jews were never slaves. They did write the Bible that people used to rationalize slavery for centuries, though.
There was never anything like a Sundown Law or Jim Crow, or Miscegnation laws.

Now, were they oppressed in Europe? You betcha, and they were the poor trash of Europe, along with the Roma, Sinti, and other groups everyone was fine with getting rid of.

But here's the key thing. A Jew can just deny being a Jew any time he wants to, and he'll be treated just like any other white person. This is why I find Lisa's perpetual caterwauling to be a little silly.

I come from a German ancestry. German-Americans were discriminated again. But you know what, once we lost our accents, we assimilated.

blacks simply have never had that option in this country.
Um, are you new here? I've been bashing Mormons here since 2011. It's kind of what I'm known for here. (Among other things.) ……

….My problem with Mormons is the same one I have with Zionists. When you think that you are God's chosen people and everyone else is a "gentile", you are going to tend to act like an asshole.
It’s called “bashing” when fruitcake liberals do it. You know, like ”punch a Nazi”. When conservatives do it, it’s a “threat to democracy”.

Just pretend those Mormons had brown skin and were being attacked by Israel. Suddenly all your petty complaints about believing you are “Gods chosen people“ just goes to show what a bunch of assholes Palestinians are. Tell a Muslim they aren’t Gods chosen and see what they think about it.

Jews were never slaves. They did write the Bible that people used to rationalize slavery for centuries, though.
There was never anything like a Sundown Law or Jim Crow, or Miscegnation laws.
Tired liberal troupe. The Bible doesn’t not “rationalize slavery”. You woke retards are now trying to pin “centuries” of slavery on Christians?
Slavery was practiced the globe over for all of human history. Pretending like the Bible was a rationalization of slavery is super flaming gay.
Um, are you new here? I've been bashing Mormons here since 2011. It's kind of what I'm known for here. (Among other things.)
Hey, I said it is easy to believe that you hate Mormons. You have a vast reservoir of hostility and Mormons happen to be one of your targets.
Sure I did. I just didn't accept junk science and debunked Eugenics as valuable, because even 40 years ago when I went to college, we knew this was junk science.
You have never explained why race realism is junk science. I have explained why it is true, using material I have found on the internet.

By every objective, measurable criteria blacks on the average are less intelligent than whites and East Asians. They have higher rates of crime and illegitimacy. And that has always been true.

Moreover, illegitimacy is an illegitimate life style. It causes many social pathologies, including welfare dependence.

Finally, eugenics is not a science. It is a cause, and a legitimate one, because as people with IQ's below 100 are having more children than people with IQ's above 100, jobs for people with IQ's below 100 are being replaced by computer technology and automation.
My problem with Mormons is the same one I have with Zionists. When you think that you are God's chosen people and everyone else is a "gentile", you are going to tend to act like an asshole.
So, what is your excuse?
No, but you minimize it.
Yes I do. I can understand why people sympathize with blacks. When I was a child, a teenager, and a young adult I made excuses for them myself. When I got older I got tired of making excuses for those people. Now I am tired of hearing those excuses.

Sure there are admirable Negroes, like Barack Obama, who I voted for in 2008 and 2012. As a race, what have Negroes achieved during the last two generations that gives any evidence that they are intrinsically equal to whites and East Asians?
Except they really weren't.

Jews were never slaves. They did write the Bible that people used to rationalize slavery for centuries, though.
There was never anything like a Sundown Law or Jim Crow, or Miscegnation laws.
There were the pogroms you gloat about, and the occasional exterminations culminating in the Holocaust.
JoeB131, you are always complaining about my racism. Sundance508 is the real thing. This is what he wrote:

"The majority of people back then believed and the more astute and intelligent today, still believe and (those who are knowledegable regarding genetics) understand that Negroes were designed by Nature(Creator) to be slaves; that they were part of a 'degraded caste' meant to serve the rest of humanity...and of course any advanced civilization must have servants(at least until robots are able to assume that role)."


Go over and talk to him, if you have the courage.
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It’s called “bashing” when fruitcake liberals do it. You know, like ”punch a Nazi”. When conservatives do it, it’s a “threat to democracy”.

I've never punched a Mormon. That would be wrong. what I do to them is far worse. I point out that Joseph Smith was a fraud and a pedophile.

Just pretend those Mormons had brown skin and were being attacked by Israel. Suddenly all your petty complaints about believing you are “Gods chosen people“ just goes to show what a bunch of assholes Palestinians are. Tell a Muslim they aren’t Gods chosen and see what they think about it.

Except our problem with the Middle East has never been their religion, it's been our imperialism. I'm old enough to remember when the Zionists had everyone convinced that the Palestinians and other Arabs who opposed the Zionist Entity were all a bunch of dirty, stinking commies!!! Look, they are carrying AK-47's. That must make them all Commies!!!

The Zionist attempts to paint the Palestinians who just want their own country back as "Islamists" is just playing on our post-9/11 fears. Instead of taking a rational look at why we are supporting an apartheid state.

Tired liberal troupe. The Bible doesn’t not “rationalize slavery”. You woke retards are now trying to pin “centuries” of slavery on Christians?
Slavery was practiced the globe over for all of human history. Pretending like the Bible was a rationalization of slavery is super flaming gay.

Oh, quite the contrary. The argument made particularly by the slaveholders was because Noah cursed Ham, his descendants (black people) were required for all eternity to be slaves to the children of Shem and Japeth (White people).

There were the pogroms you gloat about, and the occasional exterminations culminating in the Holocaust.
All of which they could avoid by claiming to be a goyim.
Hey, I said it is easy to believe that you hate Mormons. You have a vast reservoir of hostility and Mormons happen to be one of your targets.

Yes, if you belong to a cult started by a child-molesting con artist, then I am going to have a lot of hostility towards you. My first encounter with Mormons was in 1983, and even without knowing the crazy shit they believe, I never met a more two-faced, backstabbing bunch of MFers in my life.

You have never explained why race realism is junk science. I have explained why it is true, using material I have found on the internet.

You can prove Bigfoot exists with stuff you find on the internet. You can prove JFK was killed by Space Aliens based on what you find on the internet. Heck, there even some asshole at Northwestern who claims the Holocaust never happened.

How about PEER REVIEWED science from guys who haven't been denounced by their institutions?

By every objective, measurable criteria blacks on the average are less intelligent than whites and East Asians. They have higher rates of crime and illegitimacy. And that has always been true.

Again, correlation doesn't equal causality. Blacks are in a worse position because white people have been keeping them down for 400 years.

Moreover, illegitimacy is an illegitimate life style. It causes many social pathologies, including welfare dependence.

Actually, monogomy is what is contrary to nature. Humans are the only monogamous animals, and we don't even get it right most of the time. (Okay, I think there are other monogamous animals, but they are very few.) If anything, spreading your seed is an evolutionary advantage. The strongest get laid with multiple partners, spreading their seed.

Finally, eugenics is not a science. It is a cause, and a legitimate one, because as people with IQ's below 100 are having more children than people with IQ's above 100, jobs for people with IQ's below 100 are being replaced by computer technology and automation.

Works on the assumption that will be relevant in 100 years, when we are all hooked up with the internet directly to our brains and become super-geniuses.


Conversely, when fossil fuels run out, and the world is too warm, those darker skinned more primitive people will have a big advantage when civilization collapses.

White people had a good run for 500 years, but that's kind of going to be over, soon, one way or the other. We probably need to atone on our way out.

So, what is your excuse?
I'm an asshole to people who deserve it. That's my excuse. If I'm mean to you, you are probably some kind of idiot.

Yes I do. I can understand why people sympathize with blacks. When I was a child, a teenager, and a young adult I made excuses for them myself. When I got older I got tired of making excuses for those people. Now I am tired of hearing those excuses.

Sure there are admirable Negroes, like Barack Obama, who I voted for in 2008 and 2012. As a race, what have Negroes achieved during the last two generations that gives any evidence that they are intrinsically equal to whites and East Asians?

You'd have chewed off your arm at the elbow before voting for a black dude.

JoeB131, you are always complaining about my racism. Sundance508 is the real thing. This is what he wrote:
Sundance hasn't posted here since 2017. This is probably why I don't challenge him. He only posted for a few months and racked up less than 3000 posts. How long did you actually go around looking for a black guy who says stupid stuff to find that?

I do, however, Challenge IM2 when he says something particularly stupid (which would be any day ending in Y) and the particular ball of psychosis that was PaulEssen.

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