Zone1 How we repair it: White Americans’ attitudes toward reparations

Only because the Funditards think we need Jews in Israel for Jesus to come back and end the world.
What matters is that Trump did move the American embassy to Jerusalem. It is one of the few things he did I approve of. I believe he also stopped giving the Palestinians any financial help. If that is true, I am glad.
Democratic values does not occupy other people's land and treat them like second class citizens.
The Pals keep making bad decisions that leave them worse off

Starting in 1948 when they could have had their own state but rejected the deal
Blacks who cannot find jobs are too stupid to learn marketable job skills.

Again, spoken like someone who has never faced hardship.

What matters is that Trump did move the American embassy to Jerusalem. It is one of the few things he did I approve of. I believe he also stopped giving the Palestinians any financial help. If that is true, I am glad.

How does either of those things help?

There's a reason why past presidents didn't move the embassy to Jerusalem. Why do you think that is?
The Pals keep making bad decisions that leave them worse off

Starting in 1948 when they could have had their own state but rejected the deal

So a bunch of Chinese people move into your state, and declare it to be "Xin Zhongguo". (New China) But they will totally let you keep the less developed, least desirable parts of your state!

Are you going to accept their 'generosity"?
So a bunch of Chinese people move into your state, and declare it to be "Xin Zhongguo". (New China) But they will totally let you keep the less developed, least desirable parts of your state!

Are you going to accept their 'generosity"?
Its not the same thing as you describe

The Pals lived in the Holy Land, but they never had political control over it as the Romans and later the Turks and finally the British had the final say about everything
Its not the same thing as you describe

The Pals lived in the Holy Land, but they never had political control over it as the Romans and later the Turks and finally the British had the final say about everything

I think you are confused. The people who lived there are the rightful owners, now wherever empire (and you missed a couple) happened to stop by.

By your logic, the Jews have no real right to Palestine, either, as the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks and then Romans controlled it, before the Romans got fed up with their shit and dispersed them.
By your logic, the Jews have no real right to Palestine, either, as the Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks and then Romans controlled it, before the Romans got fed up with their shit and dispersed them.
The Jews have an organized and recognized state

The Pals never have
What matters is that Trump did move the American embassy to Jerusalem. It is one of the few things he did I approve of. I believe he also stopped giving the Palestinians any financial help. If that is true, I am glad.
Yes, he cut off the aid to SCPs* because HAMAS was skimming it off the top to build rockets against Israel. Unfortunately, Biden restored the money flow to the Muslim terrorists shortly after taking office.

*So-Called Palestinians
They were too friendly with the Palestinians.

That's fucking retarded. You are saying Ronald Reagan was too friendly to the Palestinians? Really?

Poverty is no excuse for crime.

Spoken like someone who went to bed last night in a warm bed and a full belly. This is what I mean by your lack of street smarts. I mean you can pretend your smart by copying other people's words, but it seems to me like you don't have a lot of life experience.
Blacks who cannot find jobs are too stupid to learn marketable job skills.
Not necessarily. The welfare system makes it easy. Let’s there’s a 24-year-old black male with 3 baby mamas, and 5 out-of-wedlock kids. His baby mamas share some of the food purchases and a little cash with him, and he lives with his OWN mama, who herself is only 40, and has food stamps coming in for her own younger children.

The culture of out-of-wedlock births being viewed as normal creates generational welfare. We need to taper off welfare for anyone without a child under six, and those who have kids who are 4, 3, 16 months, and 2 months, mandatory sterilization. These women knowingly decide to get pregnant, with no husband and no job, because they know other people will support their kids.
Not necessarily. The welfare system makes it easy. Let’s there’s a 24-year-old black male with 3 baby mamas, and 5 out-of-wedlock kids. His baby mamas share some of the food purchases and a little cash with him, and he lives with his OWN mama, who herself is only 40, and has food stamps coming in for her own younger children.

The culture of out-of-wedlock births being viewed as normal creates generational welfare. We need to taper off welfare for anyone without a child under six, and those who have kids who are 4, 3, 16 months, and 2 months, mandatory sterilization. These women knowingly decide to get pregnant, with no husband and no job, because they know other people will support their kids.
I would like to end welfare for all single mothers with illegitimate children, and for their illegitimate children.
But what would we do with the hungry children?
I want them serve as horrible examples for teenage girls and women who are tempted to behave the way their unmarried mothers did.

No one should have children unless they are married and unless they have the financial ability to support their children.
Not necessarily. The welfare system makes it easy. Let’s there’s a 24-year-old black male with 3 baby mamas, and 5 out-of-wedlock kids. His baby mamas share some of the food purchases and a little cash with him, and he lives with his OWN mama, who herself is only 40, and has food stamps coming in for her own younger children.

The culture of out-of-wedlock births being viewed as normal creates generational welfare. We need to taper off welfare for anyone without a child under six, and those who have kids who are 4, 3, 16 months, and 2 months, mandatory sterilization. These women knowingly decide to get pregnant, with no husband and no job, because they know other people will support their kids.

Hmmmm.... Lisa is always keen to take away other people's money.

The reality is, marriage is becoming a thing of the past in our society. 35% of WHITE people are currently born out of wedlock.

I would like to end welfare for all single mothers with illegitimate children, and for their illegitimate children.

Hector is horrified someone else is getting laid.
Hmmmm.... Lisa is always keen to take away other people's money.

The reality is, marriage is becoming a thing of the past in our society. 35% of WHITE people are currently born out of wedlock.
I have documented that illegitimacy is not a legitimate life style choice. Children raised to adulthood by both biological parents living together in matrimony tend to have many fewer problems in life than children raised in other situations.

At the very least, people who have illegitimate children should be forced to support them financially.
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