Zone1 How we repair it: White Americans’ attitudes toward reparations

Is it possible that Joe IB is black? It doesn’t make sense for him to fail against what he perceives as racism against blacks, and then spews venom against an entirely different ethnic group.

Maybe he’s one of Farrakhan‘s foot soldiers.
JoeB131 is not what he says about himself. Whites who are as delusional as he is about blacks have had little experience with them. They are usually more prosperous than JoeB131 seems to be.

Everyone I know who attended a black majority public school hates blacks. They saw them up close every day and know what most of them are like.
How can you tolerate the nonsense that comes from your keyboard?
I am a dispenser of unpleasant truths. most Racists are losers.
If you were as good at rational debate as you are for making excuses for yourself and your favorite minority, you would give me a contest.
Yet here you are spazing out because someone calls you on your bullshit.
I do not need to make excuses for Jews. All I need to do is to draw attention to their intelligence, and their achievements.
Is genocide an achievement?
Oh, I hit the motherlode of Hector's insecurities.

JoeB131 is not what he says about himself. Whites who are as delusional as he is about blacks have had little experience with them. They are usually more prosperous than JoeB131 seems to be.

Uh, Army for 11 years... I have had plenty of encounters with blacks. Every last one of them was a better human being than you are. Of course, I saw very few JEWS when I was in the army. They don't seem to enlist, for some reason. I wonder why that could be?

Everyone I know who attended a black majority public school hates blacks. They saw them up close every day and know what most of them are like.
Well, you might have me there. I went to a Catholic school.

But I think this is still more about your own insecurities.

I'm sure Jamal feels really bad about shoving you into that locker.
Is it possible that Joe IB is black? It doesn’t make sense for him to fail against what he perceives as racism against blacks, and then spews venom against an entirely different ethnic group.

Maybe he’s one of Farrakhan‘s foot soldiers.
Oh, I've been accused of being Black, Hispanic, Chinese, White, Gay, straight, and who knows what else, usually be people who can't stand the line of truth I put down.
I am a dispenser of unpleasant truths.
You do not post truths but irritable attitudes and misconceptions that I easily refute. For example, you think mental aptitude tests are invalid. You think that what happened to blacks during the last four centuries explains their social pathology now.

You think suppressing the teaching of race realists disproves race realism. I think it proves that the assertions of race realism can survive rational challenges.
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Winning against the odds is a considerable achievement of the Jews. During the wars of 1948 and 1967 they fought most of the Arab world and won.
And the rest of those wars, they needed the US to bail them out.
Thats a fact that galls libs who despise Israel
Well, there are different reasons.

Conservatives tend to hate Jews because they aren't white enough, and because they killed Jesus. (Which, by the way, I don't agree with because I don't think Jesus ever existed.)

Liberals dislike Israel because they are committing genocide on our dime. This should also be a good reason for conservatives to not like them, because they make our security system much worse.

Do you think 9/11 would have happened if Israel didn't exist? I don't.
You do not post truths but irritable attitudes and misconceptions that I easily refute. For example, you think mental aptitude tests are invalid.
The way you want to use them, absolutely.

You think that what happened to blacks during the last four centuries explains their social pathology now.

400 years of systematic abuse, torture and discrimination are going to have an effect.

You think suppressing the teaching of race realists disproves race realism.
No, it's already been disproven. Now we move it onto the same shelf as Astrology, Phrenology, Eugenics, Creationism and other debunked beliefs.
The Israelis are people like us. The Palestinians are not.
You see, this is the racism coming out.

The Germans were people "Just like us", but they did the most horrific things during World War II. When my dad got back from the war, my grandmother refused to believe what the relatives had been up to, and burned a lot of the pictures he took at Nordhausen.

Not that America's hands are clean. We live in a land cleared by genocide, and built on slave labor (not just black).

It's easy to be 'civilized' when you go to bed tonight with a full belly and a warm place to sleep.

Why are we subsidizing their religious fantasies with blood and treasure?
There are secular reasons such as they represent decency and western democratic values

Americans admire the Jew’s courage and pluckiness

And one big religious reason

They are God’s chosen people

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