Zone1 How we repair it: White Americans’ attitudes toward reparations

If you really went to college you should have learned about averages.

Again you rely on anecdotes. How do you account for this?
I don't. Anything you post is automatically rejected as bullshit.

If Jews were smart, the Holocaust would have never happened. Nor the Spanish Inquisition nor the Russian Pogroms.
I don't. Anything you post is automatically rejected as bullshit.

If Jews were smart, the Holocaust would have never happened. Nor the Spanish Inquisition nor the Russian Pogroms.
You reject facts that interfere with what you do not want to believe.

The Holocaust you gloat about happened because Jews in areas controlled by Nazis were outnumbered by Nazis.

The Jews did an excellent job of recovering from the Holocaust. Blacks continue to lag at the bottom. Nevertheless, American Negroes tend to be better off than Negroes in black majority, black run countries.
Lissa558, it gets tiresome to keep pushing facts into JoeB131's closed and narrow minds. My consolation is that he privately knows that what I post is true.

You reject facts that interfere with what you do not want to believe.
I reject garbage.

The Holocaust you gloat about happened because Jews in areas controlled by Nazis were outnumbered by Nazis.
No, it happened because Jews were seen as having caused Germany's defeat in WWI and took advantage of the economic chaos the followed. Or do you think all the Germans were just crazy when they elected Hitler? (They were, but not for the reasons you think.)

I always wondered how people as smart as Germans could follow a fool like Hitler. Then Trump got elected and I stopped wondering. All you need is to identify a scapegoat and any idiot will follow you.

The Jews did an excellent job of recovering from the Holocaust.
Not really. They are like abused children who've gotten big enough to abuse someone else. This is nothing to be proud of.

Blacks continue to lag at the bottom.
You mean that we keep pushing them down.
Lissa558, it gets tiresome to keep pushing facts into JoeB131's closed and narrow minds. My consolation is that he privately knows that what I post is true.
Maybe you and Lisa should get a room. Ugh... there's an ugly mental picture.

Dude, you are a sad racist. Watching you try to pass off debunked garbage to feel better about yourself is just kind of sad.
Maybe you and Lisa should get a room. Ugh... there's an ugly mental picture.

Dude, you are a sad racist. Watching you try to pass off debunked garbage to feel better about yourself is just kind of sad.
Your insults do not stand up to my well documented facts. Instead, they expose deficiencies in your character, personality, and intellect. You do not understand averages. You do not understand the difference between the meaning of "debunked" and "disproved."
To be fair, SOME of what makes inner-city blacks look dumb IS cultural. There’s no value placed on speaking English well, being well-mannered, reading the classics, or gaining a knowledge of great artists and composers. That can make them appear dumber, but really it’s just unworldly. They can still be very bright.

Here’s why I say that: About a week ago I went to the casino near DC, and it was majority black - and ALL black at the craps table. (Picture it, 9 rough black dudes screaming profanity, and one petite white Jewish grandma.)

Anyway, there’s some complex Horn Bet I stay away from, but the dudes all love it. It’s a bet on four numbers, but one of the numbers has MORE of a bet on it (I think…it’s confusing), and to make it even more complicated, the numbers have different pay-off ratios. And then, if that isn’t confusing enough, if you win one of your numbers, you lose on the other three, so the losing numbers have to be subtracted from the winning payoff.

You wouldnt believe how fast these dudes computed exactly how much they were owed! They were quicker than the white dealer. They’d say, “hey man, I get $82 for the win, minus the $12 for two of the numbers, plus minus $15 for the high number, so gimme $55.”

Lissa558, it gets tiresome to keep pushing facts into JoeB131's closed and narrow minds. My consolation is that he privately knows that what I post is true.

He knows Jews, as a whole, are brighter, more educated, and more accomplished than the average - and this is despite millenia of bigotry. It’s why leftists hate us.

The antisemites on the right hate us for different reasons - religious ones. But that said, the massive spike in antisemitism IS coming from the left. You’re one of the very few leftists on this forum sticking up for the Jews.
Lissa558, it gets tiresome to keep pushing facts into JoeB131's closed and narrow minds. My consolation is that he privately knows that what I post is true.

P.S. I have him back on ignore, so not sure what he’s saying exactly. But I know the gist of his attitudes.
P.S. I have him back on ignore, so not sure what he’s saying exactly. But I know the gist of his attitudes.
I have been tempted to put JoeB131 on ignore, but I am mindful of the saying:

When the lunatic raved in the public square no one responded, proving that his case was incontestable.


JoeB131 is a troll who wants to become a bully, but he is not intimidating.
I have been tempted to put JoeB131 on ignore, but I am mindful of the saying:

When the lunatic raved in the public square no one responded, proving that his case was incontestable.


JoeB131 is a troll who wants to become a bully, but he is not intimidating.
He’s worse than the special racist with his own Zone.
Your insults do not stand up to my well documented facts. Instead, they expose deficiencies in your character, personality, and intellect. You do not understand averages. You do not understand the difference between the meaning of "debunked" and "disproved."
Guy, you aren't "documenting" facts, you are repeating crap you found on racist websites.

I understand averages very well... I also understand causality, which you do apparently do not.

P.S. I have him back on ignore, so not sure what he’s saying exactly. But I know the gist of his attitudes.
Again? THis is like the 79th time you've put me on "ignore".
He knows Jews, as a whole, are brighter, more educated, and more accomplished than the average - and this is despite millenia of bigotry. It’s why leftists hate us.
My issue with your fucked up religion isn't intelligence... it's lack of character.

I have a lot of gripes with the Catholic Church, but they really did a reasonable good job of teaching me right from wrong. I'm no angel, and never claim to be one. But I can look at Gaza and say, "That's just fucking wrong."

You apparently cannot.
Guy, you aren't "documenting" facts, you are repeating crap you found on racist websites.

I understand averages very well... I also understand causality, which you do apparently do not.
You give no indication of understanding averages. You mention a few incompetent Jews, who probably do not exist, as some kine of proof that all Jews are incompetent.

You give no indication if the broad, general knowledge I expect to find in a university graduate.
You give no indication of understanding averages. You mention a few incompetent Jews, who probably do not exist, as some kine of proof that all Jews are incompetent.
Naw, I never said all Jews were incompetent.

I do think they all have ethics problems... probably because they don't believe in an afterlife.

You give no indication if the broad, general knowledge I expect to find in a university graduate.
Best way to understand my personality. I'm an old Army Sergeant.. and my maximum tolerance for bullshit is zero meters.
Best way to understand my personality. I'm an old Army Sergeant.. and my maximum tolerance for bullshit is zero meters.
How can you tolerate the nonsense that comes from your keyboard?

If you were as good at rational debate as you are for making excuses for yourself and your favorite minority, you would give me a contest.

I do not need to make excuses for Jews. All I need to do is to draw attention to their intelligence, and their achievements.
How can you tolerate the nonsense that comes from your keyboard?

If you were as good at rational debate as you are for making excuses for yourself and your favorite minority, you would give me a contest.

I do not need to make excuses for Jews. All I need to do is to draw attention to their intelligence, and their achievements.
Is it possible that Joe IB is black? It doesn’t make sense for him to fail against what he perceives as racism against blacks, and then spews venom against an entirely different ethnic group.

Maybe he’s one of Farrakhan‘s foot soldiers.

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