Zone1 How we repair it: White Americans’ attitudes toward reparations

Wait, now you are against "stuff you find on the internet"?

The race gap hasn't been closed as quickly as we'd like because we've put in the bare minimum effort in closing it.

School’s Out: The Failure of No Child Left Behind​


The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 promised to combat the “soft bigotry of low expectations” in public education through a set of nationwide standards and federally enforced accountability. In a September 5, 2007, Capitol Hill Briefing, Neal McCluskey and Andrew Coulson of the Cato Institute’s Center for Educational Freedom were joined by Rep. Scott Garrett (R‑NJ) to examine how NCLB has fared.

ANDREW COULSON: We can look at the rise in federal per‐pupil spending since 1965. It’s gone from about $50 per student to nearly $900 per student over that period of time. And that is in constant, inflation‐adjusted dollars. So that is a real increase of about a factor of 17. This increase in spending has not been accompanied by real achievement improvement, however.

We have doubled per pupil spending and yet we have flat achievement.

REP. SCOTT GARRETT: NCLB will cost states about $1.9 billion between 2002 and 2008... focus,needed to satisfy federal regulation.


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School’s Out: The Failure of No Child Left Behind​


The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 promised to combat the “soft bigotry of low expectations” in public education through a set of nationwide standards and federally enforced accountability. In a September 5, 2007, Capitol Hill Briefing, Neal McCluskey and Andrew Coulson of the Cato Institute’s Center for Educational Freedom were joined by Rep. Scott Garrett (R‑NJ) to examine how NCLB has fared.

ANDREW COULSON: We can look at the rise in federal per‐pupil spending since 1965. It’s gone from about $50 per student to nearly $900 per student over that period of time. And that is in constant, inflation‐adjusted dollars. So that is a real increase of about a factor of 17. This increase in spending has not been accompanied by real achievement improvement, however.

We have doubled per pupil spending and yet we have flat achievement.

REP. SCOTT GARRETT: NCLB will cost states about $1.9 billion between 2002 and 2008..., NCLB changed the focus,needed to satisfy federal regulation.

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Here’s what should be done, but of course leftists would oppose it because it goes against their lie that everyone is equal:

1) At the beginning of 11th grade, every student must take the SAT.

a) those scoring below 1000 (which is the average) will be tracked into a vocational program for 12th grade: courses on plumbing, HVAC, welding, car mechanics, and so forth. Below-average students are NOT college material.

b) those scoring between 1100 and 1450 (between above average and the top 95%) will remain on the college track, but there will be no taxpayer financial support beyond student loans.

c) those scoring above 1450 (the top 5%) will not only be kept on the academic track, of course, but will be awarded full ride at State U if they major in one of the approved majors: accounting, engineering, chemistry, ethnic studies (kidding!!!), nursing, computer science, etc.

School’s Out: The Failure of No Child Left Behind
Look, Hector is going back to his happy place. Happy place.

NCLB was never anything more than a slogan. Of course, it failed. Do you honestly think George W. Stupid was really interested in improving education?

Also, you trotted out the tired "Scores haven't improved" Graph, not pointing out that scores haven't improved for ANYONE. (not just black kids.)

Now, because I'm not a robot like you are, I'll blame the NEA and AFT for some of the problems for public education. These unions make it impossible to fire incompetent teachers. The most powerful union in Chicago is the CTU (Brandon Johnson is their creature, and his one term can't end fast enough!). We put too much emphasis on testing and not critical thinking. And when you see posters on this board who claim to be teachers (Unkotare and SweetSue92 ), you can see why education is such a mess.

Oh, yeah a racist meme about black girls standing on their desks. Ooooh, I'm sure that scares you.

Here’s what should be done, but of course leftists would oppose it because it goes against their lie that everyone is equal:

1) At the beginning of 11th grade, every student must take the SAT.

No, we need to chuck testing because teachers end up teaching to the test.

a) those scoring below 1000 (which is the average) will be tracked into a vocational program for 12th grade: courses on plumbing, HVAC, welding, car mechanics, and so forth. Below-average students are NOT college material.

I don't think ANYONE should have their options limited by a test. This is kind of the opposite of freedom.

If someone isn't college material, they should still be given the chance to try and fail.

b) those scoring between 1100 and 1450 (between above average and the top 95%) will remain on the college track, but there will be no taxpayer financial support beyond student loans.

Okay, so you are for removing scholarships that favor white people such as Legacies, Athletics, Dean's Interest and Children of Staff, then? I mean, come on, if you are going to do that, let's go all out. The test and only the test.

Here's the thing. Do you know how I paid for college? I joined the Army National Guard. I got far more out of the military than I ever got out of college.

So here's my suggestion. Chuck the tests, all of them. Every 18 year old is required to do two years of National Service after High School. Upon successful completion of their national service, they can get a free ride to any college that will have them.

The Greatest Generation was the Greatest because 16 million served and got the discipline to do great things.

c) those scoring above 1450 (the top 5%) will not only be kept on the academic track, of course, but will be awarded full ride at State U if they major in one of the approved majors: accounting, engineering, chemistry, ethnic studies (kidding!!!), nursing, computer science, etc.

Why is everything you want to do punishing people for choices you don't like, Lisa? Are you so disappointed in your own life that you want to punish anyone else?

The biggest problem I see with College is that a lot of people go to college because business requires it. I work in an industry that has NOTHING to do with what I went to college for. (I majored in history, which is only useful if you want to be a teacher, and frankly, I wouldn't want to take the pay cut.) yet that degree in "Management of things that have already happened" gave me a huge leg up on other people in my field who didn't have degrees, even if they had more experience.

So if you are going to make something a REQUIREMENT for a job, then you should make it easily available to everyone.
How many are rejected automatically by software and it's not even a human doing the rejecting?

To your point, I don't think people will disagree that attitudes and perceptions are still being fought. And we do have a long way to go to fight individualized racism. But each instance should not be a tearing off the band aid and restart of the healing process.

To be on topic, reparations isn't going to fix racism. If reparations were to be handed out, I don't believe the black community would agree to stop blaming systemic racism. 20 years post reparations, if the majority of the black community still find themselves in the same economic and cultural state, are they capable of blaming themselves, or once again, point their fingers back to the white man?
YOU and the person you respond to are working from your 'feelings" !!! Totally worthless.

And what the Hell is individualized racism --- In many cases (most?) it is someone disliking some jerk (or maybe the disliker is a jerk, makes no difference) and someone outside , like you two, says 'Oh X hates Y because of the race of X or Y" UTTERLY WITHOUT FOUNDATION

Your analysis IS racist though you won't own up to it.
Look, Hector is going back to his happy place. Happy place.

NCLB was never anything more than a slogan. Of course, it failed. Do you honestly think George W. Stupid was really interested in improving education?

Also, you trotted out the tired "Scores haven't improved" Graph, not pointing out that scores haven't improved for ANYONE. (not just black kids.)

Now, because I'm not a robot like you are, I'll blame the NEA and AFT for some of the problems for public education. These unions make it impossible to fire incompetent teachers. The most powerful union in Chicago is the CTU (Brandon Johnson is their creature, and his one term can't end fast enough!). We put too much emphasis on testing and not critical thinking. And when you see posters on this board who claim to be teachers (Unkotare and SweetSue92 ), you can see why education is such a mess.
Again you ignore the facts I post. The point is more dollars to not create better scholars. The time has come to stop trying to bring Negroes up to our standards. We have wasted too much money on them already.,

No matter how much white tax money we waste on those people the race gap remains.

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Oh, yeah a racist meme about black girls standing on their desks. Ooooh, I'm sure that scares you.
Talk to a few whites who teach in black slum schools. They will tell you that racist meme is an accurate depiction of what it is like. You cannot teach people whose IQ's are below 75.
No, we need to chuck testing because teachers end up teaching to the test.

I don't think ANYONE should have their options limited by a test. This is kind of the opposite of freedom.

If someone isn't college material, they should still be given the chance to try and fail.
We have already tried your method. Tests are valid predictors of who can benefit from a college education and who cannot. Many people cannot learn high school material.
Again you ignore the facts I post.
Post a fact and I'll pay attention to it.

Talk to a few whites who teach in black slum schools. They will tell you that racist meme is an accurate depiction of what it is like. You cannot teach people whose IQ's are below 75.
Anyone who requires a Master's degree to get a $41K a year job really isn't someone who has an opinion I'm interested in.
The biggest problem I see with College is that a lot of people go to college because business requires it. I work in an industry that has NOTHING to do with what I went to college for. (I majored in history, which is only useful if you want to be a teacher, and frankly, I wouldn't want to take the pay cut.) yet that degree in "Management of things that have already happened" gave me a huge leg up on other people in my field who didn't have degrees, even if they had more experience.

So if you are going to make something a REQUIREMENT for a job, then you should make it easily available to everyone.
That is why employers should test both for IQ and for specialized knowledge that will be necessary on the job.
That is why employers should test both for IQ and for specialized knowledge that will be necessary on the job.
No, that's why employers need to do better job screening for character. You can learn how to beat the test.

Now, as a professional resume writer, I admit I contribute to the problem. I've polished some serious turds and made them more acceptable.

I can tell you I've seen a lot of people with great-looking resumes who were simply awful at the job because they just don't fit into the culture. I've had one or two cases in my career where I was a bad fit.
Guy, that's not a fact, that's a horseshit graph from a racist website.
You have an amazing ability to disregard facts that disturb your prejudices.

By every objective, measurable criteria Negroes trend to be considerably less intelligent than whites, and even less intelligent than Orientals.

Prove me wrong. Post scientific evidence that the Negro race is intrinsically equal to the white race.
You have an amazing ability to disregard facts that disturb your prejudices.

By every objective, measurable criteria Negroes trend to be considerably less intelligent than whites, and even less intelligent than Orientals.
No, they just score lower on arbitrary tests.

We know why Asians (or at least some sub-sets of Asians do well). Has to do with family pressure. Also, we aren't getting the poor Asians, we are getting the ones who had the affluence to get here.

The thing is, your 34 year old graph from a racist website aside, I can come up with a dozen reasons why blacks might score lower.

1) We don't spend nearly enough on their schools
2) THey are more likely to encounter environmental hazards, such as lead poisoning
3) The tests are written for white people with a white people bias.
4) They are less likely to have health coverage that includes eyeglasses.
5) They are more likely to belong to school districts that don't give a fuck.

I could go on, but you get the idea.

But, hey, Jamal stuffed you into that locker, and then they hired another black guy and paid him more than you, so you need to feel you are better, somehow, even though the results of your life prove otherwise.
No, they just score lower on arbitrary tests.

We know why Asians (or at least some sub-sets of Asians do well). Has to do with family pressure. Also, we aren't getting the poor Asians, we are getting the ones who had the affluence to get here.

The thing is, your 34 year old graph from a racist website aside, I can come up with a dozen reasons why blacks might score lower.

1) We don't spend nearly enough on their schools
2) THey are more likely to encounter environmental hazards, such as lead poisoning
3) The tests are written for white people with a white people bias.
4) They are less likely to have health coverage that includes eyeglasses.
5) They are more likely to belong to school districts that don't give a fuck.

I could go on, but you get the idea.

But, hey, Jamal stuffed you into that locker, and then they hired another black guy and paid him more than you, so you need to feel you are better, somehow, even though the results of your life prove otherwise.
The third most expensive public school in the United States is the system of Washington, DC. It has the highest percentage of Negroes. It gets the lowest test scores.

Mental aptitude tests are nor arbitrary. They correlate with performance. Negroes tend to perform poorly on all the tests, however they are designed. Negroes also tend to perform poorly academically. A coincidence? I think not.
The third most expensive public school in the United States is the system of Washington, DC. It has the highest percentage of Negroes. It gets the lowest test scores.

Mental aptitude tests are nor arbitrary. They correlate with performance. Negroes tend to perform poorly on all the tests, however they are designed. Negroes also tend to perform poorly academically. A coincidence? I think not.
Given 400 years of institutionalized racism, I'm amazed they do as well as they do.
They haven't.

I've met some dumb ass Jews in my time...
If you really went to college you should have learned about averages.

Again you rely on anecdotes. How do you account for this?


Richard Lynn, The Chosen People: A Study of Jewish Intelligence and Achievement, Washington Summit Publishers, 2011, 408 pp., book review by Byron M. Roth

The Chosen People: A study of Jewish Intelligence and Achievement is the most recent work of Richard Lynn dealing with group differences in IQ and their ramifications. As in all of his previous work over the past decade, he substantiates his arguments with huge quantities of empirical data. He advances his positions dispassionately and lets the facts speak for themselves, which they do in impressive, nearly irrefutable fashion. In his previous books he examined racial and ethnic differences in IQ for many groups. The Chosen People is a case study of one distinct group that has shown remarkably similar patterns of achievement in a wide variety of settings.

Professor Lynn begins by pointing out the extraordinary success of Jews in almost every field. In the 19th century the restrictions that had prevented most Jews from advanced nonreligious study began to be lifted in most of Western Europe, and by mid-century, “people began to observe that Jews were outstandingly successful, and began to speculate that this was attributable to their intellect.” (Unless otherwise noted, all quotations are from Professor Lynn.)

At that time the great bulk of Jews were still living in Eastern Europe, but owing to pogroms beginning around 1880, Jews began migrating to Western Europe and especially to the United States. They formed part of the massive immigration to the US in the period from 1880 to 1924.

Prof. Lynn writes:

They arrived as penniless refugees unable to speak the languages of their new countries; they were the “huddled masses” from the most backward region of Europe. Yet by the middle decades of the 20th century, the children and grandchildren of these immigrants were doing far better than their Gentile hosts on all indices of socioeconomic status and earnings and outperforming them by several orders of magnitude in obtaining elite academic distinction . . . .

The development of IQ tests confirmed the impression that Jews were unusually intelligent, and Professor Lynn’s extensive review of the literature indicates that Jews in the US have an average IQ of 110 compared to 100 for other Europeans. This would help account for their outstanding performance in a variety of fields. Though Jews are only about 0.2 percent of the world population, half the world’s chess grandmasters, for example, and 16 percent of Nobel Prize winners for science have been Jews. For Professor Lynn, the purpose of his book “is to document and explain such achievements.”

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