Zone1 How we repair it: White Americans’ attitudes toward reparations

Hector is horrified someone else is getting laid.
I am horrified that the congenitally unemployable are reproducing themselves and that responsible married couples are being taxed to support their illegitimate children. With too few exceptions to be statistically significant, those illegitimate children grow up to be just as useless and dangerous as their unmarried parents.

Stupidity and crime are hard coded in their genes.
We need to taper off welfare for anyone without a child under six, and those who have kids who are 4, 3, 16 months, and 2 months, mandatory sterilization. These women knowingly decide to get pregnant, with no husband and no job, because they know other people will support their kids.

The problem with welfare is entitlement. Charity should be in the private sector.* When a person receives charity from another person, they feel fortunate and the donor feels the satisfaction of helping. It’s better to give than to recieve. However when a person receives government assistance, they end up being entitled and the donor feels cheated.

Direct personal charity is good for your soul.

*also the fatal flaw with socialism
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I have documented that illegitimacy is not a legitimate life style choice.

Sure it is. A lot of decent folks are raised by single parents. Now, ideally, you shouldn't have sex with anyone if you aren't planning to make a baby with. But real world. People make mistakes. It's why pencils have erasers.

Children raised to adulthood by both biological parents living together in matrimony tend to have many fewer problems in life than children raised in other situations.

Then by that logic, ANYONE who has a minor child should be prohibited from getting a divorce. And women should stay with husbands who beat the snot out of them "For the children". You see, this was the "Street smarts" I talked about earlier. In the real world, not everyone fits in a nice, neat box.

I honestly have more respect for the "baby-daddy" who is a presence in his kids' lives than the businessman who dumped his wife for a hotter, younger trophy wife and only sees his kids on the weekends.

Now, yeah, previously, women were expected to marry the man who knocked them up, but that was before feminism, birth control, and legal abortion.

At the very least, people who have illegitimate children should be forced to support them financially.

Sure. Right after, every American gets a remunerative job. THis is something FDR (whom you claim you admire) thought every American should have, even black people.
I am horrified that the congenitally unemployable are reproducing themselves and that responsible married couples are being taxed to support their illegitimate children. With too few exceptions to be statistically significant, those illegitimate children grow up to be just as useless and dangerous as their unmarried parents.

Stupidity and crime are hard coded in their genes.
I'm upset inbred southerners are reproducing themselves, but it's an imperfect world.

Again, the black unemployment rate is only 6%. Seems to me that they mostly have jobs.
I'm upset inbred southerners are reproducing themselves, but it's an imperfect world.


Six maps that reveal America’s expanding racial diversity | Brookings
I'm upset inbred southerners are reproducing themselves, but it's an imperfect world.

Again, the black unemployment rate is only 6%. Seems to me that they mostly have jobs.
The unemployment rate consists of people looking for jobs.
Sure it is. A lot of decent folks are raised by single parents. Now, ideally, you shouldn't have sex with anyone if you aren't planning to make a baby with. But real world. People make mistakes. It's why pencils have erasers.
Those single parents should b e financially responsible for their illegitimate children. Also, where are the fathers of those illegitimate children? Does anyone know where, or even who they are?
Then by that logic, ANYONE who has a minor child should be prohibited from getting a divorce. And women should stay with husbands who beat the snot out of them "For the children". You see, this was the "Street smarts" I talked about earlier. In the real world, not everyone fits in a nice, neat box.

I honestly have more respect for the "baby-daddy" who is a presence in his kids' lives than the businessman who dumped his wife for a hotter, younger trophy wife and only sees his kids on the weekends.
I do not have any respect for either. Nevertheless, the businessman who left his wife for a younger trophy wife is still supporting his children financially. He is paying child support. The baby daddy is not.
The unemployment rate consists of people looking for jobs.
Which everyone in the age group are. The only ones not participating are those who are too young, too old or disabled.

The key findings are:

  • Women with a high school education or less are overwhelmingly the largest group of Americans out of the labor force.
  • After excluding caregivers (approximately 40 percent of nonparticipants), men and women report the same reasons—and at similar rates—for not participating in the labor force. Almost 30 percent of nonparticipants report being ill or disabled, while 8 percent are students, and 5 percent are early retirees.

sorry, man, the myth of the Welfare Queen is a myth.

Those single parents should b e financially responsible for their illegitimate children. Also, where are the fathers of those illegitimate children? Does anyone know where, or even who they are?

Yes, they absolutely know who they are. They just don't tell the government.

I do not have any respect for either. Nevertheless, the businessman who left his wife for a younger trophy wife is still supporting his children financially. He is paying child support. The baby daddy is not.

You realize how many men are deadbeat dads, don't you?

Fathers with children who do not live with them were asked in the 2002 census if they contribute financially to their children. 76% of Fathers with at least one child under 19 contribute child support for their children; 9% of Fathers contribute "once in a while" and 15% do not contribute at all.

The Fathers were asked to provide the amount of child support they have been paying in the last twelve months. The median amount is $4250 per year or $354 per month. Almost 18% of Fathers pay more than $9000 per year or $750 per month. 24% of Fathers say they contribute between $5000 and $9000 per year; 36% of fathers said they contribute $3000 or less and 23% say they contribute between $3000 and $5000 per year.

The government takes Lisa558's money in the form of taxes and gives it to welfare recipients. She wants to take her money back.
Yes, the money grubbing is evident. It's almost like it's... genetic.
Which everyone in the age group are. The only ones not participating are those who are too young, too old or disabled.

The key findings are:

  • Women with a high school education or less are overwhelmingly the largest group of Americans out of the labor force.
  • After excluding caregivers (approximately 40 percent of nonparticipants), men and women report the same reasons—and at similar rates—for not participating in the labor force. Almost 30 percent of nonparticipants report being ill or disabled, while 8 percent are students, and 5 percent are early retirees.

sorry, man, the myth of the Welfare Queen is a myth.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2001. America Becoming: Racial Trends and Their Consequences: Volume II. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. America Becoming: Racial Trends and Their Consequences: Volume II | The National Academies Press.

Table 7–1 shows participation rates of U.S. households in four meanstested programs—AFDC, Food Stamps, Medicaid, and Housing assistance—during 1994 to 1996.4 Rates are shown for five broad race-ethnic groups: Hispanics, non-Hispanic Whites, non-Hispanic Blacks, American Indians and Alaska Natives, and Asian and Pacific Islanders. Participation rates vary markedly across the groups. American Indians and Alaska Natives have the highest rates of participation in all programs except housing assistance, and non-Hispanic Blacks have the second highest. Hispanics have high rates of participation in all programs except housing, and their rates overall are not far below those of non-Hispanic Blacks. Non-Hispanic Whites, and Asians and Pacific Islanders, on the other hand, have the lowest rates
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2001. America Becoming: Racial Trends and Their Consequences: Volume II. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. America Becoming: Racial Trends and Their Consequences: Volume II | The National Academies Press.

Yes, they absolutely know who they are. They just don't tell the government.
Because illegitimacy is common among blacks, and promiscuity is common among black women, many black welfare mothers do not know which of their fly by night lovers sired each of their illegitimate children.
You realize how many men are deadbeat dads, don't you?

Fathers with children who do not live with them were asked in the 2002 census if they contribute financially to their children. 76% of Fathers with at least one child under 19 contribute child support for their children; 9% of Fathers contribute "once in a while" and 15% do not contribute at all.

The Fathers were asked to provide the amount of child support they have been paying in the last twelve months. The median amount is $4250 per year or $354 per month. Almost 18% of Fathers pay more than $9000 per year or $750 per month. 24% of Fathers say they contribute between $5000 and $9000 per year; 36% of fathers said they contribute $3000 or less and 23% say they contribute between $3000 and $5000 per year.
What is the breakdown by race?
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2001. America Becoming: Racial Trends and Their Consequences: Volume II. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. America Becoming: Racial Trends and Their Consequences: Volume II | The National Academies Press.

Table 7–1 shows participation rates of U.S. households in four meanstested programs—AFDC, Food Stamps, Medicaid, and Housing assistance—during 1994 to 1996.4

you're passing off 30 year old data.

The problem with a lot of these programs is that people getting them HAVE jobs. McDonald's and Walmart used to tell their employees how to apply for Section 8, Medicare and SNAP.
What is the breakdown by race?
Not important.

Because illegitimacy is common among blacks, and promiscuity is common among black women, many black welfare mothers do not know which of their fly by night lovers sired each of their illegitimate children.

Guy, your sexual insecurities are fun to watch. Seriously, you need to get laid more often.

You sound upset that these black ladies are getting laid and you aren't.
Not important.

A breakdown by race is always important, because it will show low average black intelligence and high black rates of crime and illegitimacy.

In short, it will verify important assertions of race realism.


RACE, EVOLUTION AND BEHAVIOR: A Life History Perspective​

2nd Special Abridged Edition
by Professor J. Philippe Rushton
University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5C2

Acclaim for J. Philippe Rushton's
Race, Evolution, and Behavior

"(An) incendiary thesis....that separate races of human beings evolved different reproductive strategies to cope with different environments and that these strategies led to physical differences in brain size and hence in intelligence. Human beings who evolved in the warm but highly unpredictable environment of Africa adopted a strategy of high reproduction, while human beings who migrated to the hostile cold of Europe and northern Asia took to producing fewer children but nurturing them more carefully."
---Malcolm W. Browne, New York Times Book Review

"Describes hundreds of studies worldwide that show a consistent pattern of human racial differences in such characteristics as intelligence, brain size, genital size, strength of sex drive, reproductive potency, industriousness, sociability, and rule following. On each of these variables, the groups are aligned in the order: Orientals, Caucasians, Blacks."
---Mark Snyderman, National Review

"The remarkable resistance to racial science in our times has led to comparisons with the inquisition of Rome, active during the Renaissance.... Astronomy and the physical sciences had their Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo a few centuries ago; society and the welfare of humanity is the better for it today. In a directly analogous fashion, psychology and the social sciences today have their Darwin, Galton, and Rushton."
---Glayde Whitney, Contemporary Psychology

Modern science shows a three-way pattern of race differences in both physical traits and behavior. On average, Orientals are slower to mature, less fertile, less sexually active, less aggressive, and have larger brains and higher IQ scores. Blacks are at the other pole. Whites fall in the middle, but closer to Orientals than to Blacks...

Race differences start in the womb. Blacks are born earlier and grow quicker than Whites and Orientals. The three-way race pattern occurs in milestones such as sexual maturity, family stability, crime rates, and population growth...

IQ tests measure intelligence and predict real life success. The races differ in brain size and on IQ tests. On average Orientals have the largest brains and highest IQs. Blacks average the lowest, and Whites fall in between. The brain size differences explain the IQ differences both within groups and between groups...

Studies of race differences in brain size use a number of methods, including MRI. All methods produce the same results. Orientals have the largest brains (on average), Blacks the smallest, and Whites in between. These differences in brain size are not due to body size. Adjusting for body size still results in the same pattern. The three-way pattern is also true for IQ. These race differences in brain size mean that Orientals average about 102 million more brain cells than Whites, and that Whites have about 480 million more than Blacks. These differences in brain size probably explain the racial differences in IQ and cultural achievement.
Race, Evolution, and Behavior:

Guy, your sexual insecurities are fun to watch. Seriously, you need to get laid more often.

You sound upset that these black ladies are getting laid and you aren't.
When I look at a big fat welfare mother with her litter of bastards, who do not know who their fathers are, lust is not what I feel.
you're passing off 30 year old data.

The problem with a lot of these programs is that people getting them HAVE jobs. McDonald's and Walmart used to tell their employees how to apply for Section 8, Medicare and SNAP.
You know that things haven't changed much in thirty years.
A breakdown by race is always important, because it will show low average black intelligence and high black rates of crime and illegitimacy.
Why, you ignore the fact that most people on welfare are white, that white people also have a high illegitimacy rate, and so on
In short, it will verify important assertions of race realism.

You mean quack science? Hey, how is Rushton doing at his old job? What? They've denounced his work and any affiliation with him? Amazing!!!

When I look at a big fat welfare mother with her litter of bastards, who do not know who their fathers are, lust is not what I feel.

Honestly, that sounds like your hangup, not mine. You sound like a very angry guy who needs to be angry at people who have less, but enjoy life more.

You know that things haven't changed much in thirty years.



That could have never happened 30 years ago.
Why, you ignore the fact that most people on welfare are white, that white people also have a high illegitimacy rate, and so on
I already answered those questions. I will answer them again. Pay attention this time.

A much higher percentage of blacks are on welfare. Blacks have much higher rates of crime and illegitimacy. Blacks are more likely to perform poorly on all the mental aptitude tests, however they are designed. They are more likely to fail academically. Nothing has enabled most blacks to behave and perform as well as most whites.

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