How were the Nazi's able to get away with killing so many Jews in their own country?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
When I took history in High School, we were shown films of Germans being shown video of the Nazi death camps and the enormous number of Jews killed. Piles of reading glasses. Gold melted down from teeth fillings, mountains of shoes and so on.

Many Germans claimed to have no idea this was going on.

Hitler was tricky. He convinced his people that these Jewish interlopers were taking German jobs and getting government help that should have gone to Germans. We know that for the ignorant, these tactics work well.

So the Jews were rounded up and sent to camps in remote areas. The press wasn't allowed in. Germans who weren't "dedicated soldiers" of Hitler weren't allow in. In this way, atrocities were kept secret. And those loyal to Hitler defended him. Many, not even knowing what they were defending. Of course, some were evil and even knowing what was going on, didn't care or even approved.

Camps in remote areas?
Dirt walls being built up so no one outside could take pictures?
Detainee's being secretly moved?
Elected public officials being refused entry?
Video and pictures provided by the Government?

Where else have we seen such tactics?
The Democrats also have the same sort of frightening fanatical religious bigotry, except in their case it's towards Christians.
When I took history in High School, we were shown films of Germans being shown video of the Nazi death camps and the enormous number of Jews killed. Piles of reading glasses. Gold melted down from teeth fillings, mountains of shoes and so on.

Many Germans claimed to have no idea this was going on.

Hitler was tricky. He convinced his people that these Jewish interlopers were taking German jobs and getting government help that should have gone to Germans. We know that for the ignorant, these tactics work well.

So the Jews were rounded up and sent to camps in remote areas. The press wasn't allowed in. Germans who weren't "dedicated soldiers" of Hitler weren't allow in. In this way, atrocities were kept secret. And those loyal to Hitler defended him. Many, not even knowing what they were defending. Of course, some were evil and even knowing what was going on, didn't care or even approved.

Camps in remote areas?
Dirt walls being built up so no one outside could take pictures?
Detainee's being secretly moved?
Elected public officials being refused entry?
Video and pictures provided by the Government?

Where else have we seen such tactics?

Everyone gets it.
The Corrupt Democratic Party doesn't accept that America is a sovereign country with the right to control its borders and immigration. The Democrats just don't care if out of control border crossings destroy the country. They just want more voters. BTW, Obama built those detention centers. Are you calling Obama a Nazi?
When I took history in High School, we were shown films of Germans being shown video of the Nazi death camps and the enormous number of Jews killed. Piles of reading glasses. Gold melted down from teeth fillings, mountains of shoes and so on.

Many Germans claimed to have no idea this was going on.

Hitler was tricky. He convinced his people that these Jewish interlopers were taking German jobs and getting government help that should have gone to Germans. We know that for the ignorant, these tactics work well.

So the Jews were rounded up and sent to camps in remote areas. The press wasn't allowed in. Germans who weren't "dedicated soldiers" of Hitler weren't allow in. In this way, atrocities were kept secret. And those loyal to Hitler defended him. Many, not even knowing what they were defending. Of course, some were evil and even knowing what was going on, didn't care or even approved.

Camps in remote areas?
Dirt walls being built up so no one outside could take pictures?
Detainee's being secretly moved?
Elected public officials being refused entry?
Video and pictures provided by the Government?

Where else have we seen such tactics?
You are out of touch with reality. Whatever happened in those camps, their official purpose was "concentration". The "Final Solution" consisted of the deportation of the Jews to Madagascar.
Also, the Jews were not immigrants, respectively, they were immigrants centuries ago, when they were invited by some King or something to help stimulating the economy. Problems with Jews were entirely about their position on the financial market because it is was not ruly for a Christian to demand interest. The Jewish bound of German soldiers is an example that Jews felt quite German before Hitler.
Second, you talk about a brutal, oppressive regime and on the other hand you demand the Germans to stand up. If people had known about killings in the camps, this would not have constituted a good reason to stand up unless you wanted to end up there too. The Weiße Rose people who tried to alert the people with fliers were beheaded in the end.
All the "evil nazi citizens" thought they were right.
When I took history in High School, we were shown films of Germans being shown video of the Nazi death camps and the enormous number of Jews killed. Piles of reading glasses. Gold melted down from teeth fillings, mountains of shoes and so on.

Many Germans claimed to have no idea this was going on.

Hitler was tricky. He convinced his people that these Jewish interlopers were taking German jobs and getting government help that should have gone to Germans. We know that for the ignorant, these tactics work well.

So the Jews were rounded up and sent to camps in remote areas. The press wasn't allowed in. Germans who weren't "dedicated soldiers" of Hitler weren't allow in. In this way, atrocities were kept secret. And those loyal to Hitler defended him. Many, not even knowing what they were defending. Of course, some were evil and even knowing what was going on, didn't care or even approved.

Camps in remote areas?
Dirt walls being built up so no one outside could take pictures?
Detainee's being secretly moved?
Elected public officials being refused entry?
Video and pictures provided by the Government?

Where else have we seen such tactics?
Simple they were dehumanized with smear campaigns much like what is happening today creating a loss of empathy for an entire race.
When I took history in High School, we were shown films of Germans being shown video of the Nazi death camps and the enormous number of Jews killed. Piles of reading glasses. Gold melted down from teeth fillings, mountains of shoes and so on.

Many Germans claimed to have no idea this was going on.

Hitler was tricky. He convinced his people that these Jewish interlopers were taking German jobs and getting government help that should have gone to Germans. We know that for the ignorant, these tactics work well.

So the Jews were rounded up and sent to camps in remote areas. The press wasn't allowed in. Germans who weren't "dedicated soldiers" of Hitler weren't allow in. In this way, atrocities were kept secret. And those loyal to Hitler defended him. Many, not even knowing what they were defending. Of course, some were evil and even knowing what was going on, didn't care or even approved.

Camps in remote areas?
Dirt walls being built up so no one outside could take pictures?
Detainee's being secretly moved?
Elected public officials being refused entry?
Video and pictures provided by the Government?

Where else have we seen such tactics?

Everyone gets it.
The Corrupt Democratic Party doesn't accept that America is a sovereign country with the right to control its borders and immigration. The Democrats just don't care if out of control border crossings destroy the country. They just want more voters. BTW, Obama built those detention centers. Are you calling Obama a Nazi?
And the lies and propaganda. Thanks for reminding us. Republicans are good at that.
When I took history in High School, we were shown films of Germans being shown video of the Nazi death camps and the enormous number of Jews killed. Piles of reading glasses. Gold melted down from teeth fillings, mountains of shoes and so on.

Many Germans claimed to have no idea this was going on.

Hitler was tricky. He convinced his people that these Jewish interlopers were taking German jobs and getting government help that should have gone to Germans. We know that for the ignorant, these tactics work well.

So the Jews were rounded up and sent to camps in remote areas. The press wasn't allowed in. Germans who weren't "dedicated soldiers" of Hitler weren't allow in. In this way, atrocities were kept secret. And those loyal to Hitler defended him. Many, not even knowing what they were defending. Of course, some were evil and even knowing what was going on, didn't care or even approved.

Camps in remote areas?
Dirt walls being built up so no one outside could take pictures?
Detainee's being secretly moved?
Elected public officials being refused entry?
Video and pictures provided by the Government?

Where else have we seen such tactics?
You are out of touch with reality. Whatever happened in those camps, their official purpose was "concentration". The "Final Solution" consisted of the deportation of the Jews to Madagascar.
Also, the Jews were not immigrants, respectively, they were immigrants centuries ago, when they were invited by some King or something to help stimulating the economy. Problems with Jews were entirely about their position on the financial market because it is was not ruly for a Christian to demand interest. The Jewish bound of German soldiers is an example that Jews felt quite German before Hitler.
Second, you talk about a brutal, oppressive regime and on the other hand you demand the Germans to stand up. If people had known about killings in the camps, this would not have constituted a good reason to stand up unless you wanted to end up there too. The Weiße Rose people who tried to alert the people with fliers were beheaded in the end.
All the "evil nazi citizens" thought they were right.
All the "evil nazi citizens" thought they were right.

Just like Republicans today.

Jews were not immigrants, Jews were immigrants.

Many of those at the border are seeking legal asylum. But they said they were turned away. That's against our law.

Brutal and repressive. There are many young unarmed blacks who could say the same but they are no longer alive.

You aren't doing a very good job of defending evil. It's back to the drawing board for you.
When I took history in High School, we were shown films of Germans being shown video of the Nazi death camps and the enormous number of Jews killed. Piles of reading glasses. Gold melted down from teeth fillings, mountains of shoes and so on.

Many Germans claimed to have no idea this was going on.

Hitler was tricky. He convinced his people that these Jewish interlopers were taking German jobs and getting government help that should have gone to Germans. We know that for the ignorant, these tactics work well.

So the Jews were rounded up and sent to camps in remote areas. The press wasn't allowed in. Germans who weren't "dedicated soldiers" of Hitler weren't allow in. In this way, atrocities were kept secret. And those loyal to Hitler defended him. Many, not even knowing what they were defending. Of course, some were evil and even knowing what was going on, didn't care or even approved.

Camps in remote areas?
Dirt walls being built up so no one outside could take pictures?
Detainee's being secretly moved?
Elected public officials being refused entry?
Video and pictures provided by the Government?

Where else have we seen such tactics?
When their critics called the Nazi’s racist for their attitude against Nazi’s, the Nazi’s responded that “you liberals overused the term ‘racist,’ so now I will be a loud and proud racist.”
People have ways of turning people into objects that can be discarded. It has happened with disturbing regularity in history, even in North America between the "Indians" as well as to them.
When I took history in High School, we were shown films of Germans being shown video of the Nazi death camps and the enormous number of Jews killed. Piles of reading glasses. Gold melted down from teeth fillings, mountains of shoes and so on.

Many Germans claimed to have no idea this was going on.

Hitler was tricky. He convinced his people that these Jewish interlopers were taking German jobs and getting government help that should have gone to Germans. We know that for the ignorant, these tactics work well.

So the Jews were rounded up and sent to camps in remote areas. The press wasn't allowed in. Germans who weren't "dedicated soldiers" of Hitler weren't allow in. In this way, atrocities were kept secret. And those loyal to Hitler defended him. Many, not even knowing what they were defending. Of course, some were evil and even knowing what was going on, didn't care or even approved.

Camps in remote areas?
Dirt walls being built up so no one outside could take pictures?
Detainee's being secretly moved?
Elected public officials being refused entry?
Video and pictures provided by the Government?

Where else have we seen such tactics?
You are out of touch with reality. Whatever happened in those camps, their official purpose was "concentration". The "Final Solution" consisted of the deportation of the Jews to Madagascar.
Also, the Jews were not immigrants, respectively, they were immigrants centuries ago, when they were invited by some King or something to help stimulating the economy. Problems with Jews were entirely about their position on the financial market because it is was not ruly for a Christian to demand interest. The Jewish bound of German soldiers is an example that Jews felt quite German before Hitler.
Second, you talk about a brutal, oppressive regime and on the other hand you demand the Germans to stand up. If people had known about killings in the camps, this would not have constituted a good reason to stand up unless you wanted to end up there too. The Weiße Rose people who tried to alert the people with fliers were beheaded in the end.
All the "evil nazi citizens" thought they were right.

lol dumbass Dean thinks all the Jews killed by Hitler were German Jews. What an idiot. This is that ' highly educated demographic' Democrats claim as voters, along with all the latino and black grade school dropouts. lol
Just like Republicans today.
It does apply to any fanatic world view. When I compare the zion chanters with the multicultists, it turns out to be the same.

Jews were not immigrants, Jews were immigrants.
At some point you ain´t an immigrant anymore. That´s for example when you have German names.

Many of those at the border are seeking legal asylum. But they said they were turned away. That's against our law.
Depends what the law says, I guess. One side says liberal border lets all in and the other side says wall lets nobody in, as the case may be. I do not understand the high level of politicization of this topic.

Brutal and repressive. There are many young unarmed blacks who could say the same but they are no longer alive.
Sorry, but this is an argument for what?

You aren't doing a very good job of defending evil. It's back to the drawing board for you.
Congratulations for redirecting from German history to current US politics, taking somehow a superior position towards this imagined standpoint. What the fuck do I have to do with the Republicans, by the way?
When I took history in High School, we were shown films of Germans being shown video of the Nazi death camps and the enormous number of Jews killed. Piles of reading glasses. Gold melted down from teeth fillings, mountains of shoes and so on.

Many Germans claimed to have no idea this was going on.

Hitler was tricky. He convinced his people that these Jewish interlopers were taking German jobs and getting government help that should have gone to Germans. We know that for the ignorant, these tactics work well.

So the Jews were rounded up and sent to camps in remote areas. The press wasn't allowed in. Germans who weren't "dedicated soldiers" of Hitler weren't allow in. In this way, atrocities were kept secret. And those loyal to Hitler defended him. Many, not even knowing what they were defending. Of course, some were evil and even knowing what was going on, didn't care or even approved.

Camps in remote areas?
Dirt walls being built up so no one outside could take pictures?
Detainee's being secretly moved?
Elected public officials being refused entry?
Video and pictures provided by the Government?

Where else have we seen such tactics?
You are out of touch with reality. Whatever happened in those camps, their official purpose was "concentration". The "Final Solution" consisted of the deportation of the Jews to Madagascar.
Also, the Jews were not immigrants, respectively, they were immigrants centuries ago, when they were invited by some King or something to help stimulating the economy. Problems with Jews were entirely about their position on the financial market because it is was not ruly for a Christian to demand interest. The Jewish bound of German soldiers is an example that Jews felt quite German before Hitler.
Second, you talk about a brutal, oppressive regime and on the other hand you demand the Germans to stand up. If people had known about killings in the camps, this would not have constituted a good reason to stand up unless you wanted to end up there too. The Weiße Rose people who tried to alert the people with fliers were beheaded in the end.
All the "evil nazi citizens" thought they were right.

lol dumbass Dean thinks all the Jews killed by Hitler were German Jews. What an idiot. This is that ' highly educated demographic' Democrats claim as voters, along with all the latino and black grade school dropouts. lol
The vast majority was.
When I took history in High School, we were shown films of Germans being shown video of the Nazi death camps and the enormous number of Jews killed. Piles of reading glasses. Gold melted down from teeth fillings, mountains of shoes and so on.

Many Germans claimed to have no idea this was going on.

Hitler was tricky. He convinced his people that these Jewish interlopers were taking German jobs and getting government help that should have gone to Germans. We know that for the ignorant, these tactics work well.

So the Jews were rounded up and sent to camps in remote areas. The press wasn't allowed in. Germans who weren't "dedicated soldiers" of Hitler weren't allow in. In this way, atrocities were kept secret. And those loyal to Hitler defended him. Many, not even knowing what they were defending. Of course, some were evil and even knowing what was going on, didn't care or even approved.

Camps in remote areas?
Dirt walls being built up so no one outside could take pictures?
Detainee's being secretly moved?
Elected public officials being refused entry?
Video and pictures provided by the Government?

Where else have we seen such tactics?

Franklin D Roosevelt's EO 9066 ...1942
When I took history in High School, we were shown films of Germans being shown video of the Nazi death camps and the enormous number of Jews killed. Piles of reading glasses. Gold melted down from teeth fillings, mountains of shoes and so on.

Many Germans claimed to have no idea this was going on.

Hitler was tricky. He convinced his people that these Jewish interlopers were taking German jobs and getting government help that should have gone to Germans. We know that for the ignorant, these tactics work well.

So the Jews were rounded up and sent to camps in remote areas. The press wasn't allowed in. Germans who weren't "dedicated soldiers" of Hitler weren't allow in. In this way, atrocities were kept secret. And those loyal to Hitler defended him. Many, not even knowing what they were defending. Of course, some were evil and even knowing what was going on, didn't care or even approved.

Camps in remote areas?
Dirt walls being built up so no one outside could take pictures?
Detainee's being secretly moved?
Elected public officials being refused entry?
Video and pictures provided by the Government?

Where else have we seen such tactics?

How did American Democrats get away with racist policies of locking up Japanese Americans in concentration camps?
When I took history in High School, we were shown films of Germans being shown video of the Nazi death camps and the enormous number of Jews killed. Piles of reading glasses. Gold melted down from teeth fillings, mountains of shoes and so on.

Many Germans claimed to have no idea this was going on.

Hitler was tricky. He convinced his people that these Jewish interlopers were taking German jobs and getting government help that should have gone to Germans. We know that for the ignorant, these tactics work well.

So the Jews were rounded up and sent to camps in remote areas. The press wasn't allowed in. Germans who weren't "dedicated soldiers" of Hitler weren't allow in. In this way, atrocities were kept secret. And those loyal to Hitler defended him. Many, not even knowing what they were defending. Of course, some were evil and even knowing what was going on, didn't care or even approved.

Camps in remote areas?
Dirt walls being built up so no one outside could take pictures?
Detainee's being secretly moved?
Elected public officials being refused entry?
Video and pictures provided by the Government?

Where else have we seen such tactics?

With respect:

I'm guessing you jack off to Hitler centerfolds? Ever suspect that pushing self-aggrandizing propaganda could actually get a real person killed somewhere here on the streets of America? You are labelling our POTUS, and by virtue of association, his supporters as Nazis. Everyone thinks it's okay to harm a Nazi, yes? Hell, I think we could agree most Americans think it is their moral duty to hurt a Nazi if they meet one. So do you want to see people who read your post or who follow left leaning media go out and hurt a republican in your name or in CNN's/MSNBC's etc.? Is your entire family anti-Trump? Suppose someone you care about is mistaken for a Nazi and harmed because of it? Please grow a balanced brain chemistry.

A myriad of historical texts illustrate Hitler's ability to lead his nation down darkest roads. Try reading on the subject at length. Perhaps you will reconsider your absurd and potentially inciteful comparison.
Maybe the history impaired pop-culture educated generation still doesn't understand that the Bill of Rights and Constitutional freedoms that Americans enjoy do not extend to other countries. Hitler could commit atrocities because he had become the law in Germany. It's possible that many Germans didn't understand what was going on because the media became part of the Nazi regime. It's something like the abortion holocaust that has been going on in the U.S for decades. Left wing Supreme Court justices have determined that the murder of the unborn is justified because of some "right to privacy" that does not exist in the Constitution. Democrats (and some republicans) defend the murder of the unborn while the media that we used to rely on to uncover atrocities has become part of the conspiracy. Republicans can never get away with straying too far from Constitutional law because the media keeps close watch and even invents conspiracies that don't exist. Imagine if a republican president was responsible for using tanks and poison gas against Americans and incinerating about 80 men, women and children. The media would go crazy. Imagine if a republican president was literally caught with his pants down in the Oval Office and bombed Europe to deflect attention from his peculiar sexual appetite. The media would go crazy if it was a republican but they justify it if it was a democrat. The point is that the system of checks and balances and the scrutiny of the media keeps republican administrations in line and the will of the people keeps democrats from becoming too corrupt.
When I took history in High School, we were shown films of Germans being shown video of the Nazi death camps and the enormous number of Jews killed. Piles of reading glasses. Gold melted down from teeth fillings, mountains of shoes and so on.

Many Germans claimed to have no idea this was going on.

Hitler was tricky. He convinced his people that these Jewish interlopers were taking German jobs and getting government help that should have gone to Germans. We know that for the ignorant, these tactics work well.

So the Jews were rounded up and sent to camps in remote areas. The press wasn't allowed in. Germans who weren't "dedicated soldiers" of Hitler weren't allow in. In this way, atrocities were kept secret. And those loyal to Hitler defended him. Many, not even knowing what they were defending. Of course, some were evil and even knowing what was going on, didn't care or even approved.

Camps in remote areas?
Dirt walls being built up so no one outside could take pictures?
Detainee's being secretly moved?
Elected public officials being refused entry?
Video and pictures provided by the Government?

Where else have we seen such tactics?

And the most important ingredient is almost all of the Germans that participated in these camps said they were just following order, and that THEY HAD NO GUILT FOR WHAT THEY DID because they were just following orders. This is THE flaw in the human condition, as long as I'm ok and my family what is the big deal. We know Hitler and his circle were monsters, but they had hundreds of thousands of other Germans that weren't monsters do their heinous work for them. And afterwords all these people that participated in these crimes against humanity felt no guilt. A few did surely, but the majority did not.

Witness the border patrol agents in these facilities mocking children who are crying hysterically for their parents as 'a symphony in here'. How far a leap is it from that to a 'detention center' full of American children of parents orange turd thinks his enemy.
When I took history in High School, we were shown films of Germans being shown video of the Nazi death camps and the enormous number of Jews killed. Piles of reading glasses. Gold melted down from teeth fillings, mountains of shoes and so on.

Many Germans claimed to have no idea this was going on.

Hitler was tricky. He convinced his people that these Jewish interlopers were taking German jobs and getting government help that should have gone to Germans. We know that for the ignorant, these tactics work well.

So the Jews were rounded up and sent to camps in remote areas. The press wasn't allowed in. Germans who weren't "dedicated soldiers" of Hitler weren't allow in. In this way, atrocities were kept secret. And those loyal to Hitler defended him. Many, not even knowing what they were defending. Of course, some were evil and even knowing what was going on, didn't care or even approved.

Camps in remote areas?
Dirt walls being built up so no one outside could take pictures?
Detainee's being secretly moved?
Elected public officials being refused entry?
Video and pictures provided by the Government?

Where else have we seen such tactics?
When their critics called the Nazi’s racist for their attitude against Nazi’s, the Nazi’s responded that “you liberals overused the term ‘racist,’ so now I will be a loud and proud racist.”
That's what Steve Bannon said and continues to say.
When I took history in High School, we were shown films of Germans being shown video of the Nazi death camps and the enormous number of Jews killed. Piles of reading glasses. Gold melted down from teeth fillings, mountains of shoes and so on.

Many Germans claimed to have no idea this was going on.

Hitler was tricky. He convinced his people that these Jewish interlopers were taking German jobs and getting government help that should have gone to Germans. We know that for the ignorant, these tactics work well.

So the Jews were rounded up and sent to camps in remote areas. The press wasn't allowed in. Germans who weren't "dedicated soldiers" of Hitler weren't allow in. In this way, atrocities were kept secret. And those loyal to Hitler defended him. Many, not even knowing what they were defending. Of course, some were evil and even knowing what was going on, didn't care or even approved.

Camps in remote areas?
Dirt walls being built up so no one outside could take pictures?
Detainee's being secretly moved?
Elected public officials being refused entry?
Video and pictures provided by the Government?

Where else have we seen such tactics?

How did American Democrats get away with racist policies of locking up Japanese Americans in concentration camps?
You mean before 1964 when they were the deep south based right wing Conservative Dixiecrat Confederates?

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