How Will the Ds lose in 2020?

The dems can't beat someone with no one. 2020 is just that simple. In case anyone forgot that in 2016 there was absolutely no way Trump could win

Bernie challenges Beto to a duel, claiming, "Beto is only dry humping Communism, I'm America's Stalin!"

Instead of being in politics, I think Bernie and Beto should make a really whacky TV sitcom together. I'm serious, I don't mean this as an insult or sarcasm in the slightest; I think that with talented enough writers, those two leftists could be worth quite the big belly laughs when they interact.
Can you imagine with all the idiots lining up to run as democrats how hilarious the democrat debates will be. Bernie, beto, ao-c, indian warren, kamila and whoever else they can scrape up. I may even have to watch, with barf bag in hand.
Democrats will nominate Hillary.

True, hundreds of thousands may mysteriously decide to jump off cliffs for mounting opposition.

That's all it would take to lose.

But don't tell them.

Aw shit, they wouldn't listen anyway.

They're too busy worshiping Her Thighness.
So far the Ds look like they are going to launch a political cage match for 2020. The fund raising has already begun and with nearly 40 candidates for the nomination already and the very real possibility of more in the clown car that will be brutal. Worse yet the donors could run dry.

Then there is the real possibility of the far left terrifying the independents.

If most of the wall is built or most of the Mueller cases get thrown out for perjury, much less both, the Ds will lose seats at every level.
Then loss of tax base will make the D states less desirable
Looking at the massive primary tickets and the opposition research that will be handed to the GOP on a silver platter, it sure looks like Trump will get reelected by default. While I am happy with that outcome I wonder how even the Ds managed to screw themselves prior to NH as they seem to have done? Any theories?

There IS one person that will bear Trump to a fat, orange pulp.....and that is other than the charlatan lard, himself.

2019 will be
My bet is on Biden/Harris. The loonies will accept anything to beat Trump.
with all of the videos of creepy uncle Joe groping every woman and girl in sight I would think him likely to be eliminated prior to super Tuesday. You obviously disagree with me on this point, how do you expect him to finesse that evidence?
My bet is on Biden/Harris. The loonies will accept anything to beat Trump.
with all of the videos of creepy uncle Joe groping every woman and girl in sight I would think him likely to be eliminated prior to super Tuesday. You obviously disagree with me on this point, how do you expect him to finesse that evidence?

The Dems love that sort of stuff. He would be another Bill Clinton. Besides, they would argue a moral equivalence to Trump.
My bet is on Biden/Harris. The loonies will accept anything to beat Trump.
with all of the videos of creepy uncle Joe groping every woman and girl in sight I would think him likely to be eliminated prior to super Tuesday. You obviously disagree with me on this point, how do you expect him to finesse that evidence?

There are more creepy Trump molesting his daughter and slutty Melania pictures

Really want to play that game?
Looking at the massive primary tickets and the opposition research that will be handed to the GOP on a silver platter, it sure looks like Trump will get reelected by default. While I am happy with that outcome I wonder how even the Ds managed to screw themselves prior to NH as they seem to have done? Any theories?

Trump continues to provide fodder for Democrats with the Trump shutdown being the latest. Trump will have a hard path to go through with Michigan and Pennsylvania likely back in the Democrat fold.
My bet is on Biden/Harris. The loonies will accept anything to beat Trump.
with all of the videos of creepy uncle Joe groping every woman and girl in sight I would think him likely to be eliminated prior to super Tuesday. You obviously disagree with me on this point, how do you expect him to finesse that evidence?

The Dems love that sort of stuff. He would be another Bill Clinton. Besides, they would argue a moral equivalence to Trump.

While Ds do vote that way independents don't and they are the voters who decide the election.

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