How will the Senate look after Nov. 2018?

What ever the make up you're still going to be butthurt about it. You'll never get back the House of Representatives.

Just a mere 24 seats, Retardo......All those coal miners' districts may not be too happy with either the orange lown or those who follow and lick his behind.

You tards have lost a 1000 elected seats in the last 6 years. And you're still too stupid to figure out it's the moral decay you promote. Identity politics is working oh so fucking good for you. Keep up the good work.
Until the train wreck that has been the Trump tenure of just 70 days, democrats faced a daunting challenge for the 2018 senate status. Senate Democrats currently face 23 seats to defend, to Republicans 8.

However, the tables have turned thanks to the Trumpster's incompetence in governing. Where republicans once predicted easy wins in such states as ND, WI, OH, WV, etc., the assurances are quickly fading based on the "populist" promises that were easy to make but a bitch to fulfill.

Bear in mind that a swing of only 3 senate seats from the current status will make a huge difference after the midterms, and were that swing to happen, the Trump administration would find itself as a lame duck one with 2 additional years to go.

Interesting times.

You've done SO well with your predictions!!!!


Both he and C_Clayton_Jones (members of the moron mafia).

The republicans are well organized at the state level. They continue to wipe up the democrats at the state level.

The GOP will need to work hard to avoid getting to complacent (which would be easy considering how they beat the dems this last time despite..........).
What ever the make up you're still going to be butthurt about it. You'll never get back the House of Representatives.

Just a mere 24 seats, Retardo......All those coal miners' districts may not be too happy with either the orange lown or those who follow and lick his behind.

You tards have lost a 1000 elected seats in the last 6 years. And you're still too stupid to figure out it's the moral decay you promote. Identity politics is working oh so fucking good for you. Keep up the good work.

Link please.
Until the train wreck that has been the Trump tenure of just 70 days, democrats faced a daunting challenge for the 2018 senate status. Senate Democrats currently face 23 seats to defend, to Republicans 8.

However, the tables have turned thanks to the Trumpster's incompetence in governing. Where republicans once predicted easy wins in such states as ND, WI, OH, WV, etc., the assurances are quickly fading based on the "populist" promises that were easy to make but a bitch to fulfill.

Bear in mind that a swing of only 3 senate seats from the current status will make a huge difference after the midterms, and were that swing to happen, the Trump administration would find itself as a lame duck one with 2 additional years to go.

Interesting times.

My prediction. Majority Republican with them picking up a couple seats.

Why? Because the Democrats are making the same mistake over again. When America did not react positively to the extreme message the Democrats doubled down. When America again rejected it they pushed the throttle to wide open. Now Trump is President and the Democrats took a look at their defeat and decided that they weren't outrageous enough.

To represent the people you have to represent the views of the people. The Democrats should moderate and instead are going full throttle crazy. You can hold the voters in a certain elitist disdain. You can't tell them that you do however.

You're partially correct......

But just think of all those coal miners who were promised their jobs back by Trump and his lap dogs.....

The "best" thing that could have happened to ironically help republicans is the failure to repeal the ACA...had THAT happened, about 15 million Americans who would have lost coverage would certainly be "rewarding" republicans in 2018.LOL


Might look like 2010 in reverse.
What ever the make up you're still going to be butthurt about it. You'll never get back the House of Representatives.

Just a mere 24 seats, Retardo......All those coal miners' districts may not be too happy with either the orange lown or those who follow and lick his behind.

You tards have lost a 1000 elected seats in the last 6 years. And you're still too stupid to figure out it's the moral decay you promote. Identity politics is working oh so fucking good for you. Keep up the good work.

Link please.

Choke on it, petunia.

Democrats lost over 1,000 seats under Obama
You tards have lost a 1000 elected seats in the last 6 years. And you're still too stupid to figure out it's the moral decay you promote. Identity politics is working oh so fucking good for you. Keep up the good work.

Well, in 2020 when the census is taken with old white farts dying off and Hispanics/Latinos numbers increasing, republican legislatures in states like TX and FL and AZ, are going to have to re-district areas that will resemble Rorschach set of figures........LOL

Until the train wreck that has been the Trump tenure of just 70 days, democrats faced a daunting challenge for the 2018 senate status. Senate Democrats currently face 23 seats to defend, to Republicans 8.

However, the tables have turned thanks to the Trumpster's incompetence in governing. Where republicans once predicted easy wins in such states as ND, WI, OH, WV, etc., the assurances are quickly fading based on the "populist" promises that were easy to make but a bitch to fulfill.

Bear in mind that a swing of only 3 senate seats from the current status will make a huge difference after the midterms, and were that swing to happen, the Trump administration would find itself as a lame duck one with 2 additional years to go.

Interesting times.

My prediction. Majority Republican with them picking up a couple seats.

Why? Because the Democrats are making the same mistake over again. When America did not react positively to the extreme message the Democrats doubled down. When America again rejected it they pushed the throttle to wide open. Now Trump is President and the Democrats took a look at their defeat and decided that they weren't outrageous enough.

To represent the people you have to represent the views of the people. The Democrats should moderate and instead are going full throttle crazy. You can hold the voters in a certain elitist disdain. You can't tell them that you do however.

You're partially correct......

But just think of all those coal miners who were promised their jobs back by Trump and his lap dogs.....

The "best" thing that could have happened to ironically help republicans is the failure to repeal the ACA...had THAT happened, about 15 million Americans who would have lost coverage would certainly be "rewarding" republicans in 2018.LOL

That isn't the problem. The problem is that Democrats are like the abusive husband in a dysfunctional family. Anyone who doesn't agree with whatever they say is an idiot and all sorts of other labels. Look at what happened this week.

A theology professor wrote about how Democrats need to stop being the abortion party. It didn’t end well. - Hot Air

What the Professor said was that the Democrats need to tone down the abortion rhetoric. Just stop being so militant. It isn't going anywhere. It isn't going to be banned. But thirty percent of Democrats want a return to the old platform position. Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.

The response was predictable. The militant leftists immediately started with the name calling and insults. Again just like the abusive husband/father in a dysfunctional family. Democrats have won. Abortion is now accepted and is not going anywhere. Yet that victory isn't enough. They now want everyone to be a full throated supporter. Even people like me who support it are uncomfortable with it.

So the plan for the Democrats is to become even more of an abusive husband/father. Shouts, insults, and even violence. What can it gain them? Not half as much as moderation can. Yet moderation is out the window. We are going for full throttle insane claiming it will bring us victory.

So the choice for the voters is going to be between an asshole and an abusive asshole. Some choice.
You tards have lost a 1000 elected seats in the last 6 years. And you're still too stupid to figure out it's the moral decay you promote. Identity politics is working oh so fucking good for you. Keep up the good work.

Well, in 2020 when the census is taken with old white farts dying off and Hispanics/Latinos numbers increasing, republican legislatures in states like TX and FL and AZ, are going to have to re-district areas that will resemble Rorschach set of figures........LOL

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One problem. About twenty percent of minorities voted for Trump.
Until the train wreck that has been the Trump tenure of just 70 days, democrats faced a daunting challenge for the 2018 senate status. Senate Democrats currently face 23 seats to defend, to Republicans 8.

However, the tables have turned thanks to the Trumpster's incompetence in governing. Where republicans once predicted easy wins in such states as ND, WI, OH, WV, etc., the assurances are quickly fading based on the "populist" promises that were easy to make but a bitch to fulfill.

Bear in mind that a swing of only 3 senate seats from the current status will make a huge difference after the midterms, and were that swing to happen, the Trump administration would find itself as a lame duck one with 2 additional years to go.

Interesting times.

A couple of pick ups for republicans....
"How will the Senate look after Nov. 2018?"

Americans should desire that Democrats take control of the Senate in 2019, which would mitigate some of the incompetence, ignorance, bigotry, and hate of the Trump ‘administration.’

Still not talking about the 4th Circuit ruling on gun rights? Because what they did shows you are wrong.....

there is no hate in the Trump administration....the only hate is coming from the democrat party....racism, violence and hate are all the democrats have....
The GOP should pick up four to six seats in the Senate in 2020: that is, until we see the effect Trump is having on voters.

Why do you think the GOP Senate is not a stronghold for Trump? Paul, McCain, Graham, Rubio, Cruz, and so forth and so on?

Now watch emoticons flash below when the hard right realize this is true and try to laugh it off.

Edit: Yup, there it is. :lol:
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What ever the make up you're still going to be butthurt about it. You'll never get back the House of Representatives.

Just a mere 24 seats, Retardo......All those coal miners' districts may not be too happy with either the orange lown or those who follow and lick his behind.

You tards have lost a 1000 elected seats in the last 6 years. And you're still too stupid to figure out it's the moral decay you promote. Identity politics is working oh so fucking good for you. Keep up the good work.

Link please.

Choke on it, petunia.

Democrats lost over 1,000 seats under Obama

Hey bonehead...I'm on your side. See post #22.

I just wanted a link.

The Dems Are Stuck With The Fake Russian Narrative Clinton and Obama Dreampt up, so it's going to be a blood bath for them in 2018.
The web of deceit and lies you've woven has entangled you and your party.

Each day you become More
Ensnared and each day Your Credibility Takes More Damage.

What does it say when The American People trust a man you assault and ridicule daily more than they do you, your party and its propaganda wing, The MSM?

Your Reality Check apparently has not arrived yet

Rest Assured, it's in the mail.

The Dems Are Stuck With The Fake Russian Narrative Clinton and Obama Dreampt up, so it's going to be a blood bath for them in 2018.

Go play with your roots.....
One problem. About twenty percent of minorities voted for Trump.

Depends on who you nitwits label "minorities"

Donald Trump won the U.S. presidency with less support from black and Hispanic voters than any president in at least 40 years, a Reuters review of polling data shows, highlighting deep national divisions that have fueled incidents of racial and political confrontation.

Trump was elected with 8 percent of the black vote, 28 percent of the Hispanic vote (DON"T FORGET THE RIGHT WING CUBANS) and 27 percent of the Asian-American vote, according to the Reuters/Ipsos Election Day poll.

Trump won with lowest minority vote in decades, fueling divisions
The entire Democrat Party

The gap for them will widen in 2018 due to the reckless course of action they have embarked on with The False Russian Narrative.

One problem. About twenty percent of minorities voted for Trump.

Depends on who you nitwits label "minorities"

Donald Trump won the U.S. presidency with less support from black and Hispanic voters than any president in at least 40 years, a Reuters review of polling data shows, highlighting deep national divisions that have fueled incidents of racial and political confrontation.

Trump was elected with 8 percent of the black vote, 28 percent of the Hispanic vote (DON"T FORGET THE RIGHT WING CUBANS) and 27 percent of the Asian-American vote, according to the Reuters/Ipsos Election Day poll.

Trump won with lowest minority vote in decades, fueling divisions

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