How will the Senate look after Nov. 2018?

Until the train wreck that has been the Trump tenure of just 70 days, democrats faced a daunting challenge for the 2018 senate status. Senate Democrats currently face 23 seats to defend, to Republicans 8.

However, the tables have turned thanks to the Trumpster's incompetence in governing. Where republicans once predicted easy wins in such states as ND, WI, OH, WV, etc., the assurances are quickly fading based on the "populist" promises that were easy to make but a bitch to fulfill.

Bear in mind that a swing of only 3 senate seats from the current status will make a huge difference after the midterms, and were that swing to happen, the Trump administration would find itself as a lame duck one with 2 additional years to go.

Interesting times.

The Senate for Republicans is gone in 2018. The House will be close, but they will lose the house as well by 2020.

There's nothing like a steaming turd in the White House to motivate the opposition to vote.
I am sure all those white people who voted for Trump will be stupid enough to vote for assholes who wish to see them and their families raped by savages....

You will be obliterated in 2018.

In 2020 you won't even have a party.
What ever the make up you're still going to be butthurt about it. You'll never get back the House of Representatives.

Just a mere 24 seats, Retardo......All those coal miners' districts may not be too happy with either the orange lown or those who follow and lick his behind.

You tards have lost a 1000 elected seats in the last 6 years. And you're still too stupid to figure out it's the moral decay you promote. Identity politics is working oh so fucking good for you. Keep up the good work.
When your enemy is self destructing, dont interrupt him
Gerrymandering has been found to be unConstitutional, and the people can now petition the courts to have congressional districts re-drawn along geographic lines. Obama and Holder are leading a campaign to reverse gerrymandering.

Whether they can get it done before 2018 remains to be seen, but it will be done by 2020. Then we'll see who wins the House.

It may look like a dangerous bug, but here's NC12.........

Dems invented gerrymandering, now that the country has tossed you out, it's suddenly a bad thing
Until the train wreck that has been the Trump tenure of just 70 days, democrats faced a daunting challenge for the 2018 senate status. Senate Democrats currently face 23 seats to defend, to Republicans 8.

However, the tables have turned thanks to the Trumpster's incompetence in governing. Where republicans once predicted easy wins in such states as ND, WI, OH, WV, etc., the assurances are quickly fading based on the "populist" promises that were easy to make but a bitch to fulfill.

Bear in mind that a swing of only 3 senate seats from the current status will make a huge difference after the midterms, and were that swing to happen, the Trump administration would find itself as a lame duck one with 2 additional years to go.

Interesting times.

Democrats have to run the table to win all of their Senate Seats while gaining those three extra seats.

So correct me if I am wrong but the Democrats must win 25 seats and then three more in 2018, and I say it will not happen.

28 Senate Seats?

No, can not happen and if it does then Vikander better get on my face so I can guess your sweet ass weight!
No, can not happen and if it does then Vikander better get on my face so I can guess your sweet ass weight!

I'd agree, highly improbable and slightly possible....It's all up to the Trumpster's continuing fuck ups.
Until the train wreck that has been the Trump tenure of just 70 days, democrats faced a daunting challenge for the 2018 senate status. Senate Democrats currently face 23 seats to defend, to Republicans 8.

However, the tables have turned thanks to the Trumpster's incompetence in governing. Where republicans once predicted easy wins in such states as ND, WI, OH, WV, etc., the assurances are quickly fading based on the "populist" promises that were easy to make but a bitch to fulfill.

Bear in mind that a swing of only 3 senate seats from the current status will make a huge difference after the midterms, and were that swing to happen, the Trump administration would find itself as a lame duck one with 2 additional years to go.

Interesting times.

They havent turned. Libs have lost over one thousand seats on the state and federal levels the last six years.
Until the train wreck that has been the Trump tenure of just 70 days, democrats faced a daunting challenge for the 2018 senate status. Senate Democrats currently face 23 seats to defend, to Republicans 8.

However, the tables have turned thanks to the Trumpster's incompetence in governing. Where republicans once predicted easy wins in such states as ND, WI, OH, WV, etc., the assurances are quickly fading based on the "populist" promises that were easy to make but a bitch to fulfill.

Bear in mind that a swing of only 3 senate seats from the current status will make a huge difference after the midterms, and were that swing to happen, the Trump administration would find itself as a lame duck one with 2 additional years to go.

Interesting times.

Democrats have to run the table to win all of their Senate Seats while gaining those three extra seats.

So correct me if I am wrong but the Democrats must win 25 seats and then three more in 2018, and I say it will not happen.

28 Senate Seats?

No, can not happen and if it does then Vikander better get on my face so I can guess your sweet ass weight!

They have no hope of stopping Putin in 2018. He'll hack all 25 Dem Senate elections, including taking out Schumer. We'll have a Republican Senator in NY after 2018.


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