How Will This Affect LGBT Lawsuits? Against Religion, States, Or Just Anyone Who Disagrees?

Do you think this revelation will change the politics of the LGBT legal machine?

  • Yes, finally a superior psychologist has spoken out. Others will follow his lead.

  • No, they will make such an example out of this doctor that all others will fear to step forward.

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Intersexed people? Sil and her kind won't believe they exist even though they have always been with us...

Then you won't mind having each applicant for a "sex-change" operation undergo genetic testing to verify they are having extra chromosomes...or else, no surgery or hormone therapy? Just counseling.
They usually do get tested and since I deal in reality I'd agree to no such thing. Doing so would be idiotic.

You were saying intersexed people explain why people experience gender identity disorder. If you were an MD, would you not think it prudent therefore to require genetic x/y testing to verify a physical foundation for that claim before performing amputation on healthy organs and body tissue which will guarantee leaving the patient mutilated, incontinent and sexually numb forever?
XY females and XX males exist. Now what?

And what's an X0, just one X, is that half a woman?

Then you're in support of testing a so-called self-indentified "transgender" to see if they carry those or other anomolies before they can get surgery. OK, good. I'll add your support to that list.
I support your BS not at all, and you ignored what I posted. Genetics won't help you at all here...

YOU are the one who brought up genetic markers of x and y IN THE FIRST PLACE! Then when I suggested we should test all so-called "transgenders" for anomolies in order to qualify for hormones or surgery, suddenly you don't want to talk about genetics anymore..

You really are just a piece of shit and duplicitous and a hypocrite. Don't tempt me or I might stop focusing on your more redeeming qualities add something not nice.
Intersexed people? Sil and her kind won't believe they exist even though they have always been with us...

Then you won't mind having each applicant for a "sex-change" operation undergo genetic testing to verify they are having extra chromosomes...or else, no surgery or hormone therapy? Just counseling.
They usually do get tested and since I deal in reality I'd agree to no such thing. Doing so would be idiotic.

You were saying intersexed people explain why people experience gender identity disorder. If you were an MD, would you not think it prudent therefore to require genetic x/y testing to verify a physical foundation for that claim before performing amputation on healthy organs and body tissue which will guarantee leaving the patient mutilated, incontinent and sexually numb forever?
XY females and XX males exist. Now what?

And what's an X0, just one X, is that half a woman?

Then you're in support of testing a so-called self-indentified "transgender" to see if they carry those or other anomolies before they can get surgery. OK, good. I'll add your support to that list.
I support your BS not at all, and you ignored what I posted. Genetics won't help you at all here...

YOU are the one who brought up genetic markers of x and y IN THE FIRST PLACE! Then when I suggested we should test all so-called "transgenders" for anomolies in order to qualify for hormones or surgery, suddenly you don't want to talk about genetics anymore..

You really are just a piece of shit and duplicitous and a hypocrite. Don't tempt me or I might add something not nice.
You ignore reality when it doesn't support your agenda. A simple test, what is the sex of an XY female?
XY gonadal dysgenesis - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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These are folks transgender folks without treatment. With male to female brains sharing key characterstics with female brains that men don't normally share. This is without hormones, medication or any other form of treatment.
Bullshit. There's a whole gamut of thought processes potential in any brain. People learn to be female. People learn to be male. Outside a few vestigial characteristics that are stronger in some than others specific to gender, within our own gender we were born with lies a whole range of potential. There is no "one size fits all" "female brain" or "male brain".

Says you. And when studies contradict what you want to believe, you simply ignore them.

You're incapable of an evidence based argument as you only accept as evidence what you *already believe*. Anything that contradicts you, no matter the source or methodology, you summarily ignore. And worse, make up these elaborate, baseless and utterly insane conspiracies about.

Remember Gallup, where you insisted that it and every other polling agency that showed support for same sex marriage had been infiltrated by gays and were now actively lying about their polling results as part of a vast intentional conspiracy dating back to the 1960s?

That's insane.

And you can't back any of it up. All you can do is ignore anything that you don't like. But what relevance would your willful ignorance have with anyone else's views on the matter? Its not like public opinion magically changes to match your beliefs because you make up a batshit conspiracy about Gallup. Its not like the MRI results change just because you type the word 'bullshit'.

All you do is demonstrate that you'll ignore anything that doesn't ape what you want to believe.
Coming out to the Wall Street Journal IS new though. And so will be the political ramifications of such a high-ranking "defection" from the Rainbow Reicht.

When I went to your original link, I got a snippet from the WSJ with instructions to subscribe or sign in for the full article. Here is the full article everyone can read for free.

Former Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist Transgender Surgery Isn t the Solution PJ Tatler
Coming out to the Wall Street Journal IS new though. And so will be the political ramifications of such a high-ranking "defection" from the Rainbow Reicht.

When I went to your original link, I got a snippet from the WSJ with instructions to subscribe or sign in for the full article. Here is the full article everyone can read for free.

Former Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist Transgender Surgery Isn t the Solution PJ Tatler

Here's the problem with the logic of the John Hopkins guy: while psychological satisfaction levels remained about the same before surgery as after......suicide rates fell off a cliff, dropping by more than 90%.

Most mental healthcare professionals aren't willing to ignore results that dramatic.
am i the only one here who misses the good old days of the 80's and prior when we only has two genders?
am i the only one here who misses the good old days of the 80's and prior when we only has two genders?
There have never been only two genders, you just didn't know, most didn't.
well i heard that there are at least five genders in Las Vegas.
Everyone must be on vacation then...
when i used to watch that reality show they did in vegas arresting loonies on the strip, u would often see these men in drag running around as if they were celebrities. yeechh!
am i the only one here who misses the good old days of the 80's and prior when we only has two genders?
There have never been only two genders, you just didn't know, most didn't.
well i heard that there are at least five genders in Las Vegas.
Everyone must be on vacation then...
when i used to watch that reality show they did in vegas arresting loonies on the strip, u would often see these men in drag running around as if they were celebrities. yeechh!
Yeah, not a gender, just a little gender-bending. That's what drag is.
am i the only one here who misses the good old days of the 80's and prior when we only has two genders?
There have never been only two genders, you just didn't know, most didn't.
well i heard that there are at least five genders in Las Vegas.
Everyone must be on vacation then...
when i used to watch that reality show they did in vegas arresting loonies on the strip, u would often see these men in drag running around as if they were celebrities. yeechh!
Yeah, not a gender, just a little gender-bending. That's what drag is.
once i did run into someone of where i had no idea what it was lol. it was a cashier at Home Depot. it was 1/2 Man 1/2 something else. lol
There have never been only two genders, you just didn't know, most didn't.
well i heard that there are at least five genders in Las Vegas.
Everyone must be on vacation then...
when i used to watch that reality show they did in vegas arresting loonies on the strip, u would often see these men in drag running around as if they were celebrities. yeechh!
Yeah, not a gender, just a little gender-bending. That's what drag is.
once i did run into someone of where i had no idea what it was lol. it was a cashier at Home Depot. it was 1/2 Man 1/2 something else. lol
Welcome to the concept of Intersexed people. they exist.
well i heard that there are at least five genders in Las Vegas.
Everyone must be on vacation then...
when i used to watch that reality show they did in vegas arresting loonies on the strip, u would often see these men in drag running around as if they were celebrities. yeechh!
Yeah, not a gender, just a little gender-bending. That's what drag is.
once i did run into someone of where i had no idea what it was lol. it was a cashier at Home Depot. it was 1/2 Man 1/2 something else. lol
Welcome to the concept of Intersexed people. they exist.
and he/it was so ugly. well he did have a one day beard. i think cashiering is probably all he can do for a living (if it is a he)
Everyone must be on vacation then...
when i used to watch that reality show they did in vegas arresting loonies on the strip, u would often see these men in drag running around as if they were celebrities. yeechh!
Yeah, not a gender, just a little gender-bending. That's what drag is.
once i did run into someone of where i had no idea what it was lol. it was a cashier at Home Depot. it was 1/2 Man 1/2 something else. lol
Welcome to the concept of Intersexed people. they exist.
and he/it was so ugly. well he did have a one day beard. i think cashiering is probably all he can do for a living (if it is a he)
Their lives are complicated and difficult, to say the least.
well i heard that there are at least five genders in Las Vegas.
Everyone must be on vacation then...
when i used to watch that reality show they did in vegas arresting loonies on the strip, u would often see these men in drag running around as if they were celebrities. yeechh!
Yeah, not a gender, just a little gender-bending. That's what drag is.
once i did run into someone of where i had no idea what it was lol. it was a cashier at Home Depot. it was 1/2 Man 1/2 something else. lol
Welcome to the concept of Intersexed people. they exist.
just u wait, in a few years, san fran will have new building codes, no more two bathrooms to choose from. will be at least 4. Mens,Womens,Other, and "Not Sure". I cant wait to see the logo's.
Everyone must be on vacation then...
when i used to watch that reality show they did in vegas arresting loonies on the strip, u would often see these men in drag running around as if they were celebrities. yeechh!
Yeah, not a gender, just a little gender-bending. That's what drag is.
once i did run into someone of where i had no idea what it was lol. it was a cashier at Home Depot. it was 1/2 Man 1/2 something else. lol
Welcome to the concept of Intersexed people. they exist.
just u wait, in a few years, san fran will have new building codes, no more two bathrooms to choose from. will be at least 4. Mens,Womens,Other, and "Not Sure". I cant wait to see the logo's.
Three will do, and just two we can deal with. They aren't locker rooms now are they?

Spend some time in the rest of the world where the cleaning lady mops around your feet while you have your dick in your hand at the urinal. She doesn't give a fuck and neither should you...
Spend some time in the rest of the world where the cleaning lady mops around your feet while you have your dick in your hand at the urinal. She doesn't give a fuck and neither should you...

And in school locker rooms? Will we build separate facilities for the boys and girls wanting to play pretend in order to shower and dress too? Will any of these "questioning" kids get each other pregnant while they're playing pretend and biology takes over instead?

4 is the minimum number of bathrooms. Or 3 if you just label the middle one either "for the conniving" or "for the insane"..
Spend some time in the rest of the world where the cleaning lady mops around your feet while you have your dick in your hand at the urinal. She doesn't give a fuck and neither should you...

And in school locker rooms? Will we build separate facilities for the boys and girls wanting to play pretend in order to shower and dress too? Will any of these "questioning" kids get each other pregnant while they're playing pretend and biology takes over instead?

4 is the minimum number of bathrooms. Or 3 if you just label the middle one either "for the conniving" or "for the insane"..
Your paranoia isn't the basis of our public policy.

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