How Will This Affect LGBT Lawsuits? Against Religion, States, Or Just Anyone Who Disagrees?

Do you think this revelation will change the politics of the LGBT legal machine?

  • Yes, finally a superior psychologist has spoken out. Others will follow his lead.

  • No, they will make such an example out of this doctor that all others will fear to step forward.

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Coming out to the Wall Street Journal IS new though. And so will be the political ramifications of such a high-ranking "defection" from the Rainbow Reicht.

Who defected again?

Properly? The Wall Street Journal: Paul McHugh Transgender Surgery Isn t the Solution - WSJ

ie: the MSM. Because learned doctors have been saying this for a long time but the media has utterly squelched their voices. Check the OP for links and information about that.

The first question was: "Yes, finally a superior psychologist has spoken out. Others will follow his lead." But the Dr has been speaking his opinion about it for at least 11 years and apparently has had that opinion for much longer than that.

Yes, the Dr. has been speaking out for years; apparently effectively too since Johns Hopkins no longer performs "sex change" operations at his advice. What is very new is the Wall Street Journal publishing his knowledgeable warnings and it hitting the mass public's eye. The Dr. FINALLY went to a source where his voice would be heard by the mass public.

Due to his prestige and more importantly, the ongoing and indisputable prestige of Johns Hopkins acting on his advice, the general public can no longer be blindly spoon-fed the APA's non-scientific conclusions on "the causes, etiology and effective treatment of" gender identity disorder. Emphasis on "disorder"...even the APA agrees it's a disorder.
Coming out to the Wall Street Journal IS new though. And so will be the political ramifications of such a high-ranking "defection" from the Rainbow Reicht.

Who defected again?

Properly? The Wall Street Journal: Paul McHugh Transgender Surgery Isn t the Solution - WSJ

ie: the MSM. Because learned doctors have been saying this for a long time but the media has utterly squelched their voices. Check the OP for links and information about that.

The first question was: "Yes, finally a superior psychologist has spoken out. Others will follow his lead." But the Dr has been speaking his opinion about it for at least 11 years and apparently has had that opinion for much longer than that.

Yes, the Dr. has been speaking out for years; apparently effectively too since Johns Hopkins no longer performs "sex change" operations at his advice. What is very new is the Wall Street Journal publishing his knowledgeable warnings and it hitting the mass public's eye. The Dr. FINALLY went to a source where his voice would be heard by the mass public.

Due to his prestige and more importantly, the ongoing and indisputable prestige of Johns Hopkins acting on his advice, the general public can no longer be blindly spoon-fed the APA's non-scientific conclusions on "the causes, etiology and effective treatment of" gender identity disorder. Emphasis on "disorder"...even the APA agrees it's a disorder.

Clinging to a dangerous past Dr Paul McHugh s selective reading of transgender medical literature The TransAdvocate

The Trans Advocate is your source for an objective viewpoint on transgender medical literature? :lmao:

That would be like turning to the Nazi Party for "expert advice on the compassionate treatment of jews". Seriously? This is Johns Hopkins we're talking about. Not the "Trans Advocate"...whoever they are crawling out from underneath whatever internet hovel they've mocked up for themselves. Johns Hopkins is a brick and mortar institution that sits atop the pile of prestige in the business of which McHugh speaks.

The Trans Advocate is your source for an objective viewpoint on transgender medical literature? :lmao:

That would be like turning to the Nazi Party for "expert advice on the compassionate treatment of jews". Seriously? This is Johns Hopkins we're talking about. Not the "Trans Advocate"...whoever they are crawling out from underneath whatever internet hovel they've mocked up for themselves. Johns Hopkins is a brick and mortar institution that sits atop the pile of prestige in the business of which McHugh speaks.

Her rebuttal seem standard. "...McHugh saw SRS as unnecessary mutilation, and set out to kill the program. He assigned Dr. John Meyer to do a long-term follow-up study of 50 transsexuals who underwent SRS at Johns Hopkins. Meyer's report, issued in 1977, claimed that SRS confers no objective advantage in terms of social rehabilitation for transsexuals. Although the paper was widely criticized as flawed, it led to the October 1979 closing of the Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic."

A Brief History of Transsexuality

Just fleshed out a bit.

The Trans Advocate is your source for an objective viewpoint on transgender medical literature? :lmao:

That would be like turning to the Nazi Party for "expert advice on the compassionate treatment of jews". Seriously? This is Johns Hopkins we're talking about. Not the "Trans Advocate"...whoever they are crawling out from underneath whatever internet hovel they've mocked up for themselves. Johns Hopkins is a brick and mortar institution that sits atop the pile of prestige in the business of which McHugh speaks.

Her rebuttal seem standard. "...McHugh saw SRS as unnecessary mutilation, and set out to kill the program. He assigned Dr. John Meyer to do a long-term follow-up study of 50 transsexuals who underwent SRS at Johns Hopkins. Meyer's report, issued in 1977, claimed that SRS confers no objective advantage in terms of social rehabilitation for transsexuals. Although the paper was widely criticized as flawed, it led to the October 1979 closing of the Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic."

A Brief History of Transsexuality

Just fleshed out a bit.

1979......quite the recent 'defection'.
It's been found that people who are transgender have actual differences in their brain.

It's not just something thought up, it's not just some mental disorder. It's something biological inside them. Brainwashing people to ignore their feelings doesn't sound like a great option to address this.
It's been found that people who are transgender have actual differences in their brain.

It's not just something thought up, it's not just some mental disorder. It's something biological inside them. Brainwashing people to ignore their feelings doesn't sound like a great option to address this.
Drug addicts also have been found to have actual differences in their brain. Does that mean we encourage that behavior as normal and encourage them to keep using the drugs?

The human brain is the most plastic brain of all the animal kingdom. Post natally it modifies depending upon the environment and its influences. That doesn't mean that the environmental pressures/repetitive habitual behaviors are normal or desired. In the case of so-called gender identity disorder, somewhere along the way, the individual was influenced to believe they are something they are physically incapable of being. Amputating their healthy organs in order to assist their delusion is a criminal act which should be punishable by revoking medical licenses and quite possibly prison terms.

The solution is to help the victims retrain their mental patterns to embrace reality. The definition of classic mental illness is the refusal to accept reality on its terms. Enabling this when the post-surgical suicide rate is 20 times higher than the general population and the victims later commonly request to return to their original gender is an act of insanity in itself. I suggest that any medical person assisting such a damaging farce volutarily submit themselves for psychological evaluation.
It's been found that people who are transgender have actual differences in their brain.

It's not just something thought up, it's not just some mental disorder. It's something biological inside them. Brainwashing people to ignore their feelings doesn't sound like a great option to address this.
Drug addicts also have been found to have actual differences in their brain. Does that mean we encourage that behavior as normal and encourage them to keep using the drugs?

These are folks transgender folks without treatment. With male to female brains sharing key characterstics with female brains that men don't normally share. This is without hormones, medication or any other form of treatment.

Post natally it modifies depending upon the environment and its influences. That doesn't mean that the environmental pressures/repetitive habitual behaviors are normal or desired. In the case of so-called gender identity disorder, somewhere along the way, the individual was influenced to believe they are something they are physically incapable of being. Amputating their healthy organs in order to assist their delusion is a criminal act which should be punishable by revoking medical licenses and quite possibly prison terms.

Gender reassignment and transsexuals aren't the same thing. A transsexual is someone whose gender identity is inconsistent with their sex. A transsexual can choose to have gender reassignment surgery. But many don't. So the issues aren't the same.
"How Will This Affect LGBT Lawsuits? Against Religion, States, Or Just Anyone Who Disagrees?"

A truly moronic thread premise.
The thread's premise is if this announcement becomes generically accepted in broad society, will it affect legal outcomes?
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These are folks transgender folks without treatment. With male to female brains sharing key characterstics with female brains that men don't normally share. This is without hormones, medication or any other form of treatment.
Bullshit. There's a whole gamut of thought processes potential in any brain. People learn to be female. People learn to be male. Outside a few vestigial characteristics that are stronger in some than others specific to gender, within our own gender we were born with lies a whole range of potential. There is no "one size fits all" "female brain" or "male brain".

Jenner's issues almost certainly had to do with his misreading that point. He was pushed to be "super male" when he was young, to divorce himself from any of his softer traits which all males have. All of them! So he had a bifurcated personality, needing to access those normally male/softer traits, emotions etc. So he wrongfully interpreted this as 'being born in the wrong body". What he was born in was the wrong society. Other societies, and even this one in earlier times encourage men to access their sadness and be compassionate and husbandlike to others. We are one of few countries left that currently spur our boys to be supermales and to truncate all the other normal emotions and characteristics that come with the spectrum of "being male". Hence all the insanity in the LGBT group.

Prove it with DNA markers or I'm not listening. Sure, drug addicts can change their wiring in their brain but that doesn't mean it's innate or intrinsic to them. They can change old pathways with new repetition.

Long story short the cure for a damaged brain is not to amputate genitals.
Suddenly quiet on your "brain mechanics" angle of trying to argue normalizing insanity?
Male to female produces quite good results, but you can't have children of course, and while you could keep the same junk, some do, there's no reason it can't be altered. We change what nature provides all the time. The problem here is, all of this is up for grabs and people, like Sil, want to slam the door shut one way or the another, simple answers to complicated situations. There are no simple answers here. Just by looking at the genetic question, your friend for example, we can see this is not back or white.

Intersexed people? Sil and her kind won't believe they exist even though they have always been with us...

Then you won't mind having each applicant for a "sex-change" operation undergo genetic testing to verify they are having extra chromosomes...or else, no surgery or hormone therapy? Just counseling.
Male to female produces quite good results, but you can't have children of course, and while you could keep the same junk, some do, there's no reason it can't be altered. We change what nature provides all the time. The problem here is, all of this is up for grabs and people, like Sil, want to slam the door shut one way or the another, simple answers to complicated situations. There are no simple answers here. Just by looking at the genetic question, your friend for example, we can see this is not back or white.

Intersexed people? Sil and her kind won't believe they exist even though they have always been with us...

Then you won't mind having each applicant for a "sex-change" operation undergo genetic testing to verify they are having extra chromosomes...or else, no surgery or hormone therapy? Just counseling.
They usually do get tested and since I deal in reality I'd agree to no such thing. Doing so would be idiotic.
Intersexed people? Sil and her kind won't believe they exist even though they have always been with us...

Then you won't mind having each applicant for a "sex-change" operation undergo genetic testing to verify they are having extra chromosomes...or else, no surgery or hormone therapy? Just counseling.
They usually do get tested and since I deal in reality I'd agree to no such thing. Doing so would be idiotic.

You were saying intersexed people explain why people experience gender identity disorder. If you were an MD, would you not think it prudent therefore to require genetic x/y testing to verify a physical foundation for that claim before performing amputation on healthy organs and body tissue which will guarantee leaving the patient mutilated, incontinent and sexually numb forever?
Intersexed people? Sil and her kind won't believe they exist even though they have always been with us...

Then you won't mind having each applicant for a "sex-change" operation undergo genetic testing to verify they are having extra chromosomes...or else, no surgery or hormone therapy? Just counseling.
They usually do get tested and since I deal in reality I'd agree to no such thing. Doing so would be idiotic.

You were saying intersexed people explain why people experience gender identity disorder. If you were an MD, would you not think it prudent therefore to require genetic x/y testing to verify a physical foundation for that claim before performing amputation on healthy organs and body tissue which will guarantee leaving the patient mutilated, incontinent and sexually numb forever?
XY females and XX males exist. Now what?

And what's an X0, just one X, is that half a woman?
Intersexed people? Sil and her kind won't believe they exist even though they have always been with us...

Then you won't mind having each applicant for a "sex-change" operation undergo genetic testing to verify they are having extra chromosomes...or else, no surgery or hormone therapy? Just counseling.
They usually do get tested and since I deal in reality I'd agree to no such thing. Doing so would be idiotic.

You were saying intersexed people explain why people experience gender identity disorder. If you were an MD, would you not think it prudent therefore to require genetic x/y testing to verify a physical foundation for that claim before performing amputation on healthy organs and body tissue which will guarantee leaving the patient mutilated, incontinent and sexually numb forever?
XY females and XX males exist. Now what?

And what's an X0, just one X, is that half a woman?

Then you're in support of testing a so-called self-indentified "transgender" to see if they carry those or other anomolies before they can get surgery. OK, good. I'll add your support to that list.
Intersexed people? Sil and her kind won't believe they exist even though they have always been with us...

Then you won't mind having each applicant for a "sex-change" operation undergo genetic testing to verify they are having extra chromosomes...or else, no surgery or hormone therapy? Just counseling.
They usually do get tested and since I deal in reality I'd agree to no such thing. Doing so would be idiotic.

You were saying intersexed people explain why people experience gender identity disorder. If you were an MD, would you not think it prudent therefore to require genetic x/y testing to verify a physical foundation for that claim before performing amputation on healthy organs and body tissue which will guarantee leaving the patient mutilated, incontinent and sexually numb forever?
XY females and XX males exist. Now what?

And what's an X0, just one X, is that half a woman?

Then you're in support of testing a so-called self-indentified "transgender" to see if they carry those or other anomolies before they can get surgery. OK, good. I'll add your support to that list.
I support your BS not at all, and you ignored what I posted. Genetics won't help you at all here...
When did the term LBGT become main stream? God damn liberals change shit all the time

Sick of this social engineering.

We never even heard of the term "progressive" till 2008

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