How Will This Affect LGBT Lawsuits? Against Religion, States, Or Just Anyone Who Disagrees?

Do you think this revelation will change the politics of the LGBT legal machine?

  • Yes, finally a superior psychologist has spoken out. Others will follow his lead.

  • No, they will make such an example out of this doctor that all others will fear to step forward.

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Your watch has been over for some time now and it's really over in three weeks. Just like the farm, wave goodbye and move on, there is no other good option...

As my elders used to put it: "The Devil you say!"...

We'll see. You can bet the Justices aren't cloistered in a convent somewhere. There was quite a bit of talk about them feeling uncomfortable not inviting the rest of us into the conversation at the hearing. There was an expression of reticence that "just 9 people" should make this fundamental decision so set to implode society from within into the future using the vehicle of the word "marriage".

Do you think if you repeat the word "victory!" enough that it will just happen for you no matter what? I think the Justices are very carefully measuring the pulse of the continuing conversation. Emphasis on "continuing" (as they urged in transcripts this April)
Look at the cover of vanity fair and tell yourself that "Caitlyn" Jenner is not mentally ill.

he/she is posing on a magazine as a woman with a cock in his bathing suit. Why didn't they show a full body pose?

Cuz you would shudder that's why.
Only and idiot thinks one can actually change their sex. It's a chromosomal thingy.
I've repeatedly brought up requiring any "sex change" applicant to pass a simple x y chromosome test for abnormalities in order to qualify for hormones or surgery; but whenever I do, the LGBT crowd gets suddenly really quiet or diversionary. That's when the ad hominem faucet gets turned on and they hope you'll not talk about it again.
Only and idiot thinks one can actually change their sex. It's a chromosomal thingy.
I've repeatedly brought up requiring any "sex change" applicant to pass a simple x y chromosome test for abnormalities in order to qualify for hormones or surgery; but whenever I do, the LGBT crowd gets suddenly really quiet or diversionary. That's when the ad hominem faucet gets turned on and they hope you'll not talk about it again.

Yeah, reality is a mother-you-know-what. But hey, you wanna change your physiology fine, have at it. But it doesn't change your sex.
Only and idiot thinks one can actually change their sex. It's a chromosomal thingy.
I've repeatedly brought up requiring any "sex change" applicant to pass a simple x y chromosome test for abnormalities in order to qualify for hormones or surgery; but whenever I do, the LGBT crowd gets suddenly really quiet or diversionary. That's when the ad hominem faucet gets turned on and they hope you'll not talk about it again.

Yeah, reality is a mother-you-know-what. But hey, you wanna change your physiology fine, have at it. But it doesn't change your sex.
It's not changing anyone's physiology. It's simple body mutliation with the aid of "doctors" who should have their licenses revoked.

Do you think more expert institutions like Johns Hopkins will come out and denounce the practice of "psychological butchery"?
Only and idiot thinks one can actually change their sex. It's a chromosomal thingy.
I've repeatedly brought up requiring any "sex change" applicant to pass a simple x y chromosome test for abnormalities in order to qualify for hormones or surgery; but whenever I do, the LGBT crowd gets suddenly really quiet or diversionary. That's when the ad hominem faucet gets turned on and they hope you'll not talk about it again.

Yeah, but why would someone have to undergo mandatory genetic testing before being allowed hormone therapy?
Only and idiot thinks one can actually change their sex. It's a chromosomal thingy.
I've repeatedly brought up requiring any "sex change" applicant to pass a simple x y chromosome test for abnormalities in order to qualify for hormones or surgery; but whenever I do, the LGBT crowd gets suddenly really quiet or diversionary. That's when the ad hominem faucet gets turned on and they hope you'll not talk about it again.
It's kind of like bringing up gene therapy and in vitro testing when they talk about homosexuality being genetic. The last thing they want is for a solution to be found, or babies being aborted for being gay. Any other reason, of course, is fine.
Only and idiot thinks one can actually change their sex. It's a chromosomal thingy.
I've repeatedly brought up requiring any "sex change" applicant to pass a simple x y chromosome test for abnormalities in order to qualify for hormones or surgery; but whenever I do, the LGBT crowd gets suddenly really quiet or diversionary. That's when the ad hominem faucet gets turned on and they hope you'll not talk about it again.
It's kind of like bringing up gene therapy and in vitro testing when they talk about homosexuality being genetic. The last thing they want is for a solution to be found, or babies being aborted for being gay. Any other reason, of course, is fine.

Wait, huh?
Only and idiot thinks one can actually change their sex. It's a chromosomal thingy.
I've repeatedly brought up requiring any "sex change" applicant to pass a simple x y chromosome test for abnormalities in order to qualify for hormones or surgery; but whenever I do, the LGBT crowd gets suddenly really quiet or diversionary. That's when the ad hominem faucet gets turned on and they hope you'll not talk about it again.
It's kind of like bringing up gene therapy and in vitro testing when they talk about homosexuality being genetic. The last thing they want is for a solution to be found, or babies being aborted for being gay. Any other reason, of course, is fine.

Wait, huh?
There are certain areas of discussion that those who would change what God has wrought fall silent. Putting a man in a dress and cutting off his penis doesn't make him a woman.
Only and idiot thinks one can actually change their sex. It's a chromosomal thingy.
I've repeatedly brought up requiring any "sex change" applicant to pass a simple x y chromosome test for abnormalities in order to qualify for hormones or surgery; but whenever I do, the LGBT crowd gets suddenly really quiet or diversionary. That's when the ad hominem faucet gets turned on and they hope you'll not talk about it again.
It's kind of like bringing up gene therapy and in vitro testing when they talk about homosexuality being genetic. The last thing they want is for a solution to be found, or babies being aborted for being gay. Any other reason, of course, is fine.

Wait, huh?
There are certain areas of discussion that those who would change what God has wrought fall silent. Putting a man in a dress and cutting off his penis doesn't make him a woman.

My gears are just a little stripped by mandatory genetic testing for hormone therapy somehow morphing into babble about gay fetuses and abortion.

You kind of raised red herrings to an art form.

But thank you for confirming your religious motivation in that hapless little rant. It saves time later.
It's kind of like bringing up gene therapy and in vitro testing when they talk about homosexuality being genetic. The last thing they want is for a solution to be found, or babies being aborted for being gay. Any other reason, of course, is fine.
Well...let's not jump around too much. It might tempt a tangent.

The point is they don't want "x" or "y" anomolies tested because they don't have a factual basis for claiming to be born in the wrong body. 99 trans delusionists out of 100 will test normal for xx or xy female or male presentation. And that bothers the cult a bit because then, you know, it looks behavioral.
Only and idiot thinks one can actually change their sex. It's a chromosomal thingy.
I've repeatedly brought up requiring any "sex change" applicant to pass a simple x y chromosome test for abnormalities in order to qualify for hormones or surgery; but whenever I do, the LGBT crowd gets suddenly really quiet or diversionary. That's when the ad hominem faucet gets turned on and they hope you'll not talk about it again.
It's kind of like bringing up gene therapy and in vitro testing when they talk about homosexuality being genetic. The last thing they want is for a solution to be found, or babies being aborted for being gay. Any other reason, of course, is fine.

Wait, huh?
There are certain areas of discussion that those who would change what God has wrought fall silent. Putting a man in a dress and cutting off his penis doesn't make him a woman.

My gears are just a little stripped by mandatory genetic testing for hormone therapy somehow morphing into babble about gay fetuses and abortion.

You kind of raised red herrings to an art form.

But thank you for confirming your religious motivation in that hapless little rant. It saves time later.
So, we don't want biology to get in the way of politics?
My gears are just a little stripped by mandatory genetic testing for hormone therapy somehow morphing into babble about gay fetuses and abortion...You kind of raised red herrings to an art form...But thank you for confirming your religious motivation in that hapless little rant. It saves time later.
So, we don't want biology to get in the way of politics?

No, apparently not.

Here's a brand new legal qualification for the amputee mental mean "completely healthy and normal person needing amputation to not commit suicide". Keep an eye on Canada. She's a half-step ahead on the crazy-train tracks.. Becoming disabled by choice not chance Transabled people feel like impostors in their fully working bodies National Post

“We define transability as the desire or the need for a person identified as able-bodied by other people to transform his or her body to obtain a physical impairment,” says Alexandre Baril, a Quebec born academic who will present on “transability” at this week’s Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities at the University of Ottawa....“The person could want to become deaf, blind, amputee, paraplegic. It’s a really, really strong desire.”..
Most crave an amputation or paralysis, though he has interviewed one person who wants his penis removed. Another wants to be blind....Many people, like One Hand Jason, arrange “accidents” to help achieve the goal. One dropped an incredibly heavy concrete block on his legs — an attempt to injure himself so bad an amputation would be necessary. But doctors saved the leg. He limps, but it’s not the disability he wanted...Some of his study participants do draw parallels to the experience many transgender people express of not feeling like they’re in the right body...
Should we require anomolous "x" "y" genetic testing before we allow doctors to amputate anyone's healthy organs? Should there be a law that puts doctors in prison for performing amputation of genitals on a normal "xx" female or "xy" male?
Should we require anomolous "x" "y" genetic testing before we allow doctors to amputate anyone's healthy organs? Should there be a law that puts doctors in prison for performing amputation of genitals on a normal "xx" female or "xy" male?

There is already extensive counselling that someone has to go through to get the surgery. From what I've heard you have to have sign off from two different psychologists, one who has seen you for a minimum of 9 months. There's maintenance hormone treatment, transition hormone treatment, and the surgery itself. Each stage requires intense counselling and sign off. And they frequently say no.

In terms of dressing and acting like a woman, a trans person is a trans person if they say they are. In terms of the surgery, a trans is only a trans is multiple psychologists after intense and long term counselling say they are.

How do I know? I asked someone who is in the process of transitioning tonight over burgers.

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