How will Vladimir Putin reward Trump for his amazing job of dividing America?

Even George Wallace eventually figured out that racism was wrong for the country.

Republicans havenā€™t figured that out yet. How do we know?

Because they welcomed the American Nazi party, the Aryan nation, the KKK, white nationalists, and the alt white into their party.
Hilarious is that Republicans are saying I will protect pre-existing conditions when the entire rest of the world knows thatā€™s a lie.

Republicans are doing everything they can to irrevocably harm this country.

Eventually theyā€™ll fail. Because Republicans are all about bringing back the past and slavery and repression. And the rest of the country is all about moving into the future.

The question is what will be left after they finish tearing apart America?

And what is sad is theyā€™re doing it all of the orders of a Vladimir Putin stooge.

The question is what will be left after they finish tearing apart America?

White conservatives are doing to America now what they tried to do when they created confederate America.
Republicans miss the good old days of the Birmingham bombs when four little girls were blown to bits and more than 20 others were injured. At a church.

Right winger white guy Dylan Ruth only took out nine.

And you blame us for dividing America? When you just called half the country want a be mass murderers?

You fucking asshole.
I am the asshole? And yet itā€™s your kind who are trying to blame Democrats for the evils of your kind?

Yep. You just accused half of America of being want a be mass murderers.

THat is they type of shit that is dividing America, and that is all your side.

And yes, you are the asshole.
Try to be less crazy.

It is you leftards that have divided America, with your constant personal attacks and Identity politics.

like lock her up

and low IQ

And born in Kenya

And knock the sh!t out of him

Oh wait, that was your kind.

Attacking a candidate is very much different that attacking large segments of the population, which you lefties do all the time, with your race baiting and metooism shit.
Explain how one party can be 90% white and the other party be everybody else but itā€™s the party thatā€™s 90% white that isnā€™t race baiting.

And remember, some Mexicans donā€™t rape.

Race baiting is the use of false accusations of racism as a political weapon.

You dem have used false accusations of racism, amplified by your control of media and pop culture to convince minorities that the GOP is racist.

Thus, you terrorize them into needing protection from, as you stated in this thread above, people who want to blow up their churches.

YOu get their votes, at the cost of dividing them from the majority of whites, and pissing off all the whites you slander.

As you well know, you vile liar.
Let me explain this as simply as I can since I appear to be talking to a simpleton.

If Republicans werenā€™t racist they wouldnā€™t be suppressing minority vote.

They would want everybody to vote.

But they are not. And we know that. Everyone knows that.

And they wouldnā€™t be following a man who says things like some Mexicans donā€™t rape and the former president was born in Kenya.

1. The GOP is not engaged in voter suppression. That is a race baiting lie.

2. A lot of rapists come over the border. Claiming that is racism, is a race baiting lie.

3. There was legitimate reason to question Obama on that issue. Saying otherwise is a race baiting lie.
Try to be less crazy.

It is you leftards that have divided America, with your constant personal attacks and Identity politics.

like lock her up

and low IQ

And born in Kenya

And knock the sh!t out of him

Oh wait, that was your kind.

You would benefit from a good long look in the mirror. ā€œIf you want to make the world a better place take a look at yourself and then make the change.ā€
How will Vladimir Putin reward Trump for his amazing job of dividing America?

During his rally last night Donald Trump was kind enough to once again bring up Maxine Waters.

And he led a rousing audience cheer of ā€œCNN sucksā€.

If this were Isis or Al Qaeda America would be mobilizing.

But since itā€™s right wing extremist terrorists, nobody really cares.

Democrats yell at republicans in a restaurant please donā€™t take away my health care I have a family to protect.

So Republicans decide to get back by blowing them up with bombs.

Trump was again attacking the same Democrats who were subject to terrorist attacks this week by the MAGA Bomber, along with attacks on the press.

Trump continues to work to divide the American people and foment a climate of political fear and violence.
Hilarious is that Republicans are saying I will protect pre-existing conditions when the entire rest of the world knows thatā€™s a lie.

Republicans are doing everything they can to irrevocably harm this country.

Eventually theyā€™ll fail. Because Republicans are all about bringing back the past and slavery and repression. And the rest of the country is all about moving into the future.

The question is what will be left after they finish tearing apart America?

And what is sad is theyā€™re doing it all of the orders of a Vladimir Putin stooge.

Which Republican is it that's about bringing back slavery, R-Derp? That's such an inflammatory claim you should be ashamed of yourself for stooping to make it! The closest thing we have to "slavery" in this day and age are the people trapped on the "entitlement plantations" that you liberals have created for them over the past fifty years!

You're part of the problem making claims like you are BUT YOU'RE TOO DAMNED STUPID TO REALIZE IT!!!
How will Vladimir Putin reward Trump for his amazing job of dividing America?

During his rally last night Donald Trump was kind enough to once again bring up Maxine Waters.

And he led a rousing audience cheer of ā€œCNN sucksā€.

If this were Isis or Al Qaeda America would be mobilizing.

But since itā€™s right wing extremist terrorists, nobody really cares.

Democrats yell at republicans in a restaurant please donā€™t take away my health care I have a family to protect.

So Republicans decide to get back by blowing them up with bombs.
I've told you before and I'll tell you again....

Please go to the nearest blood bank and donate blood...
All of it!
Didnā€™t you get the memo, OP? Obama said the Cold War is over before he told Putin heā€™d have more flexibility after his re-election to let Putin take Crimea.
How will Vladimir Putin reward Trump for his amazing job of dividing America?

During his rally last night Donald Trump was kind enough to once again bring up Maxine Waters.

And he led a rousing audience cheer of ā€œCNN sucksā€.

If this were Isis or Al Qaeda America would be mobilizing.

But since itā€™s right wing extremist terrorists, nobody really cares.

Democrats yell at republicans in a restaurant please donā€™t take away my health care I have a family to protect.

So Republicans decide to get back by blowing them up with bombs.
I'd say vodka.
How will Vladimir Putin reward Trump for his amazing job of dividing America?

During his rally last night Donald Trump was kind enough to once again bring up Maxine Waters.

And he led a rousing audience cheer of ā€œCNN sucksā€.

If this were Isis or Al Qaeda America would be mobilizing.

But since itā€™s right wing extremist terrorists, nobody really cares.

Democrats yell at republicans in a restaurant please donā€™t take away my health care I have a family to protect.

So Republicans decide to get back by blowing them up with bombs.
You insist on looking foolish with the long discredited Putin shit.
How will Vladimir Putin reward Trump for his amazing job of dividing America?

During his rally last night Donald Trump was kind enough to once again bring up Maxine Waters.

And he led a rousing audience cheer of ā€œCNN sucksā€.

If this were Isis or Al Qaeda America would be mobilizing.

But since itā€™s right wing extremist terrorists, nobody really cares.

Democrats yell at republicans in a restaurant please donā€™t take away my health care I have a family to protect.

So Republicans decide to get back by blowing them up with bombs.

Putin should reward you. You and your regressive friends do more to divide America than anyone else.
Try to be less crazy.

It is you leftards that have divided America, with your constant personal attacks and Identity politics.

like lock her up

and low IQ

And born in Kenya

And knock the sh!t out of him

Oh wait, that was your kind.
Lock her up is correct. Anyone else would have been.
Democrats often say that about Republicans, it is their favorite saying so thank you for pointing that out.
Yes just as a few radicals have claimed that Trump is not their president. Just like you.
Shoot the Rupublican ball players, Antifa? See any diffence?
Someone would be locked up for having a server? That doesnā€™t make any sense.
Besides Trump has his telephone connected directly to the Kremlin and Beijing.
Our intelligence agencies already know the Trump gives away classified material to Russians. If he wasnā€™t the president he would be in prison for being a traitor. Duh!
You have to know that. He did it when he brought Russians into the oval office and excluded Americans. It was all over the news.
Not for having a server but for useing a server for sending classified information on. For not archiving all information on that server as per government regulations. Everything on Hillary's server was transmitted to a foreign entity. She allowed people to see classified material without the proper clearance.

In case you are really unaware a president may decide what is classified and what may be declassified. He is free to share any information he feels is necessary with anyone. The president is the only one allowed to do so.

As you pointed out if he were NOT the president he could be tried for treason if he shared classified secrets.

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