How will we generate 10,151,170,439,575 kWh of electricity for ALL EV cars/trucks/buses,etc.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Right now in 2022 the total electricity generated by 11,070 power plants is 4.165 kWh of electricity BUT if we go totally EVs..
where will the additional 10.151 Trillion kWh come from? As the below graph shows in 2021 we were running BELOW the capacity in 1997!
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One study estimated that if all the cars in Texas today were EVs, the state might need as much as 30 percent more power; California would need 50 percent more. Nationwide, we calculate that the conversion of all internal combustion engines to electric vehicles could add as much as 45 percent to electricity demand.
We won't. The environmentalists and the climate change agendas cannot build enough electric power for this. Remember...a few decades ago the Congress could not pass bills to harden the electric grid against any type of EMP attack which was estimated to be about 4 billion dollars at the time. Pretty cheap, eh.
Right now in 2022 the total electricity generated by 11,070 power plants is 4.165 kWh of electricity ...

My water heater is using 3.200 kWh of the electricity right now ... the all of the rest of the United States is only burning 9 hundred watt light bulbs? ...

Your math is wrong ... first of all, that's electricity consumed, because consumption always equals production ... so what's the name-plate rating on these 11,070 power plants? ... you're smelling the wrong pile of shit ... it's the transmission lines that are the weak link ... we can build more power plants ... but we need massive expensive upgrades to the overhead wires ... those with buried cable are fucked ...

We produced more than 38¢ of electricity last year ... how much does a kWh cost YOU? ...
My water heater is using 3.200 kWh of the electricity right now ... the all of the rest of the United States is only burning 9 hundred watt light bulbs? ...

Your math is wrong ... first of all, that's electricity consumed, because consumption always equals production ... so what's the name-plate rating on these 11,070 power plants? ... you're smelling the wrong pile of shit ... it's the transmission lines that are the weak link ... we can build more power plants ... but we need massive expensive upgrades to the overhead wires ... those with buried cable are fucked ...

We produced more than 38¢ of electricity last year ... how much does a kWh cost YOU? ...
Hey look at the chart I've attached. I know about "name-plate" but that was confusing to people evidently like YOU!
So I found this chart... note what the left side says..."capacity" versus right side generation... NOTE blue line is lower than right line!
Meaning more generation than capacity.
But I totally agree with you regarding transmission!
That cost I've not calculated yet but that will be a dire need as the chart I attached shows how adding nuclear, OR Solar OR Wind Turbines will require LAND! And none of the expenses calculated the cost of ADDED transmission!
Transmission costs...
After adjusting for inflation, major US utilities spent 2.6 cents/kWh on electricity delivery in 2010, using 2020 dollars,

My water heater is using 3.200 kWh of the electricity right now ... the all of the rest of the United States is only burning 9 hundred watt light bulbs? ...

Your math is wrong ... first of all, that's electricity consumed, because consumption always equals production ... so what's the name-plate rating on these 11,070 power plants? ... you're smelling the wrong pile of shit ... it's the transmission lines that are the weak link ... we can build more power plants ... but we need massive expensive upgrades to the overhead wires ... those with buried cable are fucked ...

We produced more than 38¢ of electricity last year ... how much does a kWh cost YOU? ...
I apologize ! The amount used according to this web site: 4.165 TRILLION kWh... my mistake!!!
Total kWh electricity generated In USA
Electricity generation, capacity, and sales in the United States - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
  • 4,116,000,000,000 kWh Total electricity generated in USA today in 2021 by coal,nuclear,gas.
  • 49,030,000,000 kWh EIA estimates generated with small-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) systems.
  • 4,165,030,000,000 kWh Total electricity generated in USA in 2021
We'll probably have to sell our souls to China, the ultimate plan of Biden.
Right now in 2022 the total electricity generated by 11,070 power plants is 4.165 kWh of electricity BUT if we go totally EVs..
where will the additional 10.151 Trillion kWh come from? As the below graph shows in 2021 we were running BELOW the capacity in 1997!
View attachment 736386
That graph is JUST nuclear electricity production. Can you get anything right?
I apologize ! The amount used according to this web site: 4.165 TRILLION kWh... my mistake!!!
Total kWh electricity generated In USA
Electricity generation, capacity, and sales in the United States - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
  • 4,116,000,000,000 kWh Total electricity generated in USA today in 2021 by coal,nuclear,gas.
  • 49,030,000,000 kWh EIA estimates generated with small-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) systems.
  • 4,165,030,000,000 kWh Total electricity generated in USA in 2021
I have the answer. Let’s build a coal fired power plant in every neighborhood. Problem solved. Ops! There goes the environment EV owners thought they were saving.
We'll probably have to sell our souls to China, the ultimate plan of Biden.
We'll more probably generate more electricity in the 20-30 years that it will take to go totally EV, and all along the way electricity cost will adjust.

Crazy concept, I know.

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