How will we generate 10,151,170,439,575 kWh of electricity for ALL EV cars/trucks/buses,etc.

Right now in 2022 the total electricity generated by 11,070 power plants is 4.165 kWh of electricity BUT if we go totally EVs..
where will the additional 10.151 Trillion kWh come from? As the below graph shows in 2021 we were running BELOW the capacity in 1997!
View attachment 736386
If you look at the building "boom" that ended about 1985, and knowing that nuke powerplants have a "useful life" of about 40-years. That nuclear capacity will start dropping soon and it takes about 10-years from order placement to power generation, so the US is in for "blackouts" like in CA, starting about 2030.
Renewables, can't make reliable power like a big nuke plant.
The only thing to consider is cost. The democratic party has stated they will spend more than $100 trillion on Renewables.

$100 Trillion and more.

That is power, that kind of spending.

People will lie, cheat, steal, and kill for for a few dollars

What will they do for $100 trillion.

What can we do, nothing. The rich and powerful have spoken
The EU tried it. Couldn't make it work.
So no one can ever?

Look at the recent news:

So many times we've heard gloom and doom about coming whale oil, food or energy deficits, but with time technologies change and we figure it out.

And even if we won't then markets will dictate that we have a mix of EVs and ICE transport
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So no one can ever?
Look at the recent news:
So many times we've heard gloom and doom about coming whale oil, food or energy deficits, but with time technologies change and we figure it out.
LOL!! Fusion power has been a big hole you throw money in since the 1980s...


Fusion power promises to provide limitless green energy using cheap and abundant fuel, but it's a long-running joke that it's always 20 years away...
So no one can ever?

Look at the recent news:

So many times we've heard gloom and doom about coming whale oil, food or energy deficits, but with time technologies change and we figure it out.

And even if we won't then markets will dictate that we have a mix of EVs and ICE transport
But the problem is the statements made by Biden! Instead of saying this:
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

What a stupid statement by Biden... now IF he just had said...
"we need to work with the fossil fuels industry to reduce Co2 emissions and the US government will be helping as we consider the fossil fuel industry a totally important building block of our economy"!

Now I am totally in favor of moving towards renewables. BUT at the expense of the following:
See almost everyone including Biden has NO IDEA what "fossil fuels" contribute to our society...beyond GAS!!!
And the objective of "ridding fossil fuels" means raising the price of GAS without a question as well as the price of tires, asphalt,
drugs, and 6,000 other items.
I mean most people don't know tire makers use 300 million barrels of oil to make 2 billion tires and asphalt which makes up
94% of our roads use 3% of all oil produce or over 1.4 BILLION barrels!
But the problem is the statements made by Biden! Instead of saying this:
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

What a stupid statement by Biden... now IF he just had said...
"we need to work with the fossil fuels industry to reduce Co2 emissions and the US government will be helping as we consider the fossil fuel industry a totally important building block of our economy"!

Now I am totally in favor of moving towards renewables. BUT at the expense of the following:
See almost everyone including Biden has NO IDEA what "fossil fuels" contribute to our society...beyond GAS!!!
And the objective of "ridding fossil fuels" means raising the price of GAS without a question as well as the price of tires, asphalt,
drugs, and 6,000 other items.
I mean most people don't know tire makers use 300 million barrels of oil to make 2 billion tires and asphalt which makes up
94% of our roads use 3% of all oil produce or over 1.4 BILLION barrels!
View attachment 736460

Why don't you fix your original post before getting back your standard copy-pasted piles of bullshit.

Joe Biden saying something to a kid about 30 year energy policy means jack shit.
The EU tried it. Couldn't make it work.
BS, the solution is still in the future. NO ONE has tried it yet. You righties just tell so many stupid lies, it's just incredible!
That graph is JUST nuclear electricity production. Can you get anything right?
OK... ONCE again you didn't look entirely at the information I created and posted!
NOTE below "USING Nuclear power plants... hmmm oh yes..
OH wait... there is a "Using Solar Panels to create electricity.. and oh wait look further down:
"Wind Turbines (WT) generating all electricity needed for EVs."
... Hmmm... I guess you just jump to conclusions like most dummies do!
The best test bed in the world for fusion was the FFTF reactor at Hanford. However, the filthy ass Environmental Wackos in the state of Washington, with help from the Democrat idiots, managed to get it shut down.
Why don't you fix your original post before getting back your standard copy-pasted piles of bullshit.

Joe Biden saying something to a kid about 30 year energy policy means jack shit.
Well it altered people that I'm 100% confident that make considerable more than you..
M. K. Wirth Chairman and CEOTotal Compensation $22,610,285View details
who said this and again you don't seem to comprehend how to use the Internet being the dummy you are!!!
Read what a CEO M.K. Wirth ($22 million compensation...more than you I'm 100% sure!) of a major refinery has to say...
U.S. Will Never Build Another Oil Refinery, Chevron CEO Says
My personal view is there will never be another new refinery built” on U.S. soil, said Wirth.
“You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’”
Well it altered people that I'm 100% confident that make considerable more than you..
M. K. Wirth Chairman and CEOTotal Compensation $22,610,285View details
who said this and again you don't seem to comprehend how to use the Internet being the dummy you are!!!
Read what a CEO M.K. Wirth ($22 million compensation...more than you I'm 100% sure!) of a major refinery has to say...
U.S. Will Never Build Another Oil Refinery, Chevron CEO Says
My personal view is there will never be another new refinery built” on U.S. soil, said Wirth.
“You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’”
Wtf does that have to do with electricity production your own thread is about?

You really need to get your A.D.D. under control. Speak to a professional.
I apologize ! The amount used according to this web site: 4.165 TRILLION kWh... my mistake!!!

Yup ... thank you for addressing the mistake ... I though it was your keyboard acting up again ...

I have the cheapest electric rates in the nation, here along the California-Bonneville Super Transmission Line or whatever they call this monster ... an EV for commuting to work is extremely cost effective here ... why are you saying it isn't? ...

I guess you live in some impoverished third world nation south of the Mason-Dixon Line to think our power grid can't handle that small of a load ... a decent sized CME will put 4 trillion kilowatts of power through in a lot less than an hour ... less than a minute more like ...

Everybody has to spend more money ... OR ... everybody has to use less energy ... it really is that simple ...
BS, the solution is still in the future. NO ONE has tried it yet. You righties just tell so many stupid lies, it's just incredible!
Read and learn. Its always been pie in the sky. Its always 20-years away, keep wasting money on it.
Elon Musk prefers nuclear powerplants not nuclear fusion. We need power TODAY, not 20-years from now.

Read and learn. Its always been pie in the sky. Its always 20-years away, keep wasting money on it.
Elon Musk prefers nuclear powerplants not nuclear fusion. We need power TODAY, not 20-years from now.

Nuclear is horse-and-buggy technology. This is the 21st century. 20th century methods aren't good enough. The money invested will be worth it and it'll be 20 years before we have all those EVs anyway.
The best test bed in the world for fusion was the FFTF reactor at Hanford. However, the filthy ass Environmental Wackos in the state of Washington, with help from the Democrat idiots, managed to get it shut down.
We were going it alone at Hanford. Iter is an international effort that spreads the costs around.
Right now in 2022 the total electricity generated by 11,070 power plants is 4.165 kWh of electricity BUT if we go totally EVs..
where will the additional 10.151 Trillion kWh come from? As the below graph shows in 2021 we were running BELOW the capacity in 1997!
View attachment 736386View attachment 736387
So this time we will need 10,151 new nuclear power plants, right?

How many Nuclear Power plants have been built in the last 20 years in the US?
The only thing to consider is cost. The democratic party has stated they will spend more than $100 trillion on Renewables.

$100 Trillion and more.

That is power, that kind of spending.

People will lie, cheat, steal, and kill for for a few dollars

What will they do for $100 trillion.

What can we do, nothing. The rich and powerful have spoken
They will likely do the same thing big oil does for subsidies. Spend money to lobby politicians.

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