How would a naval battle look like between the US and Russia?

If a battle between Russian and US Naval Forces were to break out in the area, Russia could sink our entire fleet, Carriers and all, in a matter of minutes if they were prepared for it.

I present to you, the Tupolev Tu-22 Backfire Bomber --


Which can travel at around 1,200 MPH at altitude. Ain't gonna hit it until it's too late.

Russia has somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 of them.

Each one can carry 3 of these --


Called the "Kitchen" missile. And it can take a Super Carrier like Grant took Richmond. Almost 13,000lbs of Hell. It can be launched from 300 Miles away and travels at Mach 4.6 -- Virtually incapable of being stopped.

The Backfire can also carry (separately) six of these --


Called the 'Kickback' it climbs to an altitude of 40,000 feet and dives on its target at speeds exceeding Mach five. The fastest air-launcehd missile in the world.

The Backfire can also carry the Moskit, aka; Sunburn Missile. Which causes Naval Commanders everywhere to shit their pants.

Look it up.

It would take the monumental stupidity of a stupid motherfucker like the Stuttering Clusterfuck to piss the Russians off so close to their own backyard.

If he goes over there running his stupid fucking mouth and pushing the Russians around, we really could see WWIII.

If you're gonna take on the Russians, you hit them HARD and you do NOT play with them. Otherwise........ Bad news.

Only an idiot of inestimable magnitude would underestimate Russian Military Power and their willingness to use it.

They would wipe our Military presence from the face of the Earth in that area -- Quick. If they're in the mood.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You make it sound like we have no counter-measures........keep your day job, my friend.
If a battle between Russian and US Naval Forces were to break out in the area, Russia could sink our entire fleet, Carriers and all, in a matter of minutes if they were prepared for it.

I present to you, the Tupolev Tu-22 Backfire Bomber --


Which can travel at around 1,200 MPH at altitude. Ain't gonna hit it until it's too late.

Russia has somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 of them.

Each one can carry 3 of these --


Called the "Kitchen" missile. And it can take a Super Carrier like Grant took Richmond. Almost 13,000lbs of Hell. It can be launched from 300 Miles away and travels at Mach 4.6 -- Virtually incapable of being stopped.

The Backfire can also carry (separately) six of these --


Called the 'Kickback' it climbs to an altitude of 40,000 feet and dives on its target at speeds exceeding Mach five. The fastest air-launcehd missile in the world.

The Backfire can also carry the Moskit, aka; Sunburn Missile. Which causes Naval Commanders everywhere to shit their pants.

Look it up.

It would take the monumental stupidity of a stupid motherfucker like the Stuttering Clusterfuck to piss the Russians off so close to their own backyard.

If he goes over there running his stupid fucking mouth and pushing the Russians around, we really could see WWIII.

If you're gonna take on the Russians, you hit them HARD and you do NOT play with them. Otherwise........ Bad news.

Only an idiot of inestimable magnitude would underestimate Russian Military Power and their willingness to use it.

They would wipe our Military presence from the face of the Earth in that area -- Quick. If they're in the mood.

Actually, The Russian Air force had 93 TU-22s in service as of December 2010, while the Russian Navy had 58 in use as of December 2010. The most warfare this aircraft has seen was in Afghanistan dropping dumb bombs, and again in Chechnya. It's old tech. And since they have little, if any stealth in their design (other than speed), our F-18s would make piece meal of them before they got anywhere near our ships. But it is a moot point since Russia and the U.S. aren't about to get in a shooting war any time soon.
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If a battle between Russian and US Naval Forces were to break out in the area, Russia could sink our entire fleet, Carriers and all, in a matter of minutes if they were prepared for it.

I present to you, the Tupolev Tu-22 Backfire Bomber --


Which can travel at around 1,200 MPH at altitude. Ain't gonna hit it until it's too late.

Russia has somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 of them.

Each one can carry 3 of these --


Called the "Kitchen" missile. And it can take a Super Carrier like Grant took Richmond. Almost 13,000lbs of Hell. It can be launched from 300 Miles away and travels at Mach 4.6 -- Virtually incapable of being stopped.

The Backfire can also carry (separately) six of these --


Called the 'Kickback' it climbs to an altitude of 40,000 feet and dives on its target at speeds exceeding Mach five. The fastest air-launcehd missile in the world.

The Backfire can also carry the Moskit, aka; Sunburn Missile. Which causes Naval Commanders everywhere to shit their pants.

Look it up.

It would take the monumental stupidity of a stupid motherfucker like the Stuttering Clusterfuck to piss the Russians off so close to their own backyard.

If he goes over there running his stupid fucking mouth and pushing the Russians around, we really could see WWIII.

If you're gonna take on the Russians, you hit them HARD and you do NOT play with them. Otherwise........ Bad news.

Only an idiot of inestimable magnitude would underestimate Russian Military Power and their willingness to use it.

They would wipe our Military presence from the face of the Earth in that area -- Quick. If they're in the mood.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You make it sound like we have no counter-measures........keep your day job, my friend.

It's been really nice of the Rooskies to not have wiped out our military "quickly" as they seem to have total capability.

The newfound love of all things Russian the right wingers seem to have discovered warms the cockles of my heart but really dude...keep your day job.
If a battle between Russian and US Naval Forces were to break out in the area, Russia could sink our entire fleet, Carriers and all, in a matter of minutes if they were prepared for it.

I present to you, the Tupolev Tu-22 Backfire Bomber --


Which can travel at around 1,200 MPH at altitude. Ain't gonna hit it until it's too late.

Russia has somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 of them.

Each one can carry 3 of these --


Called the "Kitchen" missile. And it can take a Super Carrier like Grant took Richmond. Almost 13,000lbs of Hell. It can be launched from 300 Miles away and travels at Mach 4.6 -- Virtually incapable of being stopped.

The Backfire can also carry (separately) six of these --


Called the 'Kickback' it climbs to an altitude of 40,000 feet and dives on its target at speeds exceeding Mach five. The fastest air-launcehd missile in the world.

The Backfire can also carry the Moskit, aka; Sunburn Missile. Which causes Naval Commanders everywhere to shit their pants.

Look it up.

It would take the monumental stupidity of a stupid motherfucker like the Stuttering Clusterfuck to piss the Russians off so close to their own backyard.

If he goes over there running his stupid fucking mouth and pushing the Russians around, we really could see WWIII.

If you're gonna take on the Russians, you hit them HARD and you do NOT play with them. Otherwise........ Bad news.

Only an idiot of inestimable magnitude would underestimate Russian Military Power and their willingness to use it.

They would wipe our Military presence from the face of the Earth in that area -- Quick. If they're in the mood.

Actually, The Russian Air force had 93 TU-22s in service as of December 2010, while the Russian Navy had 58 in use as of December 2010. The most warfare this aircraft has seen was in Afghanistan dropping dumb bombs, and again in Chechnya. It's old tech. And since they have little, if any stealth in their design (other than speed), our F-18s would make piece meal of them before they got anywhere near our ships. But it is a moot point since Russia and the U.S. aren't about to get in a shooting war any time soon.

100% right...

One clue is that when the pictures of their weaponry comes from museums like above...they are probably not the latest technology...
If a battle between Russian and US Naval Forces were to break out in the area, Russia could sink our entire fleet, Carriers and all, in a matter of minutes if they were prepared for it.


They would wipe our Military presence from the face of the Earth in that area -- Quick. If they're in the mood.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Wake're dreaming.

And you're dangerously stupid. Which explains why you're a dimocrap.

Nobody said anything about Navy v. Navy in the Open Sea.

Nobody said anything about an all-out War with Russia.

I was talking about our puny Naval Forces IN THAT REGION getting swept aside like a bothersome mosquito by Russian Air Forces if they're in the mood.

You are the one who has no idea what she's talking about. An armchair general, a typical uninformed dimocrap.

You don't fuck around in a major power's backyard. Not when they have an Air Force like Russia's.

Would we eventually win an all-out War? Probably. If you want to call 100,000,000 dead a victory.

In a limited engagement in Russia's own backyard? We get bitch-slapped. Hard. And fast.

Picture wave after wave of Backfires launching wave after wave of Kitchen Missiles.

Turkey shits itself and immediately leaves NATO, Italy, France and Germany immediately back out of any and all commitments to the US. Maybe the UK stays in but after that humiliating vote by their Parliament to tell the Stuttering Clusterfukk to go fuck his dead Aunt....

We're on our own while Russia has hundreds of operational Air Bases and Ports and our Ships and Aircraft are booted from every non-aligned Country.

Don't forget something..... The Russians aren't the World's greatest Chess Players by accident.... Putin could very well be drawing the Stuttering Clusterfukk into a fight on his own terms and at a location of his own choosing.

This is the real deal. There's no DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM that can lie to Putin. the Stuttering Clusterfukk isn't trying to bluff some 3rd rate power that uses camels for transports and machine gun mounts. The Russians are a proud people and they aren't real thrilled about being talked to like they're some kind of primitive, backward losers.

The only thing that kept them from becoming one of the world's greatest-ever powers was their choice of economic and political systems...... The stupidity of marxism.

They're a smart, proud people and their leader does NOT like this preening, faggot punk we have in office right now.

the Stuttering Clusterfukk better watch his ass.... Or actually, watch our asses for us.

I'd be worried if he weren't your typical cowardly dimocrap scumbag
The parameters are quickly changing. What would a naval battle look like with the US against the combined Navies of Russia and China?
The parameters are quickly changing. What would a naval battle look like with the US against the combined Navies of Russia and China?


In the Open Sea?

Or within a hundred miles of one of their Coasts.

One thing ALL Navies are scared to death of is Ground Based Aircraft.

In the Open Sea, it wouldn't be a contest.

Close to one of their Coasts, within a couple hundred miles or less, our Navy gets its ass handed to it.

NO Navy can defend itself from Ground Based Aircraft. Not even our own.

Well, unless you're picking a little, and very badly prepared (as in : Not at all) Country like Argentina in the Falklands War. And the Brits got hurt. They didn't get defeated, but they got hurt. By a 4th rate Air Force.

They got hurt badly enough that they had to sail out away from land far enough to keep from getting pounded by Argentine Jets.
depends on missile stand off range, CAP, and whether nukes are used.

If the latter, then everyone loses.
obama is going to square off, alone, without a single ally, against Russia, China and Iran.
The parameters are quickly changing. What would a naval battle look like with the US against the combined Navies of Russia and China?


In the Open Sea?

Or within a hundred miles of one of their Coasts.

One thing ALL Navies are scared to death of is Ground Based Aircraft.

In the Open Sea, it wouldn't be a contest.

Close to one of their Coasts, within a couple hundred miles or less, our Navy gets its ass handed to it.

NO Navy can defend itself from Ground Based Aircraft. Not even our own.

Well, unless you're picking a little, and very badly prepared (as in : Not at all) Country like Argentina in the Falklands War. And the Brits got hurt. They didn't get defeated, but they got hurt. By a 4th rate Air Force.

They got hurt badly enough that they had to sail out away from land far enough to keep from getting pounded by Argentine Jets.

while a very unlucky scenario,thinking we would wipe them without paying a price is very naive.

Our chances of loosing a ship or two are very likely.not to mention the people on board.
The parameters are quickly changing. What would a naval battle look like with the US against the combined Navies of Russia and China?


In the Open Sea?

Or within a hundred miles of one of their Coasts.

One thing ALL Navies are scared to death of is Ground Based Aircraft.

In the Open Sea, it wouldn't be a contest.

Close to one of their Coasts, within a couple hundred miles or less, our Navy gets its ass handed to it.

NO Navy can defend itself from Ground Based Aircraft. Not even our own.

Well, unless you're picking a little, and very badly prepared (as in : Not at all) Country like Argentina in the Falklands War. And the Brits got hurt. They didn't get defeated, but they got hurt. By a 4th rate Air Force.

They got hurt badly enough that they had to sail out away from land far enough to keep from getting pounded by Argentine Jets.

while a very unlucky scenario,thinking we would wipe them without paying a price is very naive.

Our chances of loosing a ship or two are very likely.not to mention the people on board.

Is obama's ego really worth it?
I hate to throw a spanner in the works of this particular party, but when was the last time the U.S. Navy fought another navy in a surface engagement? It was probably 70-odd years ago, and the times have changed a lot since then.

In all probabilty it won't progress beyond very loud sabre rattling, and if the two did engage the U.S. would emerge victorious. But what the patriotic chest-thumping is distracting the more enthusiastic drum-beaters from is that this isn't a developing nation we're talking about, which is what the majority of America's enemies since WWII have consisted of. True, the Russians can only field comparative antiques, but they could still inflict serious and lasting damage. And a lot of it.
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depends on missile stand off range, CAP, and whether nukes are used.

If the latter, then everyone loses.

dewd, the Backfire can come at a Fleet/Armada at 1,200 Miles Per Hour, drop three independently targeted Kitchen missiles from 300 Miles away that can travel at Mach 4.6 --

What you gonna do about a 100 of them coming at you? Dropping 300 Kitchen Missiles from 300 Miles away and screaming at you at Mach 4.6 (3,500 MPH)?

I'll tell you exactly what you're gonna do -- Die.

After you launch ALL your Strike Aircraft in the direction of the Incoming Backfires and intercept them, you find out that they're a bunch of old Bear Bombers that had launched a shitload of missiles designed to LOOK like Backfires on your radar and the real threat is coming at the Ships from another direction, 500 Miles away and you just launched all your Strike Aircraft at a decoy.

That's when you die.

If the Stuttering Clusterfukk is STUPID enough to fuck with the Russians on their Home Turf.... We're in trouble.

At the very least, the piece of fucking shit has given Putin what he wants.....

The Russian Parliament now will approve the funds necessary for a MASSIVE Military Build Up.

Even if Putin has to back away from this confrontation, the Russians aren't going to forget. The Russians have a VERY long memory.

This gives Putin EXACTLY what he wants. Exactly.

He's in a "Win-Win" situation. Whatever happens, he wins.

And whatever happens, the United States loses. because douche-nozzles elected a Stuttering Clusterfukk, a pretty-boy who makes pretty speeches as POSTUS.

It's over. Whatever happens, we've already lost. There's no recovering from this. No matter what. Pull back, attack, make conciliatory efforts.... We've lost

the Stuttering Clusterfukk gave Putin exactly what he wants.

The people of Russia used to LOVE the United States. Right after the fall of the Soviet Union, we had a higher approval rating in Russia than anywhere in the World.

After the Stuttering Clusterfukk, they're going to hate us again.

And YOU deserve it. I don't. But the people who voted for that scumbag...? They deserve everything that happens in the future.
You underestimate the power of the US Navy. There is a reason we have been the leading military superpower for the past few decades. Supercarriers are one of the reasons. Not to mention we do still have submarines of our own.

carriers are mobile but are limited in some respects.

The Russian air bases can have unlimited aircraft capability. Missile bases near Crimea too.

The US navy can bottle up the Bosporus, but the Russian navy is already out of the bottle.

I don't see superpowers going to war over this BTW

This is why the carriers never leave home without attack subs, destroyers, cruisers, etc...

As for "not being able to sink and air base"...have you ever seen what a cluster bomb can do to a runway? Yeah comrade, try taking off when your runway looks like swiss cheese....

If there really is WWIII, we would have to assume the Korean War will restart. While, for argument sake, it has been demonstrated in this thread IMO that large parts of our military assets can quickly disappear, it may not be possible for us to keep what remains airworthy, seaworthy, mobile, etc. They can be destroyed much faster than they can be built, and internal security problems within the U.S., additionally, could make that problem worse. WWIII can start slow where we could squander our assets, and that would mean the fighting would be overland. China has the advantage here. What happens between India and Pakistan has to be considered too. New major conflicts may arise too. There are also the possibility of EMP attacks.
If a battle between Russian and US Naval Forces were to break out in the area, Russia could sink our entire fleet, Carriers and all, in a matter of minutes if they were prepared for it.


They would wipe our Military presence from the face of the Earth in that area -- Quick. If they're in the mood.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Wake're dreaming.

And you're dangerously stupid. Which explains why you're a dimocrap.

Nobody said anything about Navy v. Navy in the Open Sea.

Nobody said anything about an all-out War with Russia.

I was talking about our puny Naval Forces IN THAT REGION getting swept aside like a bothersome mosquito by Russian Air Forces if they're in the mood.

You are the one who has no idea what she's talking about. An armchair general, a typical uninformed dimocrap.

You don't fuck around in a major power's backyard. Not when they have an Air Force like Russia's.

Would we eventually win an all-out War? Probably. If you want to call 100,000,000 dead a victory.

In a limited engagement in Russia's own backyard? We get bitch-slapped. Hard. And fast.

Picture wave after wave of Backfires launching wave after wave of Kitchen Missiles.

Turkey shits itself and immediately leaves NATO, Italy, France and Germany immediately back out of any and all commitments to the US. Maybe the UK stays in but after that humiliating vote by their Parliament to tell the Stuttering Clusterfukk to go fuck his dead Aunt....

We're on our own while Russia has hundreds of operational Air Bases and Ports and our Ships and Aircraft are booted from every non-aligned Country.

Don't forget something..... The Russians aren't the World's greatest Chess Players by accident.... Putin could very well be drawing the Stuttering Clusterfukk into a fight on his own terms and at a location of his own choosing.

This is the real deal. There's no DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM that can lie to Putin. the Stuttering Clusterfukk isn't trying to bluff some 3rd rate power that uses camels for transports and machine gun mounts. The Russians are a proud people and they aren't real thrilled about being talked to like they're some kind of primitive, backward losers.

The only thing that kept them from becoming one of the world's greatest-ever powers was their choice of economic and political systems...... The stupidity of marxism.

They're a smart, proud people and their leader does NOT like this preening, faggot punk we have in office right now.

the Stuttering Clusterfukk better watch his ass.... Or actually, watch our asses for us.

I'd be worried if he weren't your typical cowardly dimocrap scumbag

Congratulations there on formulating a more than one sentence paragrah...I didn't know you had it in you. There would be no doubt as to who would win; the US. Easily.
I hate to throw a spanner in the works of this particular party, but when was the last time the U.S. Navy fought another navy in a surface engagement? It was probably 70-odd years ago, and the times have changed a lot since then.

In all probabilty it won't progress beyond very loud sabre rattling, and if the two did engage the U.S. would emerge victorious. But what the patriotic chest-thumping is distracting the more enthusiastic drum-beaters from is that this isn't a developing nation we're talking about, which is what the majority of America's enemies since WWII have consisted of. True, the Russians can only field comparative antiques, but they could still inflict serious and lasting damage. And a lot of it.

It would be no contest. The space-based satellites would see a ship over the horizon that doesn't even know it's being painted and a few seconds later, it's destoryed by a missile fired from a ship that it never saw, never heard, never even knew it was there.

What is it with the fear of the Russians all of the sudden? If DS1 taught us anything, their technology was 3 generations behind us. Do you think somehow their navy was 3 generations ahead of their mobile coffins... errr... I mean their tanks they gave Saddam?

I doubt it will go there but there is no contest in this case.
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depends on missile stand off range, CAP, and whether nukes are used.

If the latter, then everyone loses.

dewd, the Backfire can come at a Fleet/Armada at 1,200 Miles Per Hour, drop three independently targeted Kitchen missiles from 300 Miles away that can travel at Mach 4.6 --

What you gonna do about a 100 of them coming at you? Dropping 300 Kitchen Missiles from 300 Miles away and screaming at you at Mach 4.6 (3,500 MPH)?

I'll tell you exactly what you're gonna do -- Die.

After you launch ALL your Strike Aircraft in the direction of the Incoming Backfires and intercept them, you find out that they're a bunch of old Bear Bombers that had launched a shitload of missiles designed to LOOK like Backfires on your radar and the real threat is coming at the Ships from another direction, 500 Miles away and you just launched all your Strike Aircraft at a decoy.

That's when you die.

If the Stuttering Clusterfukk is STUPID enough to fuck with the Russians on their Home Turf.... We're in trouble.

At the very least, the piece of fucking shit has given Putin what he wants.....

The Russian Parliament now will approve the funds necessary for a MASSIVE Military Build Up.

Even if Putin has to back away from this confrontation, the Russians aren't going to forget. The Russians have a VERY long memory.

This gives Putin EXACTLY what he wants. Exactly.

He's in a "Win-Win" situation. Whatever happens, he wins.

And whatever happens, the United States loses. because douche-nozzles elected a Stuttering Clusterfukk, a pretty-boy who makes pretty speeches as POSTUS.

It's over. Whatever happens, we've already lost. There's no recovering from this. No matter what. Pull back, attack, make conciliatory efforts.... We've lost

the Stuttering Clusterfukk gave Putin exactly what he wants.

The people of Russia used to LOVE the United States. Right after the fall of the Soviet Union, we had a higher approval rating in Russia than anywhere in the World.

After the Stuttering Clusterfukk, they're going to hate us again.

And YOU deserve it. I don't. But the people who voted for that scumbag...? They deserve everything that happens in the future.

Sure, you do, because you can't think, Fluttering Stutter Cluck.

It's exactly as I described, and you confirmed it.

Go live in Russia if you want.

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